
Oct 5, 2018
Tony Stark - dead
Natasha -dead
Steve Rogers - on the moon
Sam and Bucky - presumably doing government/ spy stuff
Hulk - unknown. Seemingly part of an unofficial Avengers group with…
Carol - presumably out in space
Thor and the Guardians - out in space, too.
Spider-Man - presumably in hiding
Hawkeye - retired on the farm.
White Vision - who knows
Scarlett Witch - taking correspondence courses
Rhodey- who knows
Shang Chi -hanging with Wong. Who lives with…
Doctor Strange - protecting the Sanctum Santorum
Scott and Hope and the Pyms- doing Quantum stuff.
The Wakandans and Dora Milaje- unknown
Pepper Potts- selling vagina scented candles
Nick Fury and Monica Rambeau - Hangin' With The Skrulls

lmfao at
Pepper Pots


Oct 27, 2017
I liked it. Had some issues with character development (or lack there of) and how some of the plot unfolded, but the sheer scale of the conflict and comedic moments landed for me.


Oct 25, 2017
Liked a lot of it, but overall wasn't my favorite. It was gorgeous, and I'll give it genuine credit for not feeling like a Marvel movie. I liked a lot of the characters, but I would have reprioritized which ones I spent the most time with (Sprite was awful).

But it just felt messy, and I didn't care about the story. When the stakes are so high that literally planet Earth is at stake, then I won't end up caring about anything because I know that obviously planet Earth will survive. The story was ambitious, and some concepts and world building was interesting, but overall it kind of felt like the science fiction gobbledygook that people assume all sci-fi is.

Also, after Black Widow and Shang-Chi both raised the overall average of MCU action scenes, this went back to bland, basic CGI action that felt weightless and had boring choreo. The Deviants were boring villains, and what's worse the super Deviant ended up not mattering at all, he just went down like a wet fart. After so much of the driving plot of the film being around the Deviants, it felt like they existed in this movie for the sole purpose of shoehorning in action scenes. Take them away, and nothing really about the plot needs to change.


Oct 25, 2017
Weirdest thing to me

So there were two celestials growing inside of earth for a while there eh? Arishem and the rest woulda been real mad if Ego's plan worked, I guess? Or are we just pretending Ego isn't a celestial? Really weird...just using the same plot twice?

Also, Ikaris flies into the sun come on.

Overall good
Oh damn I totally forgot about that. Yeah I wonder how that plays into it. The blue goop stuff that happens on earth in Guardians 2 is never acknowledged in any other movie I think


Nov 8, 2017
just came out, and yeh, it not just plain awful like captain marvel, but it does collapse under its own weight. I like Gemma Chan, but her character is just kind of boring, same goes for half of the team, so the movie just slogs half the time going through their arcs. might be the first MCU deep cut that comes out with 0 memorable characters, except maybe that assistant dude.

also its a pretty self contained movie, if you take out all the marvel references, you could just sell this as it's own sci-fi epic about space gods and no one would blink an eye. I know this was due for last year, but it's crazy none of the films have taken the MCU forward like Loki did.

will interested to see how this holds up next week, it will be the first true test of the strength of the MCU brand.


Oct 29, 2017
Yeah this movie was legit great for me and confirm never ever to take the critics words seriously. It was a slow burn but the lore dump and everything was great and yeah second post credit scene when I heard the voice it sounded black but new and the thought of Blade actually went over my head until I looked here and was like oh yeah that's definitely him. Can't wait to see what happens next with them. The Marvel Train does not stop now on to Far From Home.
Usually when I watch movies critics don't like, I see where they are coming from but can have a different opinion.
I honestly feel like I watched a different movie than the critics did


Mayor of Clown Town
Jun 8, 2019
I don't know if someone has already mentioned this, but I immediately thought of Memoro De La Stono from Final Fantasy during the movie. It starts 8 seconds into this video.

oh shit, it does sound similar. I knew I heard something similar before haha


Mayor of Clown Town
Jun 8, 2019
Weirdest thing to me

So there were two celestials growing inside of earth for a while there eh? Arishem and the rest woulda been real mad if Ego's plan worked, I guess? Or are we just pretending Ego isn't a celestial? Really weird...just using the same plot twice?

Also, Ikaris flies into the sun come on.

Overall good

as his name suggests, the dude was egostical, his objective was not to fulfil his role as a Celestial rather he just wanted to extend himself across the universe and him the centerpiece of the his new world order. this would explain why he broke off from the other celestials and their plan


Mayor of Clown Town
Jun 8, 2019
also I agree with the general sentiment I have seen here. for all the hype for the Bollywood Sequences in the movie, the movie did not deliver in the grandiose scope in which many of those are actually filmed.
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Blue Ninja

Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Usually when I watch movies critics don't like, I see where they are coming from but can have a different opinion.
I honestly feel like I watched a different movie than the critics did
Same. The only thing I didn't like very much was the villain:
the Deviants in general were kinda weird and their leader was just wasted potential. The Celestial stuff's good shit, though, and the inter-Eternal conflicts were interesting too, especially once Ikaris' betrayal was revealed.

I think critics were expecting 'more than a Marvel movie' from this one due to the director, maybe? It's also a bit more of a lore-dump than usual, so I can see why some people get turned off if they just want to see superheroes smash things.


Oct 29, 2017
Same. The only thing I didn't like very much was the villain:
the Deviants in general were kinda weird and their leader was just wasted potential. The Celestial stuff's good shit, though, and the inter-Eternal conflicts were interesting too, especially once Ikaris' betrayal was revealed.

I think critics were expecting 'more than a Marvel movie' from this one due to the director, maybe? It's also a bit more of a lore-dump than usual, so I can see why some people get turned off if they just want to see superheroes smash things.
That's kind of what I was thinking too

Spine Crawler

Oct 27, 2017
Weirdest thing to me

So there were two celestials growing inside of earth for a while there eh? Arishem and the rest woulda been real mad if Ego's plan worked, I guess? Or are we just pretending Ego isn't a celestial? Really weird...just using the same plot twice?

Also, Ikaris flies into the sun come on.

Overall good
Ego is a rogue celestial. He doesnt give a shit what the other celestials do
Oct 28, 2017
Title says we can share spoilers on release?

What was the "family history" comment about at the end from Kit Harrington?
When do we get a Marvel film that sets up the mutant storyline? We all know what we're waiting for.
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Oct 28, 2017
There was a lot of potential for the movie in terms of its lore.

  • God-like figures that interacted with human civilisations in the past (yet we see no consequences of that in the movie aside from the credits in the end that showed ancient art work that depicted them).
  • How did immortality affect them? (we saw that only at the end with Sprite's admission, which was the most emotive and powerful scene in the entire film narratively)
  • Ikarus' argument could have been made more powerful had they given the other Eternals a connection to other homeworlds (i.e. perhaps with memories of family, lovers, children etc)
  • Rather than having the 'sins' of mankind be historical flashbacks, they should have focused on current trends (climate change) to act as an emotional conflict for the Eternals to judge humanity by
  • Gilgamesh and Thena's friendship/romance could have been better developed to give it more emotional weight
It had a lot of potential, but it went to become a generic CGI fest. The post-credit scene made me lose any interest in a sequel.


Oct 26, 2017
What was the "family history" comment about at the end from Kit Harrington?
When do we get a Marvel film that sets up the mutant storyline? We all know what we're waiting for.
For the first one, Harrington plays Dane Whitman, who is the Black Knight in the comics. Didnt know that character before, but looking it up a bit it seems his family is tied with the likes of King Arthur and stuff like that.
Imo the X-Men will be teased in a post credits scene from either the Next Doctor Strange or the next Ant-Man, but i dont think the actual X-Men is anywhere close, seems like we'll get another Avengers film and Fantastic Four before that
Oct 28, 2017
For the first one, Harrington plays Dane Whitman, who is the Black Knight in the comics. Didnt know that character before, but looking it up a bit it seems his family is tied with the likes of King Arthur and stuff like that.
Imo the X-Men will be teased in a post credits scene from either the Next Doctor Strange or the next Ant-Man, but i dont think the actual X-Men is anywhere close, seems like we'll get another Avengers film and Fantastic Four before that
I just assumed the Emergence would have something to do with genetic markers being activated in humanity etc.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The only thing I really liked was Kumail and his friend's documentary side plot.
What was the deal with Kit Harrington's character?


Oct 26, 2017
The only thing I really liked was Kumail and his friend's documentary side plot.
What was the deal with Kit Harrington's character?
He's just introduced in this movie so you already know him and his motivations when you see him again as the Black Knight going after Dracula with Blade :)


Oct 28, 2017
Is Thanos a robot? What does that mean for him to have the Deviant Syndrome from the comics if Deviants and Eternals aren't genetically altered and if Eternals are not alive at all?

Maybe he'll just be an Eternal, but he is huge and purple, so I'd expect that him basically being like part Deviant will still be part of his backstory. Maybe a Deviant absorbed Thanos when he was an Eternal that looked human the way we see Kro absorb Gilgamesh and then Thanos became something new that was a Deviant but with Thanos' personality.


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah I'm curious to see which direction they'll go with when his brother explains this stuff in a future movie


Nov 27, 2020
This was fine. Nothing special.

I think my biggest issue is that it's Endgame's 1st act, but stretched out 2 hours with the last 30 mins your standard Marvel fare. Endgame earned a slow, more human 1st act because we've seen those characters grow for a decade. Here, we have 10 characters being introduced without standout character moments aside from Gilgamesh, Thena, and maybe Kingo.

And it's world ending plot is taken from one of the more divisive episodes of Doctor Who. Along with Transformers 5...


Weekend Planner
Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
Still fuming that they picked the perfect Pink Floyd song for a montage of human progress and then just...immediately cut to the present day lmao.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Were the Eternals always this closely analogous to the Justice League character archetypes? A Superman, speedster, tech guy, warrior woman, telepath, etc?

Cipher Peon

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
The CGI on
Pip the Troll
was so bad lmao.
I watched the movie literally after watching the Vacay Patrol episode of Doom Patrol which has the SAME exact scene… and the Doom Patrol scene was much better and had way less distracting CGI.. The CGI in the movie was pretty bad overall, but the one you pointed out is the bottom of the barrel.


Poutine on the Ritz
Dec 5, 2018
I'm kinda mixed on this one. Not a bad movie by any means but I can see where the critics are coming from.


Oct 28, 2017
Still fuming that they picked the perfect Pink Floyd song for a montage of human progress and then just...immediately cut to the present day lmao.
I loved it as the transition to the Marvel logo for their cold opening, but I agree that immediately going to the present day felt like it sort of missed an opportunity there. At least it shows Sersi looking at the same knife, but they don't really explore the symbolism for even a brief moment.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
I actually said the exact same thing walking out, but I do think visually it benefits quite a bit from seeing it in a theater. It's gorgeous. In the future I think it could benefit from being rereleased on Disney + in a more episodic format though, similar to the Snyder Cut.

Yeah, maybe just the prequel stuff as a tv-series first, introducing each character in their own episode or something. Then the main movie would have been the modern day stuff of finding them and putting the team together.


Oct 26, 2017
If I haven't seen many movies, does it change the validity of my own opinion of how I thought of the movie? If I seen many movies, does it mean I'm okay to dislike the movie? If not, I'm wrong to dislike it?
No it doesn't at all, but being bored watching this may be more on you than on the movie.(emphasis on may)


Oct 27, 2017
Helsinki, Finland
Pretty boring film. Around 40 minutes too long, and despite that they didn't still give the characters enough attention.
The deviants were just boring filler villains.


Apr 14, 2018
The only thing I really liked was Kumail and his friend's documentary side plot.
What was the deal with Kit Harrington's character?

Right. I know in the comics Sersi is the Eternal that really interacts with the Avengers and wider teamups et al. But I dont think anyone would be opposed to making that Kingo


Oct 25, 2017
Here's my absolutely out of left field guess for how this is setting things up:

What if that Celestial "island" at the end is the MCU version of Krakoa?


The Negro Historian
Oct 25, 2017
Found myself bored a lot during this film, mainly because of the main protagonist/when the more entertaining characters weren't in the film. This film has some good things about it, but it's the first Marvel film I felt like I could have skipped, not just in terms of lack of enjoyment but because it doesn't feel as connected to the MCU as all the other films. Even the credits scenes didn't feel like they were worth watching, which is the first time I've felt this way about any Marvel film.

They could have at least shown Blade. Most people in the theater thought it was Fury talking.


Oct 27, 2017
Lisbon, Portugal
If I haven't seen many movies, does it change the validity of my own opinion of how I thought of the movie? If I seen many movies, does it mean I'm okay to dislike the movie? If not, I'm wrong to dislike it?

I am not saying you are not entitled to your opinion, and I was unnecessarily mean to you, for which I apologize. Here are my honest thoughts on what you said: I can understand how someone would find this movie boring, even though I personally find it incredibly interesting and compelling from beginning to end. It's clear by now that this is a divisive movie, and that saddens me a bit because this, for me, is the kind of project I want to see more of in the MCU, but I can understand some of the complaints. My problem with what you said was the (I assume, hyperbole) of saying it's one of the most boring movies you saw. There are so, so, so many genuinely dull, boring, lifeless movies out there, that it's hard for me to accept that someone would watch this and think this was on-par with or worse than those.


Oct 27, 2017
I am not saying you are not entitled to your opinion, and I was unnecessarily mean to you, for which I apologize. Here are my honest thoughts on what you said: I can understand how someone would find this movie boring, even though I personally find it incredibly interesting and compelling from beginning to end. It's clear by now that this is a divisive movie, and that saddens me a bit because this, for me, is the kind of project I want to see more of in the MCU, but I can understand some of the complaints. My problem with what you said was the (I assume, hyperbole) of saying it's one of the most boring movies you saw. There are so, so, so many genuinely dull, boring, lifeless movies out there, that it's hard for me to accept that someone would watch this and think this was on-par with or worse than those.

There are certainly parts of the movie that I liked, and I also appreciate the level of diversity included, but sadly it just didn't entertain me by the end. I've seen worse movies for sure, but this one left me feeling so indifferent that I struggle to recall what happened just hours after watching it. But hey, it's great that you and others enjoy it. I must say MCU's recent offerings have been a miss and hit with me. Don't really like Black Widow either. Shang Chi was solid to me.


Nov 2, 2017
So what exactly were the other heroes doing while this was happening?

Well Spider-Man just got back from his trip from Europe and is now a fugitive.

Where does Eternals take place on the MCU timeline?

Analysis: Eternals' MCU timeline placement seems about right

It makes sense that Eternals is the latest film in the MCU timeline so far due to

A fucking worldwide earthquake and a giant robot god head emerging from the ocean
would be very hard for the world to ignore.
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Oct 31, 2017
I enjoyed it, but I'm a Marvel head and read the Gaiman comic. Was clunky at times but overall not nearly as bad as I was expecting.


Dec 19, 2017
I found a leak of a deleted scene coming to Disney Plus next year:

Karun: "K...Kingo, you're back so early? Did the Eternals win?"
Kingo: "No, I decided to sit this one out."
Karun: "But...if your friends lose, I will die. My family, my friends. All of hu-"
Kingo backhands Karun across the face.
Kingo: "DON'T SPEAK BACK TO ME. I own your ass Karun. Don't forget that."


Oct 25, 2017
Also I'm reminded of Once upon a time in Mexico in the fact that Selma Hayak's character was dead the entire movie and only shown in flashback scene complete with the scene of when she died late in the movie(could be misremember when she died in OUTM).