
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
One of the better MCU films, IMO, with Winter Soldier, Civil War and IM1 ahead of it for me.
Oct 27, 2017
Why do you think I don't feel that way about Infinity War and Endgame? You read the second part of my post right?

Black Panther was a lot better than Infinity War. That's not saying much though, since Infinity War was overlong, boring and ADD on film. Thanos was awful in it too.

I haven't seen Endgame or Captain Marvel.

Most MCU movies aren't that great and are highly overrated. Only some stand out. I prefer Iron Man, the Guardians movies and maybe Ant-Man because I love Paul Rudd. Civil War is the only good Avengers movie.

Why do I say that BP is highly overrated? Because people treat it like it's the new Citizen Kane when it's not even close to that level or Best Picture level. It was good sure, and better than most MCU movies, but that's not a high bar. It's no masterpiece
Yes, I did. I suppose I just have trouble when people refer to things in any medium of entertainment as "overrated". It not resonating with you or appealing to what you're seeking is understandable, but I don't think that just because Black Panther received universal critical acclaim, awards nominations and was spoken of in somewhat hyperbolic terms and lavished with laudatory proclamations means that the film was overrated. It's a somewhat semantic argument but I feel people who claimed it was Citizen Kane were a vocal minority on the extreme end in those who were positive towards it.

Personally speaking that judgement can be made but opinion isn't fact. The fact is Black Panther was graded highly across the cinematic community... so were they judging the film on merit alone, against other offerings in the genre or grading on a scale? Citizen Kane or a masterpiece it is not, that is hyperbole and only a handful of films throughout history can lay claim to that designation. I'd argue based on the offerings last year and the films that were selected for best picture, Black Panther wasn't out of place however.

The Ant Man films do nothing for me but I would put the original Iron Man, Guardians 1, Civil War (as well as Winter Soldier) at the top of the MCU along with Black Panther.

I agree with you that the majority of the MCU don't qualify as great speaking strictly from a cinematic perspective. They simply lack the well written narratives, structure and ambition to do so. For me, when it comes to the genre of comicbook movies, Black Panther offers something (and maybe it was only a glimpse to some) that pushes the envelop forward when it comes to these types of films and the types of stories they can put forth on the big screen from a thematic perspective. I hope that, from the perspective of being a great film first and foremost, Black Panther 2 can further push that envelop forward and distance itself from typical MCU and CBM tropes.


▲ Legend ▲
Nov 17, 2017
Killmonger was far and away the best villain in the MCU, and the film was up there with the best Marvel films. Too bad about the PS1-era FMV fight scene towards the end, though, lol


Oct 27, 2017
Yes, I did. I suppose I just have trouble when people refer to things in any medium of entertainment as "overrated". It not resonating with you or appealing to what you're seeking is understandable, but I don't think that just because Black Panther received universal critical acclaim, awards nominations and was spoken of in somewhat hyperbolic terms and lavished with laudatory proclamations means that the film was overrated. It's a somewhat semantic argument but I feel people who claimed it was Citizen Kane were a vocal minority on the extreme end in those who were positive towards it.

Personally speaking that judgement can be made but opinion isn't fact. The fact is Black Panther was graded highly across the cinematic community... so were they judging the film on merit alone, against other offerings in the genre or grading on a scale? Citizen Kane or a masterpiece it is not, that is hyperbole and only a handful of films throughout history can lay claim to that designation. I'd argue based on the offerings last year and the films that were selected for best picture, Black Panther wasn't out of place however.

The Ant Man films do nothing for me but I would put the original Iron Man, Guardians 1, Civil War (as well as Winter Soldier) at the top of the MCU along with Black Panther.

I agree with you that the majority of the MCU don't qualify as great speaking strictly from a cinematic perspective. They simply lack the well written narratives, structure and ambition to do so. For me, when it comes to the genre of comicbook movies, Black Panther offers something (and maybe it was only a glimpse to some) that pushes the envelop forward when it comes to these types of films and the types of stories they can put forth on the big screen from a thematic perspective. I hope that, from the perspective of being a great film first and foremost, Black Panther 2 can further push that envelop forward and distance itself from typical MCU and CBM tropes.

That's fair and well said

Note that I did not mean Ant-Man 2. Just the first. It wasn't great, but I had a good time watching it and had more fun than with most of the MCU. Paul Rudd is a treasure.

Walton Goggins, mediocre writing and the like made Ant-Man 2 the lesser of the two, with ease

Hollywood Duo

Oct 25, 2017
I enjoyed it. Nice to have some variety in the MCU films. Wish they could have thought up a better ending than the cliche "villain is a mirror of the hero" fight.


Oct 30, 2017
It frustrates and irritates me to no end that the aspirational idealized progressive nation in the MCU is governed by a dynastic monarchy, with the sole potential exception of challenge by single combat. That shit is absurdly regressive and just plain fucking awful, and I can't get past it enough to enjoy the story.


Oct 25, 2017
Killmonger was a good villain but I wish they did not make him so blatantly evil. Even Magneto was not this bad. Both he and T'Challa made fair points. I would rather the movie be about these two conflicting ideas than having to save the world from yet another psychopath.

I also wish they did not kill him. He would have made a good Loki.


Oct 27, 2017
Yea it's my favorite of the MCU. It has its issues, but it gets beyond the typical superhero fantasy stuff and offers some challenging themes, like the African American ancestral void (Killmonger's ancestral plane scene is the best scene in entire MCU), abandonment of children (for political reasons, woo boy is that relevant), violent and toxic masculinity, colonialism, and so on. And the superhero power stuff that is there is re-contextualized with an all black cast, allowing us to see them as the strongest and smartest and most capable people in a massive blockbuster film. It's good shit.

It frustrates and irritates me to no end that the aspirational progressive ideal nation in the MCU is governed by a dynastic monarchy, with the sole potential exception of challenge by single combat. That shit is absurdly regressive and just plain fucking awful, and I can't get past it enough to enjoy the story.

Does the movie pretend that Wakanda is an "ideal" society? The entire narrative is about how a core component of their national policy is a complete and total moral failure, a failure that has created a grave existential threat.


▲ Legend ▲
Nov 17, 2017
What other villains does Black Panther have, anyway? Killmonger and Klaue are dead, and Mbaku is an ally. So who can they have in the sequel?


Oct 30, 2017
Yea it's my favorite of the MCU. It has its issues, but it gets beyond the typical superhero fantasy stuff and offers some challenging themes, like the African American ancestral void (Killmonger's ancestral plane scene is the best scene in entire MCU), abandonment of children (for political reasons, woo boy is that relevant), violent and toxic masculinity, colonialism, and so on. And the superhero power stuff that is there is re-contextualized with an all black cast, allowing us to see them as the strongest and smartest and most capable people in a massive blockbuster film. It's good shit.

Does the movie pretend that Wakanda is an "ideal" society? The entire narrative is about how a core component of their national policy is a complete and total moral failure, a failure that has created a grave existential threat.

It's a technological utopia positioned as a bastion of progressive advancement shrouded from the rest of the world. The entire point of that foreign policy narrative is that Wakanda represents something of incalculable potential value to all of humankind... and yet it's a monarchy in which continuity of governance is determined by blood. It's fucking disappointing. It didn't have to be this way.

It doesn't even make for good storytelling. The "anointed prince cast out and striving to reclaim his birthright" is among the most well-trodden and uninteresting storytelling tropes. For a film that excels in so many other ways, the domestic politics of Wakanda remain a baffling stumbling block.

And there are so many obvious ways to improve that stuff. Decouple the role of Black Panther from head of state. It makes no fucking sense for the two of those to coincide to begin with. Make Killmonger a prodigal son who returns and wins supporters on the strength of his ideas alone, not because he outpunched the king. Force T'Challa to fight for the throne by appealing to truths that speak to the essence of universal humanism without invoking some infuriating notion of destiny by divine birthright.

But whatever, the film clearly resonated with people and I'm apparently well into the minority. I just wish such a culturally resonant story conveyed a more democratic message.
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Oct 27, 2017
It frustrates and irritates me to no end that the aspirational idealized progressive nation in the MCU is governed by a dynastic monarchy, with the sole potential exception of challenge by single combat. That shit is absurdly regressive and just plain fucking awful, and I can't get past it enough to enjoy the story.
I'm pretty sure that the narrative shows how shitty this system is by quickly showing how Erik ended up being a king and how Mbaku and it's people we're outcasts in their own country because of it.

I hope they steal this aspect from Coates's run.


Oct 30, 2017
I'm pretty sure that the narrative shows how shitty this system is by quickly showing how Erik ended up being a king and how Mbaku and it's people we're outcasts in their own country because of it.

I hope they steal this aspect from Coates's run.

I'd be more inclined to agree with that assessment if the movie didn't end with T'Challa comfortably ensconced upon the throne once more with not a whiff of change in the air for Wakanda's system of government.

Like can you name a single progressive nation in the real world in 2019 in which the chief executive is a hereditary monarch? What the fuck are we doing here?

D i Z

Oct 25, 2017
Where X marks the spot.
It frustrates and irritates me to no end that the aspirational idealized progressive nation in the MCU is governed by a dynastic monarchy, with the sole potential exception of challenge by single combat. That shit is absurdly regressive and just plain fucking awful, and I can't get past it enough to enjoy the story.

Like How Cap goes toe to toe with the Red Skull? Or any of the Thor movies?


Oct 30, 2017
He was fighting to end nazi's trying to blow up the world. You tell me what was more important.

Same thing in Ironman 1 and 3. Battle for dominance.

I am specifically critiquing the asinine notions of hereditary governance and of ordinary people being governed by whichever asshole can punch hardest. This has nothing to do with the moral case for just war.


The Fallen
Nov 7, 2017
Probably too 5 MCU for me. One thing I don't think it gets enough credit for is having the best representation of woman in pretty much any superhero movie (yes including captain marvel in that).

I did have a few complaints. I wish Kilmonger didn't end up being quite so evil. They had a really complex situation where in so many ways you could actually side with killmonger. I wanted to see how that played out. They basically took the heap way out by making him far too evil and turning it into a typical saving the world against the big bad plot. The awful cgi fight as the climax certainly didn't help.

I also which we got more of klaw. Loved his character and how he was portrayed and would have liked to see more of him but that's more of a nitpick.

Otherwise my complaints are more minor quibbles.


Oct 25, 2017
Great film, haters already here.

Not discounting what you're claiming but, the movie isn't perfect, it has flaws (really spotty CGI, pacing was eh, lackluster action sequences) but even with those shortcomings, it pretty much excelled at everything else; Is still one of the Best top-tier, S-Class MCU films? No Doubt!

Bring Killmonger back though! Great fucking Villain!
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Oct 27, 2017
My favorite MCU film I just wished it had a non-typical MCU action climax, Oh well. I loved the villains and all the female characters were great in this film. The movie had Shakespearian feel to it.

My top 5 MCU films
1. Black Panther
2. GoTG1
3. Winter Soldier
4. Thor Ragnorak
5. Endgame
4 and 5 can switch depending on how I feel.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
That Best Picture nomination was well deserved, fucking fantastic movie


The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
You know when Killmonger was dying in front of the sunset was like no don't fix me so you can lock me up. T'challa should have slit his throat right then.

Dragon's Game

Alt account
Apr 1, 2019
the 3rd act falters into generic superhero shit with some of the worst CGI in the MCU

Coogler could of had a masterpiece but he missed it


User requested ban
Oct 29, 2017
It's alright, above average Mcu movie. Thought the cgi was bad, the action was mediocre except for casino sequence. Felt too long.


Oct 27, 2017
I liked it but I think I heard too much hype before seeing it, sort of came in below my expectations. I'd probably put it maybe mid-pack in the MCU list of movies. I thought Boseman and Jordan did great jobs in their roles and were good choices.


Started a revolution but the mic was unplugged
Oct 27, 2017
Can't wait for the sequel. Sequels in the MCU are exciting since they've already established the character and their world so they can pretty much go anywhere now.


Always bets on black
Oct 25, 2017
Amazing movie, and it truly did deserve that best Oscar nom. It's right up there with Winter Soldier as one of the MCU's strongest efforts.


Aug 31, 2018
Lol at those "brace youselfs" posts, since every criticism so far has been very justified and explained. Embarassing

Anyway, good movie. Top tier MCU.

Not that it says a lot, since I find those movies to be pretty meh, but I would rank it at third place behind Endgame and Winter Soldier.


Oct 26, 2017
It was a good MCU movie. But highly overrated. Let alone being nominated for an oscar best picture lol


Oct 25, 2017
It frustrates and irritates me to no end that the aspirational idealized progressive nation in the MCU is governed by a dynastic monarchy, with the sole potential exception of challenge by single combat. That shit is absurdly regressive and just plain fucking awful, and I can't get past it enough to enjoy the story.

Lol the only thing aspirational about Wakanda is it's a safe haven to black folk (when they actually let outsiders in) and that it's so technologically advanced.

Wakanda isn't meant to be some utopia though. The country has big issues. It's not supposed to be idealized, that's a projection you're placing on it.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
I am specifically critiquing the asinine notions of hereditary governance and of ordinary people being governed by whichever asshole can punch hardest. This has nothing to do with the moral case for just war.

Isn't the ruler of Wakanda also its protector? I guess in that sense it can make sense why they want a powerful warrior.


Oct 26, 2017
Isn't the ruler of Wakanda also its protector? I guess in that sense it can make sense why they want a powerful warrior.
Isn't the entire thing about Wakanda that they have never had a war or even a conflict since its founding? Why would they value a forgeign warrior king over someone who actually knows diplomacy, Wakandan technology, etc? They hardly even need warriors.

Dragon's Game

Alt account
Apr 1, 2019
I know its been posted 348938749238 thousand plus times

how do you actually defend this? seriously? to fans of BP and everyone else.


i mean its not just a small part of the movie its the final fight/ really ruined the whole movie for me.the whole 3rd act soured the experience
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Oct 25, 2017
Isn't the entire thing about Wakanda that they have never had a war or even a conflict since its founding? Why would they value a forgeign warrior king over someone who actually knows diplomacy, Wakandan technology, etc? They hardly even need warriors.


They've avoided large-scale wars (till the present, in comics and film), but they've had to ward off the occasional attempted invasion in the past, from types like Klaw who discover the existence of the country and it's vibranium.

And in the event that they are finally discovered by the world at large, yeah, probably a good idea to have warriors ready.

The method with which they choose their monarch is outdated as hell, but they definitely still need the Black Panther and warriors in general.


Resident Thread Mechanic
Oct 26, 2017
Wife and I both loved it. Literally only rewatched it 2 days ago.

At no point during it did I have any issue with the cg.

I have noticed that older relatives that otherwise enjoy the MCU films didn't seem to enjoy it as much. I can't imagine why.