
Oct 28, 2017
Executing protesters is horrendous and only lends further need for the regime's fall.

Hoping the best for those in Iran trying to break free of this.


Oct 27, 2017
Just insane to see Iran actually go through with these executions. Feel so bad for all the protesters


Oct 27, 2017
It's just so incredibly sad and frustrating to see a government do this to their future. These protestors are young and vibrant. They are the beating heart of what Iran should be. The only thing they had going against them was to be born into this violent theocracy.

I hope they find a way to bring down the Islamic Republic, and start anew. There's just such a brutal and bloody road ahead of them.


Oct 29, 2017
Canadian news media is ignoring this.

Said it before, western governments don't want a secular Iran nor other Middle Eastern countries because it would strengthen those socio-economic propsects on the long-term.
Oct 25, 2017
I've seen it reported in Canadian media but it should get more coverage.

Might be difficult to report on since they can't send reporters into Iran to actually cover this in person though?


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Canadian news media is ignoring this.

Said it before, western governments don't want a secular Iran nor other Middle Eastern countries because it would strengthen those socio-economic propsects on the long-term.
I don't buy that for a second. Western governments would be thrilled if Iran's government, which has been openly antagonistic and a thorn in their side in a number of ways, were overthrown.


The Enlightened "this guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Canadian news media is ignoring this.

Said it before, western governments don't want a secular Iran nor other Middle Eastern countries because it would strengthen those socio-economic propsects on the long-term.
Absolutely untrue. The West would love a regime change.
Aug 12, 2019
Absolutely untrue. The West would love a regime change.

The West wants a regime change, specifically a regime change that results in an immediately sympathetic, if not outright subservient Iran. Iran has the capability to be an even greater regional power if the current regime wasn't obsessed with absolute power over its own, and the US interests for the Middle East probably do not want that particularly either.


Oct 26, 2017
Canadian news media is ignoring this.

Said it before, western governments don't want a secular Iran nor other Middle Eastern countries because it would strengthen those socio-economic propsects on the long-term.

Media is ignoring it because people don't care what happens over there. The horrors of Iran has become routine. Strong religious theocracies are not good for the west. Trade is what makes it strong. These fanatic nations are the opposite of progress.


Oct 29, 2017
Media is ignoring it because people don't care what happens over there. The horrors of Iran has become routine. Strong religious theocracies are not good for the west. Trade is what makes it strong. These fanatic nations are the opposite of progress.

Nope, the media has been downplaying this from the start. This isn't "the people don't care".


Dog's Best Friend
Oct 29, 2017

EU tells Iran to halt repression, support for Russia

Motherfuckers walking on Iranians' blood, yeah get back to negotiation with the regime you two-faced bastards. Fucking France nonetheless, first they give shelter to Khomeini and export him to Iran right on time, now sit down and talk with these murderers.

Fuck Macron.


Sep 7, 2018
Thread has been quiet for a while.

Does anyone have a precis of developments over the festive period please?


Dog's Best Friend
Oct 29, 2017
Protests are not happening like before. The regime is in crackdown mode, especially in some provinces with predominantly Sunni populations, like Kurdistan and Sistan. But protests are not nonexistent, they happen here and there and on special occasions like on the 40th day after the death of different protesters, we have protests in their respective cities. Lots of things are happening, an IRGC officer was shot dead at his home a few days ago, and there is unconfirmed news that the most notorious judge of the regime, Judge Salavati was killed by gunshot yesterday.

[Appearantly in response to Salavati's death] The regime executed 2 more protesters this morning. They both were on hunger strikes for lack of due process and were denied a last meeting with their families.

Tomorrow is the anniversary of Flight 752 which was shot down by IRGC 3 years ago, killing 176 persons. We probably should see protests all over the world, and also in Iran.


Dog's Best Friend
Oct 29, 2017
Fuck these murders, I feel absolutely powerless and empty. Holding 80 Million people hostage for the power thirst of an old man fuck that shit


Oct 29, 2017
Iran should be banned from the Olympics and World Cup.

Add North Korea to the ban list while at it.


Charitable King
Oct 27, 2017
I'm taking a very enfeebled position here, but what do we westerners even do about this shit?


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'm taking a very enfeebled position here, but what do we westerners even do about this shit?
It's hard to say this without sounding callous but I don't see how the West can do anything other than shine a spotlight. The solution will need to come from within Iran, IMO. With that said I'd certainly hope that between the crackdown and the support of Russia that western nations start to treat the Iranian regime as a pariah state.


Oct 25, 2017
our world isn't built to stop stuff like this, but to allow it, and to use it as a "boy aren't you glad you have us instead of them" situation. If there was a massive and consistent outcry from people all over the world, public leaders would feel compelled to try to do something, but only because of the change in equilibrium is acting on them via the people.

The default is to let powers do what they want under their legal systems as long as the balance of operation isn't upset. If business carries on as usual, the West generally doesn't care, because as long as the clocks run on time, we can convince ourselves the world is turning in the right direction.

If the atrocities take place in prisons and jails and under a presiding legal "judgement", other countries are usually hands off. Human rights groups may get involved, but they're not really taken seriously, just used as another tool in the adversarial struggle. When they have something to say about enemies, they get amplified, and when they have something to say about our societies they get ignored or nullified. People care about these things, but power sees them as situations to be capitalized on. That's why the human factor is so important. They can make people care, or at least act, because someone somewhere cares.
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Dog's Best Friend
Oct 29, 2017
Western countries could do a LOT to put extra pressure on the regime to help the oppressed people of Iran. These murderers' families are living in the west using Iranians' blood money and no one is doing anything about it. They could easily deport them, seize their assets, and hand them over to international police.

Mahmoud Reza Khavari, chairman of the board of the largest Iranian bank, embezzled like 3 billion dollars out of the country and is now living happily in Canada and his kids are being handed over many prizes and awards for being "entrepreneurs".

Marjan Sheikholeslami Aleagha, embezzled upward of 6 billion Euro out of the country and is living happily in Canada.

Adnan Tabatabaei, son of a former IR diplomat and a fucking drug dealer has been a consultant on Iran's matters in Germany for years and receiving funds in millions of dollars.

Hasan Ruhani's daughter, Larijani's entire family, Velayati, every one of the high-ranking members of the regime has their family living in the comfort of western society while they are oppressing Iranian people to live the Islamic way.

The list could go on and on, the thing is the western powers have yet not decided to really put pressure on Iran's regime. What they did to Russia after the Ukraine war was a maximum pressure campaign, what they are doing to Mullahs is not. Don't forget Shahed-136 Drones are being made by mostly western parts while necessary drugs are not imported to the country due to " sanctions". The sanctions are there, but somehow, the regime always finds a way around them. Iran is not part of FATF but somehow, they could easily send money to their Islamic centers like the famous one in London. So far, the maximum pressure on the regime by the westerns power has been nothing but a joke and mostly just on paper.


Oct 27, 2017
Western countries could do a LOT to put extra pressure on the regime to help the oppressed people of Iran. These murderers' families are living in the west using Iranians' blood money and no one is doing anything about it. They could easily deport them, seize their assets, and hand them over to international police.

Mahmoud Reza Khavari, chairman of the board of the largest Iranian bank, embezzled like 3 billion dollars out of the country and is now living happily in Canada and his kids are being handed over many prizes and awards for being "entrepreneurs".

Marjan Sheikholeslami Aleagha, embezzled upward of 6 billion Euro out of the country and is living happily in Canada.

Adnan Tabatabaei, son of a former IR diplomat and a fucking drug dealer has been a consultant on Iran's matters in Germany for years and receiving funds in millions of dollars.

Hasan Ruhani's daughter, Larijani's entire family, Velayati, every one of the high-ranking members of the regime has their family living in the comfort of western society while they are oppressing Iranian people to live the Islamic way.

The list could go on and on, the thing is the western powers have yet not decided to really put pressure on Iran's regime. What they did to Russia after the Ukraine war was a maximum pressure campaign, what they are doing to Mullahs is not. Don't forget Shahed-136 Drones are being made by mostly western parts while necessary drugs are not imported to the country due to " sanctions". The sanctions are there, but somehow, the regime always finds a way around them. Iran is not part of FATF but somehow, they could easily send money to their Islamic centers like the famous one in London. So far, the maximum pressure on the regime by the westerns power has been nothing but a joke and mostly just on paper.
Targeting the Iran elites enjoying life outside Iran is not going to reduce the violence of the Iran rulers. Violence can only stopped by more violence.


Dog's Best Friend
Oct 29, 2017
Targeting the Iran elites enjoying life outside Iran is not going to reduce the violence of the Iran rulers. Violence can only stopped by more violence.

I know and you are right, what I am trying to say is western leaders are not really putting maximum pressure on the Mullahs and it seems they are happy with the way things are.

I think nothing but foreign intervention could topple this regime. They are way too eager to kill by the thousands when shit really hits the fan and all these years they have been preparing themselves for such scenarios. They castrated the military and it is basically IRGC's bitch so a coup is not going to happen and guns are almost non-existence in Iran and empty-handed people can not really handle the regime's thugs. I really hope so but it just seems hard and not doable specially without a leader inside the country.

Also, it seems the 2 protesters who were supposed to be hanged this morning are still alive. People gathered outside of the prison early morning chanting and protesting and they stopped the execution for now.

Oct 27, 2017
Seems like this movement is largely losing steam, unfortunately. If this bullshit doesn't get millions of people out, I don't know what will. I'm no expert at protest or anything, but this is where you need leadership at this stage to focus efforts and motivate people. Seems like the government terror tactics are starting to work because of that lack of clear leadership. Not sure where this is going to go from here. When faced with a government with a North Korea level response to protesting I'm not sure what ordinary people can do against that. Emigrate en masse, probably. It's a shame that millions of Iranians can't call Iran home.
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