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Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, it sounds like a ripoff of Orzhov except they don't have the cool factor of the Ghost Council.

Hope Elspeth bodies these wannabe gangs.

Also hoping for an interesting Urabrask card. He was my favourite praetor but unfortunately got the short end of the stick in Scars of Mirrodin.


Oct 25, 2017
Huh, so the angels/big-dog demons went to war 'together'(ish) against the phyrexians, and the lesser demons and other tribes took over when they never returned (?)

Tezzeret moving from being 'uncomfortable' with what happened to Tamiyo, to much more 'obviously' be working both sides seems kinda hokey, but I suppose Norn's not (as) aware of his starscream-esque tendencies...though I am curious what he was 'promised'.

Elspeth being 'feared' by Elesh Norn makes me wonder if her spark/mana affinity, as it relates to New Capenna and possibly the angels, makes her a candidate for producing more of....whatever it was that the natives used to fight off the phyrexians in the first place, be it halo or something else.

Whatever it is, I imagine ob nix will be the one trying to keep her from getting back in touch/in control of it.

Regardless, the story's definitely moving along pretty quickly, even if it's still all set up.

....Though this makes me wonder if we're actually gonna get Urabrask as a card, given that he's a shell of his true self after being bridged, even if he's 'recovered' by now.

Parallel lives being a judge promo makes me sad for how long it's gonna be until we get a...more prevalent reprint.

edit: Huh, Urabrask didn't mention Sheoldred by name - makes me wonder if she did in fact get executed by Norn, or is off hiding somewhere else.
Pro Tour returns, RIP Esports


Oct 25, 2017

RIP Magic Esports

Return of the Pro Tour: Your Path to Playing Magic at the Highest Level

From your local game store to international competition, tabletop play returns with the Pro Tour.


The first Regional Championship Qualifiers will begin July 2 and can be run as Standard, Pioneer, Modern, or Limited. The first round of Regional Championships will be Pioneer, and the first Pro Tour will feature Pioneer and Limited! Start practicing and prepping your deck now!

Welcome back Pro Tour! Details in the article. Also RIP Alchemy as a competitive format.

Events are going to be paper, but there will also be a digital pathway to be announced later.


Oct 25, 2017
I guess Regional Championship Qualifiers are kind of like Grand Prixes now? I just find it funny that the description for them is "Prove your skill at your local scene" when in Europe they're in different countries lol


Oct 26, 2017
I haven't played Magic in years. I don't enjoy Arena really and vastly prefer paper magic so covid really killed any desire I had to play the game. This might actually get me back into it. In person tournaments were my favorite part of playing Magic. I really though WOTC would phase out in person tournaments.


Oct 25, 2017
This sounds much better than the previous system. Despite being heavily engaged in Magic, I never really understood the hierarchy of the previous OP system. This new structure is clear and simple. I like it.

Plus, more paper Magic tournaments is great news.


Jan 1, 2022
I guess Regional Championship Qualifiers are kind of like Grand Prixes now? I just find it funny that the description for them is "Prove your skill at your local scene" when in Europe they're in different countries lol

Not really. There are far less of them and you can't buy in to the main event.

They vaguely hinted we might see more GPs in the future.


Oct 26, 2017
Wait, what? You need to qualify for Regional Championship Qualifiers? So there are qualifiers that qualify for a qualifier? lol
It's "regional" by country is my understanding. So the local qualifiers feed into a national qualifier for the pro tour. So it's a lot bigger than it really sounds.
Feb 16, 2018
new PT system is a lot like the old one. which was basically useless for most people

digital magic is still the only way to make it an accessible competitive game. unfortunately they completely failed to implement anything useful there. the arena events should have been more like magic online where you could just look at the calendar and play whatever tournament in whatever format you wanted to. and draft should have been treated as a real mode instead of a minigame for standard players to get cards

limited being back at PTs is nice, but it affects ~300 people and some twitch viewers, which does almost nothing for players overall

best news from that announcement is that they'll probably look at pioneer again. it used to be a great format that hasn't had a proper power-level ban in 2 years


Oct 25, 2017
Ward 1 feels a bit weak, but flying helps with getting a connive off - I wonder if you'd still go bird/flying tribal for a sub-theme, and a sphinx esper mill deck seems kinda fun for commander, and still has some of the sphinx clans' card filter/selection without feeling 'me-too' like some of the other recent ones.

Xander seems really strong for either blink or reanimation, but if you can't, 7 cost is pretty much eternity in commander nowadays, especially as it's only one opponent (which I understand if it were all opponents the player would be targeted to high hell and back). Pretty good finisher securing for 1v1, though.

Holy crap @ the naya cat....assuming you have something like eldrazi monument or the flash phase-in-knight to prevent getting board-wiped.

Now I'm curious to see what the commander 'theme' for the grixis deck is - the other two seem fairly self-evident (assuming they follow the clan motif)


Oct 25, 2017
ward 1 feels fine for that card. you just need it to survive one turn to really get the value from it you need. I'm fine with <3 drops being annoying to deal with early but not impossible.


Oct 25, 2017
Watching the preview video... not really feeling the plane. I mean, I like parts of it but it feels so limited to make each group have to be a slightly different mobster group. Like, cool i guess having some demon mobs are interesting, but less interesting to have every group just be 'blank' mob and mostly look the same.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh dang, I have a lot to watch
I think the gang leaders are neat, and I appreciate that they actually require some building around


Oct 25, 2017
Ah, so watching the world building video, the crime families originally were legitimate roles in Old Capenna
* Old Capenna was very similar to Bant
* Obscura were wizard advisors that guided kings; then they advised the angels
* Maestros were the nobles; they saved most of the records and art of Old Capenna
* Cabaretti used to be normal druids; the parties evolved out of celebratory rituals to connect to nature; Jetmir still thinks of himself as the high druid
* Brokers used to be paladins and knights that protected people in exchange for shelter and food; Falco believes doomsday is coming and thinks their efforts are necessary for the greater good
* Riveteers used to be the architects and blacksmiths; Ziatora used to be hunted by knights all the time and realized she actually really enjoyed fighting knights, hence the family's preference for boxing etc.

The people of the plane don't have a name for their plane, particularly with there being nothing important outside the city.

The Phyrexians of Capenna are descended from the old Yawgmoth-led type, not from the oil spread by Karn.

This was apparently already known information, but Elspeth spent her entire childhood in a Phyrexian dungeon and that's why she doesn't know anything about her own plane. She left 20-30 years ago and there isn't time warping involved. This also means that there were indeed Phyrexians on Capenna as of 20-30 years ago.

Perrie is the Commander face card for the Brokers.


Might be something
Secret Lair - Finally! Left-Handed Magic Cards


Oct 25, 2017

Secret Lair Knows Its Left from Its Other Left

30 years in the making, Secret Lair is proud to introduce the world's first left-handed Magic cards!

Secret Lair - Finally! Left-Handed Magic Cards



Actually going to be on sale

  • Non-foil: $29.99/€34.99*/£29.99*/CN¥238.00/SG$43.88
  • Traditional foil: $39.99/€44.99*/£39.99*/CN¥318.00/SG$58.88
    *Inclusive of local VAT
There's also going to be an April Superdrop later


Jan 1, 2022
I really like the left hand cards, though unfortunately I have no use for any of them.


Oct 25, 2017
Magic the Gathering |OT| New Capenna: A Draw You Can't Refuse

Lol, i havent read enough about this set to think of anything better lol


Neon Deity Games
Oct 26, 2017
|OT| New Capenna - Old Vendetta
|OT| New Capenna - Curtains For You
|OT| New Capenna - Deco and Demons


Oct 29, 2017
Hi guys, just wanted to introduce myself since I don't log onto era that often. Last week my friend asked if I wanted to start playing magic with him. I told him that I didn't know anything about the game so I would think about it. Went home and started to look things up. Just general stuff like game mechanics and some lore. I decided that if we played together that I would want to make a horrors deck so I told my friend that I was up for it. One of the things that really caught me when I was looking up lore were the eldrazi titans; particularly Emrakul. I absolutely loved the idea of emrakul and especially her interactions with some of the planeswalkers (Jace and Tamiyo). Anyway, the two of us and our group of friends go over to one of the local card shops when we spot a box of eldritch moon boosters. I buy the last five and after 4 boosters of no colorless creatures, the last one had both drownyard behemoth, wretched gryff, AND Emrakul. Looking forward to making my deck now.


Oct 25, 2017
Hi guys, just wanted to introduce myself since I don't log onto era that often. Last week my friend asked if I wanted to start playing magic with him. I told him that I didn't know anything about the game so I would think about it. Went home and started to look things up. Just general stuff like game mechanics and some lore. I decided that if we played together that I would want to make a horrors deck so I told my friend that I was up for it. One of the things that really caught me when I was looking up lore were the eldrazi titans; particularly Emrakul. I absolutely loved the idea of emrakul and especially her interactions with some of the planeswalkers (Jace and Tamiyo). Anyway, the two of us and our group of friends go over to one of the local card shops when we spot a box of eldritch moon boosters. I buy the last five and after 4 boosters of no colorless creatures, the last one had both drownyard behemoth, wretched gryff, AND Emrakul. Looking forward to making my deck now.
Wow, lucky! Emrakul is a sick …character? Thing


Oct 25, 2017
Hi guys, just wanted to introduce myself since I don't log onto era that often. Last week my friend asked if I wanted to start playing magic with him. I told him that I didn't know anything about the game so I would think about it. Went home and started to look things up. Just general stuff like game mechanics and some lore. I decided that if we played together that I would want to make a horrors deck so I told my friend that I was up for it. One of the things that really caught me when I was looking up lore were the eldrazi titans; particularly Emrakul. I absolutely loved the idea of emrakul and especially her interactions with some of the planeswalkers (Jace and Tamiyo). Anyway, the two of us and our group of friends go over to one of the local card shops when we spot a box of eldritch moon boosters. I buy the last five and after 4 boosters of no colorless creatures, the last one had both drownyard behemoth, wretched gryff, AND Emrakul. Looking forward to making my deck now.
If you want an overview of the rules, I recommend downloading Magic Arena just to play through the tutorials.

And great job pulling Emrakul!
SNC - Riveteers Charm; Magic Story - Episode 4; The Family Man


Oct 25, 2017

Especially compared to the other charms, this looks damn good. Note that for the second mode, you'll want to cast it on your opponent's turn, since if you cast it on your turn, you only have that turn to play cards.


Episode 4: The Font | Magic: The Gathering

Undercover with the Cabaretti, Elspeth prepares for the Crescendo. It's sure to be a party like no other—which is exactly what Elspeth is worried about.

Haven't read yet

The Family Man | Magic: The Gathering

On this, the day of his daughter's wedding, Anhelo discovers that New Capenna has plans for him—messy ones.

Haven't read yet


Where to find previews

Where to Find Streets of New Capenna Previews

What's been previewed, what's going to be previewed, and where you can find all of it for Streets of New Capenna, right here!


Oct 25, 2017

Episode 4: The Font | Magic: The Gathering

Undercover with the Cabaretti, Elspeth prepares for the Crescendo. It's sure to be a party like no other—which is exactly what Elspeth is worried about.

* It's the night of the Crescendo and Xander sends his right hand man, Anhelo, to attend instead of him. He knows he's going to die tonight.
* Xander knows Ob Nixilis is waiting for him with several henchmen. He escapes the henchmen but then Ob Nixilis kills him with a finger gun. Then he mutilates the body to make sure he's dead.
* Meanwhile with Elspeth, in the time since the last episode, she worked her way into Cabaretti and is working at the Crescendo as staff.
* She's only been mentioned in passing before, but now it's worth mentioning Giada, a teen girl that's constantly with Jinnie (the Cabaretti second in command) yet seems quite uncomfortable.
* Jinnie takes to the stage with Giada and demonstrates the latter's power to create Halo. She is the Font that people have been talking about. Elspeth realizes Giada's trapped into being a tool, and it will cost her her life.

* A bunch of Ob Nixilis's men attack the Crescendo, particularly targeting Jetmir. Elspeth flees with Giada, fending off goons and then Jinnie.
* Vivien arrives and takes them to safety.
* Ob Nixilis hears that the Font escaped and is angry. He'll find her even if he has to burn the city down. He wants all of the family heads dead.
* In the streets, fighting has broken out between everyone.
* Elspeth leaves Giada with Vivien and goes to Xander's museum, where she picks up a sword.

Given Xander's death, it's even weirder that the shard cycling lands have the names of the family heads instead of just the family names. Now they're an awkward fit even for a return set.

The Family Man | Magic: The Gathering

On this, the day of his daughter's wedding, Anhelo discovers that New Capenna has plans for him—messy ones.

* Story about Anhelo, Xander's right hand man.
* It's the day of his daughter's wedding, but he has to still go kill someone. To make things more complicated, he insists on killing him in a fancy way that leaves a message.
* This makes him rush to the wedding, which leads to him walking into a trap.
* He escapes with some help and makes it to the wedding.

This was a fun story.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Durham, NC
My submissions for the OT title of New Capenna

OT| Hey, hey! We're -drafting- here!

OT| Ob Nixilis is going to make an offer you can't refuse.

OT| Just when you thought you were out of Magic, they pull you back in

OT| If there's one thing stronger than Magic, it's Family.

OT| Leave the violin. Take the halo.

OT| I know it was you, Tezzeret. You broke my heart!

OT| I'm funny how? Like a Cephalid? Do I amuse you?

OT| You wanna play Magic? Okay. Say hello to my little friend!
Magic Story - SNC Episode 5; Alley Cat Blues


Oct 25, 2017

Episode 5: Hymn of the Angels | Magic: The Gathering

Elspeth, Vivien, and Giada run as New Capenna rages with inter-family war. To save the city—and find answers—Elspeth must escort Giada to safety.

* Elspeth leads Vivien and Giada to an abandoned warehouse but they're attacked by Cabaretti; Giada had a tracking device in her bracelet.
* They're taken to an Obscura hideout, where Jetmir and other Cabaretti members are hiding out with Obscura support. Kamiz from the Obscura side story is there too.
* Riveteers, or rather agents working with Ob Nixilis, suddenly appear and attack. Elspeth is hurt, but Giada heals her with Halo. After taking it, Elspeth notices that Giada is glowing; Giada is surprised Elspeth can see it too.
* Kamiz leads them to the main Obscura stronghold to escape, but it's a trap and was just meant to separate them from the Cabaretti forces.
* The stronghold is in a cathedral, and looking around, Giada suddenly realizes this is where she's meant to be; this is her home.

* Ob Nixilis arrives and fights Elspeth while Vivien holds off everyone else.
* Ob is faster than expected and Elspeth's sword is large and bulky, so she's defeated.
* Elspeth tells Giada to run, but she says it's her turn to protect her now. With a blast of light, she ascends or something and fades away, telling Elspeth that she already had everything she needed. Elspeth's sword has been replaced by a lighter one with an orb of Halo on the hilt.
* Using this, she easily defeats Ob and he planeswalks away.
* In the epilogue, they go to the Maestro museum, where Anhelo reveals that he's the Maestro leader now and that Xander gave Elspeth full access to his archives.

* There, there's an exposition dump about how the angels and demons went off to fight the Phyrexians long ago. The demons betrayed the angels and turned them into Halo, which they then used to defeat the Phyrexians. Then the demons disappeared, leaving only the family heads.
* Elspeth decides to take some of Xander's hidden stash of Halo back to Ajani and the Gatewatch.
* Vivien says that if Urabrask is to be believed, then there's a revolution on New Phyrexia that might give them an opportunity to attack.
* Until I refreshed just a moment ago, there was a mistaken allusion to Elspeth's childhood being imprisoned on New Phyrexia ; though it still says she was imprisoned there at some point, which isn't supported by her Fandom wiki page.
* Elspeth and Vivien head back to Dominaria.

This was a really rushed final story, especially that exposition dump about what happened in the past; which still didn't explain why the family heads don't remember it well or what's the deal with the Phyrexian prison Elspeth spent her childhood in. There's barely any followup regarding what happened to the gangs. And if Giada was this important, it's baffling that they didn't make her more of a focus in earlier parts. And also... is Urabrask still just sitting there waiting to meet Elspeth?

I thought the first three or so parts were solid, but the fourth and fifth parts clearly had to rush to fit in all the remaining plot beats.

Alley Cat Blues | Magic: The Gathering

Before Kitt Kanto was the darling of the Cabaretti and diva of the Rose Room, she sang in subways. With luck, timing, and hustle, she grabbed her star.

* This follows Kitt Kanto, a singer for Cabaretti. Which yes, means there are no side stories following a Riveteer.
* She sang in the subway for money then one day caught the attention of Jetmir. He offers her a gig at The Red Room on the condition she delivers some Halo for him.
* She takes the subway to the location. She's carrying a bag that only has a dress in it; she moved the Halo to her coat.
* "There was a single open seat, but no one was sitting there because an unknown individual had left behind a puddle of glistening goo. By its blueish color, the culprit was probably a cephalid."
* The train stops as Riveteers attack it, wanting to intercept Kitt's delivery. She escapes out the window and they give chase.

* As a subway singer, she befriended pigeons, so with her song, they come to her aid and she escapes, but she loses her bag with her dress.
* She makes it to the Red Room in time for her performance, though she has to make due with small adjustments to what she has on, with so little time until the show.
* The Riveteers that were chasing her are in the audience, but they can do nothing but seethe as she sings.
* She ends up being a big hit and Jetmir brings up on full time.

This was a fun story, but again, it's weird that we don't have a Riveteer perspective story.

Looking at New Capenna's story overall, though, I can't help but be disappointed. We don't get nearly enough insight into how life works here or how the different families work, and with the main story, it's super rushed by the end.


Oct 25, 2017
* Until I refreshed just a moment ago, there was a mistaken allusion to Elspeth's childhood being imprisoned on New Phyrexia ; though it still says she was imprisoned there at some point, which isn't supported by her Fandom wiki page.

Apparently the author conflated Elspeth (along with some combination of Karn/Koth/Melira as well) at some point getting captured by Elesh Norn during the battle for Mirrodin block with her childhood imprisonment.

This was a really rushed final story, especially that exposition dump about what happened in the past; which still didn't explain why the family heads don't remember it well or what's the deal with the Phyrexian prison Elspeth spent her childhood in. There's barely any followup regarding what happened to the gangs. And if Giada was this important, it's baffling that they didn't make her more of a focus in earlier parts. And also... is Urabrask still just sitting there waiting to meet Elspeth?

It was suuuuuuper-rushed, agreed.

It definitely implies a possible Innistrad-esque return of the angels later on, if Giada was (half?) Angel and was born/materialized out of the mana, as most demons/angels can do (which would be cool in adding/converting a faction to be the 'shady angels' gangster-type), but between the inconsistencies with Elspeth, with a lifetime history of armed combat 'instinctively' picking up a sword that just so happened to be TERRIBLE for her battle-style, barely fending off mooks until she suddenly 'mentally recovers' from her doubts and such, Urabrask basically being ignored, how Ob Nix found New Capenna and siezed control of a ton of Halo in the first place, why the Demon Lords disappeared after the phyrexians were pushed back (but apparently not off the plane?), etc...

Apparently one of the command zone podcasts, of all places, got an explanation that Elspeth's 'current' backstory is that she was being held in a 'different' city/region on the plane as a kid, in said Phyrexian prison camp, and not New Capenna proper.

Which still doesn't make sense with WotC's 'no time shenanigans' aspect, the family heads claiming to not remember the distant past in which the fight took place, or why Elspeth's name is 'several generations out of date' being dangled about as plot points....

But yeah, this story was definitely a step back/down from some other recent work.


Oct 25, 2017
Some of that secret lair feels like it's phoning it in (I can appreciate the style for the check-lands, Meanwhile, what on earth at the void winnower, and why is mom in there again), but holy shit @ Concordant Crossroads making it in there.

Still following the trend of having 1 banger or 2 good cards, and 2-3 meh for most of them, I see.


Neon Deity Games
Oct 26, 2017
At first glance these seem like some of the worst Secret Lairs yet in terms of value reprintings and I hope people vote with their wallets.


Oct 25, 2017
Artist Series: Magali Villeneuve looks great



World Enchantment reprint


Wayne Reynolds for some reason going out of his way to draw dwarfs


Some others in the above links


Oct 28, 2017
Mother of Runes and Death's Shadow are good. I kind of like the dumb Goblin Settler as well.


Oct 25, 2017
I didn't realize that Goblin settler had never been reprinted (and was apparently only printed in a starter deck), and was thus 35-40 bucks....or that Vengevine was approaching 10, geez.

Randomly having 1-of basic lands to tank the value in 2 artist sets also feels pretty bad, tbh.

Or like...why ghost quarter over cavern of souls, the motif is similar enough.

It's because Cavern is 65+ dollars


Oct 28, 2017
I didn't realize that Goblin settler had never been reprinted (and was apparently only printed in a starter deck), and was thus 35-40 bucks....or that Vengevine was approaching 10, geez.

Randomly having 1-of basic lands to tank the value in 2 artist sets also feels pretty bad, tbh.

Or like...why ghost quarter over cavern of souls, the motif is similar enough.

It's because Cavern is 65+ dollars
I wonder if they're forced to do a land or if it's the artist's choice 🤔


Oct 25, 2017
I wonder if they're forced to do a land or if it's the artist's choice 🤔

Doubt we'll ever know, tbh, unless someone is dumb/brave enough to break Hasbro's NDA.....and never get a commission from them again, lol.

The island at least kinda-sorta makes sense with the 'voyage' theme, but the random forest in a set with Death's Shadow and Mom is just....wat.


Think the New Capenna style one with Atraxa and Breya is the easy winner.

Yeah - I wish there'd been all 5, but I assume they're not doing Saskia because of her previous women's day printing (though that doesn't seem to stop them from reprinting Mom or Path to Exile), and they might be saving K&T for Pride Month.


Dec 12, 2017
The New Capenna SL is cool but why is it $10 more when we got all 5 praetors in the same SL?

I was hit with FOMO bad when SL was first announced and bought most of them at first. Bought about half of the ones last year and haven't bought any this year. Keep up the good work WotC, my bank account is thankful for the lack of interest.


Oct 25, 2017
Going to make the new thread later today, but I still need a title. What sounds good out of what's been suggested so far?

|OT| New Capenna: A Draw You Can't Refuse
|OT| New Capenna - Old Vendetta
|OT| New Capenna - Curtains For You
|OT| New Capenna - Deco and Demons
|OT| New Capenna - Mob Nixilis

we're drafting here
OT| Hey, hey! We're -drafting- here!
OT| The Adversary is going to make an offer you can't refuse. (could also sub Adversary for Ob Nixilis)
OT| Just when you thought you were out of Magic, they pull you back in
OT| If there's one thing stronger than Magic, it's Family.

OT| Leave the violin. Take the halo.
OT| I know it was you, Tezzeret. You broke my heart!
OT| I'm funny how? Like a Cephalid? Do I amuse you?
OT| You wanna play Magic? Okay. Say hello to my little friend!

Play it, Sam
Don't have friends, have family
Forget Jace, it's Commander Town
I Hear Caberetti Parties Are the Real Cat's Meow
Halo and Peacock Feathers

choose one: organized crime, organized play, playable criminals
the angels put the phyrexians down, but now the demons run the town
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