
Oct 30, 2017
Just started Season 2. Was cool hearing Luke listening to Mobb Deep. I have not heard "Hell on Earth" in a long time.

Soupman Prime

The Fallen
Nov 8, 2017
Boston, MA
Totally. Also Comanche is really mouthy for a henchman; he's just begging to get shot.
That's how I'm feeling. If he started making executive decisions then he'd be as bad as Tone or even Zip.

Up to 7 and a half and really enjoying it. Didn't plan on watching so much but one episode ended and had to watch the next one last night. I'll probably watch 2 or 3 more episodes once I'm home and finish the season by Monday.


Oct 28, 2017
When netflix told me this show won an emmy for season I was like wtf how? I love it and all, but I didn't remember anything emmy worthy. Then I watch episode 9 and
Mariah's speech omg. Now I see how it won the emmy. Deserved for sure. Mariah Misty, Luke's dad, Coleen and Danny, Sugar, Shades, Claire, Piranha, Bushwhacker, bushwacker's uncle, the musical performances, Tilda, everyone at the precinct, Turk, hot Italian boss lady, I could go on. This supporting cast is godlike. It's a shame Luke can't act. He's got a great cast to work around. Hell, even Foggy wasn't annoying in this. Mariah carried this season really well. Bushwaker and did really well too, but she owned this season
I miss Daredevil though, it seems like New York has kind of gone to shit without him. Big crime everywhere.
After finishing the whole series, imo the real big problem with the marvel netflix shows is that the villains are always better/more entertaining than the heroes. Except for Jessica Jones season 2 and maybe Iron fist s1 (because Colleen isn't a villain), the villains are better than the main heroes. Punisher is a show that I think does it really well, but without Black Mariah and Cotton Mouth, I can't imagine what Luke Cage would be.
Also, Misty and Colleen need their own show. asap


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
How you misspell Bushmaster's name three times bruh

Imo the real big problems with the marvel netflix shows are the villains are always better than the heroes.

That's not an issue at all. If anything, nowadays that's how I know it'll generally be a good season/movie when it comes to this comic book stuff, when the villain(s) is actually fantastic. It's no coincidence that the seasons people like the most had the best villains. The only exception is LC's first season technically, ironically since it killed off Cottonmouth way too early.

But you are right in that Jessica, Frank (and Matt) are the only main characters that genuinely hold their own when they're being compared to their respective villains.

Holy shit episode 9!

I know!


Oct 25, 2017
Totally. Also Comanche is really mouthy for a henchman; he's just begging to get shot.
It is actually very telling
Because of the bond he has with Shades, otherwise he would have been merc'd on the spot. It is subtle but it tells you that there has to be something else going on


Oct 25, 2017
And as for Tilda
She got hit with too much too fast and it broke her. She knew her mother was shady but to have it right in her face and then see the effect of it via Bushmaster and his history and his people and seeing how the mother reacted through it all. The biggest thing she learned though is that you are a predator or you are prey. She also saw that this woman who she has known as her mother is a vile creature who will continue to destroy and consume and there was at least some kind of attraction with Bushmaster and family guilt I am sure that she may have imagined taking her mothers kingdom and doing better with it.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
It is actually very telling
Because of the bond he has with Shades, otherwise he would have been merc'd on the spot. It is subtle but it tells you that there has to be something else going on

Yup, I loved this

He still sucks?

His appearance in this is as good as it gets admittedly. If you still intensely dislike him, probably shouldn't bother with Iron Fist S2 lmao

King Alamat

Nov 22, 2017
One way to make sure Iron Fist S2 is tolerable is if they just go all in on Heroes for Hire. And bring back Lewis Tan, put an emo wig on him and call him Shang-Chi.

Big Boss

Oct 27, 2017
Just finished this and was really surprised how much I was into it, I liked season 1 but I wasn't really excited for this season. The ending to this season I didn't really see coming and it makes for an interesting dynamic next season.


Oct 25, 2017
That talk of the ending had had me insanely hyped for the last two days, can't wait.

I'll watch episode 7 and continue on tomorrow!

Bushmaster is so damn awesome.


Oct 25, 2017
Lol Misty's reaction when Mariah's lawyer showed up in the club now Bushmaster's

Gaius Cassius

Oct 28, 2017
Made it to the 2nd half of season 2. I'm cringing at Iron Fist's lines and dialogue delivery with Luke. Still seems like the most miscast guy in the MCU TV universe.


Oct 25, 2017
Misty may as well be the co-lead at this point
Fine by me. <3 :)
Made it to the 2nd half of season 2. I'm cringing at Iron Fist's lines and dialogue delivery with Luke. Still seems like the most miscast guy in the MCU TV universe.


Oct 25, 2017
Damn, didn't know the actor that played Luke's pops had died.

The way the show ended is def interesting. Sets up nicely for season 3. Kinda bummed they didn't get in more Jamaicans bringing up Usain Bolt. Got a laugh out of me every time. Also, please for the love of God can Marvel let them have 10 episode seasons.


Oct 25, 2017
I just find it absolutely hilarious how Bushmaster has to correct everyone who says Mariah Dillard


Oct 25, 2017
I'm one episode in, and crikey was that an unexpected bit of violence at the end, even for these Netflix Marvel shows.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Man, Harlem is just everybody's home huh, y'all too attached


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'mma need this coffee euphemism to die in Season 3, they have run it into the damn ground lol


Damn, even characters like Sugar get fleshed out, I love this show's cast
Last edited:

Gaius Cassius

Oct 28, 2017
You know what's always a mystery to me? The fact that Harlem's Paradise is not always just packed but even has really famous artists playing despite the fact that the place is run by known gangsters. I mean people still go there despite the massive body count last season there?

Kinda reminds me of the bar and lounge run by those French canadians on Twin Peaks. Place was run by pimps and murderers (who even joke and brag about using underage girls) and was in the middle of nowhere, but somehow NIN among others are cool playing there, lol.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Was him walking on 117th in the 2nd season's 1st episode a reference to Luke's actor playing Locke in that Halo miniseries?


Oct 25, 2017
You know what's always a mystery to me? The fact that Harlem's Paradise is not always just packed but even has really famous artists playing despite the fact that the place is run by known gangsters. I mean people still go there despite the massive body count last season there?

Kinda reminds me of the bar and lounge run by those French canadians on Twin Peaks. Place was run by pimps and murderers (who even joke and brag about using underage girls) and was in the middle of nowhere, but somehow NIN among others are cool playing there, lol.
To be honest I do not believe that it is quite as weird as you would think.
I am sure more than a couple of the bigger clubs in Miami/New York/L.A. have questionable ownership.
Usually the person doing the booking and the talent relations are detached.
All I can say is that this season was on fire (though I will love last season for turning me on to Jidenna) and then closing it out with KRS One and then fucking Rakim....just seriously one of the best soundtracks of 2018


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'm finally done. Well damn, I can see why the ending was so intriguing to people:

Luke basically becoming a crime boss feels inspired as hell, can't wait to see where they take it. I'm glad it ended up being that, because the way people talked about the ending, I thought he killed Mariah himself tbh. Between this and Misty getting ready to become the new chief or w/e (Or is she already that?), I don't see Heroes for Hire or Daughters of the Dragon subplots happening any time soon, haha. Guess it was a little naive to think they'd truly adhere to something like that considering the circumsances. Dude even turned away Claire, like damn.

Definitely excited for Season 3.

I gotta sit on it for a bit to know where to rank it (Though tbh right now it feels like my new favorite season), but for now I can comfortably say it's easily the best Season 2 so far compared to Daredevil and Jessica Jones. I'm really glad this show stepped up its game this season, as it always had BY FAR the strongest supporting cast and identity (which helps massively with the pacing), and I liked that it expanded upon that. When you're in the world of Luke Cage, you actually give a shit about the people inside it. From DW to Sugar, it feels like basically everybody in this damn show got their due this season, which was really great. Misty in particular may as well be a co-protagonist at this point. Also, Harlem's Paradise gotta be my favorite MCU location at this point lol

As far as the villains go, I already knew Mariah was dope, but damn, she goes IN this season. To the point where I can now finally say she's up there with Cottonmouth, Kilgrave, Fisk, etc. Bushmaster and his whole story was pretty cool, loved his swagger and such, but Mariah was definitely the MVP from the villain side of things. Hell, you could easily argue that she's the most developed out of all of them. I guess technically speaking she's the first villain to get two seasons to herself, so it makes sense that she'd come out on top in this regard I suppose.

The pacing was lame as always, but when it came to this season, I personally felt that it was just quality stuff all the way through. Well okay, there was some wack lines here and there (This show is somehow both both the most stylish, coolest Netflix show, as well as the corniest. That's impressive.), but some great performances and scenes all around.

As for any weak links, I guess the closest thing that comes to mind would be Tilda? Kind of? I actually don't really have any big issues with her tbh, but sometimes I'm just looking at her and wondering why she's still here lol
I guess deep down, she really wanted to connect with her mom again, but damn, she probably should've dipped awhile ago. That said, her existence helped further flesh out Mariah, so I'm grateful for that. As for her killing her mom, I fucking knew that lipstick had poison on it, that kiss was random as hell. I got no idea what's happening with her next season. I only just now read up on how she's the villain Nightshade in the comics, but clearly half of the shit she pulls in there won't be happening in a Netflix show. Also even if she actually did become a villain, I dunno what she could possibly do, she doesn't exactly have any resources of the gangster variety. Well, whatever, we'll see what happens when it happens I suppose.
I got a few other nitpicks here, but nothing that really detracts from my experience.

Aside from the ending, the surprise of the season for me (Aside from Danny being cool for once) was Comanche. Dude's great.

With Punisher, Jessica Jones S2, and now Luke Cage S2, it feels good to be able to have more faith in Marvel Netflix again.