
Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account.
Oct 29, 2017
I like the game but yeah the side content is a bit less than what I expected.
Oct 25, 2017
Side content in The Witcher 3 is nothing special as well. Very ripetitive outisde some major side quest ( like the one with Roche for istance). The great thing about TW 3 side content is the story behind it which is usually interesting.

The contract for example are very similar between them. You search info about the monster and then kill it. The gameplay loop and (especially) the story keep the interest up though ( i loved the Witcher 3 ) .
Every side quest has it's own characters and story in Witcher 3. The defending of these terrible side quests in Spiderman is getting ridiculous

leng jai

Nov 2, 2017
It's plainly obvious that the side content in this game is just as bad as some other open world games. Those other games don't let you play as fucking Spiderman and web sling like a boss everywhere you go. That in itself can legit carry the game because at its core the execution is just that good. That doesn't change the fact that side content is very average and by the numbers.

To a lesser extent it is like saying something like Destiny 1 has a really good campaign because you really like the gunplay and it's an excuse to shoot shit. Then again I suppose it's also like me saying I like TW3's side quests because the writing is 10/10 but everything else about it is average to bad. Same shit.


Oct 28, 2017
I wish it wasn't so awkward trying to go into wall climb from a ledge above a wall. Like, if there's a backpack stuck to a side of a building and I'm standing on the roof, is there a way to get onto the wall without having to jump off and doing a web zip onto that wall?

One of the older Spider-Man games let you hold a button to make Spidey automatically stick onto a wall below if you run off the ledge above.

Also, I wish there was more intricate air mobility. Like, if I want to slightly correct my fall or jump by a little bit. Spidey's regular jump has very little travel and in-air mobility. It's slightly annoying.

I find myself tapping jump a second time expecting a double jump. lol.

Small nitpicks but having played pretty much every spider-man game of the last few generations, these things tend to stick out to me more.

I agree totally, and I'm surprised more people aren't talking about it. This game could *really* use Spider-Man 2's charge X to jump higher mechanics. And a little bit more mobility for certain things that feel slightly more awkward than they should.

Fucking great campaign so far though, and close to 50 to 75 percent down the skill trees the combat has really hit it's stride.


Oct 25, 2017
About 12 hours in and I'm enjoying the game more and more. It did feel like it took a bit longer than it should to move from Fisk's goons to the demons, but maybe that was because I was focusing quite a lot on optional stuff.

Jury's still out whether the combat is overall better than Batman, but having dedicated gap-closer moves rather than automatically darting 5 meters to enemies is a massive improvement. You button mash in Batman, you look like a god. But if you button mash in Spider-man, you flail around like an idiot.


Oct 25, 2017
These goddamn Drones... 43948/44000 for Ultimate.

I thought the
Side Quests were good, wish the others we more like them with other lesser known villains.


Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
This game is imo the most beautiful and densest open world game so far. Especially on Pro the game looks sublime. Closeup and far away. This is one of the very few open world console games where buildings or a tree several hundred meters away do not look like crap. Great LOD management.
What also doesn't get enough recognition is the great care and detail Insomniac put into presenting us nearly all of Manhattan's sights. You can pass hours just sightseeing in this game. Observe the Statue of Liberty from Battery Park, walk beneath Washington Square Arch, chill at Bethesda Fountain in Central Park and marvel at the beauty that is Saint Patrick's Cathedral. They're all there and so many more. :) This is Trinity Church nestled inbetween the skyscrapers of the Financial District:



Oct 28, 2017
Every side quest has it's own characters and story in Witcher 3. The defending of these terrible side quests in Spiderman is getting ridiculous
I'm not defending it but i don't agree with the fact that all of TW 3 side content was amazing or new or groundbreaking. Another game with great side stuff is Yakuza. Both games handle it way better than Spider- Man , it's clear.

Low quality side content in Spidey is not a big deal for me because i'm in love with the traversal system and the combat. Swinging around NY is so much fun. I hope they will work on better side quest and dynamic events in the next game though.
Oct 25, 2017
As I said. The side content is garbage. It's not hyperbole, it's an opinion whether you agree or not. If this was a multiplat, nobody would defend it imo.
Feel free to believe what you want to believe, but you're the one who started questioning others' opinions and stances in the first place, so don't act like I did something ridiculous here. I just turned it back on you. Heck, I didn't even do that, I just told you why other people don't feel that way or agree with our sentiment. And to finish off with a statement to further bolster my point as though it has any more bearing than it did before, if it was multiplat people would still defend it.
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User requested ban
Oct 29, 2017
I agree with you. Some side quest in The Witcher 3 were legit good. But you can see the difference in the traversal system and the combat which are way better in Spider- Man for example. Different focus due to time and budget limit. Maybe in the sequel we'll see major improvements in side content as well.
oh yeah traversal is what carries the game , would be really bad if the swinging was mediocre lol. As for combat, idk I think its more responsive and a lot more fun to fight the guys here but w3 combat is a bit more involved with potions, bombs and how it contextualize stuff even tho the actual moment to moment fighting in vanilla w3 is barely passable


Dec 25, 2017
I did a pretty sweet sidequest where some chick was worried about her boyfriend and it turned out he was being blackmailed into being an accomplice to a heist that I had to stop from happening...


Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
You've platinumed 12 Ubisoft games but think this is worse?, this hasn't got a patch on the Copy and paste open world trash that you find in Ubisoft open world games. I put 40 hours into the last assassins creed and the map was still full of utter padding side stuff that I just gave up in the end and focused on the main story. This doesn't even deserve to be in the same sentence as a Ubisoft filler open world clutter.

Ubisoft games are getting better - and much worse in other ways - but I already clarified why I have a bunch of problems with this game's side content in particular. Spider-Man's content are out of last gen Ubisoft's playbook, not even this gen. I'm also not saying Ubisoft is great in this respect either, to be clear, Origins had higher quality side content but also way too much of it on a bloated map. Plus even if you think Ubisoft's stuff is worse, how the fuck is Spider-Man's good? The argument I've seen seems to be "well I enjoy traversing around the city so the side content is bearable." Having weaker side content than Arkham City - something this game is extremely inspired by - isn't a good thing at all.

- Backpacks are mindless and require no skill for a tiny bit of lore. Could've been tied to puzzles.
- Black Cat stuff is just a DLC tease and waste of time.
- Speaking of puzzles... repetitive rehashes from Ratchet & Clank.
- Side quests have little to no story and are mostly just extended random crimes except for Tombstone.
- Speaking of random crimes: 165 are required for completion. There's like 10 different crimes. A bunch of repetition.
- The research labs are like PS2 gen open world quests we're they're just figuring out the medium.
- The challenges are okay but lack variety compared to Arkham and the scoring doesn't seem as consistent.
- Outposts are also like combat challenges, there's a bunch of them, very little variation and repetitive.
- Collect 12 pigeons is just the chase the floating object from the AC games.

I'm probably forgetting something but all of this side content is really lacking when the industry is shifting toward more meaningful side content and less mindless busy work. And I like mindless busy work to do while listening to a podcast, so it has to be pretty bad for me to be annoyed with it.


User requested ban
Oct 29, 2017
This game is imo the most beautiful and densest open world game so far. Especially on Pro the game looks sublime. Closeup and far away. This is one of the very few open world console games where buildings or a tree several hundred meters away do not look like crap. Great LOD management.
What also doesn't get enough recognition is the great care and detail Insomniac put into presenting us nearly all of Manhattan's sights. You can pass hours just sightseeing in this game. Observe the Statue of Liberty from Battery Park, walk beneath Washington Square Arch, chill at Bethesda Fountain in Central Park and marvel at the beauty that is Saint Patrick's Cathedral. They're all there and so many more. :) This is Trinity Church nestled inbetween the skyscrapers of the Financial District:

I wish the city itself was less sterile /clean and had more traffic and pedestrians , wish for more traffic jams too


Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
I wish the city itself was less sterile /clean and had more traffic and pedestrians , wish for more traffic jams too

It can feel a bit too clean and therefore sterile, I agree with that, but I don't agree that traffic or pedestrians are lacking by this generation's standards. There are lots of people on the streets, in squares and parks, even more people than in AC Unity. Even in the second Digital Foundry look at the game they said they were positively surprised by the great number of pedestrians. It's even more than trailers promised. And people were even worried they were going to scale their number back before release.


Oct 25, 2017
Just want to say, best Research mission so far is the one with the Spider-bug.

Very fun mission that one haha. Only sad Photo mode was disabled for it.


Oct 25, 2017
Beat the game earlier. Enjoyed it a lot but I also have tons of complaints that I'll maybe talk about later.

One thing for sure though is that web swinging LOOKS nice but doesn't FEEL good. I felt like I was fighting the controls half the time. Web of Shadows has the better Web Swinging controls.

I think the devs said Spidey doesn't let go of the web unless you let go of R2 but that's a straight up lie. Once you reach a certain speed/height from a swing, it auto lets go and swings again.

Deleted member 41931

User requested account closure
Apr 10, 2018
I like the little dialogue and story bits you get with each backpack you get. Plus as a Spidey fan they're cool little Easter eggs. Like the one that references a infamous Spider-Man 2 mission.
I liked that aspect a lot as well. I just wish there was a bit more meat to them. Even if it was just in the form of making the area you find them in a bit more interesting to do some environmental story telling. I guess the bigger issue is that there's 5 or so side activities like this that are just going to a point the game tells you to and pressing a button.


Oct 25, 2017
Just want to say, best Research mission so far is the one with the Spider-bug.

Very fun mission that one haha. Only sad Photo mode was disabled for it.

Something bugged out when I did that one, I was running around as both Spider-Man and the Spider-Bug at the same time. I could see the 2 front legs of the Bug, but there were a pair of human feet in the middle of the camera running whenever I moved.


Self-requested ban
Nov 9, 2017
Fuck more super-hero games, what I want is a Tarzan game with the traversal of Spider-Man. Get to it, Disney.
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Oct 28, 2017
Ok... I need someone to explain upgrades point launch to me.

I know that I'm timing my jump press right but it doesn't do it every time. Does it have a cooldown / is it tied to velocity or something? Does it only work on certain surfaces? Do I have to always be holding R2 as well to invoke it?

Sometimes it feels like the regular point launch won't work unless I'm already holding R2 and sometimes the upgraded one doesn't feel like it will work unless I'm NOT holding R2.

The I consistency is driving me nuts (and ducking up my challenge token runs) - so I need insight from any friendly neighbourhood SpideyERA peeps.

Help a breh out

You don't need to hold down R2 to point launch. Hit L2 + R2 to zip to a point, and just hit X when you get there. If you time it perfect, you'll get a little extra boost (you'll know it if you got it), otherwise you'll just jump from the point. The bottom right hand corner will pop up with a context guide to tell you to press X. After a few, it'll become routine.


Oct 27, 2017
I have played a ton of open world games this gen and can't really get a grasp on what you're talking about.
So you played God of War?

When Kratos would open a door to "load" into a building, it would be extremely fluid and stay within the game, masking the actual loading of the new area. It gave the illusion that there were no load screens and that everything within the world was seamless transitions.

Meanwhile, the second you press triangle in Spider-Man to enter a building, you're given a loading screen and then the random appearance of Peter Parker. When cut scenes end, you're almost never in the same position or area of the ending cut scene, you're generally thrown into a random spot. This absolutely breaks the immersion and creates an extremely jarring experience.

This game is extremely polished in so many different areas, but to overlook something like this is unforgivable. A story driven open world game should not have these awful transitions in 2018

Deleted member 1589

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
So you played God of War?

When Kratos would open a door to "load" into a building, it would be extremely fluid and stay within the game, masking the actual loading of the new area. It gave the illusion that there were no load screens and that everything within the world was seamless transitions.

Meanwhile, the second you press triangle in Spider-Man to enter a building, you're given a loading screen and then the random appearance of Peter Parker. When cut scenes end, you're almost never in the same position or area of the ending cut scene, you're generally thrown into a random spot. This absolutely breaks the immersion and creates an extremely jarring experience.

This game is extremely polished in so many different areas, but to overlook something like this is unforgivable. A story driven open world game should not have these awful transitions in 2018
a) I agree with almost everything you said except

b) it's definitely forgiveable.


Brave Little Spark
Oct 28, 2017
If you time it perfect, you'll get a little extra boost
I love that this is how it is. When I bought the upgrade, I was afraid that it would be an easy permanent boost. It's really great that the game requires you to be in tip-top shape and isn't just making everything easy for you, be it web-swinging or combat.

Now if only the stealth was difficult as well... Then again, it's not entirely inappropriate given that Spidey doesn't need to be stealthy the way Batman does.


One Winged Slayer Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 26, 2017
Not played the game yet but how big is the map? Is It multiple areas or just one map?
Oct 25, 2017
a) I agree with almost everything you said except

b) it's definitely forgiveable.
Indeed, especially when you consider spider-man has a much grander outside environment rendered at any given time that can be quickly traversed as opposed to something like GoW which while not a linear game, is not exactly an open world/sandboxy environment that you can just zoom through. That game can prepare for you to press a button to open a door into an indoor environment, because it knows you're close by and can only go either into this room, or that other pathway in a certain amount of time. Spider-man on the other hand, needs to be prepared for you to just randomly decide on speeding past a story trigger/door all the way to the opposite end of the city. Completely different types of games here.


Oct 25, 2017
I found out that Spidey does a different variation of one of the tricks if you're in the diving pose.

Diving from the top of Avengers tower! I'm still playing around on a different save file early in the game before I got the mini-map. Having an almost completely HUD-less swinging experience is great.

Awesome shot :)

This game is imo the most beautiful and densest open world game so far. Especially on Pro the game looks sublime. Closeup and far away. This is one of the very few open world console games where buildings or a tree several hundred meters away do not look like crap. Great LOD management.
What also doesn't get enough recognition is the great care and detail Insomniac put into presenting us nearly all of Manhattan's sights. You can pass hours just sightseeing in this game. Observe the Statue of Liberty from Battery Park, walk beneath Washington Square Arch, chill at Bethesda Fountain in Central Park and marvel at the beauty that is Saint Patrick's Cathedral. They're all there and so many more. :) This is Trinity Church nestled inbetween the skyscrapers of the Financial District:



Oct 29, 2017
So you played God of War?

When Kratos would open a door to "load" into a building, it would be extremely fluid and stay within the game, masking the actual loading of the new area. It gave the illusion that there were no load screens and that everything within the world was seamless transitions.

Meanwhile, the second you press triangle in Spider-Man to enter a building, you're given a loading screen and then the random appearance of Peter Parker. When cut scenes end, you're almost never in the same position or area of the ending cut scene, you're generally thrown into a random spot. This absolutely breaks the immersion and creates an extremely jarring experience.

This game is extremely polished in so many different areas, but to overlook something like this is unforgivable. A story driven open world game should not have these awful transitions in 2018
I really wish we got scenes of Peter quickly changing in and out of costume.


Oct 27, 2017
Was I the only one who
took a selfie as Miles in front of unconscious Peter?
? :P


Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
Meanwhile, the second you press triangle in Spider-Man to enter a building, you're given a loading screen and then the random appearance of Peter Parker. When cut scenes end, you're almost never in the same position or area of the ending cut scene, you're generally thrown into a random spot. This absolutely breaks the immersion and creates an extremely jarring experience.

This game is extremely polished in so many different areas, but to overlook something like this is unforgivable. A story driven open world game should not have these awful transitions in 2018
As someone who's slammed this game quite hard, even I think this is excessive. It's not extremely jarring or unforgivable. Also that the game is open world makes it more forgivable.

The game can't have God of War style transitions - which slowed that game down a lot and I'd argue were sometimes a negative - when Peter has to change in and out of clothes each time he enters an interior. I really don't care for a slow clothes changing cutscene bogging down the game.


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Have you played an open world game on this generation?

I'm not saying the "loading" takes forever. I'm saying the abruptness of the transitions is just unacceptable- there are clever ways for devs to mask this and it's just odd that for a game with this amount of polish, this feature was overlooked

I wouldn't say it's unacceptable, but yes, the many cutscenes that slowly fades to black is somewhat weird after coming directly from getting my platinum in GoW.


Oct 27, 2017
Something about hearing Yuri Lowenthal (Spider-Man) shout "Yuri!" makes me giggle every time.

Just finished the main campaign. Not sure how I feel overall, probably ~7.5/10ish once I hunt down the last few crimes tomorrow. Overall, swinging and combat is great (though I think the combat could make good use of a style meter or something to encourage mixing up moves), and the story as a whole is alright (pretty standard Slott-inspired Spider-Man), while 90% of the side stuff is garbage (I enjoyed swinging through a thunderstorm, turning the screens back on in Times Square, etc - the more arcade-y challenges).

Bad characters and bad takes on good ones aplenty in the sidequests. Black Cat was super fun, but it's kinda dodgy giving her a presence at all when you need to buy the DLC to further it :/

Outside of the first MJ moment, which is alright, every subsequent 'control someone that isn't Spider-Man' moment really sucks, and I genuinely think would have worked better as a cutscene (or in most cases, straight up cut, because they add very little and are poorly implemented into the story (like... a couple are just flashbacks the character recounts, with the only important bit being the last fifteen seconds which they'll explain when you get back to the cutscene)).

My current superhero game rankings for this generation:

Gravity Rush 2
Arkham Knight
InFamous: First Light
Quantum Break
InFamous: Second Son

Haven't played Sunset Overdrive, but am not very interested in it anyway. Didn't include the two fighting games (Injustice 2 and MvCI), even though I played both.
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Oct 25, 2017

So good.gif

The mechanics in this game was so enjoyable that I find myself doing side content as soon as it becomes available just because it's another chance to swing around and beat people up, the core design of the open world might not be bleeding edge but I don't think it needs to be when the act of playing is this good.

I love this game.
Right? I spent several hours just doing some of that after the very first mission just to freaking swing around and get more comfortable with it since it felt great and was so cool!
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Oct 29, 2017
Each district shows me one "Locked" Side activity. What do I need to do to unlock this? I finished the story already.


The Fallen
May 9, 2018
So you played God of War?

When Kratos would open a door to "load" into a building, it would be extremely fluid and stay within the game, masking the actual loading of the new area. It gave the illusion that there were no load screens and that everything within the world was seamless transitions.

Meanwhile, the second you press triangle in Spider-Man to enter a building, you're given a loading screen and then the random appearance of Peter Parker. When cut scenes end, you're almost never in the same position or area of the ending cut scene, you're generally thrown into a random spot. This absolutely breaks the immersion and creates an extremely jarring experience.

This game is extremely polished in so many different areas, but to overlook something like this is unforgivable. A story driven open world game should not have these awful transitions in 2018
Yep. Teleporting into buildings and I go "oh guess I'm Peter now" then when it's over you just teleport out the front door as Spider-Man. Immersion breaking is the perfect way to describe it. So many jarring game design decisions in this game and this one might be the most obvious


Oct 25, 2017
Indeed, especially when you consider spider-man has a much grander outside environment rendered at any given time that can be quickly traversed as opposed to something like GoW which while not a linear game, is not exactly an open world/sandboxy environment that you can just zoom through. That game can prepare for you to press a button to open a door into an indoor environment, because it knows you're close by and can only go either into this room, or that other pathway in a certain amount of time. Spider-man on the other hand, needs to be prepared for you to just randomly decide on speeding past a story trigger/door all the way to the opposite end of the city. Completely different types of games here.
They were never going to "God of War" this. It's a weird comparison since Barlog talked about the nightmares that came up from trying to do that game in the one-take style that they did, let alone an open-world Spider-Man when he can zip anywhere this quickly with these super detailed indoor environments.


The Fallen
May 9, 2018
New Yorkers, how accurate is NY here? I've never played a game or watched a movie that made me want to visit NY more than this game. The buildings and environment detail might be one of the best ever done in a video game, it's making me love New York's architecture


Oct 29, 2017
Spiderman >>>>>>>>>>>> God of War
Preach it, brother.

Not saying this doesn't have flaws but it's funny how God of War got kind of excused for its flaws (optional realms, poor boss fights etc.) while Spider-Man get shit on for the side content (most of which I don't even think is overly bad).