Oct 25, 2017
the ocean
Let's call it for what it is, a white supremacist terrorist attack.

And what will the current dipshit in chief do? Absolutely nothing, and blame the Squad for hating America.
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, England
I grew up in El Paso. Just got word that my cousin was at the WalMart with his family. He managed to carry his daughter and run out to safety. A close friend with his family was at the Sam's next door and was in lock down and saw injured people run into the store splattered in blood. The texts I've been getting make me feel sick.
Glad your family are okay, must have been so scary for them.


Oct 28, 2017
I have heard rumors that the shooter apparently "warned" 4chan's /pol/ and posted the manifesto on 8chan's /pol/.

The Struggler

Alt Account
Jul 3, 2019
I mean that's the common mindset,

"Terrorists just hate us because thay ain't us"
so when the terrorists are one of "us" it could only be because they are so messed up in the head.
To them a terrorist is a guy with dark skin and a believer in Islam, not the guy next door radicalized online, praising guns and also believing in white power rhetoric


Oct 25, 2017
I mean that's the common mindset,

"Terrorists just hate us because thay ain't us"
so when the terrorists are one of "us" it could only be because they are so messed up in the head.......
or it's the government secretly setting us up! saw it with sandy hook, and now here too. these people have their heads buried in the sand because they don't want to face reality.


The Struggler

Alt Account
Jul 3, 2019
or it's the government secretly setting us up! saw it with sandy hook, and now here too. these people have their heads buried in the sand because they don't want to face reality.

Thing is sadly is they dont want to acknowledge its there but I guarantee there are a bunch of white people right now happy that this happened to keep moving their group and agenda forward, to "take back" America

Deleted member 42055

User requested account closure
Apr 12, 2018
Oh man I forgot Beto is from El Paso, this is a helluva big moment for him. Let's see if he offers up more than just thoughts and prayers


Oct 25, 2017
it's true, he did. you can find it, but no way i'm linking to that shit, just know it's true and these sick people exist out there

Was there any white nationalist rhetoric from the shooter? Inceldom? I mean, apparently this dude just turned 21, so I begin to wonder what poisoned such a young mind.


Newbie Paper Plane Pilot
Oct 25, 2017
President Frump will say: "This is a tragedy, but we have to remember there's bad people on all sides."

Deleted member 171

Oct 25, 2017
Oh man I forgot Beto is from El Paso, this is a helluva big moment for him. Let's see if he offers up more than just thoughts and prayers

I mean, he already was pretty emotional earlier today about it. And he also already has plans, but not much he can really do from the outside beyond speak on it.


Oct 25, 2017
Was there any white nationalist rhetoric from the shooter? Inceldom? I mean, apparently this dude just turned 21, so I begin to wonder what poisoned such a young mind.
completely white nationalist. his manifesto was all about saving white america from hispanics taking over, race mixing, etc. and he posted in support of trump's wall/etc on his twitter.

same thing that radicalizes a lot of these disaffected young white males. toxic online communities, shitty racist role models, etc. trump, the christchurch shooter, easy availability to guns, these all play a part in why someone decides to do something awful like this.

the question is whether mainstream america will ever be awakened to these realities, or if they'll ignore it because it makes trump and racist republicans look like the shitbags they are.


Oct 25, 2017
The manifesto, assuming it's real, is peak absurdity.

He uses GOP talking points about the Democrats all throughout the first half and then near the end goes, "btw I was like this before Trump don't blame him please."


Nov 6, 2017
You'll never get them banned with that attitude... It won't happen overnight... But you've gotta at least start think about doing it... Right now... It's just fucked up
Honestly, i dont see it ever happening. Even if you get rid of the 400+ million already in circulation youd still have to deal with the rise of 3d printing, cheap cnc machines and build kits which are all improving by the year and the ease of internet activity in looking literally anything up. Not to mention the massive influx in black market guns both in the US and coming to the US. Stopping immigration was a failure, stopping the drug war was a failure and so would be guns. Where getting to a point that if someone wanted a gun, chances are good their going to get it legal or not.

And thats assuming you changed peoples minds in wanting to go down that road which isnt looking good. Where we are at in terms or racial and political turmoil, guns are looking better and better for many people.


Oct 25, 2017
completely white nationalist. his manifesto was all about saving white america from hispanics taking over, race mixing, etc. and he posted in support of trump's wall/etc on his twitter.

same thing that radicalizes a lot of these disaffected young white males. toxic communities, shitty racist role models, etc

Yep, probably a Stefan Molyneux fan too. I bet there's even a "the white replacement is real" kinda nudge in it as well...

bomma man

Oct 25, 2017
Apropos of nothing, if you read about pre-Nazi Germany and pre-war Japan, a common thread is radical right wing terrorists and para-militaries being treated with a light touch by establishment conservative governments and the judiciary, while the full force of the state comes down on communists and anarchists.


Oct 25, 2017
Thing is sadly is they dont want to acknowledge its there but I guarantee there are a bunch of white people right now happy that this happened to keep moving their group and agenda forward, to "take back" America
yep. i've unfortunately read though the 8chan thread talking about this and it legit made me want to throw up how truly casually hateful these people can be.

Etrian Oddity

Oct 26, 2017
Holy shit, CBS just read one line of the manifesto that was released. Literally verbatim said his attack an response to the Hispanic invasion of our country. And Trump and White America is still gonna hide the supremacist terrorism movement and say it's mental illness.

Thoughts and prayers for El Paso. This is horrifying and words really fail me with how fucked America is.


Oct 25, 2017
Was there any white nationalist rhetoric from the shooter? Inceldom? I mean, apparently this dude just turned 21, so I begin to wonder what poisoned such a young mind.
8 chan, 4 chan

My nephew used to be a sweet kid now he's a 16 year old youtube watching Trump supporting Obama hating, alt-righter. They get off of school and spend their entire summers getting radicalized online by shitheels telling them it's ok to hate people that aren't White.

GoldenEye 007

Roll Tide, Y'all!
Oct 25, 2017
Oh man I forgot Beto is from El Paso, this is a helluva big moment for him. Let's see if he offers up more than just thoughts and prayers
Pretty sure he ran an anti-gun platform during his Senate race. Which is another reason why I don't get why people shit on him for losing. He has no issue speaking out against guns even in a statewide TX race. Which with how close he got is crazy.


Oct 25, 2017
Holy shit, CBS just read one line of the manifesto that was released. Literally verbatim said his attack an response to the Hispanic invasion of our country. And Trump and White America is still gonna hide the supremacist terrorism movement and say it's mental illness.

Thoughts and prayers for El Paso. This is horrifying and words really fail me with how fucked America is.

Yup, the dude's a full blown white nationalist who posted on 8chan. He even said he was inspired by the Christchurch shooting. 8Chan needs to be shut down.
Oct 25, 2017
the ocean
Any other President would be meeting with his or her national secuity staff on what to do about this terrorist attack. But the current shitstain we have is probably playing golf right now while writing racist tweets.