
Oct 25, 2017
I really like Avengers, think it's got lots of great stuff in it, and it deserves all the harsh criticism it's getting everywhere. It's an unfinished game that's only out now because of the cynicism that pushes the industry to launch now, fix later.

This is pretty much where I'm at. Lots of great stuff in it with a need to fix so much. Came in way too hot and whoever pushed for it to be in the state it's in -- a full-price alpha -- deserves the heat it's getting. Their own damn fault, delay the game if you need to.


Senior Games Artist
Dec 10, 2018
Los Angeles
I feel like the Kamala hate is from people that haven't played it... I wasn't a huge fan of hers before playing, but I'm actually really liking her as a character and a playable hero.

The game is enjoyable and the campaign is surprisingly interesting so far. People act like this is equivalent to those old super hero movie tie ins are absolutely nuts.


Oct 25, 2017
damn that's rough but fair tbh

it's a shame because in missions I truly DO get that "holy shit we're the avengers" feeling when im flying around as iron man clearing a perimeter and hulk launches someone into the air for kamala to punch away, but i guess not everyone is getting those moments.

too bad about the kamala stuff not being well received either because i was lamenting using her in the beginning for the same reasons but i feel like in the end they made her really fun and the story revolving around her made me want to see more. but i get it, i want a lot more of the OGs


Alt account
Jun 18, 2020
I feel like the Kamala hate is from people that haven't played it... I wasn't a huge fan of hers before playing, but I'm actually really liking her as a character and a playable hero.

I wish I was less cynical, but I'm afraid it's way worse than that. The way people hate on Kamala is off putting, to say the least.

The game is enjoyable and the campaign is surprisingly interesting so far. People act like this is equivalent to those old super hero movie tie ins are absolutely nuts.

Otherwise, I wholeheartedly agree.
Oct 27, 2017
Say what you want about Kamala, but her powers always look kinda dumb in this game that already has tons of uncanny visuals from the photo-realistic artstyle.


Oct 28, 2017
Kamala was done shockingly well in the story. I actually came out of it liking her considering I'd never read her comics.

I hate her powerset, though, just like I hate Reed Richards stretching. I just hate elastic power sets. Personal thing.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kamala is the only redeeming part of the game. Its unfinished, bug ridden, dog shit.

If it was a no name IP, it would already be forgotten.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
I feel like the Kamala hate is from people that haven't played it... I wasn't a huge fan of hers before playing, but I'm actually really liking her as a character and a playable hero.

The game is enjoyable and the campaign is surprisingly interesting so far. People act like this is equivalent to those old super hero movie tie ins are absolutely nuts.

I usually like GFR but it sounds like they kind of waited on this one to sort of add onto the dogpile on top of this game. It deserves heat for clearly being rushed and derivative of the worst parts of Destiny but it's in no way as bad as the half assed cash grab of older licensed games. I can see why they didn't like it though.


Oct 25, 2017
*Minor Spoilers Possibly*

It was a weird halfway thing for Kamala, like if she was going to be the focal point it's almost like there needed to be more characters in the story related to her. He claims of "feeling alone" felt hollow when the only person in her life (from what we saw) was her Dad who she ran away from. They attempted to tie more things with the Inhumans and her with the Dante guy, but I felt like there needed to be more characters form her "before" who were reacting to the development of her story arc. Maybe some old friends abandoning her? Maybe making new friends (that aren't just there for one scene or the minimally interacting Avengers).

Buuuut doing that would make it a Kamala game. Narratively that could help, but that might have made matters worse for those wanting more Avengers in their Avengers game. So they probably got stuck between adequately giving the characters the time they needed and focusing too much on any one. The result wasn't good.

Overall I think her character was fine for what it was, but the flaws are there. I may have missed it, but did she ever get called Ms. Marvel?


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
[NO 2FA]
Yep it's the most 6/10 game there could be. Campaign is at most above decent but super limiting, can't even invite your buds to tag along for the majority of it. It's also unreplayable which is so odd. After the campaign it's completely mindless repetitive drivel. Look there's the fans that enjoy it here and that's fine but disregarding the obvious massive issues it currently has is absurd.

Needs a Universe Reborn type of reboot from SE for the online portion.


Oct 28, 2017
there is a few games that i hate to play and this is one of them

i reached to the part where tony recover his armor and inside the ship they are SHIELD factions?

i really tried to enjoy the game(the story seems interesting so far) but i cant enjoy the gameplay and the clunky controls


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
Strange how such a "bad" game has my friends and I glued to our screens 6 hours a day since launch. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Warts n' all I enjoyed the game.

I actually enjoyed the combat in this more than the combat of GoT if I'm gonna compare it to something from this year.

They just need to fix so we need people to be harsh about what they aren't liking about it that can feasibly be addressed in a patch.
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Cliff Steele

Oct 28, 2017
Love the channel but they are wrong about Kamala. Kamala might be the best character we got this year. Love her.

The game is a dumpster fire tho and imo they'll drop it like a hot potato once the 4 post launch heroes are out.


Oct 25, 2017
My biggest gripe with Kamala is that the transition between A-Day to her jumping around on rooftops fleeing robots is instantaneous. I want that transition between not having any powers to experiencing them for the first time.

Strange how such a "bad" game has my friends and I glued to our screens 6 hours a day since launch. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
My friends and I stopped playing 3 days after launch because shit got boring and it runs like garbage. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

There are better games with this formula out there. Some of my friends even went back to Warframe after having not played it for quite some time, and others were wondering if Anthem's a good game yet.

Deleted member 7051

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I like it. Sure it's a glitchy mess and it took way too long to unlock Thor, but I haven't even finished the story campaign yet and this is comfortably one of the best games I've played all year. It says I'm about halfway through, which I assume includes side missions too. It's certainly more fun than Ghost of Tsushima, although I'll need to compare their co-op modes later.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
There are better games with this formula out there. Some of my friends even went back to Warframe after having not played it for quite some time, and others were wondering if Anthem's a good game yet.
Really how many 3d brawlers with 4 player co op, a gear grind and customization in talents with solid action game combat where every character plays pretty unique from each other are out there?


Oct 25, 2017
I don't understand how people can find stretchy powers derivative and not cool.

Stetchy powers are cool af and its the reason why I enjoy One Piece. It's far more interesting than a Super Soldier (Captain), Operative Agent (Black Widow) or mf Hawkeye.


Mar 14, 2019
While I vehemently disagree with the take on Kamala (she has the best VA performance and character arc in the game), the rest is pretty on point.


Dec 27, 2017
Strange how such a "bad" game has my friends and I glued to our screens 6 hours a day since launch. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

People have sunk thousands of hours into Fallout 76 since from day 1.

I like Avengers a lot, but it's an incredibly flawed game built with miserable performance, glitches, and bugs. It's a mess, albeit a mess with potential. We shouldn't still be calling every gaas looter that comes out a mess with potential. Enough is kind of enough here. Stop releasing unfinished games.


Jan 11, 2018

GaaS loot games have a trend of not being good at launch. Destiny, Division, Destiny 2, Division 2, Anthem, and now this.


Oct 28, 2017
I don't understand how people can find stretchy powers derivative and not cool.

Stetchy powers are cool af and its the reason why I enjoy One Piece. It's far more interesting than a Super Soldier (Captain), Operative Agent (Black Widow) or mf Hawkeye.
I'd imagine it's because opinions vary from person to person and we all have different tastes and desires in life.

Admittedly, though, that's just my guess.


Oct 25, 2017
Not gonna lie, the Kamala criticism instantly made me raise an eyebrow.

Same. It gave the video an overall tone I didn't quite vibe with. Being entirely dismissive of Kamala, without so much of an acknowledgment of the positive she brings to the table, almost entirely on the basis that they'd have apparently preferred one of the characters from the (bizarrely homogenous) MCU...and that being in complete contradiction with the video making sure to emphasize that Girlfriend has zero relationship to Marvel characters but that's okay because she's loved plenty of games with previously unknown characters...just seemed jarringly, uhm, close-minded?

I get wanting to see more of this or that character, but for real, this game almost immediately seemed stale after the initial announcement focused on showing boring-ass video game versions of The Avengers we've already had years and years of exposure to. Kamala is all that makes the game feel even the slightest bit fresh. How can you not be a little open-minded to, or even excited about, the idea of a Pakistani Muslim character who hasn't had much (any?) visual media representation getting the spotlight instead?

Just an odd little blind spot that made the rants about licensed games being bad and why isn't there an Iron Man game and blah blah blah hit different.


Oct 27, 2017
Damn, they took this apart.

I feel confirmed in my decision to not buy this until it's on a low sale.

Also those quick time events where the time just stops are really weird


Oct 25, 2017
I don't understand how people can find stretchy powers derivative and not cool.

Stetchy powers are cool af and its the reason why I enjoy One Piece. It's far more interesting than a Super Soldier (Captain), Operative Agent (Black Widow) or mf Hawkeye.
Legit was impressed that it made me actually like stretchy powers

her embiggen is the most cromulent power in the roster

It's a shame the contempt some have for the game :(

Death Penalty

Oct 27, 2017
Same. It gave the video an overall tone I didn't quite vibe with. Being entirely dismissive of Kamala, without so much of an acknowledgment of the positive she brings to the table, almost entirely on the basis that they'd have apparently preferred one of the characters from the (bizarrely homogenous) MCU...and that being in complete contradiction with the video making sure to emphasize that Girlfriend has zero relationship to Marvel characters but that's okay because she's loved plenty of games with previously unknown characters...just seemed jarringly, uhm, close-minded?

I get wanting to see more of this or that character, but for real, this game almost immediately seemed stale after the initial announcement focused on showing boring-ass video game versions of The Avengers we've already had years and years of exposure to. Kamala is all that makes the game feel even the slightest bit fresh. How can you not be a little open-minded to, or even excited about, the idea of a Pakistani Muslim character who hasn't had much (any?) visual media representation getting the spotlight instead?

Just an odd little blind spot that made the rants about licensed games being bad and why isn't there an Iron Man game and blah blah blah hit different.
This really hits the nail on the head for me, even agreeing with every other point the complaints about Kamala came off weird because of the points listed above. I couldn't put a finger on just what about it was rubbing me the wrong way until you articulated it here.
Oct 27, 2017
Alameda, CA
Love GFR, but OUCH - especially that Kamala criticism.

To be fair, any time someone asks me about this game my response is "Well, there's a lot of jank, but I'm having a lot of fun with it." Trying to convince some of my friends to pick it up since we're all former Destiny addicts. A lot of the criticism is fair, though, but it's the hot takes "this is bad and you should feel bad for liking it" that are out of control.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
While I vehemently disagree with the take on Kamala (she has the best VA performance and character arc in the game), the rest is pretty on point.
Her VA is decent, but saying that her character arc is the best in the game - a game with a story consisting entirely of underdeveloped characters - is not quite the accomplishment you think it is. Kamala's character arc is not much better than any of the other underdeveloped characters


Oct 27, 2017
Ya it's this idea of "keeping" you invested post campaign, however what they fail to realize is that a lot of folks lose interest in a game once credits roll. I wanna see an attempt to keep me invested DURING the campaign, not afterwards. And I just don't think the gameplay is good enough to carry it once ppl start to finish the campaign which is not long.

Yeah it truly is Avengers: Endgame.


Oct 25, 2017
The dismissal of Kamala is the exact same talking points that comicsgate folk used when she became an Avenger in the comics. Real bad look.


Oct 25, 2017
Even tho the game has a lot of issues you definitely have to give it props for having a character like Kamala in it who hasn't really been represented much. It's something fresh and it should be praised.

If we didn't have people using fresh characters like Kamala, Black Panther, or Guardians of the Galaxy we'd be seeing the same old boring characters from the Avengers. Do people honestly rather see characters like Black Widow, Hawkeye, Captain America, or etc for the millionth time. So I just don't understand why it seems cool to dunk on a character like Kamala who's actually offering something different in terms of moveset and personality than the other Avengers.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Even tho the game has a lot of issues you definitely have to give it props for having a character like Kamala in it who hasn't really been represented much. It's something fresh and it should be praised.

If we didn't have people using fresh characters like Kamala, Black Panther, or Guardians of the Galaxy we'd be seeing the same old boring characters from the Avengers. Do people honestly rather see characters like Black Widow, Hawkeye, Captain America, or etc for the millionth time. So I just don't understand why it seems cool to dunk on a character like Kamala who's actually offering something different in terms of moveset and personality than the other Avengers.
It's possible to like the inclusion of a character like Kamala in a big game like this, and still think that both the writing around her character and her gameplay were weak.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
It's possible to like the inclusion of a character like Kamala in a big game like this, and still think that both the writing around her character and her gameplay were weak.
What's weak about her gameplay? She has tools for every scenario outside of being played as a range character and has pretty solid combo routes you can mix up and she has the ability to negate any blocking enemy in the game for full damage combos not tied to any cooldowns.

Rarely will anyone know jack about how any of the characters really play by the end of the campaign too many of their basic skills are locked behind levels that you wont be anywhere near done with by the time the campaign is over and its one of the bigger gameplay design flaws in my book.

Level 20 should have been the level cap and the base move sets should have been unlocked from the get go
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Oct 25, 2017
The dismissal of Kamala is the exact same talking points that comicsgate folk used when she became an Avenger in the comics. Real bad look.
shocking that a channel where a man writes what men want to hear women say would feature content like this! but we are not ready for that conversation.



"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
What's weak about her gameplay?
I was just pointing out that despite it being great that CD spent the time and money to include a more diverse cast of characters in a big commercial game like this, the execution is severely lacking. I don't think her writing or gameplay are any weaker than any other character in the game though. It's all bad.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I was just pointing out that despite it being great that CD spent the time and money to include a more diverse cast of characters in a big commercial game like this, the execution is severely lacking. I don't think her writing or gameplay are any weaker than any other character in the game though. It's all bad.
You can't be serious


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
The writing, level design, combat, soundtrack, and performance are all poor, so... no?
How is the combat poor? This is the part Im confused on. Every character has a bunch of variety with answers to just about any problem and it's fast and fluid with plenty of ways to mix things up on the fly.


Oct 25, 2017
There are a lot of criticisms to level against this game, many which this video raises. But hating on Kamala? Come on
Nov 1, 2017
My reaction to the story campaign is the opposite of GFR's -- I wanted more Kamala because the game needed her as the center. It felt weird to be jerked away to play as someone else.

Having said, 90% of Kamala's character here is "I'm a geek who writes fan fiction and woah Iron Man is awesome!", and I can understand why some people would find that boring. Especially someone like Shelby who doesn't have an attachment to these characters walking in.