
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, Texas
First thing I did when I downloaded the game was perma-mute it.
I have Voice off and everything else to about 20%. That way if I need to hear something I jack up the volume. But I also never have to hear the guy yell "SNAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP", ever again. There was also this small era of the game where he would also yell "DEFEATEDDD" which was the biggest feels bad since Splatoon 1 lose screen.


Oct 25, 2017
I think I need a new card game to play for awhile. Anyone have suggestions? (Not Hearthstone, I tried it again recently and that's just not happening)


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I think I need a new card game to play for awhile. Anyone have suggestions? (Not Hearthstone, I tried it again recently and that's just not happening)

I like Teppen a lot mainly as a Capcom Fan, plus it's Lane System and attacking when reaching the end of the lane add's a bit of right timing to play your card into the mix of gameplay as well.


Oct 25, 2017
I like Teppen a lot mainly as a Capcom Fan, plus it's Lane System and attacking when reaching the end of the lane add's a bit of right timing to play your card into the mix of gameplay as well.

Thanks for the suggestion. This looks interesting. I had no idea it even existed. Kinda bummer it's not on Steam though as that's how I mostly play (I probably should've mentioned that). But I will try this out on mobile as I'm also something of a Capcom fan myself.


<<Tag Here>>
Oct 25, 2017
Are there any card games where you can play AI and still keep up with stuff?

Most fun I have on SNAP is vs bots and friends tbh


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I mean Legends of Runeterra has Path of Champions mode where it's just PvE and they shifting primary to PvE anyway. You can earn all cards in the game over time just by playing that single player mode and you can earn missions against PvP bots too.


<<Tag Here>>
Oct 25, 2017
I mean Legends of Runeterra has Path of Champions mode where it's just PvE and they shifting primary to PvE anyway. You can earn all cards in the game over time just by playing that single player mode and you can earn missions against PvP bots too.
I'll check it out then, cheers mate


Jul 13, 2022

Shit, we need to make series drop. Hey! Intern! Quickly give me list of worst cards in pool 4 and 5!
Edit. Jeff and Iron lad more than 1 year old and still series 5... You can call them big bads i guess..
Edit2. We get 5 new series 5 cards a month, Series drops have to be way bigger.. Series 5 pool of cards will be huge soon.. Feels like they don't really care about new players and just trying to squeeze dry remaining veterans
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Oct 25, 2017
There's no universe where Nebula or Gladiator are among the weakest cards in their pools and some of those others are no slouch, but yeah kinds arbitrary


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I feel fortunate the only Series 4 of those I have is Echo (Still a bit annoyed it was merely in a cache last month, but it was with Red Hulk at least.)

Series 5 of those only need Jean Grey (Feels like it's been forever since she was in a cache) and Hercules (So how long until Hercules into Series 3 then?)

Martyr I think was only ever in One Cache before dropping to Series 3, hah.


Oct 25, 2017
can you enjoy it if you dont like lol?

Runeterra was the only game in the IP I played until the Bandle one from the Graveyard Keeper team that came out right as Riot gutted their publishing division. I guess I heard that Imagine Dragons song from the show but I don't think that counts haha.

Game has pretty solid mechanics and fun ideas. The solo mode ranges from light narrative to essentially no narrative. I find a lot of the designs/characterizations annoying, if I'm honest, but I'm also not a comic guy and play Marvel Snap all the time and also liked Midnight Suns a lot so I'm pretty willing to push through if I like the gameplay. I do with Runeterra!


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Surprised to see Living Tribunal and Gladiator drops.

Mirage and Howard the Duck will be nice pick ups for me.

Disappointed to see no Iron Lad, Jeff, Knull or Darkhawk. Maybe not THAT surprising since it's 2nd Dinner we are talking about here.

can you enjoy it if you dont like lol?
I had no experience with LoL and I get full enjoyment about it. Probably better if you don't have LoL expectations going into it anyway since your favorite champion might not be in it yet.
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Fright Zone

Dec 17, 2017
I wasn't really enjoying my Move or Destroy decks so I've gone running back to my High Evo deck.
The former were both too reliant on certain cards being drawn and the right circumstances to win, and people could easily shut me down if they knew what I was attempting.
But with my High Evo deck I can play under almost any circumstances, and I have a few counters for the other player's bullshit, so it's more versatile and therefore more fun for me!

I might go back to destroy when I get X-23, Venom etc.


Oct 27, 2017
Two attempts at Nocturne. Still no luck. Don't feel like throwing a third key at her so I'll take my 1000 tokens and my Selene variant and go home.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm not throwing another key at this card (though given my past three attempts, it's pretty much guaranteed).

What're the cards up for grabs this week?


Oct 27, 2017
Absolute insanity to burn three keys then quit before obtaining the actual card you want when it's guaranteed.


Oct 27, 2017
Doesn't seem so bad to burn another key for Nocturne then. I'm not really seeing much I like in the upcoming. Black Knight is one I'm missing. Ravonna as well. Sasquatch seems like one to go after as well, but not really feeling Sage or Namora. I'm sure decks will be built that'll change my mind there.


Mar 10, 2018
I spent 6000 tokens on Noctune and I don't spend tokens. The last time I spend 6000 tokens was on a broken Kitty Pride release.

Nocturne might be the best 3 cost in the game currently considering how versatile her ability is and probably isn't going to lose that title anytime soon looking at the upcoming Spotlights.


Oct 25, 2017
My key policy remains: if there are at least 2 cards in the crate new to me, I open. Otherwise? I save.

If I get 1 of the 2 new ones on my first key? Well then I gotta decide something, and it comes down to my key reserves (currently high), desirability of ungotten card, and what my token total is (will the 1000 from a dupe get me another new card anyway?).

This was actually the first week I had used keys in awhile, got Selene (new to me) and Nocturne on my first 2 keys, and I still got a stack for future weeks.... (not using any this week)


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Sage, Legion, Tribunal hmm... This was one I was originally looking at until I got Tribunal as that Random Series 4/5 card last month with the Red Guardian Cache. Legion is still one worth considering as one of the more unique tech options in the game. But Legion is also Series 4 so not that expensive to get with Tokens, likewise Tribunal supposably going to Season 4 as well make it less valuable as well. Tribunal is good, though most of it's big combo decks need other Series 4/5 cards to pull off (Phoenix Force, Ravonna, M.O.D.O.K. to name a few of the archetypes Tribunal goes into). Good cards, but also not amazing cards, and also cheaper cards to get now as well.

Which leaves Sage. The obvious comparison is Wolfbane, which can hit 3/7 when played to a full location. Whilst Sage can hit a 3/14, the catch is to hit the potential, you need to go to a place where your opponent has played a lot of different power minions. Never great to build a plan around what your opponent is doing, you can run White Widow to at least place a -4/0 in the location alongside a 2 power, but if you are planning to pair Sage up with Wong. That's your 2 already covered. Silver Surfer and Mr. Negative are the decks most likely to consider Sage. It is a lot of potential burst power on the final turn that your opponent has to be weary of. I just have some concerns on cards that are dependant on your opponent, maybe Jean Grey is the sauce that pushes Sage over? I Think it's a wait and see initially on how Sage fairs before going in.

And the last thing to mention is with a series drop coming soon, all the caches between now and that series drop are going to be worse because there is the off chance you might get one of the cards that's about to drop down series. It's a low chance sure, but it is still a chance.

Rusty Rascal

Sep 25, 2023
Northern Ireland
I've been hyping it up in the discord already but I'm obsessed with this deck. Haven't enjoyed a deck this much in ages. I never play/like clog stuff and I've tried Ka-Zar stuff in the past but never had much success. This just plays so well on curve and has some great options on turn 6. I've won loads today


Jul 13, 2022
I've been hyping it up in the discord already but I'm obsessed with this deck. Haven't enjoyed a deck this much in ages. I never play/like clog stuff and I've tried Ka-Zar stuff in the past but never had much success. This just plays so well on curve and has some great options on turn 6. I've won loads today
Just won GOLD ticket with no problems VS Surfer 10/0, VS some move hybrid 10/0, VS Sentry/Anni 8/0. Will definitely try to play more later
P.S. I replaced Noc with Elsa
Rusty Rascal need a name for this deck!


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I had to burn keys to get that bomb ass Legion variant in the spotlight, no way I was passing on that.