
Oct 27, 2017
Did they ever actually say it was Thanos's attack last season? Didn't they just say something about an attack in NY? That could really be anything....
Oct 25, 2017
Brooklyn, NY
SHIELD has been relatively good over the years about not giving away anything in trailers or spinning it differently, so I'm cool with that.

I wish Jeph Loeb would fight harder for a Marvel Television Universe. I think we'd all be ecstatic if we saw DD, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Cloak and Dagger, and Runaways all crossing over with SHIELD and each other. That seems relatively easy to do.

probably difficult to coordinate shows shot in different cities across multiple networks, even when they're produced by the same company (and now the Netflix characters are contractually off the table for a while even if they wanted to use them in a different show)


Oct 28, 2017
"Buy Season" means a Season Pass on Amazon, and episodes will be added to Library when they release. This is very likely a misprice though, but a worst you'll get a refund.

Yeah, I think it's just that cheap because episode 1's the only episode in the list, so the prices are equal. But like I said to someone else, I'll spend 3 dollars on a chance to get all 13 episodes for that much. Worse comes to worst, I own episode 1 forever. (or, as you said, I get a refund, but that might be better than owning 1 episode of the 6th season of a tv show :)


I wish Jim Ryan would eat me
Oct 25, 2017
I thought this episode was great. I'm sad there isn't any Infinity War impact in this, but oh well, we lost 2 of the most vital cast members last season, that the drama from that is enough for me, I don't need the snap drama, and like many have said, they can bring in the references in season 7.

Wonder how long it'll take for them to find Fitz. Judging by the trailer we had, they'll make it back to earth in the next 4 or so episodes, since I doubt the trailer had footage beyond the first few episodes.


Dec 16, 2017
I own all the previous seasons on Itunes, and i expect that this season will be available as well. But they only get added after one episode is available. Maybe that's also why it isn't available on Amazon until now?
If you do think about getting it on Itunes, don't forget how fucking stupid everything regarding language and subs is on there. The original, the subbed and the dubbed version are all different fucking stupid.

So apparently iTunes stepped up and added it. I don't have any apple devices though so my only option of watching it through iTunes is my windows desktop, and I'd rather watch it on TV via my ps4, so I'll wait another day and give Amazon the chance. If not, itunes it is.

Thanks a lot for the heads up, I would've never thought of iTunes myself.


Oct 31, 2017
Wonder how long it'll take for them to find Fitz. Judging by the trailer we had, they'll make it back to earth in the next 4 or so episodes, since I doubt the trailer had footage beyond the first few episodes.

They only have 13 episodes, so hopefully by the end of the third episode. They don't have the episodes to waste time this season.


Oct 27, 2017
It is possible to just say that when they broke the time loop in season 5, the show/and the characters are already set in a branched timeline?
So in the branched timeline maybe the snapped never happened and/or Thanos was defeated in an alternate timeline of Infinity War, which season 6 is also set in...
In other words, Agents of Shield season 6 and beyond is officially part of the MCU multiverse.


Oct 25, 2017
So apparently there was a callback to The Incredible Hulk. I didn't notice it myself. Dr. Henry Benson mentions that he is on the staff of Culver University. Which is a place where Bruce Banner and Betty Ross used to work at. Erik Selvig has also attended there, as well as Victor and Janet from Runaways. Jane Foster and Darcy Lewis also has history there.

Ming-Na Wen also backed up Whedon and Loeb's comments about the pre-snap to TVLine:
"So, the Snap hasn't happened yet," Wen confirmed. "I think at this point it's safe to say that we have departed from following the [Marvel] Cinematic Universe in that sense, and are just telling our own stories and our own situations. All this is happening pre-Snap."


Oct 27, 2017
I don't get why they don't use the multiverse to their advantage and say that S6 is set in a branched timeline.
It's such a simple fix to the issue imo...
Oct 25, 2017
I don't really care about the timeline stuff anymore. When I saw Endgame I realized that it broke this show continuity wise, but I'm not watching this show just because it's in the MCU.
Oct 25, 2017
Brooklyn, NY
I don't get why they don't use the multiverse to their advantage and say that S6 is set in a branched timeline.
It's such a simple fix to the issue imo...

They could very well do that next season, for all I know. They just didn't know when they were writing/shooting S6 that the "one year later" skip would be impossible to reconcile with Endgame's own time jump.

Anyway, it was a decent start to the season, much better than S5, even if the big "twist" was given away by marketing months ago.


Oct 27, 2017
They could very well do that next season, for all I know. They just didn't know when they were writing/shooting S6 that the "one year later" skip would be impossible to reconcile with Endgame's own time jump.
Yeah I get that, but with the showrunners, writers, and casts coming out and addressing the timeline issue right now, you would think that they are smart enough to work themselves out of the timeline issue with the use of the "multiverse" that Endgame so conveniently introduced for them.


I wish Jim Ryan would eat me
Oct 25, 2017
They only have 13 episodes, so hopefully by the end of the third episode. They don't have the episodes to waste time this season.
Yeah, the trailer also showed Daisy talking to May, so it has to be soon.

My assumption is they find him next episode, at the end. Episode 3 they'll probably have some drama/ reason Fitz can't leave, but they'll resolve it by the end of hte episode.


Oct 27, 2017
Fitz looks way better with facial hair like his S4/S5 look.
I hope he will grow it back.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm personally kinda over all the complaints about the show losing whatever vestiges of connection it had to the MCU. I get the movies are very popular but I've never been a fan and I've never had any problem enjoying the show without the context of the movies, even when they were allegedly very directly connected. I stopped watching MCU movies after Avengers 1 but I've since gone back and watched all of them up to Black Panther between seasons 5 and 6 of Shield, and I haven't gained any new appreciation for anything that happened in the show from it. Aside from the Hydra stuff (Winter Soldier references?), and acknowledging the NY attack from the first Avengers, it's all been fleeting mentions here, a Z-list character there (one of the Asgardians iirc). Tenuous connections at best.

Felt like they were using connection to the movies to sell the show to an audience it never really found, but the show become more than just a companion piece to the movies and really flourished with its own characters and mythos. I'm sure the higher ups consider this show a failure from a ratings/popularity standpoint and that's why they've deemed it not important enough to include in the broad universe planning they do on the movies. I could see that being disappointing if you're only here because of those tenuous connections to the MCU but In my opinion this show never needed the MCU


I wish Jim Ryan would eat me
Oct 25, 2017
The show has done well at establishing itself as being enjoyable without it's connections to the MCU. I watch AoS for the characters and the story it's built up over 5 and now 6 seasons, not because it's a Marvel series that takes place within the MCU, but I still would like to see MCU tie ins even if it's not the reason I watch the show.


Dec 15, 2017
Can anyone tell me if the premiere spoils the movies at all? I haven't seen Captain Marvel or Endgame and won't until the blurays are released.


Oct 25, 2017
Can anyone tell me if the premiere spoils the movies at all? I haven't seen Captain Marvel or Endgame and won't until the blurays are released.

Only in that it will spoil future movies by confirming the multiverse as they have completely departed from the movie timeline, which is the only way to explain them ignoring infinity wars. There is no connection to the MCU anymore.


Dec 16, 2017
So now Amazon added it but for some reason I can't buy a season pass but have to buy it episode per episode, which would end up more expensive than the season pass on iTunes by 10 bucks...

SMH. The things I do for AoS. I'll watch it now so I can join the discussion, see you on the other side!

EDIT: This was a good start to the season, if only really just exposition. But that is needed after a year I guess.

Also every time I see Simmons or Fitz these days I can barely believe what they did to these characters for them to end up like this. They used to be bright - eyed, overly excited, naive scientists in season 1... I mean I guess that is realistic development for you, but I really feel for them, even when they're clearly in the wrong.

Is Fitz with whoever this group coming to Earth is too (I feel like I should know, but I skipped out on Captain Marvel so...). He was using a device on his neck that the guy in the wall seemed to have on his neck too?

Also I think it's pretty clear Shield is at least not being hunted down anymore. They have new recruits, can freely roam around dropping their name and all... Last season before Chicago they were in a state of "nobody can find us, trust nobody", so I think it's pretty clear that while they might not be what they used to be, at least the world doesn't view them as bad anymore.
As for the timeline discussions... It doesn't make any sense in connection to Infinity War and Endgame at first glance but wouldn't be the first time Shield has put a twist on us midway through a season. If it ends up breaking with MCU Canon though I won't be mad. It was pretty clear things would get messy once they introduced time travel in this AND the MCU.
Last edited:


Nov 17, 2017
I went with the Amazon deal and my receipt says it was $2.99 for the whole season. The deal might be a typo/mistake but it looks like it still works.

Deleted member 17388

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
AoS should do their own event:
Infinity Ward
Seriously, bring back Ward just to show him how messed up is the team nowadays :'v


Oct 25, 2017
The saddest part about the MCU timeline stuff is:
The one year time skip at the start of the episode was clearly an attempt to sidestep any of that, but they couldn't have possibly anticipated Endgame doing a 5 year time skip


Resident Thread Mechanic
Oct 26, 2017
I've no issue with the time line shit as they've not stated when they are, and after last season who knows anyway. They are telling their own stories and I imagine by next the end of season they'll mention the snap anyway.


Oct 27, 2017
The saddest thing about the snap is that no one even could/bothered to capitalize on the unique situation to create a compelling storyline. I mean there are lots of interesting stuff to explore when half the population is gone, but nope.
This show could have done great things with that. Such a waste.


Oct 25, 2017
I've no issue with the time line shit as they've not stated when they are, and after last season who knows anyway. They are telling their own stories and I imagine by next the end of season they'll mention the snap anyway.
The end of season 5 made direct, yet vague, references to Infinity War. Unless those are retconned, there is no longer a way to reconcile AoS with the movie timeline.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm just mad they couldn't give the showrunners like one sentence.

"We don't undo the snap until 5 years later."

And then they could write the show around that.

It would literally have taken ten seconds on a phone call, but nobody could even be bothered. There's no reason for that bullshit.


Oct 27, 2017
The show is better than anything else in the MCU.
Feige took his toys away from the TV crew a long time ago, not worth thinking about any overlap.
Oct 27, 2017
I'm fine if they just move on from trying to connect it all, just do your own thing for 2 seasons. But I suppose they could try to say that the reference to New York last season was a reference to spider man, and have the snap happen at the end of this season. Then have one season of post snap world. either works for me as long as it's entertaining.


Unshakable Resolve
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
They explicitly mentioned Thanos was attacking the Earth last season, that was the motivation for Talbot to get more Gravitonium and power himself up. There isn't really a lot of wiggle room...


Oct 27, 2017
Is there a way for Canadians to watch the show as soon as the episode is done airing?
All the places like Itunes, Google Play, etc...Seems to only release the episode a day after it airs.
I don't want to wait a fucking day later to watch it godammit...


Completely non-threatening
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Is there a way for Canadians to watch the show as soon as the episode is done airing?
All the places like Itunes, Google Play, etc...Seems to only release the episode a day after it airs.
I don't want to wait a fucking day later to watch it godammit...
Use a pair of rabbit ears and watch it live on CTV.