
Oct 27, 2017
Your first real ship battle in Sea of Thieves once you and your friends actually understand the mechanics. When you all are communicating and doing different jobs seamlessly, it feels so damn cool.

Game was obviously flawed (especially at launch) but damn... I got my first real job and bought a 970 and playing this game in 2015 was mindblowing.
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Mar 1, 2018
Kind of a different one but just earlier I was watching my 6 year old kid play Forza Horizon 5 on my Series X hooked up to a C1 oled TV and just the way it looks blows my mind every time. Looking at him playing that and thinking back to me playing Gran Turismo 2 on PS1 at a similar age.... Holy shit we've come a long way.

For a more traditional holy shit moment, the nuke scene from the original Modern Warfare back in the day.


Oct 25, 2017
Just had one of these in Inscryption. Did not expect it at all.

Inscryption is a cool, creepy 3D horror card game - like SAW but this eerie figure has kidnapped you and is forcing you to play a roguelike RPG card game for him. If you lose, he throws you in the basement, and you try again as a new victim.

But early on in your first attempts there's this moment where the Master (the jigsaw type kidnapper villain) says he's forgotten a card somewhere… and tells you to stand up from the table and go get it.

You push the S button to pull the camera back from the card game and you STAND UP.

Then you can TURN and move around the room.

It suddenly becomes a 3D point and click game where you can move around the creepy cabin trying to solve it and find a way out.

Just ingenious.
Just you wait haha.


Oct 26, 2017
The first time I played Super Mario 64 in Toys R us was just unreal , I remember being in Toys R us and my jaw was just dropped it was like a spell was placed on me

Same thing with OOT in a Walmart a few years later

I can't really think of anything that had those type of moments for me
Nov 19, 2019
Oh, here's maybe an uncommon one.

Might and Magic VI.

I got it for free for about 6 years ago, and played it out of curiosity. The fact that this open world, first person party-based RPG even existed at the time it did rocked me. I've played a good number of classic PC RPGS way after they originally came out, but nothing left the impression that MM6 did.

Aside from the general awe of "wow this game is massive", it also did a great job of instilling a sense that almost any challenge is surmountable if you just think carefully. I am genuinely envious of people who got to play this game when it was first released.


Oct 27, 2017
yall gon fuck around and make me get a card game. i like what I am hearing regarding inscryption.

Also, recently, for me is when you get the you know whats in God of War 2018. What a fantastic lead up.


Mar 17, 2018
Sailing for the first time in Sea of Thieves. No other game has giving me that big of a "holy shit" moment.


Oct 16, 2018
The first time I played Super Mario 64 in Toys R us was just unreal , I remember being in Toys R us and my jaw was just dropped it was like a spell was placed on me

Same thing with OOT in a Walmart a few years later

I can't really think of anything that had those type of moments for me
For me it was Mario 64 in Best Buy, thanks to that giant stack of TVs you could see from the street.


Oct 28, 2017
It has been a while for me. Last game that did it was guild wars 2, when zhaitan first appears while riding the glory of tyria. then learning that it was the smallest and weakest of the elder dragons.


Aug 29, 2018
First time seeing Jak & Daxter. That was like the best graphics humankind would ever see, perfect nowadays Pixar animation movie level to me lol.

Spider-Man 2, not knowing that the game was open world (at that time I didn't know about gaming forums and stuff like that, only trailers) and man... What a massive shock.

The first PS3 trailers and gameplay like Heavenly sword, Motorstorm, Resistance... Blow my mind.

Reaching the end of Midgar in Final Fantasy VII thinking that the game ended there. What the hell dude!! That was just like 10/15% of the whole game.


Oct 27, 2017
In XenoSaga episode 1, KOS-MOS awakens, bursts through a wall and proceeds to kick ass. This was the first time you saw her face...and how crazy powerful she is.

The ending for Final Fantasy XIV 1.0, with a battle going on beneath a falling moon, preparing for a two year server shutdown as they remake the entire game. Nobody knew how it was going to end, the battle was actually happening in the game with the moon (Dalamud) glowing large in the sky, when it cut to this video:
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Nov 8, 2017

This might still be my number 1, to this day.


Forza Photographer
Nov 9, 2017
Game was obviously flawed (especially at launch) but damn... I got my first real job and bought a 970 and playing this game in 2015 was mindblowing.

I'm playing it right now on SX, the detail in the interiors is amazing still to this day. The scale of the city is pretty good too.

Storywise is not doing much for me, it's kinda there i guess.


Feb 17, 2022
Revan reveal in KOTOR.

Joel's death in TLOU2. I was shocked, cuz I've played preview couple months before the release and demo ended with Joel showing up mid game, talked about it with the devs, no one gave away anything. I did not expect that shit at all.


Oct 25, 2017
I had a similar reaction to the Darkness Statue in Deep Stone Crypt.

On a more meta level, any time I get a really cool weapon in a Raid.

Someone may have already covered it as I haven't read the whole thread, but I gotta throw in the spacewalk section of Deep Stone Crypt. In a LARGE part because of the dialogue & music. I'll never forget it.


Oct 25, 2017
I've been playing Elden Ring like many of you. Trying to do so as blindly as possible.

I'm walking through the forest and I stumble on a small building. I approach to find
a descending lift that just keeps going for what seems like an eternity, eventually opening up to a huge beautiful underground area. For all it's many faults, Skyrim did something similar to great effect with Blackreach.

I said holy shit out loud and that moment is going down as one of my gaming favorites.
Great first post. This all day long!


Oct 28, 2017
I had so many of these moments in Outer Wilds. There are many revelations to be had in that game, and each one feels more earned than the last


Oct 27, 2017
Nothing will match my experience when I accidentally discovered SotN's inverted castle on my 3rd play through.


Nov 21, 2017
The first time I found an "extra" puzzle in The Witness.

When I saw Snake flip the tape in the Sony Walkman and it said Operation Intrude N313.

There are others, but those two definitely stood out to me.


Oct 25, 2017
Building the Cyclops in Subnautica. You know it's a submarine, but you don't realize how big it is and how much it can do until you actually see it and step inside.

It was so cool to realize that you basically just made your own mobile home.


Oct 29, 2017
Steins;gate - Basically the whole plot, but especially finding out that
John Titor & the IBM 5100 were actually real things that happened — a dude that called himself John Titor actually went on message boards in 2000 claiming to be a time traveler that needed that computer, even describing unpublicized features of the machine. Obviously debunked, but it blew my mind to find out that what I thought was pure sci-fi fantasy was actually based on a real-life event

lvl 99 Pixel

Oct 25, 2017
1998: Cutting Signposts in Ocarina of Time
2021: Cutting Signposts in Deaths Door
and being able to read the broken font that remained


Oct 26, 2017
I think the first time I audibly gasped in a videogame was at the end of Wind Waker
when Link straight up plunges the Master Sword into Ganon's forehead. Bonus points for him becoming the Master Sword's new pedestal

FFXIV 1.0 burning the servers down with an in-game meteor before forcibly logging everyone out was also pretty hilarious/epic. I will probably never see anything like that again.