Son of Sparda

"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
Odyssey is really good.

I just wish the game was a tad bit smaller. The open world is HUGE in this game.


Oct 26, 2017
One of the best games I've played in a while. It was a joy to play and I sunk at least 100 hours into the game. Ive hated previous AC games (minus Black flag and sorta enjoyed Origins). Kassandra is awesome


Oct 25, 2017
How does it stack up to Origins?

It tweaks the gameplay in some solid ways, adds a dialogue system that actually ends up being a lot of fun, and the modern stuff is more fleshed out. Otherwise, I liked Origins more. Origins feels a little more focused, does a better job delivering on the interactive museum feel, and between the more grounded characters and the really thoughtful and attentive way it approaches Ancient Egypt, the whole thing is just more interesting overall.

Put another way: Origins delivers on recreating a historical setting in a singular way, and was genuinely a breakthrough for gaming in that respect. Odyssey doubles down on the bigness while not quite making Ancient Greece seem as interesting or rich as Ancient Egypt, but running around that world as the badass Kassandra is still a great time. As similar as the two games are, it ends up feeling like they're trying to fulfill very different fantasies, which is honestly kind of cool.


Dec 19, 2017
It just looks too similar to Origins in a mindless collectathon way. I need a complete revamp of the franchise for me to get on board. Give me a strong story with no shitty filler missions, hell make it more linear like a Naughty Dog game.

Anyway, I might pick it up if it's dirt cheap just to visit Greece though.


Oct 25, 2017
My GOTY from last year, for sure. This is the first time I have 100+ hours dedicated to a game since I decided to platinum The Witcher 3.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, I put in over 100 hours and that is without the DLC. It and Black Flag are the only two AC games I have completed and I'm not sure I would have even touched this one if it was not for that Google stream BETA.

Deleted member 13645

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Oct 27, 2017
It tweaks the gameplay in some solid ways, adds a dialogue system that actually ends up being a lot of fun, and the modern stuff is more fleshed out. Otherwise, I liked Origins more. Origins feels a little more focused, does a better job delivering on the interactive museum feel, and between the more grounded characters and the really thoughtful and attentive way it approaches Ancient Egypt, the whole thing is just more interesting overall.

Put another way: Origins delivers on recreating a historical setting in a singular way, and was genuinely a breakthrough for gaming in that respect. Odyssey doubles down on the bigness while not quite making Ancient Greece seem as interesting or rich as Ancient Egypt, but running around that world as the badass Kassandra is still a great time. As similar as the two games are, it ends up feeling like they're trying to fulfill very different fantasies, which is honestly kind of cool.

I prefer the setting of Origins and prefer Bayek over Kassandra (though it's close), but I think Odyssey has much better gameplay. The Odyssey talent tree is way more impactful than Origin's imo, and the increased RPG aspects make the gameplay way more engaging and progression feel a lot better. It's so fun to be unlocking new abilities 40 hours in and still have a ton of the skill trees to go, it constantly changes up combat, and the combat itself is just more fun imo.


Oct 25, 2017
Playing it right now and I'm loving it. Every time the loop gets a bit dull I take a break or a new narrative thread gets interesting enough that I don't want to stop. The RPG system works great and I like being Alexios.


Oct 27, 2017
Cologne, Germany
i found it shockingly mediocre, starts ok but like all Ubisoft games, all the things you do in the first 4 hours get repeated ad nauseam and the storyline/quests are by far not interesting enough to pull a game through such great lengths...landscapes have this "procedurally generated" flavour to them. combat is still the weak point, feels too floaty and the animations are just not great. game is also too big for its own good.

another thing which sucks is no camera control on consoles, main character looks super small on a big TV and the world is shrunken in size because of that. the proportions look awful.

the modern Assassins Creed template is not for me, feels like a singleplayer MMO in all the bad ways.


Mar 20, 2019
I got it only cus I love the Odyssey and I just didn't expect the usual normalized reality of things.. I wanted to fight a cyclops and do all those literal book things... Enemy's are really dumb and the game is so easy to cheese I just can't even play it right. If they didn't do the level inflation stuff there'd be no threat... All my fault I suppose though I should of looked at an enemy list before trying it out. I just have a bad habit of buying Ubisoft games when I know better by now when it's not one their indie titles they just don't vibe with me anymore.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
I've got some deep deep reservations about how leveling and the gating is handled in the game. Not to mention I'm not totally in love with the combat. And yeah, the mtx are still very questionable to me. But yeah, this was my favorite AC game since Black Flag pretty much. What they got right with the game out weighed what they didn't for me. The world they created, the mission design, Kassandra, were just all brilliant. I'm all of a sudden keeping my ear to the ground for whatever happens with AC next.


Oct 25, 2017
I got it only cus I love the Odyssey and I just didn't expect the usual normalized reality of things.. I wanted to fight a cyclops and do all those literal book things... Enemy's are really dumb and the game is so easy to cheese I just can't even play it right. If they didn't do the level inflation stuff there'd be no threat... All my fault I suppose though I should of looked at an enemy list before trying it out. I just have a bad habit of buying Ubisoft games when I know better by now when it's not one their indie titles they just don't vibe with me anymore.

Uhh I fought and got my ass kicked by a Cyclops. And this game seems to lean in to the fantasy side pretty hardcore.


Oct 27, 2017
To be fair, I've mostly enjoyed all of the AC games. I thought I was burnt out after Origins but I still came back and still had a good time with Odyssey. The only thing I really dislike is the removal of the (false?) sense of progression that previous games had. I enjoy "cleaning up" parts of the map, watching as it slowly turns less red. Since this one has an infinite number of leaders, I suppose it's more realistic in a sense but it's just less satisfying.


Nov 13, 2017
For the fans of Odyssey, how do you feel about Origins? Im a fan of the saga but Origins burned me greatly after 30 hours.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Just started it recently and I've really been loving it. Easily my favorite AC game, partly because of its huge, beautiful setting, the interesting story, and rpg elements, but also it doesn't hurt that I get to play as the hot gay hairy Spartan from my dreams.


Jan 7, 2018
Ubisoft started to mimic Witcher 3 with AC Origins and Odyssey which I only approve, but they really need way, way better writers


Oct 25, 2017
Playing as Kassandra, this game is Xena: Warrior Princess meets The Witcher 3 and I'm fucking blown away. Grabbed it on sale a couple weeks back and haven't played anything else since. It's my first Assassin's Creed game I can barely believe how deep its hooks are in me.

To be fair, I've mostly enjoyed all of the AC games. I thought I was burnt out after Origins but I still came back and still had a good time with Odyssey. The only thing I really dislike is the removal of the (false?) sense of progression that previous games had. I enjoy "cleaning up" parts of the map, watching as it slowly turns less red. Since this one has an infinite number of leaders, I suppose it's more realistic in a sense but it's just less satisfying.

TBH this is probably why I didn't lose interest after a week or less like I have with most Ubi games, historically. Progression feels more fluid. I'm not forced to simply check off this static list of activities before conquering a zone and being able to move to the next. It's made the adventure feel more organic and personal.

Both the map and the default HUD especially are pretty obnoxious, though, and might create the impression of "checklist style design" or nudge players towards a similar approach, when in reality it's a lot closer to Witcher 3.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
Philly ❤️
Wish I could say the say as others have said it gets way too repetitive at some point, the fun that I had with the gameplay died in about 20hrs, and it doesn't benefit from have good writing or characters like the witcher.


Mar 31, 2019
I enjoyed Odyssey more as the game went on and I started getting better Epic gear. The start of the game is a grind as battles can be drawn out.

Farming Epic gear takes a lot of patience too but man is it rewarding. I loved this game.


Oct 27, 2017
For the fans of Odyssey, how do you feel about Origins? Im a fan of the saga but Origins burned me greatly after 30 hours.

I like the Greek work better than Egypt. I like Kassandra a lot more than I liked Bayek.

Those two things kept me invested in the game. I think if it was set in another region and with another character, I wouldn't have been as interested.


Aug 10, 2018
I burned out on Origins about 30 hours in, and more or less expected the same from Odyssey. I've now sunk more than 100 hours into the game, and keep coming back for more of it. I enjoyed the stealth gameplay of clearing out forts one soldier at a time in Origins, but in Odyssey I no longer dread getting into combat if/when my stealth fails. The abilities they give you and the RPG loop are really satisfying in a way that wasn't the case in Origins.

Furthermore, the systems they've added to the game, from mercenaries to the conquest battles make the world feel more dynamic, and my actions (though they're often as repetitive as Origins) feel more impactful, like they're building to something bigger.

I can see why some people would chafe at the amount of content or the lack of variety, but Odyssey has really hit a sweet spot for me.


Oct 25, 2017
So I've played all the mainline AC games up to Unity, when it came out. I booted it up for the first time, saw the map and was like, yeah.. not doing this now. I didn't get back to Unity till about 2 years ago and finished the main story. Toward the end of last year, I decided I'd play through Syndicate. I really wanted to get to Odyssey, but I'm weird and I felt like I needed to play them in order. So like a crazy person, as soon as I ended Syndicate, I went straight into Origins, which I fell in love with. I love the setting and really enjoyed Bayek as a character. Plus it looked great on my OLED! I enjoyed Origins so much, I bought the season pass and I played though the main game and the DLC's.

The same day I completed the last DLC for Origins, I booted up AC Odyssey. Maybe I am a gluten for punishment, but I enjoyed Origins so much, I wanted to keep playing more of that style AC! So far I've been pretty happy with Odyssey. It looks fantastic, graphically and I am also enjoying playing as Kassandra.

After about 20 hours or so of Odyssey, I think I may like Origins more. I miss the Egyptian setting. Also after just finishing Origins, all powered up and having to start over again with Odyssey was kinda tough at first. But the more I've played, the more I really enjoy the setting and really appreciate the hard work and details put into the world. I like the side characters and the lore is really drawing me in. So we'll see once I finish all the DLC if it unseats Origins as my favorite AC game.

Rogue Kiwi

Chicken Chaser
May 5, 2019
I found that the start of this game is amazing as the world and the systems open up, and the end is amazing with the mythical creature hunting, but the middle is a bit of a slog that you will only enjoy if you enjoy repetitive RPG content, which luckily for me I do. I really enjoy arriving on a new island and clearing out all the locations and doing all the quests, but I completely understand why someone would get burnt out on it. I loved the locations and they felt distinct across their areas with the forests in the north west, the sandy beach islands in the east and the rocky desolate islands in the south. Kassandra is also incredibly well acted.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account.
Oct 24, 2018
I've got 250+ hours on my first "canon" playthrough as Kassandra, now on ice as I wait for ch. 2 of the Atlantis DLC, and 130+ hours on my Alexios "sociopathic son of a bitch" playthrough. Every hour I play makes it a little harder to maintain that Origins is still, on the whole, the better game.

Agni Kai

Nov 2, 2017
My girlfriend finished this and got the platinum trophy yesterday. It took her 140 hours to -almost- 100% the game.

The story was interesting, but the amount of camps to clear and beasts to fight was just too much for my taste.

I loved watching her play through it though.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 27, 2017
Athens, Greece
It has its issues at least for me but it turned out much better than I expected and managed to keep me for 100 hours. Bought it for Greece alone since I'm greek but it's my most played game of 2018. I'm glad they are releasing the next one in 2020 wouldn't care if it came that soon.
Oct 27, 2017
I really hated Origins opening in terms of story, the "hey this person is bad they killed someone you care about" so would Odyssey start better than that?


Oct 27, 2017
My biggest mistake was starting this right after getting the plat for Origins and all the DLC. After 20-ish hours, I'm so burnt out on the formula that it's going to take me a while before I have the drive to come back to it. What I played though is definitely very high quality.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account.
Oct 24, 2018
I really hated Origins opening in terms of story, the "hey this person is bad they killed someone you care about" so would Odyssey start better than that?

I also felt that Origins' opening was one of its few glaring flaws. "I'm cool with in medias res, but this is ridiculous." IMO yes, Odyssey's opening is much, much better.


Oct 27, 2017
I've been playing Origins and am in the final DLC.

I really I love Bayak and Aya as a couple and was torn up at how that concluded. Although seeing the birth of the Brotherhood was cool.

I get the Orb is supposed to be an Apple of Eden, which got me to look that up... of course it mentions Adam and Eve. And I'm like jokingly "Eve was an assassin!"..... and yup.....

Anywho Aya was awesome wish I could have played more of her. Hoping to finish Curse this week so I can start Odyssey.

Oh yea, I like the new play style but it doesn't feel like an AC game. Good thing I have all of the old stuff minus Black Flag to play.


Oct 27, 2017
Hell of a game. I moved on to other things after beating the main quest, but my brother's still playing it to this day.

I suppose I should return for the DLC at some point.


Nov 27, 2017
I found it shockingly boring and way to gamey ('bring this to my commander, we got separated months ago and I haven't seen him since'; walk 50 meter to find the commander and give item, seriously Ubisoft?).

The voice acting is ridiculously bad, just like the facial animations. It almost like you're watching a slapstick comedy.

Horse riding feels like utter shit and like an arcade racer without physics.

Exploration is just marking off locations on an oversized map.

Sense of scale is nowhere to be found (the "sea" is smaller then my local lake; even Black Flag did this better).

Side quests are totally forgettable.

And the worst thing is it feels like Origin DLC, which I had enough of.


Oct 27, 2017
Also after just finishing Origins, all powered up and having to start over again with Odyssey was kinda tough at first.
I can definitely see how that would feel like quite a drop - not sure whether this will be a positive for you or not, but Kassandra by the end is rather more powerful and has many more options than Bayek, so while you may feel a little bit downgraded at the moment, that should change if you put more time into the game.

Is it better than Origin? Havent played any AC games since Unity. That one burnt me
Opinion is quite divided, and there's plenty of people who prefer Origins for the Egyptian setting or because they like Bayek and Aya better or because they like the more grounded gameplay or for any of several other reasons. On the whole though, Odyssey has more fans here (and I'd side with Odyssey as the better game overall).

I really hated Origins opening in terms of story, the "hey this person is bad they killed someone you care about" so would Odyssey start better than that?
The Origins opening was so bad that I genuinely thought that the PS4 had glitched and skipped a cutscene or something. I have no idea how they published it like that. Odyssey's start isn't flawless (it has a lot of stuff to explain and some of it stays unexplained for a really long time) but it's massively better than Origins.

Sense of scale is nowhere to be found (the "sea" is smaller then my local lake; even Black Flag did this better).
One of the most common criticisms of Odyssey is that it's too big. Personally I'm okay with the size and would still be okay if it were a bit bigger, but I don't think it'd serve any useful gameplay purpose to make it bigger, and I think scale is an acceptable sacrifice when the world is already one of the largest ones that you're expected to traverse at low speed.
Feb 8, 2018
I've had a similar reaction to the reveal OP. Ubisoft's 2018 E3 was pretty predictable imo. So I hope this year will be a bit more significant.

I view AC:Origins combat as solid enough and much more direct compared to last gen titles such as AC 3. It's nice to hear that odyssey is even better.
The stealth wasn't too bad neither but nothing special and the boss battles were fun and looked amazing imo.Some of the best graphics this gen without a doubt.


Nov 27, 2017
One of the most common criticisms of Odyssey is that it's too big. Personally I'm okay with the size and would still be okay if it were a bit bigger, but I don't think it'd serve any useful gameplay purpose to make it bigger, and I think scale is an acceptable sacrifice when the world is already one of the largest ones that you're expected to traverse at low speed.

It's to big, yet they still manage to fuck up the sense of scale. I played for 20-25 hours and I never believed the world I was in. I was constantly reminded I was just playing a game on an oversized virtual landscape map. I playedlinear games with a better sense of scale and also much smaller open world games do it better. It's just so unbelievable and gamey. I don't see the appeal at all.


Nov 3, 2017
I love AC and it's a good game, but it was stretched waaay too thin for me. The world was simply too large for to spend dozens of hours doing the same enemy camps and forts. They really need to add more variety to the gameplay next time to justify the enormous size of the map.
I can't say better.


Oct 25, 2017
It's to big, yet they still manage to fuck up the sense of scale. I played for 20-25 hours and I never believed the world I was in. I was constantly reminded I was just playing a game on an oversized virtual landscape map. I playedlinear games with a better sense of scale and also much smaller open world games do it better. It's just so unbelievable and gamey. I don't see the appeal at all.
For me the constant numbers everywhere were a main culprit of this. You stop seeing people and enemies, and just see the level and damage numbers. I don't mind a leveling system, but it badly exposed the incredibly repetitive nature of the gameplay loop. Take away the leveling and the skills and you have literally hundreds of the same types or enemy camps that you take out in the same limited ways every single time. And the larger forts take absolutely ages to do in stealth.

They successfully made an enormous game with tremendous "value" in terms of length, but even 20% of that map would have been enough for me.


Nov 27, 2017
For me the constant numbers everywhere were a main culprit of this. You stop seeing people and enemies, and just see the level and damage numbers. I don't mind a leveling system, but it badly exposed the incredibly repetitive nature of the gameplay loop. Take away the leveling and the skills and you have literally hundreds of the same types or enemy camps that you take out in the same limited ways every single time. And the larger forts take absolutely ages to do in stealth.

They successfully made an enormous game with tremendous "value" in terms of length, but even 20% of that map would have been enough for me.

Yeah they should make the exploration more like FC5 and Days Gone. So you have to really be in the vicinity and physically discover interesting locations by actually being there.