
The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
I wonder if the global earthquake will be referenced again in the MCU. Namor, perhaps?

Cipher Peon

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I agree with a few of those points, especially the Hiroshima scene, Gemma Chan's acting, and the overall look of the movie.

I think both the Eternals and the Deviants are extremely ugly. But that wasn't very surprising to me, since I thought that the entire movie was hideous. Easily one of the worst looking MCU movies alongside Far From Home and Ant-Man and the Wasp, imo.

I think my biggest problem with the movie is the anti chemistry they have with one another. As an ensemble team, I don't think the individual characters add enough of their own unique flair (personality, design, combat) so they just all blend together, and their interactions aren't that interesting.

At the end of the day, I'm willing to give the movie a pass because I do find what they're talking about interesting. The moral quandaries of what they're talking about is right up my alley. But these characters as they are are the weak link. Along with the aesthetic of the movie, but that was to be expected from me.

Finally... ouch at all the Black Widow dunking in this thread? What did that movie do to you guys lmao


Oct 27, 2017
Saw it last night. Theatre was about halfway full at a 830pm RPX showing. I don't understand the negativity surrounding the movie at all. Folks laughed at most if not all of the jokes, cheered, and just generally had a good time. Almost as if a diverse casted movie with gay characters had internet weirdos mad.


Nov 2, 2017
I don't know if someone has already mentioned this, but I immediately thought of Memoro De La Stono from Final Fantasy during the movie. It starts 8 seconds into this video.

There was an article in which Zhao stated that Final Fantasy was an influence on the film and I can defnitely see it here. Sersi as a mage, Ajak as a healer, Thena as a Knight/Dragoon, Gilgamesh as a brawler/monk, etc with the Deviants as the monsters your party fights.

Cipher Peon

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I posted in the other thread but I love rankings so here ya go

What If?
Black Widow
Falcon and the Winter Soldier


Dec 19, 2017
I'm not a connoisseur of Bollywood cinema but I thought the scene did a good job of presenting that world.

This sentence makes as much sense as anything else in your reply.

I don't have time for people who attack others with personal insults for sharing their opinion, so there won't be any further discussion between us.


Oct 27, 2017

Did Sprite lose her powers in the end of just lost her immortality?

Probably just her immortality. If these characters are going to show up in the future it was imperative that they come up with a reason why Sprite would continue to age up when the characters are supposed to never age. As of right now the actress looks like 5 years older than she did in the movie.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Probably just her immortality. If these characters are going to show up in the future it was imperative that they come up with a reason why Sprite would continue to age up when the characters are supposed to never age. As of right now the actress looks like 5 years older than she did in the movie.
Yeah. That basically resolved the questions I had with her aging issues with the possible future sequels. Lol. She had a growth spurt since the movies. I was wondering if they were going to have the same issues like the Stranger Things cast in between seasons.


Jan 3, 2018
People actually cheered in my theatre when he got cut into pieces lol.
It felt like they just wanted a red herring villain to string you along until the Ikaris twist happened.

I had the same experience.People seemed very protective of Thena and heartbroken at Gilgamesh. When she spoke of revenge with Druid, people were audibly agreeing.

I don't know if someone has already mentioned this, but I immediately thought of Memoro De La Stono from Final Fantasy during the movie. It starts 8 seconds into this video.

i immediately picked up on this too. Probably both borrowed from an old symphony, like the GOTG and Avenger's themes.


Mar 2, 2018
I think both the Eternals and the Deviants are extremely ugly. But that wasn't very surprising to me, since I thought that the entire movie was hideous. Easily one of the worst looking MCU movies alongside Far From Home and Ant-Man and the Wasp, imo.
If this is an ugly Marvel movie then I'm gonna need more ugly Marvel movies.


Oct 25, 2017
Dang. I'm far from a Marvel diehard, but I really enjoyed this. I'd actually pay to see it again. Maybe it's because I saw Venom before this and it was fucking awful 😅

I'd rank this in my Top 10 MCU movies.


Oct 27, 2017
I actually quite enjoyed this, albeit it has it's flaws, but nothing that diminishes the entire experience. I'd much rather see a continuation of this story, with Celestials and whatnot instead of another Thor movie, if I'm being honest. It's definitely better than the lower ranked Marvel Movies by a considerable margin.


Legendary Duelist
Oct 25, 2017
Costa Rica
Interestingly, this trailer has Spider-Man in it.

Since it's for a MCU movie without Sony, I guess it's even more proof they're in real good terms


Weekend Planner
Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
The worst thing I can say about Eternals I just don't really have strong feelings about it either way.

It's a watchable yet surprisingly generic fantasy film with some cool visuals and ideas but a script with almost no memorable lines and fairly uninteresting characters.

Action is a mostly soulless collision of video game-y CGI nonsense. Feels really Zack Snyder-y at the end with all the blurry fast moving hitting in a bland environment.

Overall I felt more tired than entertained by the end.

Not sure if it beats Thor 2 to being the worst MCU movie but it's definitely the most disappointing MCU film so far.


Jan 3, 2018
I get what they were trying to do with Thena and Gilgamesh, but for that kind of relationship to work, they needed to have more screentime together.
But if people enjoyed it, then who am I to tell them that they're wrong.

I personally felt at the end the movie could have been an amazing series, but I'm glad it's a movie instead because it forced them to make choices that in a series get milled over a thousand times until something esoteric is chosen, to the detriment of the whole. Also, I think the movie uses symbols to signify their relationship well-enough. In fact it's very realistic in many ways, we don't often get to see every intimate moment of lovers' lives and some people are reserved in their affection, but you can tell by seeing how they act FOR each other, how they look at each other, and what they say about the other. It's a thin thread that was very readable by the family audiences in my viewing. Love here is expressed in many cases through action not words or overt display of affection, with Sersi and Phastos being rare exception.


Oct 28, 2017
How does
Ego fit into this Celestial plan? Was he just some kind of rogue Celestial oblivious to the natural order of things/Arishem's plan and the Celestial's purpose/cycle?
My head canon is that
Ego will be revealed to be the unnamed Celestial whose head was cut off and turned into Knowhere. We know from Ego's telling of his own backstory, he gained consciousness as a big brain floating through space and had to create a "body" and the planet we see him as, and I think that is because his brain was the only piece of him that survived and he didn't remember what had happened.

We do see Ego doing a twisted version of creating a Celestial egg, but instead of birthing a new Celestial by the energy of life on a planet, he propagates himself by using the energy of another half-Celestial (Quill), so it does seem like he could be subconsciously still trying to carry out the same plan, but in a more ego driven way (no pun intended).

That is the worst relationship in the movie, and my main problem with it.
Right from the start with their first interaction, they wake up, she looks at Earth and they introduce themselves, and then they're in love. We get those stilted exchanges at Babylon, a callback to the beautiful line, a looking kiss and sex scene, and then cue centuries later with a marriage. There's like no real reason why they're in love with each other, and the climax hinges on you believing Ikaris loves her too much to kill her. It just didn't work for me at all.
I still think it works because
even if you don't buy into the character's romantic love, we have seen all of the Eternals demonstrate their familial love for one another in different scenes that shows how much the fighting tears them apart inside even when they resent each other, and I think that at least part of Ikaris' love for Cersi and wanting to protect her wasn't necessarily in a romantic way (he surprisingly doesn't seem all that bothered that she moved on and fell in love with a human) but was also sort of in a "big brother" sort of way, and once again, that is a dynamic we see between multiple other Eternals, including with Gilgamesh/Kro having the exchange with Thena about protecting what you love.

Also having known about the plot point of the Eternals having their memories erased of past Emergences spoiled for me before hand, I went into the movie seeing that scene getting the vibe that their quick introduction and sort of making eyes at each other is because they had a past together that they mostly had wiped from their memory and they only subconciously recognized their connection like they knew each other even though they were introducing themselves for the first time. At least that was a thought I had.


Oct 26, 2017
My head canon is that
Ego will be revealed to be the unnamed Celestial whose head was cut off and turned into Knowhere. We know from Ego's telling of his own backstory, he gained consciousness as a big brain floating through space and had to create a "body" and the planet we see him as, and I think that is because his brain was the only piece of him that survived and he didn't remember what had happened.

We do see Ego doing a twisted version of creating a Celestial egg, but instead of birthing a new Celestial by the energy of life on a planet, he propagates himself by using the energy of another half-Celestial (Quill), so it does seem like he could be subconsciously still trying to carry out the same plan, but in a more ego driven way (no pun intended).

I still think it works because
even if you don't buy into the character's romantic love, we have seen all of the Eternals demonstrate their familial love for one another in different scenes that shows how much the fighting tears them apart inside even when they resent each other, and I think that at least part of Ikaris' love for Cersi and wanting to protect her wasn't necessarily in a romantic way (he surprisingly doesn't seem all that bothered that she moved on and fell in love with a human) but was also sort of in a "big brother" sort of way, and once again, that is a dynamic we see between multiple other Eternals, including with Gilgamesh/Kro having the exchange with Thena about protecting what you love.

Also having known about the plot point of the Eternals having their memories erased of past Emergences spoiled for me before hand, I went into the movie seeing that scene getting the vibe that their quick introduction and sort of making eyes at each other is because they had a past together that they mostly had wiped from their memory and they only subconciously recognized their connection like they knew each other even though they were introducing themselves for the first time. At least that was a thought I had.
That's exactly how I saw it too. I wasn't spoiled so the first scene where Ikaris goees straight to Cersi as they wake up was off to me indeed, but when it was revealed they lived through many planets and got erased everytime, they still kept a subconscious memory of each other, which was nice in a cheezy way :)


Oct 27, 2017
Fakest thing about the movie is the Natural History Museum taking a big chunk of the Picadilly Circus screen billboard.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
There was an article in which Zhao stated that Final Fantasy was an influence on the film and I can defnitely see it here. Sersi as a mage, Ajak as a healer, Thena as a Knight/Dragoon, Gilgamesh as a brawler/monk, etc with the Deviants as the monsters your party fights.

Half way through the film I was thinking to myself that this would have been a great JRPG.


May 10, 2018
Man, I really hope
we'll get to see Sprite and Ikaris again. Sprite better still have her powers and Ikaris better not have died.


Oct 30, 2017
The CGI on
Pip the Troll
was so bad lmao.

It's probably something they fix in an actual film though.

This is what Thanos looked like in the Avengers post credit scene



Oct 25, 2017
I get what they were trying to do with Thena and Gilgamesh, but for that kind of relationship to work, they needed to have more screentime together.
But if people enjoyed it, then who am I to tell them that they're wrong.
I dug their relationship, although I honestly wish it was a friendship. We need more platonic opposite sex relationships. It would've been great if they had more screentime though.


Oct 25, 2017
Man, I really hope
we'll get to see Sprite and Ikaris again. Sprite better still have her powers and Ikaris better not have died.

ikaris maybe, sprite having powers now that shes human seems unlikely but I could be wrong. I hope they somehow figure out how to bring back gilgamesh.


Unshakable Resolve
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I don't know if someone has already mentioned this, but I immediately thought of Memoro De La Stono from Final Fantasy during the movie. It starts 8 seconds into this video.

I feel like I can hear bits of XIV's Answers and Dragonsong as well but the Memoro de la Stono bit is especially prominent. I wonder if Zhao used FF music as temp tracks and Djawadi tried to stick close to that lol


Oct 25, 2017
I thought the same thing too! There was a line (that I can't remember lol) at or near the end that made me second guess that though.

probably the "if you love someone" line…
I actually like that it was probably more than a "friendship". It would be a bit of a trope for this to have the white guy asian chick relationship but then asian guy and (any type of female) not be.
Last edited:
Oct 25, 2017
Saw it last night. Theatre was about halfway full at a 830pm RPX showing. I don't understand the negativity surrounding the movie at all. Folks laughed at most if not all of the jokes, cheered, and just generally had a good time. Almost as if a diverse casted movie with gay characters had internet weirdos mad.
Go outside and touch some grass my man, not everyone that doesn't like the Eternals is secretly actually a homophobe and racist, so you were truly right in your Marvel fandom all along against a sea of misogynist incels. The critics who don't like the movie are as diverse in their backgrounds as the people in the movie!
Oct 27, 2017
I like Eternals more than most probably, but I don't think that most critics' issues were because of the diversity of the cast/crew. If the audience score was super low then I think you'd have more of a case but the audience score on RT is pretty high. Seems like critics has more of an issue with the writing and pacing than anything.


Oct 25, 2017
This has to be Marvel's most un-kid friendly movie. Text crawl, subtitles, dense plot. Kinda wish they would've leaned into it and just went with an R rating lol