
Oct 27, 2017
"Whoops I made a spelling boo-boo" doesn't really line up with the Star of David on the window there, dude. Not buying it.


Oct 25, 2017
I was actually having a hard time to comprehend what was happening. The posts from the fellow era members helped me understand it. Holy crap that's awful. How did it even get past a bunch of other eyes?


Nov 13, 2017
I don't necessarily blame editorial for missing it, though maybe I don't know exactly what editorial does. Do they scrutinize every panel for stuff like this?


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
Daily Dot should put Joe Bennett's name in the fucking headline. Marvel and DC keep hiring him (and should be called out) but he's already made shitty comments in the past- he sucks, there's no excuse for this.

There was no mistake made here. He knew what he was doing.


What the fuck.

This alone should get him blacklisted from both Marvel and DC.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I don't even know that much about Jewish stereotypes and this was still super blatant to me. Had no clue about the diamond thing and still guessed what it meant when I saw the background.


Hasn't made a thread yet. Shame me.
Oct 27, 2017
Im still a little suspect about him trying to write the letters backwards. I wouldn't you make the window design first and then flip in photoshop or whatever program they're using?

Imagine being a professional fucking artist, and trying the excuse "I can't draw letters backwards", fuck outta here with that shit lol.


Oct 25, 2017
Joe is super talented. But he is a shithead.

Dude is a staunch supporter of Bolsonaro and his agenda.
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▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Daily Dot should put Joe Bennett's name in the fucking headline. Marvel and DC keep hiring him (and should be called out) but he's already made shitty comments in the past- he sucks, there's no excuse for this.

There was no mistake made here. He knew what he was doing.

God Imagine doing this knowing there's an MCU She Hulk show on the horizon.



Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 28, 2017
The Star of David being here makes it impossible for this to be anything BUT anti-Semitic tropes & racism. That and the "misspelling" together is undeniable.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Holy shit, I saw the panel in the comics thread but I didn't know that was from Immortal Hulk, what the fuck


Nov 2, 2017
Stan Lee is spinning in his grave.

Ike Perlmutter is Israeli, so I'd imagine he wouldn't be happy about this.


very salt heavy
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The Negative Zone
I wonder what they will do here what with the book ending in a few months. He's probably close to finished with at least the next couple issues, and there's only 7 left. But when this happened with Syaf he was replaced with the quickness

Syaf was more blatant and X-Men Gold was a pretty mediocre book, vs. Immortal Hulk which is one of the most critically acclaimed cape comics of all time, I'm not sure they will take action here.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
That's bizarre
Jewery and the star of David being in the picture don't mean anything to me, it's not funny, it's not even particularly offensive beyond stretching a stereotype but the fact that the artist felt the need to do it says a lot about what kind of person he is
I don't think it has any intent beyond being an expression of hatred.


Oct 25, 2017
edit: I don't know if the Jewish jeweler is a negative stereotype, or even based in reality. I'm just familiar from movies...mainly Snatch.

The Diamond District in Manhattan is just a couple blocks from Marvel's offices and many of the owners of those stores are Orthodox Jews. I've never seen a Star of David on any of the windows like that, though.


Oct 27, 2017
Well, shit, I clearly didn't pay enough attention when I read the issue.

Marvel needs to stop working with this dude.


Oct 27, 2017
Al Ewing left that dude there after the transgender joke, he knows his heart and Is okay with this.

Cosmonaut X

Oct 26, 2017
Al Ewing is a lovely bloke (has been since his early, hand-drawn minicomics about disco dancing Rogue Trooper) and a talented writer, and it's a shame he's got a prick who thinks crap like this is worth doing paired with him on Hulk.

Al Ewing left that dude there after the transgender joke, he knows his heart and Is okay with this.

The one above on the She Hulk pic? I'd be genuinely surprised if he was OK with that - Al was a regular on a load of small British comic forums and from his interactions with fellow fans, the UK small press, other creators on 2000AD etc. I never got the vibe that he was OK with that kind of cheap, shitty "humour".

I'd be disappointed if he had nothing to say about the artist on his big series making shitty "jokes" like that though.
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Palette Swap

Palette Swap

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I wonder what they will do here what with the book ending in a few months. He's probably close to finished with at least the next couple issues, and there's only 7 left. But when this happened with Syaf he was replaced with the quickness
Yeah, my first reaction was to question whether Marvel was giving the white dude a pass, compared to Syaf, but it's possible that they have his contributions for the rest of the run in the can and will just disappear him quietly.

Al Ewing left that dude there after the transgender joke, he knows his heart and Is okay with this.
This genuinely bothers me.

Deleted member 4346

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I just read this yesterday and didn't catch it, "Jewery", goddamn, there's no plausible deniability with this one.


Oct 26, 2017
No shortage of super talented people in the industry, so bin this guy and get one of them in instead.
Problem is not many can draw issues quickly the ones who do have baggage (Greg Land, Larroca)

Sadly, I can see Marvel just sticking with him until the run is done. (If the run gets boycotted, they only care about the Direct Sales anyways these days which is a big issue.)


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I just remembered that not long after the fallout from him supporting this: a violent attack against the journalist Glenn Greenwald, he appeared in a pro-bolsonaro site Terça Livre's podcast (not going to give them a platform by directly linking to it) with the title ''Hulk Against Communism'' to talk about how he was being attacked by vultures and how he now knew who his ''real friends'' were. Motherfucker is complete trash.

The site in question had their youtube channel permanently banned today by way.


Mar 19, 2018
Yeah, my first reaction was to question whether Marvel was giving the white dude a pass, compared to Syaf, but it's possible that they have his contributions for the rest of the run in the can and will just disappear him quietly

There's 7 issues left, I can't imagine they're all done. If he doesn't get replaced by the end of the run, Marvel is basically letting it go.


Oct 26, 2017
Ironic seeing that Marvel was founded by Martin Goodman and made famous by Lee and Jack Kirby. All Jews who weren't allowed to work in traditional publishing jobs in NYC so they ended up doing comics instead.


Nov 9, 2017
I don't necessarily blame editorial for missing it, though maybe I don't know exactly what editorial does. Do they scrutinize every panel for stuff like this?

Well, yeah.

A major role of an editor is to go over your work and look for things you might have missed, from major plot holes to (intentionally or not) offensive material. Particularly for serialized work with a strict deadline, it's understood the creatives might not have time to rake over every detail of their work, so you have someone check their work and make sure everything's in good order before printing.

They also exercise some degree of creative control (varying from "near-total" to "virtually none", depending), but that's really a secondary function. The main purpose of an editor is, not surprisingly, to edit your work.

(That said, he may have intentionally tried to sneak this in, as it's the sort of background detail that might not have been included in drafts/manuscripts and only been added late in the process when the panel's already mostly blessed off on.)


Oct 25, 2017
Looks like Bennett is choosing to go with the "I didn't know" denial route:

I think the fact that they're denying they even knew about it is very damning. Like, there is a Diamond District in NYC, and there are tons of Jewish people who work there and who have worked it for decades. Some of their stores may even have overt signs of Judaism visible, who knows.

But to include those character details would mean the comic creators had thought about them and had a reason for them, like in Uncut Gems. Denying they were even intentional means they really were just operating out of stereotype. And the claim that the "Jewery" thing was an innocent mistake becomes infinitely more implausible.


Oct 27, 2017
Im still a little suspect about him trying to write the letters backwards. I wouldn't you make the window design first and then flip in photoshop or whatever program they're using?

Last I checked a lot of this is still done all by hand even with modern technologies to facilitate it. Bennet's the "artist" but more specifically he's the penciler, aka the one who actually creates the initial image to be later inked and colored. Keeps shit quick for monthly deadlines without burning out your artists.

Hell if Photoshop was an option you'd think he'd stencil in the Star of David when it's clearly drawn badly by hand.


Editor at Nintendo Wire
Oct 27, 2017
This is the sorta thing I can see whizzing over the head of like, final pass editors. It took me a second to realize there was a giant Star of David and I never noticed the "Jewery" bit until that was pointed out

But the inkers and colorists probably should have noticed everything unless they're absolutely clueless/overworked to the degree it's just white noise.