Palette Swap

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017

Marvel called out for anti-Semitic imagery in 'Immortal Hulk' comic

Artist Joe Bennett faced criticism for a scene involving a Star of David.

The latest issue of Marvel's Immortal Hulk garnered negative attention on Wednesday after readers noticed anti-Semitic imagery in one of the panels. It looked like a classic dog whistle: something subtle enough to fly under the radar among non-Jewish readers, while feeling obvious to anyone familiar with anti-Semitic tropes. The scene in question involves two characters having a conversation in a jewelry shop. In the background, the window depicts a Star of David and the store's name, "Cronemberg Jewery"—without an "L."


This is like a greatest hits of antisemitic tropes, with a very fucking thin veneer of plausible deniability.
Even if this was somehow an "honest" mistake like the artist claims, drawing a Star of David on a jewelry's window says a lot about the artist who made that choice, because there's nothing plausible about it in the first place.

And it's not like that shithead has bothered hiding who he is in the past :
Like all comics at a major publisher like Marvel, Immortal Hulk has an extensive creative team. The two headliners are writer Al Ewing and artist Joe Bennett, working with inkers Ruy José and Belardino Brabo, colorist Paul Mounts, and letterer Cory Petit. They are overseen by several Marvel editors. So this comic was read and edited by multiple people before going to print, although the fault lies specifically with artist Joe Bennett—a long-established DC/Marvel artist who previously caused ripples of controversy by making a transphobic comment and supporting a violent attack against the journalist Glenn Greenwald.

I'm livid that Marvel editorial are so shit at their job that they let this slip again after it already happened before on an X-Men book.

I'm livid that they let this happen to their best book, and I kind of hope Ewing throws that asshole under the bus.

They'll be pretty fucking suspect if they ever hire Bennett again. Then again, their asshole EiC got away with pretending to be a Japanese writer so what do I know.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Oh wow. I was just looking at the image at first, and thinking "I don't see it" (because I didn't look at the background). Then I saw the background, and still didn't realize the extent (just saw the star). Then I realized the full extent. What the hell.


Oct 27, 2017
I'll buy the excuse about the backwards writing to a degree but pleading ignorance about using the Star of David combined with the artists past remarks is just gross.

They jettisoned a different artist after X-Men Gold #1 had hidden hate speech in the art, I'm hoping they do the same here also.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Oh wow. I was just looking at the image at first, and thinking "I don't see it" (because I didn't look at the background). Then I saw the background, and still didn't realize the extent (just saw the star). Then I realized the full extent. What the hell.
same. escalated from ehh who cares, to well the star of david isn't necessary, to WTF
Palette Swap

Palette Swap

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Oh wow. I was just looking at the image at first, and thinking "I don't see it" (because I didn't look at the background). Then I saw the background, and still didn't realize the extent (just saw the star). Then I realized the full extent. What the hell.
I read the issue yesterday and didn't notice it while reading. But once you see it, it's 100% intentional.


Oct 25, 2017
Could someone please explain the trope here to me a bit? I am genuinely interested in learning what it is because even after reading the description I don't quite get it.


Oct 25, 2017
Could someone please explain the trope here to me a bit? I am genuinely interested in learning what it is because even after reading the description I don't quite get it.

There's a huge stereotype of Jewish people being jewelers, bankers, etc. So not only does this use a Jewish name, but it puts the Star of David on to make sure you KNOW they're Jewish-owned, and on top of that, the word that should be "Jewelry" reads "Jewery".

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
Didn't occur to me on a glance but upon seeing the explanation... uh. I guess that could be a mistake, but it would be a hell of an unfortunate mistake.

This Joe Bennett sounds like they've exhausted the benefit of the doubt.
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah that context with the comment changes everything. Otherwise I would have believed drawing out the letters and missing one "L" was an honest mistake. I say this as someone who when drawing out text will inexplicably forget an obvious letter even when it's written in regular orientation. But yeah, this is definitely looking intentional.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah Joe Bennett is probably done at Marvel when Immortal Hulk ends this year at issue 50. Great run just a bad dude this guy.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
Yeah that context with the comment changes everything. Otherwise I would have believed drawing out the letters and missing one "L" was an honest mistake. I say this as someone who when drawing out text will inexplicably forget an obvious letter. But yeah, this is definitely looking intentional.
The image itself already stretches belief because it's a typo that emphasizes "Jew" directly adjacent to a Jewish religion image.


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
There's a huge stereotype of Jewish people being jewelers, bankers, etc. So not only does this use a Jewish name, but it puts the Star of David on to make sure you KNOW they're Jewish-owned, and on top of that, the word that should be "Jewelry" reads "Jewery".

Well shit I didn't see that even on the third glance, wtf is wrong with this guy?


Oct 25, 2017

In the OP it says it should be obvious to anyone familiar with anti-Semitic tropes

There's a huge stereotype of Jewish people being jewelers, bankers, etc. So not only does this use a Jewish name, but it puts the Star of David on to make sure you KNOW they're Jewish-owned, and on top of that, the word that should be "Jewelry" reads "Jewery".

oh shit. now I see 0_0 yeah that is pretty blatant

Thanks for the explanations everyone.


Oct 26, 2017
The issue is they are likely keeping Joe because he cranks out the issues quick, the series is aimed to end after the summer though.

They'll likely delete his number after that.

Weird how the editors didn't notice this either.

After the last few months, it's been shown the editors don't do jackshit at all.


Nov 24, 2018
I figured the Star of David was just someone being familiar with the concept of Jewish jewelers, but dumb enough to think they just put up religious symbols all over.

Then I saw the dropped L.... yeah I'm thinking that might not have been accidental.

edit: I don't know if the Jewish jeweler is a negative stereotype, or even based in reality. I'm just familiar from movies...mainly Snatch.


Hasn't made a thread yet. Shame me.
Oct 27, 2017
That's pretty fucking disgusting, totally intentional and he should be gone from the industry.

I can see how that was missed by an editor but they should have raised an eye at the star of david, could be overwork but they need to be better.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Huh, I just read that chapter, I completely missed it.


How are you gonna tarnish probably the best Marvel book in years with this petty bullshit man. That's terrible, get him outta here.


very salt heavy
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The Negative Zone
One of the most uncomfortable aspects of this for me is that when the Syaf antisemitic coding popped up in an X-Men comic a couple years ago, a jewelry store was used in that case as well to make a subtle antisemitic joke

So nothing has changed at Marvel editorial in the intervening period, I guess


Oct 27, 2017
The guy who snuck in the shit in X-Men was far subtler about this and got his ass persona-non-grata'd.

Hopefully this smacks this guy too, goddamn.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 3, 2017
Im still a little suspect about him trying to write the letters backwards. I wouldn't you make the window design first and then flip in photoshop or whatever program they're using?


Nov 12, 2017
Daily Dot should put Joe Bennett's name in the fucking headline. Marvel and DC keep hiring him (and should be called out) but he's already made shitty comments in the past- he sucks, there's no excuse for this.

There was no mistake made here. He knew what he was doing.



Jan 15, 2018
That's bizarre
Jewery and the star of David being in the picture don't mean anything to me, it's not funny, it's not even particularly offensive beyond stretching a stereotype but the fact that the artist felt the need to do it says a lot about what kind of person he is