Oct 25, 2017
not interested in seeing A Gucci Movie but watching clips of Jared Pedo do his best super mario impression has been entertaining
Maybe he'll play Waluigi in the next gritty reboot
As someone with that family background the amount of italian impressions that have been directed toward me has been very high throughout my life and I gotta say that Jared is nailing the tone of "mocking 6th grader"
Gaga sounds possibly more eastern european to me but at least she's a real person and not a cartoon character

It was described to me as, "somehow both Wario AND Waluigi, at the same time."
that's damn good


Nov 5, 2017
This is kind of like saying that Russ Abbott's character C U Jimmy is a love letter to Scotland.

or that any American impression of a French soldier in WW2 is the same.
Sacré bleu!


Oct 28, 2017
My not-so-hot take is that using accents in movies to signify that the language being spoken is not English is almost always a terrible idea that should be abandoned by Hollywood.


Oct 26, 2017
My not-so-hot take is that using accents in movies to signify that the language being spoken is not English is almost always a terrible idea that should be abandoned by Hollywood.
100% co signed, and I specifically hate the habit of having character with otherwise perfect (if accented) English, just forget how to say basic words like "thanks" or "yes" and has to code-switch back to their native tongue for this one word (that just happen to be one of 5 words that the average english speaking movie-goer know from that language).


Associate Game Designer
Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
Venom 2. I know it's not a masterpiece but I appreciated the shorter run time.

I admit I was legit surprised when they were already at the climax of the film when I saw it. I was like, "Wait, what? This seems like end game set up - oh, credits are rolling now. Well then."

Ironically, Venom probably could have used a few more minutes to add some connective tissue and, I dunno, characterization to the plot. You know it's bad when the best part of the movie is (marking in spoilers in case people in this thread actually want to see Venom 2; this spoiler concerns Cletus, though this bit happens "earlyish" in the movie)
Cletus' backstory, which I thought was a cool animated sequence)
. XD


Oct 27, 2017
It's so awesome that he showed up on set looking like this to play a guy who just looked like a regular guy:


Why did he get fat? The biggest clown in Hollywood.


Oct 25, 2017
My not-so-hot take is that using accents in movies to signify that the language being spoken is not English is almost always a terrible idea that should be abandoned by Hollywood.
My big issue is it needs to be consistent across the film. The Last Duel had basically no attempts at french from the main cast but then Comer and some side chars had french accents which kind of broke it all. I'd rather everyone just go transatlantic than have a universe where the accents only exist for some
Oct 27, 2017
Did anyone else think during the pee scene that Jared Leto actually peed on set.

Like obviously there's no reason to, but because it's Jared Leto I just assumed he did the most outrageous and inappropriate thing possible.


Oct 25, 2017
I kinda love it in the clips I've seen tbh. Waiting for the movie to come out on VOD to see it but honestly this performance seems hilarious.

Would have much rather had Jared Leto voicing Mario like this over another basura phoned in Pratt performance.


Oct 26, 2017
He's "method". As Laurence Olivier once said to Dustin Hoffman on the topic:

"My dear boy why don't you just try acting?"
He didn't get fat, it's all makeup and prosthetics. He just got off Morbius or something iirc so yea

Interesting. I can't find a picture of Paolo being that full-figured (or unkempt), so I'd love to know where they drew their inspiration from.

Leto only needed the hair done, some wrinkles, and the nose.



Oct 26, 2017
But this isnt a streaming movie. It's in theatres.
Hollywood accounting.
whenever someone ask me a question I don't know about the business of making movie I just say "Hollywood accounting" over and over until people leave me alone.

Anyway I donno it was a casual conversation, I though it made sense but I'm not like a market analyst .


Oct 25, 2017
Most entertaining character in the movie, I usually don't like Leto so that may actually be my favorite performance from him
Oct 27, 2017
that was so excessive over talk about pizza lmao

i should watch the sopranos
Lady Gaga actually plays in an extra in the scene the cops are asking about too.

No spoilers in this video, but beware of youtube recommending spoiler scenes if you start watching clips of the show.

Now go watch the greatest show of all time.


Oct 27, 2017
As a fat, bald guy myself I call for an immediate cancellation of any naturally hot, pretty boy actor who goes and eats like shit for a few months or wears a fake double chin and shaves their perfect hairline back to steal genuine fat, bald guy valour. Christian Bale will also be expected to report for summary cancellation at his earliest convenience. Stealing food off the table of the heroic fat, bald character actors like Kevin Dunn, Fred Melamed and John Carroll Lynch who are the backbone of Hollywood.

Demonic Drape

Sep 10, 2021
Hollywood accounting.
whenever someone ask me a question I don't know about the business of making movie I just say "Hollywood accounting" over and over until people leave me alone.

Anyway I donno it was a casual conversation, I though it made sense but I'm not like a market analyst .
Haha, fair enough


Mar 20, 2020
100% co signed, and I specifically hate the habit of having character with otherwise perfect (if accented) English, just forget how to say basic words like "thanks" or "yes" and has to code-switch back to their native tongue for this one word (that just happen to be one of 5 words that the average english speaking movie-goer know from that language).
When I speak with anglophones I use the french words for "yes" and "thanks" because I know they understand and why the fuck would I do the concession of speaking 100% of their language


Dec 22, 2017
When your only research for the role is a Tim & Eric skit:

And then he'll still somehow win an Oscar for this.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
I really wish all these prosthetic performance would stop. Should be reserved for like, near impossible situations to cast for (like fantasy stuff like Voldemort) and maybe if the physical change is part of the character itself (so like, a burned / scarred face causing social reactions). Everything else, just cast different people or let us use a little suspension of disbelief. There's no real value to like, Guy Pearce in old man makeup. Just cast a fucking old dude.


Nov 2, 2017
Streaming is a big part of it.
Movie theaters are incentivized to have shorter movies, since they can have more shows per day and make more money, but streaming services care about hours of content and time in the app.

I fucking hate it.
That fucking sucks because most of the movies I've watched lately that are that long suffer from the long runtime, pacing is shit.


Oct 25, 2017
I am shocked that is Leto. Kind of an amazing performance.
Honestly it's just good makeup. The performance itself is pretty wack.

After watching House of Gucci, which felt a half-hour too long, I wondered whose accents were coming across as good efforts to Italians.

Jeremy Irons was barely even trying.
It was both too long and too short at the same time. Whole movie's pacing was a train wreck.
Would've worked better had they cut it down or turned it into a 6 part limited-series or something.