  • Sawneeks

    One Winged Slayer
    Oct 25, 2017
    Welcome back to the review thread! Here we talk about the state of our little community and what we need to work on, change, or just talk about in general. As a reminder here are the games from this season:

    Nier: Gestalt Mafia by lokiduck and Verelios
    Super Mario Mafia by Fanto
    Costume Party by Natiko
    Transistor Mafia by Aeleus
    Risk Mafia by Geno

    Before we get to our usual list of topics we have a few announcements! Many of which you folks are aware of but we still want to highlight them.
    • Aeleus has been helping us out behind the scenes for some time now but we want to publicly welcome them to the Review Team! Welcome, Aeleus!
    • Speaking of A, they had offered to redo and complete the Mafia Game Data sheet and it is now back up and running! It takes quite a bit of time to do so thank you so much for doing that.
    • A shoutout to Fireblend for running the Vote Tool and handling the glitches that have appeared with it this season. Games run much smoother with it and the hours of work are always appreciated.

    As always if you have anything you would like to discuss as a community and don't see it listed below please bring it up! This is by no means a comprehensive list and more topics are always welcomed.
    1. Era has a new system in place to allow users to show their pronouns underneath their username and avatar on their posts. We are of the mind to not make this feature mandatory for our games as some people may not be comfortable with publicly showing their pronouns in that matter. Thoughts?
    2. The idea of having a designated individual to talk with/vent to during a game was brought up and we wanted everyone's thoughts on it. This would be a volunteer position and the 'mafia therapist' would be someone a player could vent to/talk to about a game if need be. Like a mentor, this person would not be able to speak about events in-game.
    3. Era also has a new feature that allows an OTs opening post to be pinned and show up on every page! We're thinking about trying that out and making the first post about currently recruiting games so it appears more frequently. What do you all think?
    4. Finally, what do you think of the changes since the last review thread? We simplified the OT, made a Mafia terms glossary, and placed all documents on OM.

    If you would like to be added to the permanent Replacement List, now is the time to do so! I, Dr. Monkey, and cabot can always be contacted if you would like to be added to the list but the review thread seemed like the perfect time to make a general call for sign ups. :>

    The current permanent Replacement List includes: weemadarthur, TheChuggernaut, lokiduck, Faddy, Fanto, Zipped, Reki, and Jman!

    Thank you all!



    Lots of knives, scary movies, kart racing, and a plethora of heroes and villains! That's...kind of a scary mix, honestly.
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