
Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
I really wish this episode existed before Jessica Jones season 2 so I could point to it when people seemed confused on what that season was trying to go for
Except all the central characters in this show are either positive, or sympathetic. Whereas everyone every sideplot in JJ S2 that wasn't directly related to Jess or "the killer" was a practice in making the supporting cast as thoroughly unlikable as possible, or just plain sucking the energy out of the episode.
Oct 25, 2017
Except all the central characters in this show are either positive, or sympathetic. Whereas everyone every sideplot in JJ S2 that wasn't directly related to Jess or "the killer" was a practice in making the supporting cast as thoroughly unlikable as possible, or just plain sucking the energy out of the episode.

I don't know man, what Tandy is doing is pretty fucked up, I don't care why she's doing it. I think Cloak and Dagger is ultimately more successful in what's it's doing because the groundwork for it's characters is stronger, but this regression was what Jessica Jones was trying to do with the majority of the cast in that season


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I continue to be highly suspicious of Evita, what is her deal lmao, how the hell she blocking out Tandy's powers

Damn that cliffhanger.

Right?! Brutal af teasing us like that

It's funny too, cuz like I was totally expecting for someone to be there, and yet the gunshot still spooked the hell outta me

Tyrone and his mom continue to have great scenes together. "Why be perfect if it is not going to matter? Why be perfect if they'll still find a way to get me?" Fucking great scene.

Favorite scene this episode aside from when Tandy and Tyrone were fighting. Lol, everytime they fight, shit gets raw real quick...

Those cops in the bar just let Connors beat up ol girl like that?

I said the same thing, but then I wondered if all of those cops are dirty as well or something.

I really wish this episode existed before Jessica Jones season 2 so I could point to it when people seemed confused on what that season was trying to go for

Lmao, you ain't wrong


Damn, I just realized O'Reilly didn't even speak this episode.
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Oct 25, 2017
Favorite scene this episode aside from when Tandy and Tyrone were fighting. Lol, everytime they fight, shit gets raw real quick...
Yeah every time they fight both of them say something that other needs to hear but is not ready to hear or acknowledge.

Damn, I just realized O'Reilly didn't even speak this episode.
I think this is the 2nd time they've done that to O'Reilly this season.

Deleted member 17388

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Also, that Stan Lee cameo, very artsy!


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, they talked about having done another episode where O'Reilly is quiet and this was it.

That was a great episode btw. Continuously impressed by Tyrone's mother's acting. And Tandy is fucked.

It's all leading up to an exciting finale.

Promo 1x10:

Aftershow with an exclusive clip:

Dank Lotion

Oct 27, 2017
I love how they've established Tyrone's relationship with both of his parents. That scene with his mom was way too real.

Wasn't expecting Evita being able to block out Tandy like that. Thank god this show got a second season. You can tell things are really gonna ramp up then.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
He last episode was so good and that fucking cliffhanger!!

It's really sad that most people aren't going to give this show a chance even though it really deserves it.


Oct 28, 2017
I think after the last few episodes this is the best overall Marvel show. It obviously doesn't have almost any action, but the plotting and arcs are being really well laid out. The Punisher would probably be my second favorite.


Oct 25, 2017
This show is incredible. Semi-slow start but I like my shows backloaded anyways so there's plenty of time up front for exposition.

It's up there as far as best comic book TV seasons goes already.


Oct 27, 2017
So I'm still confused about something, are Tyrone and Tandy supposed to be the same age? I'd imagine they are just with the flashbacks but everyone treats Tandy like she's significantly older.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
So I'm still confused about something, are Tyrone and Tandy supposed to be the same age? I'd imagine they are just with the flashbacks but everyone treats Tandy like she's significantly older.
Well she's far more mature than Tyrone. She's been taking care of herself since before her dad died while Tyrone has been looked after his whole life.


Oct 27, 2017
Well she's far more mature than Tyrone. She's been taking care of herself since before her dad died while Tyrone has been looked after his whole life.

Yeah, I know, but extends to other things too, Tandy gets offered a job at a major corporation, not an internship or a scholarship, a job, and that to the seducing grown men and her usual plots I just think it's funny that no one brings up that she's supposed to be 16 or something.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, I know, but extends to other things too, Tandy gets offered a job at a major corporation, not an internship or a scholarship, a job, and that to the seducing grown men and her usual plots I just think it's funny that no one brings up that she's supposed to be 16 or something.

Dat privilege


Oct 25, 2017
I've been hating that Ty is destined to be with Tandy ever since Evita showed up lol


Oct 25, 2017
That Cliffhanger was bullshit though.

That said, I REALLY hope what Tandy did to those people was temporary. If not, it was really, really fucked up.

I've been hating that Ty is destined to be with Tandy ever since Evita showed up lol

Yeah, Evita being best girl out of the gate was pretty impressive.

In a perfect world, moves to romantically tie Tandy and Ty together would not even begin until late next season.
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Oct 25, 2017
Just watched the latest episode.

Fuck. Like talk about shit hitting the fan.

Also what are the chances Tandy gets white hair like in some of the art?


Oct 25, 2017
Does no cop think it's a little weird that the guy who recorded the confession of Tyrone's brother's murderer was allegedly murdered by Tyrone? Unless all of these cops are under the dude's payroll.


Oct 25, 2017
Man, it's funny how little the kid versions of the leads actually look like them. Especially Tyrone's. At least they're decent actors for their ages.


Oct 28, 2017
Great season. At first I didn't want to watch this show due to having Young Adult & Marvel Fatigue, but this show is up there with Agents of Shield S4 and DareDevil S1.


Catch My Drift
Oct 27, 2017
Maaan that was good. Last few episodes really upped their game for me. The pace is really interesting and unlike most superhero shows. It's really cool that Tyrone and Tandy are still figuring out their powers and the mystery surrounding them FEELS big.
May 10, 2018
Pretty good finale. Didn't like the music choice during the climax.

Also, we got Mayhem. I'm assuming from the ending they are going to switch up her powers and instead of being able to fly she will be really fast.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Neat finale. Genuinely glad I ended up giving this show a chance. They really need to chill with all the music stuff though. Like some complained about its use in Luke Cage S2, but it's often actively distracting or even outright unfitting at times in this show.

No idea what to expect from "Mayhem", but sounds like that'll be fun stuff in Season 2.

Great season. At first I didn't want to watch this show due to having Young Adult & Marvel Fatigue, but this show is up there with Agents of Shield S4 and DareDevil S1.

I certainly would not go that far, but this show was indeed surprisingly good.


Nov 4, 2017
Finale had a good sense of urgency about it.

Highlights that stood out to me.

Tyrone's speech to the cop when he was locked up.

Tandy saving Mina from the terror with the axe.

What Tyrone did to Connors.

That role reversal at the end and tease for Mayhem. I guess Tyrone doesn't have to worry about sneaking Evita out the house again.


Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco
The last half of the season was much stronger than the first half, but I get that they had to spend a few episodes to do introductions and setup stuff.

It's funny that when this show first got announced, most people thought it would be bad since it was on Freeform, but I thought it had better pacing than most if not all of the Netflix shows.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Watching the finale now. Ok, we get it, diving pairing. They just want to keep pounding that in, huh?
Oct 25, 2017
Finally caught up on this and loved it. The much more character focused and interpersonal conflict than "fight crime" keeps it fresh. I think it's right up there with Black Lightning for first seasons.

Also they used NOLA very well keeping that flavor of the city. Excited for S2