
Apr 8, 2020
I'll say it again, this remaster is not worth 70USD and you will set a precedent for Sony to make this things a norm. Please, buy something else instead, destruction all-stars, sackboy's adventure.


Nov 1, 2018
I'm talking about the ps5 version shown in the trailer. Did they say the ps4 version was getting a 60fps mode?

No but the ps5 version will be better looking then ps4 version regardless of 60fps. Just wait till we get more footage, like its been said before the ps4 cpu and GPUs have more then enough brute force to play the other one in 60fps at 4K with same settings. Spiderman on ps4pro was 1440p already and it ran at a very stable 30fps


Oct 28, 2017
United Kingdom
Store A is offering buy one get one free on product.
Store B is not offering buy one get one free on product.
F*** store B, I absolutely deserve to get product free there too!
Look, I get it. You absolutely have the right to spend your money where you please to get the most value out ot your money, but let's not pretend that everyone has to give us stuff "Free" just because someone else is willing to. In this case, just don't buy the remaster. Solved.

User A makes a good argument why next gen upgrades should be free while comparing it to a competitor's product in detail.
User B doesn't mind spending that extra money.
Fuck User A because I am okay with spending that extra while ignoring valid reasons.
Of course everyone has the right to spend how they want, but an asinine analogy isn't a valid counter argument for why Sony feels entitled to charge for an objectively iterative-at-best upgrade.


Oct 25, 2017
User A makes a good argument why next gen upgrades should be free while comparing it to a competitor's product in detail.
User B doesn't mind spending that extra money.
Fuck User A because I am okay with spending that extra while ignoring valid reasons.
Of course everyone has the right to spend how they want, but an asinine analogy isn't a valid counter argument for why Sony feels entitled to charge for an objectively iterative-at-best upgrade.

Ok, so here is the thing, there is no valid reason. Unless you are able to provide a detailed account of the level of effort and cost to the developer/publisher it takes to add these upgrades, then how is it possible that you can create an argument that something should be free? Free based on what exactly? I'm all for free stuff but I am not ENTITLED to it just because I feel like it....or because another company decided to possible forgo development costs(no matter how small or large they are) for the benefit of the customer.

Is that a great thing to make it free? Absolutely.
Should I expect it of everyone company? No!
Do I have the right to complain? I guess.
Should I vote with my valet. Damn right.

People need to understand what entitlement really is. You say Sony is entitled, yet at the same time promote people saying, "I deserve this for free". That makes no sense.


Nov 1, 2018
No but the ps5 version will be better looking then ps4 version regardless of 60fps. Just wait till we get more footage, like its been said before the ps5 cpu and GPUs have more then enough brute force to play the other one in 60fps at 4K with same settings. Spiderman on ps4pro was 1440p already and it ran at a very stable 30fps


Oct 25, 2017
Sony can charge what they want for the graphical updates. I wish it was free like other publishers make theirs but whatever, it took actual effort so I'm not gonna whine too much about it. However, a free 60fps update to the PS4 version should be done and the remaster should be available standalone period. It's not like they are changing cpu architecture again like PS3 to PS4. No one can convince me that it took the devs a ton of time to increase the frame rate. And no amount of "blah blah who would not wanna play Miles" arguments are gonna make Sony bundling that shit not feel crappy.


Oct 25, 2017
Ok, so here is the thing, there is no valid reason. Unless you are able to provide a detailed account of the level of effort and cost to the developer/publisher it takes to add these upgrades, then how is it possible that you can create an argument that something should be free? Free based on what exactly? I'm all for free stuff but I am not ENTITLED to it just because I feel like it....or because another company decided to possible forgo development costs(no matter how small or large they are) for the benefit of the customer.

Is that a great thing to make it free? Absolutely.
Should I expect it of everyone company? No!
Do I have the right to complain? I guess.
Should I vote with my valet. Damn right.

People need to understand what entitlement really is. You say Sony is entitled, yet at the same time promote people saying, "I deserve this for free". That makes no sense.

This is key. I'm still waiting for someone to quantify exactly why this should , unequivocally, be free. And I'm talking about a reason other than "well X developer did it" or "because I paid for the original game". I'm with you - free updates are the best, but companies aren't a charity and they're not scummy for charging for goods and services that have cost literal manhours and capital to plan, product and ship. That's how the market works.

We as consumers exchange our money with companies and businesses for goods and services. If we don't see value in certain goods or services, we vote with our wallets, but we certainly aren't entitled to anything for free. This isn't healthcare, it's luxury entertainment for Christ's sake.
Oct 27, 2017
I already own Spider-Man on dvd. Can't I get the 4k version for free ffs?!

I'll never understand that. Did the PS4 KH collection come free if you had the PS3 versions? I remember paying for CTR and Crash remakes. Did I get robbed? Should have been free it seems.
Apr 4, 2018
Vancouver, BC
You won't get these updates for free. Neither a smart delivery game will deliver these improvements.

Grears 5? Microsoft is constantly adding Multiplayer/Horde, Escape maps for free, and adding new character skins, guns skins to the game that can be earned for free.

The Series X version, which is a full-on port and I believe uses the velocity architecture for faster load times, also has Ray Traced Global Illumination, adds a 120fps mode, uses ultra settings equivalents, which means visual improvements across the board, and likely improved character and environments models, along with lighting, post-processing, shadows, resolution, anti-aliasing etc.

We'll see what Spiderman Remastered's graphics mode looks like, but I'd actually say Gears 5's Series X enhanced version could end up looking better, especially at 60fps.

We also haven't been given much detail about improvements to the other free MS first-party Smart-Delivery ports like Grounded, The Outer Worlds, Sea of Thieves, Forza Horizon 4, Tell me Why etc. But from what I've played of them from comparing X1X versions to the PC version when using a similar graphics cards to what is in the Series X, all of them will see significant improvements, equal to, or better than what we saw in those Spiderman performance mode videos.

I don't think anyone is saying Spiderman Remastered itself should be free, it's definitely worth money, but Insomniac still has yet to show us anything in motion that likely couldn't have been done to the base game with a patch and a simple framerate unlock (assuming they did framerate scaling properly the first time around).

Also, let's be honest, that's all people are mostly asking for here. That thier original version, which they already paid anywhere from $40 to over $60-80 for, sees some basic enhancements, similar to what we got for PS4 Pro upgrades when played on PS5.
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Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account.
Oct 31, 2017
not a very impressive upgrade

What world are we living in here.

Where were these hate threads about TLOU:R? FULL PRICE game and didn't get near this upgrade. :S
I am just VERY confused. Is the issue the 20$ premium on top of another game? Full single game price for two fulls games seems like good value to me. I do not understand.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't understand why a "performance" mode is still only 60fps on a cross gen remaster. What happened to 120fps? I feel like we should be able to get 4k120 out of a cross gen game at least, otherwise how are we supposed to expect fully next gen games to do it?


Oct 27, 2017
I'll say it again, this remaster is not worth 70USD and you will set a precedent for Sony to make this things a norm. Please, buy something else instead, destruction all-stars, sackboy's adventure.

What if I buy Miles for 50 bucks, and then a few months from now, buy Spider-man for 20 bucks? If I break the transactions up, is it acceptable? Or should I buy something I have no interest in instead?


Oct 27, 2017
Grears 5? Microsoft is constantly adding free Multiplayer/Horde, Escape maps for free, and adding character skins, guns skins to the game that can be earned for free.

You're talking about GaaS though. A game where you can spend $100 at a time on Iron. Continued support is part of the GaaS model, and yes, it has its benefits, but let's not ignore that it comes at a price.

To be fair, there are some games that are getting substantial upgrades that are not GaaS, and I'm sure Microsoft will have some examples of that. But I'm not sure it's reasonable to compare GaaS like Destiny or Gears 5 to games like Spider-Man. The Witcher 3 is probably the quintessential example of the 'ideal' situation right now.
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Dec 11, 2019
Looking good!

the real question is how the hell is insomniac developing this, Miles Morales and Ratchet And Clank, all within launch window? And in the midst of a pandemic? Crazy
Crazy what gets done in a studio that cares about its employees. Insomniac gonna show up every other dev this gen. Book it.
Oct 27, 2017
I don't understand why a "performance" mode is still only 60fps on a cross gen remaster. What happened to 120fps? I feel like we should be able to get 4k120 out of a cross gen game at least, otherwise how are we supposed to expect fully next gen games to do it?
120fps will be that one feature that only a handful of games will take advantage of. Remember PS3 was able to deliver 1080p games... in just a bunch of games. PS4 pro is also capable of 4k... but most high profile games are not actually native 4k but upscaled.

Likewise, developers will opt for 60/30 fps with better visuals before they even consider implementing a 120fps mode. Maybe we'll see some support in very specific genres like racers and fighting games, but that's it I think.
Apr 4, 2018
Vancouver, BC
You're talking about GaaS though. A game where you can spend $100 at a time on Iron. Continued support is part of the GaaS model, and yes, it has its benefits, but let's not ignore that it comes at a price.

To be fair, there are some games that are getting substantial upgrades that are not GaaS, and I'm sure Microsoft will have some examples of that. But I'm not sure it's reasonable to compare GaaS like Destiny or Gears 5 to games like Spider-Man. The Witcher 3 is probably the quintessential example of the 'ideal' situation right now.

If we're talking about the free character skins etc. sure. I wouldn't expect to get those for free with a Spiderman PS5 enhancement, but I'd certainly prefer the choice to get the enhancements and pay for the character skins separately.

For the visual upgrades though, those are pretty standard for what Microsoft and other 3rd parties are offering for free with smart delivery, ro have offered as free upgrades on PC. It's what I also expect for Grounded, Tell me Why, and the Outer Worlds. You are right that stuff like the Witcher 3, and Cyberpunk getting free next-gen updates with Ray Tracing are great examples. Spiderman has already sold a comparable boatload of copies compared to those games. Considering Sony is already selling an expansion pack half the size as the original game at nearly the same price people paid for the original game, it's not like Sony don't already havea way to make another boatload of money here.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
How does the ray tracing reflection differ from reflections using other ('traditional') rendering methods?


Oct 27, 2017
If we're talking about the free character skins etc. sure. I wouldn't expect to get those for free with a Spiderman PS5 enhancement, but I'd certainly prefer the choice to get the enhancements and pay for the character skins separately.

For the visual upgrades though, those are pretty standard for what Microsoft and other 3rd parties are offering for free with smart delivery, ro have offered as free upgrades on PC. It's what I also expect for Grounded, Tell me Why, and the Outer Worlds. You are right that stuff like the Witcher 3, and Cyberpunk getting free next-gen updates with Ray Tracing are great examples. Spiderman has already sold a comparable boatload of copies compared to those games. Considering Sony is already selling an expansion pack half the size as the original game at nearly the same price people paid for the original game, it's not like Sony don't already havea way to make another boatload of money here.

You really can't count games like Cyberpunk and Grounded. These are unreleased games which are releasing at/after launch*. Them getting a free update is no different to Spider-Man: Miles Morales, Horizon: Forbidden West or Sackboy Adventures getting free updates from PS4 to PS5 (which they all are). Cyberpunk's next-gen update isn't even coming until next year for PS5 and XSS/XSX. As for Outer Worlds, all the info I can find is that it's going to get performance/resolution boosts. That clearly isn't equivalent to the attention Spider-Man has received. I presume the same is true for Tell Me Why.

As I said, there are some examples of significant free next-gen upgrades, and even some that aren't in GaaS games. But they are the extreme minority. In the vast, vast majority of cases developers are not putting in substantial work to next-gen versions of 2+ year old games to reward fan loyalty. They are all focused on making more money from their games.


Dec 2, 2017
Seattle, Wa
I'm just more sad our saves won't carry over.

In terms of $20, I understand it. I don't understand the "they should give it to me for free" thing either; as someone else mentioned above, if I have the HD bluray of a movie, no one is giving me the 4k for free just because it came out later.

I think $70 for both Miles and Spiderman seems a good deal to me; especially for a game that I LOVED playing through. If you aren't that into it, then just play the BC version on your PS5 for free (that's a thing right?)


Nov 16, 2017
OK...here's Gears 5. Note that I didn't want to bring up an MS game, but since you've put it in play...

  • Contact Shadows
  • Screen Space Global Illumination
  • 50% higher particles counts than that on the PC's ultra spec
  • Real time cinematics in 4K 60fps
  • Higher resolution textures
  • Improved Anisotropic Filtering
  • Higher Resolution Volume Fog
  • Higher quality Depth of Field
  • Extremely far Draw Distances with high level of object detail
  • Shadow Resolution & Shadow Distance
  • High quality Screen Space Reflections
  • Post Processing improvements like Bloom, Lens Flare, Light Shafts, etc.
  • 120fps multiplayer support
All for free. I am speaking with my wallet. I am not console warring, I've said this about every game forcing a fee for an upgrade.
Bring in xbox from the start. All these threads devolve into chaos anyway.

Any other titles receiving the same treatment?
MS had the foresight to make xbox games alongside PC games. So the work to "port" them over from PC to a better spec is engrained in the development. Not to say it's just press a button and it's done. Sony didn't put themselves in the same position. They need to do major work (insomniac said they've been working on this for more than a year) and want to get paid for it.
Some people will give them money, some will tell them to shove it. I myself will not be buying anything at full price.

You clearly know I'm talking about players when I ask here 'who wanted this?', not the studio or Sony.
I didn't, as nothing about your post came across as "we the players".
The players seem to be ok with the remaster. Others like yourself don't seem to like it. I think the former were considered when this was planned, not the latter.


Dec 11, 2017
Maybe I'm out of line but this looks like something that if spider man had an unlocked frame cap on the ps4 pro and the ps5 had used it's boost mode, this is what we'd get. Even then some things are clearly missing like the cars in some cuts. Maybe it's just the lighting but the pictures they posted clearly looked much better but those were probably the higher quality mode.
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Apr 4, 2018
Vancouver, BC
You really can't count games like Cyberpunk and Grounded. These are unreleased games which are releasing at/after launch*. Them getting a free update is no different to Spider-Man: Miles Morales, Horizon: Forbidden West or Sackboy Adventures getting free updates from PS4 to PS5 (which they all are). Cyberpunk's next-gen update isn't even coming until next year for PS5 and XSS/XSX. As for Outer Worlds, all the info I can find is that it's going to get performance/resolution boosts. That clearly isn't equivalent to the attention Spider-Man has received. I presume the same is true for Tell Me Why.

As I said, there are some examples of significant free next-gen upgrades, and even some that aren't in GaaS games. But they are the extreme minority. In the vast, vast majority of cases developers are not putting in substantial work to next-gen versions of 2+ year old games to reward fan loyalty. They are all focused on making more money from their games.

Perhaps I should clear up a couple points from my perspective:

My reference to Cyberpunk was included because the game is getting a substantial next-gen upgrade months after launch. I suspect we are still getting next-gen perks at launch, such as better resolution, framerate, dialed up settings? Is this next-gen upgrade not also coming to PC? (Suggesting it would be getting features beyond the PC launch version?).

Doing a PC port is likely either close to or just as much work and cost as doing a Series X optimized version in my experience (6-12 months of work).

In Microsoft's case, every game they release is a buy once to play across all devices scenario. This isn't industry standard, only some 3rd party games like Resident Evil 7, Middle: Earth Shadow of War have done this as well, but a lot of developers seem to be supporting smart delivery and next-gen upgrades. I think it's reasonable to ask Sony to give owners of Spiderman on PS4 some basic quality of life enhancements on one of thier biggest and most profitable games. It's not like the game didn't make huge amounts of money.

I agree that from the sounds of it, spiderman has seen a bit of extra work put onto it, but I'd also argue that most of that work is probably knock-on improvements that came from them making Miles Morales (Ray Tracing, 60fps mode, dialed up settings, greater draw disrances). In the video we saw, the game clearly wasn't a visual upgrade over PS4 outside of standard PC type visual enhancements, outside of a new Peter Parker that pretty much no-one asked for.

Also, we should remember that Insomniac working on Spiderman resmastered for a year isn't the equivalent of them working on Miles Morales, Spiderman 2, or the original PS4 Spiderman for a year. The Spiderman remastered team could have had as few as just a handful of people working on it for several months, and probably had a main team, excluding QA, of around 20-50 people, as opposed to what I imagine was over 200 for Spiderman PS4.

I should also say that I'm not one of the people that's hugely upset about this. It's just disappointing to me, as someone who bought Spiderman on PS4 for $40, and has been waiting to finish it on PS5 with some form of visual improvements. I'm not completely opposed to paying for it, it Moreso just makes me worried about how Sony will be handling the rest of my games on BC for PS5, as that's a huge reason I wanted one.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
the mug bug was already fixed, as were some of the other lighting "differences"

we basically re-lit the whole game to take advantage of PS5.
Looking forward to the next trailer/showcase of this remaster! I did complain about no free upgrade and still think it'd be nice to get it for current game owners, but I also appreciate the work being put on this remaster, so no free upgrade is no dealbreaker. Plus I didn't get the DLC (was planning to), so I'm treating this as putting that money into this remaster instead :P

Serious Sam

Oct 27, 2017
the mug bug was already fixed, as were some of the other lighting "differences"

we basically re-lit the whole game to take advantage of PS5.
This is reassuring. Can't wait to see and play the final product. I was already sold at 60FPS gameplay footage, knowing that you care and fix these small bugs is just icing.


2020 Member Elect
Oct 30, 2017
This is reassuring. Can't wait to see and play the final product. I was already sold at 60FPS gameplay footage, knowing that you care and fix these small bugs is just icing.
Showing that they even have bugs like that kind of shows they aren't just patching stuff etc it's a whole different build of the game.


Oct 27, 2017
Cologne, Germany
It be as simple as open style headphones don't work because of sound leakage, or headphones with one ear bud won't work. Hard to draw conclusions yet.

I am skeptical about the wording at the moment...not that they pull a "on the Pulse headset first, coming to other compatible headsets later!" and give other selected headset makers some kind of "PS5 3D spatial audio ready" label lol

hopefully there will be some clarifying what "compatible" headsets mean in this case


Oct 25, 2017
ray tracing and reflections are cool, but not enough to warrant the purchase of a PS5 and repurchasing the game. I'm very happy with the PS4 copy I own and will look forward to playing Miles Morales on the PS4.


Oct 27, 2017
Perhaps I should clear up a couple points from my perspective:

My reference to Cyberpunk was included because the game is getting a substantial next-gen upgrade months after launch. I suspect we are still getting next-gen perks at launch, such as better resolution, framerate, dialed up settings? Is this next-gen upgrade not also coming to PC?

My understanding is that the PS5/XSX versions will be better than the PS4/XO versions, but likely only in terms of performance/resolution. I believe the PC version of the game will have most/all of the next-gen upgrades day-one.

Doing a PC port is likely either close to or just as much work and cost as doing a Series X optimized version in my experience (6-12 months of work).

In Microsoft's case, every game they release is a buy once to play across all devices scenario. This isn't industry standard, only some 3rd party games like Resident Evil 7, Middle: Earth Shadow of War have done this as well, but a lot of developers seem to be supporting smart delivery and next-gen upgrades. I think it's reasonable to ask Sony to give owners of Spiderman on PS4 some basic quality of life enhancements on one of thier biggest and most profitable games. It's not like the game didn't make huge amounts of money.

I just find this logic pretty arbitrary and not consistently applied. It's all very well to say that it's a reasonable ask, but nobody is making this ask of the dozens, maybe even hundreds, of games which fit similar criteria. The number of games that released two or more years ago that are seeing substantive next-gen upgrades is minimal. Of those almost all are on-going drivers of revenue where it's imperative the audience doesn't disappear due to the next-gen transition. There are some genuine exceptions that deserve praise, but it's completely inaccurate to suggest Spider-Man is an outlier.

I agree that from the sounds of it, spiderman has seen a bit of extra work put onto it, but I'd also argue that most of that work is probably knock-on improvements that came from them making Miles Morales (Ray Tracing, 60fps mode, dialed up settings, greater draw disrances). In the video we saw, the game clearly wasn't a visual upgrade over PS4 outside of standard PC type visual enhancements, outside of a new Peter Parker that pretty much no-one asked for.

Also, we should remember that Insomniac working on Spiderman resmastered for a year isn't the equivalent of them working on Miles Morales, Spiderman 2, or the original PS4 Spiderman for a year. The Spiderman remastered team could have had as few as just a handful of people working on it for several months, and probably had a main team, excluding QA, of around 20-50 people, as opposed to what I imagine was over 200 for Spiderman PS4.

I think we should be pretty cautious judging exactly how grand the improvements in the Remaster are. After Puddle-Gate I think people should be a bit more wary analysing in this fashion. The game isn't far away now and I'm sure DigitalFoundry/NXGamer will deliver the detailed analysis. In terms of what we actually know they have improved, it's nothing to be sniffed at.

Obviously what you say in regards to how much work Insomniac have done for the remaster is broadly true: it would be a fraction of the amount of person-hours worked to create the original game, and there will be overlap with the work for both Miles Morales and Spider-Man 2. At the same time we're talking about a $20 add which comprises a substantially enhanced version of the original game and all its DLC.


Oct 25, 2017
OK...here's Gears 5. Note that I didn't want to bring up an MS game, but since you've put it in play...

  • Contact Shadows
  • Screen Space Global Illumination
  • 50% higher particles counts than that on the PC's ultra spec
  • Real time cinematics in 4K 60fps
  • Higher resolution textures
  • Improved Anisotropic Filtering
  • Higher Resolution Volume Fog
  • Higher quality Depth of Field
  • Extremely far Draw Distances with high level of object detail
  • Shadow Resolution & Shadow Distance
  • High quality Screen Space Reflections
  • Post Processing improvements like Bloom, Lens Flare, Light Shafts, etc.
  • 120fps multiplayer support
All for free. I am speaking with my wallet. I am not console warring, I've said this about every game forcing a fee for an upgrade.

this sounds awesome cannot wait for this!

but anyway I think there are 2 major differences. One, there is a PC port which would make things easier and two, the game has MTX, which allows MS to recoup their costs in other ways.Neither of which Spider-Man has.
In fact when I look at the list of the games MS is optimising for X, there is Gears 5, Horizon 4, Sea Of Theives and Ori.

All of which, except Ori, are service based games with MTX or DLC. Offering other ways of revenue outside of buying the game.

an example I can give you is myself. I have Forza 4 but have yet to play. In preparation for my X as launch games are few from MS, I went and bought some of the DLC already, as I'm treating it as my launch game. But there you go.


Oct 25, 2017
What is the 'piss filter' everyone is referring to?
People are saying the PS4 version's had a slightly warmer color grading, but it kind of just looks like the new lighting system is more articulate and defined because while the sky looks more grey-neutral, the dirt/sand at the construction yard looks about the same.

It's also something you probably wouldn't notice without a direct comparison so people calling it a piss filter just seems like ERA gonna ERA.