
Final Fantasy Best Boy (Grip)

Just WOW.

I can't believe it took me so long to watch this movie but I finally did. I'm trying my best to catch up on the bazillion Marvel movies I have missed and your boy finally watched Black Panther.

All I can say is… WOW.

First things first though… RIP to Kilmonger. I actually kinda liked the guy. If only he wasn't so damn bloodthirsty and extreme, he could've been a crazy good ally to T'Challa and really the world. I was hoping he would've survived but no… at the end of the credits… Bucky freaking gets out the tent and I'm like, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO".

T'Challa. Wakanda. Everything this movie represents? I love it. I'm actually very emotional about everything this movie stands for and I don't even quite nowhere to begin with how I feel. But I can say this…. I WANT MORE MOVIES LIKE THIS.

Fight scenes? Intense as hell.

Acting? AMAZING.

Musical score? SO GOOD.

What do you guys think about BP? Share! And you know what? I'm actually super mad at myself that I didn't watch this when it originally came out. I should've been in the conversation when this movie hit. I remember that everybody was talking about it. I'm just so lazy when it comes to watching current movies but I gotta change that.


Nov 2, 2017
Get ready for PS2 graphics/worst 3rd act/overrated post.

Its awsome and more substantive than anything else the mcu has put.
Oct 26, 2017
The movie still holds up and is still as powerful as it was a year ago.

Now, brace yourself for the usual ERA suspects to tell you why it's not.


Final Fantasy Best Boy (Grip)
Oct 27, 2017
Top tier MCU without a doubt. Hard to pick more than one or two that are arguably better.

I usually don't see films in theaters more than once but had to make an exception for Black Panther. Its take on afrofuturism, its narrative heft for a comicbook movie and the way in which it tackled some of the thematic elements it took on were worth far more than the price of admission. Won't find an MCU film with better production design, score or acting the ensemble put forward in Black Panther either. Or a better line than Killmonger's after his fight with T'Challa. "Bury me in the ocean with my ancestors who jumped from ships because they knew death would be better than bondage" is a line that sticks with you long after the credits roll... a rarity for a movie in this genre.

There are obviously areas to nitpick as no medium of entertainment is perfect so I hope for a little more depth and nuance when it comes to the political and socioeconomic issues Black Panther 2 will inevitably tackle. And the final act should separate itself from the usual MCU and CBM tropes.

Brace yourself for those who will come into this thread and scream "overrated" or go on and on and on about the CGI. Black Panther derangement syndrome is very real on here.


Oct 26, 2017
The movie still holds up and is still as powerful as it was a year ago.

Now, brace yourself for the usual ERA suspects to tell you why it's not.

Imagine needing to brace yourself for a somewhat less positive opinion than yours


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
Hope the sequel gets the CGI treatment the first deserved because woof. Terrible in a bunch of spots.


Oct 26, 2017
Loved the movie, but the CGI was pretty shitty. The final fight was kinda jarring.

Also I loved T'Challa's suit in Civil War/the start of the movie more. And the deeper voice that it had.


Oct 27, 2017
I've only seen it once and I thought it was solid but nothing special. That said, I absolutely support the movie and appreciate the impact that it's had.

I definitely want to see it again.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Right there with you, movie was excellent, I'm torn between this or Civil War for my personal favorite MCU movies, Killmonger was so dope and definitely should have lived but I that last line at the end from him, "Bury me in the ocean, with my ancestors that jumped from the ships, because they knew death was better than bondage" I was like F dude, wow.


Mod of the Year 2006
Oct 25, 2017
My only issue with the movie was that I thought T'Challa was overshadowed by just about every other performance. Shuri, Okoyo, M'Baku, Nakia, Killmonger, hell, even Bilbo and Gollum. He wasn't bad in this or anything, I just expected more, especially coming off Civil War where he was given such a great introduction to the MCU.


Oct 30, 2017
My only issue with the movie was that I thought T'Challa was overshadowed by just about every other performance. Shuri, Okoyo, M'Baku, Nakia, Killmonger, hell, even Bilbo and Gollum. He wasn't bad in this or anything, I just expected more, especially coming off Civil War where he was given such a great introduction to the MCU.

yea his introduction in civil war deff. had me intrigued
Oct 27, 2017
Imagine needing to brace yourself for a somewhat less positive opinion than yours
No, there are countless suspects that show up in every single Black Panther thread insinuating that the movie was only received by universal critical acclaim due to its cast and the fact that it wasn't something Hollywood had ever produced. They constantly bring up Blade and other films to discredit the fact that Black Panther is the first film that has elevated a black Superhero on this scale. Instead of actually backing up their opinions as to why Black Panther didn't resonate for them as part of a very vocal minority, we are bombarded with posts referencing the CGI and the film being overrated in every thread focusing on the film which is shallow criticism at best.

There are those who are disappointed that from a narrative perspective the movie didn't go as far as it could have in tackling certain thematic elements or that Killmonger's modus operandi was flawed and left him as an antagonist somewhat under-realized which are fair criticisms but they certainly aren't the norm compared to the former.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
The movie was very solid and a great example of what the MCU is capable of.

Sucks what happened to Klaw though.

Give us Namor.
Oct 27, 2017
The CGI complaints are certainly overblown. Outside of a few scenes in the final fight, Black Panther's CGI wasn't as terrible as the people yelling about it from the rooftop's will have you believe. Even the Rhino that they love to pick on isn't that bad. Out of the hundreds (thousands) of CGI shots you can probably nail the terrible ones down to a couple dozen.

I think people who nerdgasmed over what followed in Infinity War have played this up to a ridiculous degree. Were there CGI issues in a few places? Yes. Certainly not movie breaking like they'll have you believe though.


Oct 26, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
I don't like Black Panther anywhere near as much as other people do, but it's clearly one of the most important MCU films.

I just hope that T'Challa is more interesting in an eventual sequel. I loved his intensity in Civil War, but found he was overshadowed by pretty much the entire cast in his own damn movie. I'm not saying he needs to be dropping one-liners every few minutes, but idk man...he just seems bland atm. Thankfully Shuri, Okoye, M'Baku, Klaw and Killmonger were all amazing and carry the film.

Oh, and the special effects were definitely awful. It would nice if there weren't implications of racism for people not liking a movie.

Still hoping Shuri will eventually become Iron Woman.
Oct 25, 2017
My only regret is that there wasn't enough M'Baku.

Easily in the top tier of the MCU, most rewatched outside of the ensemble films


Oct 25, 2017
Great movie. Top 2 or 3 MCU for me. Only thing that kind of sucked was the CG in that T'Challa vs Killmonger fight at the end.


Oct 27, 2017
What makes a movie like Black Panther "highly overrated" but not a movie like Infinity War or Endgame?

And which movies in the MCU do you personally find better than Black Panther?

Why do you think I don't feel that way about Infinity War and Endgame? You read the second part of my post right?

Black Panther was a lot better than Infinity War. That's not saying much though, since Infinity War was overlong, boring and ADD on film. Thanos was awful in it too.

I haven't seen Endgame or Captain Marvel.

Most MCU movies aren't that great and are highly overrated. Only some stand out. I prefer Iron Man, the Guardians movies and maybe Ant-Man because I love Paul Rudd. Civil War is the only good Avengers movie and it'd be up there too.

Why do I say that BP is highly overrated? Because people treat it like it's the new Citizen Kane when it's not even close to that level or Best Picture level. It was good sure, and better than most MCU movies, but that's not a high bar. It's no masterpiece


Oct 25, 2017
It's top 3 in the franchise, at worst. And that's with the 3rd act struggles, which just speaks to how strong the first 2 are.

I'm not exaggerating when I say not a day has passed where I haven't thought about it since it released. I guess it's safe to say it's really inspired me.


Oct 26, 2017
No, there are countless suspects that show up in every single Black Panther thread insinuating that the movie was only received by universal critical acclaim due to its cast and the fact that it wasn't something Hollywood had ever produced. They constantly bring up Blade and other films to discredit the fact that Black Panther is the first film that has elevated a black Superhero on this scale. Instead of actually backing up their opinions as to why Black Panther didn't resonate for them as part of a very vocal minority, we are bombarded with posts referencing the CGI and the film being overrated in every thread focusing on the film which is shallow criticism at best.

There are those who are disappointed that from a narrative perspective the movie didn't go as far as it could have in tackling certain thematic elements or that Killmonger's modus operandi was flawed and left him as an antagonist somewhat under-realized which are fair criticisms but they certainly aren't the norm compared to the former.




Final Fantasy Best Boy (Grip)
Right there with you, movie was excellent, I'm torn between this or Civil War for my personal favorite MCU movies, Killmonger was so dope and definitely should have lived but I that last line at the end from him, "Bury me in the ocean, with my ancestors that jumped from the ships, because they knew death was better than bondage" I was like F dude, wow.

I get Kilmonger's pain but T'Challa should've been like, "Nah. You gotta live, brother. To make this right." I'm so salty that he's dead lol


Jan 10, 2018
Definitely one of the better MCU films.

My only real complaint is T'Challa really gets overshadowed by the rest of the cast, who are really great, Killmonger and M'Baku especially.


Oct 25, 2017
I enjoyed the movie a nice bit. There were some rough spots(I still couldn't tell you Andy Serkis characters name despite them saying it constantly) but then Michael B Jordan showed up to knock it out of the park.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
It's a really awesome movie until that last duel between Killmonger and T'Challa.


Oct 27, 2017
The movie still holds up and is still as powerful as it was a year ago.

Now, brace yourself for the usual ERA suspects to tell you why it's not.

Such belittling condescension in your shitty tone. Personally, I would never criticize a fan for enjoying this movie. Or think anyone is "wrong" to enjoy it. Truly, I was glad to see a film with such a strong black cast succeed financially and critically.

As to the movie itself, I felt it was yet another formulaic MCU build-up to yet another final showdown with a bloated number of characters. The dialogue overrun with bad on-the-nose exposition. It's the worst kind of style-over-substance eye candy film - because the FX were too crappy to make it work.

Personally, I was simply not entertained.


Oct 26, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
I will say that the entire plotline with Daniel Kaluuya's character always bugs me. That he's willing to betray T'Challa (seemingly his best friend) and his WIFE just because he wasn't able to capture Klaw the very first time he was given an opportunity is absolutely ridiculous. Especially given he supports the guy who literally helped Klaw escape, which T'Challa conveniently doesn't bother bringing up.

It's so dumb.