Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta GA
Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame. A two part epic superhero movie event unlike anything we've seen before.

At some point, Feige has to try and top it right? He's probably already been workshopping with the writers & directors for some time. They probably already know what they're doing.

But we're not gonna know for another 10 years or so. It's so far away, but what is the next big thing that's gonna come close to living up to what IW/Endgame accomplished? What kind of movie do you want to see? What heroes are in it? More importantly to this thread - who is the threat?



I want to see a 10-15 year Marvel Cinematic Universe roadmap that uses The Eternals' backstory as establishing grounds for both Fantastic Four and X-Men. Celestials have been mentioned in the MCU for some time, but they need to manifest once again as a real threat to the universe at some point. In more recent Marvel Comics history, that has been the case.

The Celestial Hosts and their legacies have haunted the pages of The Avengers, The Eternals, The Fantastic Four, and X-Men for years. This needs to be the next major step in the MCU narrative, Celestials should be the tie that binds the various MCU franchises going forward, like the Infinity Stones were for this nearly complete "Infinity Saga."

I want a bunch of movies that give us more history and background on the Celestials and I want it to culminate with a two-parter that first pits the heroes of Earth against a threat that is somewhat related, Galactus.

I want Feige doing everything he needs to do to build up both Galactus and Celestials concurrently, tie them together, and give us a massive team up of Avengers, Champions, The Fantastic Four, X-Men, Thunderbolts and Eternals to defend the Earth from Galactus' insatiable hunger. The heroes of Earth are victorious against this first massive threat and find a way to reason with Galactus and devise an alternative solution to him eating the fucking planet. That's my next Infinity War.

But what can top that? A Host of Celestials arriving to destroy the Earth and put an end their life experiments across the universe. Galactus teams up with the Heroes of Earth. The wide array of Cosmic Heroes that have been introduced over the years also join the fray. Also a lot of other exciting things that I can't possibly come up with. That's my next Endgame.

What's yours? Give me your best/shittiest MCU fanfiction.


Oct 25, 2017
Dark Phoenix

done properly

in the MCU

Secret Wars will have to be a 3 parter :)


A King's Landing
Oct 27, 2017
With regards to the thread title. Is there a way to blanket ignore keywords instead of having to click into threads to ignore them?


Jan 16, 2019
Don't know much about specific comic storylines. All I know is that I want Doctor Doom to be a main overarching villain at some point. It's unlikely that he'll be the next one - I don't care as long as he is one eventually. Marvel having movie rights to F4 again makes me hopeful.

Maybe....... Doom comes to power and rules with an iron fist. He makes a ruckus, wages a war on Wakanda or something, basically causing a number of international incidents that occur in the background of several other movies. All of the actions he takes somehow tie into him trying to
reclaim his mother's soul from the demon, Mephisto, as told in that one Doctor Doom and Doctor Strange: Triumph and Torment story.
Always loved that story and it'd be a real crowd-pleasing spectacle for the theaters I'm sure. Anyway, that's jsut a rough fanfic premise with a lot of details missing, but that's the general idea of what I'd like as a fan of the character.
Last edited:


Oct 31, 2017

A good excuse to re-introduce Ultron as he infiltrates the Phalanx as a sub threat while annihilus is heading towards our galaxy.



Oct 25, 2017
We should develop a machine learning algorithm to detect marvel threads even if they don't have "marvel" written in them


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
1st movie: The Incursions with the ending being the end of the universe. (post credits-scene of god doom)
2nd movie: Secret Wars, defeating Doom and creating a new Universe.


Oct 27, 2017
perhaps in the minority but i'd like to pull back from the cosmic, galaxy or universe-ending stuff, or contain it with GOTG and Captain Marvel

an overarching villain or group of villains who remain on earth, fucking things up, causing general strife and mayhem across many films would be good

maybe establish like the Dark Avengers or some other villain supergroup that has more punch than Hydra... dont know what the supervillain orgs are in the marvel universe but i think it's time to build one up


Oct 25, 2017
I would REALLY like it if they built up Earth-based and Cosmic-based conflicts at the same time, a la Civil War/Annihilation in the comics. Maybe use Captain Marvel as the Nova-analog in the Annihilation storyline. Or just introduce Nova. Heroes dealing with Secret Invasion on Earth, "blissfully" unaware that the universe is being destroyed by a giant insect horde from the Negative Zone.
Pai Pai Master
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta GA
I would REALLY like it if they built up Earth-based and Cosmic-based conflicts at the same time, a la Civil War/Annihilation in the comics. Maybe use Captain Marvel as the Nova-analog in the Annihilation storyline. Or just introduce Nova. Heroes dealing with Secret Invasion on Earth, "blissfully" unaware that the universe is being destroyed by a giant insect horde from the Negative Zone.

This is what Annihilation+Conquest is perfect for. Merge them together, Annihilus as the first intergalactic threat. Nova and the new GOTG face off against him and lose when Ultron hijacks the Phalanx and brings it to Earth for revenge.

perhaps in the minority but i'd like to pull back from the cosmic, galaxy or universe-ending stuff, or contain it with GOTG and Captain Marvel

an overarching villain or group of villains who remain on earth, fucking things up, causing general strife and mayhem across many films would be good

maybe establish like the Dark Avengers or some other villain supergroup that has more punch than Hydra... dont know what the supervillain orgs are in the marvel universe but i think it's time to build one up

Thunderbolts, first led by Thaddeus Ross then taken over by Norman Osborn. Turn Thunderbolts into Dark Avengers yeah, and have them lead an attack on New Asgard.


Oct 25, 2017
This is what Annihilation+Conquest is perfect for. Merge them together, Annihilus as the first intergalactic threat. Nova and the new GOTG face off against him and lose when Ultron hijacks the Phalanx and brings it to Earth for revenge.

It's a good way to keep overpowered characters like Captain Marvel off Earth.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
People want Secret Wars too soon

Like at best Secret Wars should be two "events" from now

You need more time for Secret Wars to mean what it does

I agree more with Annihilation/Conquest.


Oct 27, 2017
Maybe go in the opposite direction of Infinity War/Endgame. Spend the next several films having a Norman Osborne like figure accumulating political power after the world was decimated by the snap. Have him be someone who is protected by their political position. He could twist people who were traumatized by Thanos and make them a more extremist hero group that would represent the lingering aftereffects of Infinity War, even if the snap was reversed.


Oct 25, 2017
How do I set up ignore filters?
With regards to the thread title. Is there a way to blanket ignore keywords instead of having to click into threads to ignore them?



By popular demand...the return of Hide Forum Threads!

Ever get tired of all those uninteresting threads clogging up your Resetera screen? I certainly do, and I always wished there was a way to get rid of the threads I don't care about and only see the ones that are new or interest me. So I wrote a script to do it. To hide a thread, look for the...


Jan 22, 2018
People want Secret Wars too soon

Like at best Secret Wars should be two "events" from now

You need more time for Secret Wars to mean what it does

I agree more with Annihilation/Conquest.

Hey there, could you elaborate more on Secret War being set up two events from now? I'm a comic book noob but this has me very curious. :D
Pai Pai Master
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta GA
Maybe go in the opposite direction of Infinity War/Endgame. Spend the next several films having a Norman Osborne like figure accumulating political power after the world was decimated by the snap. Have him be someone who is protected by their political position. He could twist people who were traumatized by Thanos and make them a more extremist hero group that would represent the lingering aftereffects of Infinity War, even if the snap was reversed.

Thunderbolts and Siege, yeah. Osborn is the perfect central figure villain to move on to after an intergalactic threat from Thanos.

Endgame left the world without Iron Man & Captain America. There's a huge void, and as the Spider-Man trailers imply, finding "the next Iron Man" is a big thing coming up. Perfect time to introduce Norman Osborn. Build him up as someone with good intentions and close to Peter, someone that he trusts - a replacement for Tony Stark. But it needs to be Dark Reign Norman Osborn - there's something sinister inside him. And just forget about Green Goblin. Instead put him in charge of the Thunderbolts, government-run Avengers. Make himself the new Iron Patriot, claiming to be the symbol of hope in in the absence of the two great Avengers. Refuses to recognize Sam Wilson as the new Captain America, refuses to allow New Asgard to remain established on Earth. Make him a xenophobe who hates immigrants, the world is ready for a movie where the Avengers led by Sam Wilson & Black Panther protect refugees from an evil rich white dude.


Oct 27, 2017
Thunderbolts and Siege, yeah. Osborn is the perfect central figure villain to move on to after an intergalactic threat from Thanos.

Endgame left the world without Iron Man & Captain America. There's a huge void, and as the Spider-Man trailers imply, finding "the next Iron Man" is a big thing coming up. Perfect time to introduce Norman Osborn. Build him up as someone with good intentions and close to Peter, someone that he trusts - a replacement for Tony Stark. But it needs to be Dark Reign Norman Osborn - there's something sinister inside him. And just forget about Green Goblin. Instead put him in charge of the Thunderbolts, government-run Avengers. Make himself the new Iron Patriot, claiming to be the symbol of hope in in the absence of the two great Avengers. Refuses to recognize Sam Wilson as the new Captain America, refuses to allow New Asgard to remain established on Earth. Make him a xenophobe who hates immigrants, the world is ready for a movie where the Avengers led by Sam Wilson & Black Panther protect refugees from an evil rich white dude.

Exactly, this feels like a logical step after Endgame, and would give characters like Sam a great foil to act against. I don't think the next major villain should just be another insanely strong thing from outer space, but a twisted mix of human flaws and trauma from the snap.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I really do not want another really long lead up to anything. It was great fun this time but I don't think I have the energy for it again.

I know Feige has said phase 4 doesn't have anything like that but I'm sure 5 and on will though.

At the same time: Onslaught.


Nov 20, 2017
Huntington, WV
I think super broken Wanda could really kick off some House of M-style stuff now that Vision is dead. She has shown herself to be immensely powerful when she nearly solo'd Thanos in Endgame, so maybe she finally has a full break and decides that Vision was the only one who understood her, TRULY understood her, and she needed more people like her that she could be understood by. She uses her powers to manipulate the barriers in the multiverse and there's a forceful merger of two worlds, resulting in the arrival of the X-men film universe bleeding into the MCU universe.


Oct 25, 2017
Mexico City
I don't want a diluted Secret Wars, there needs to be way more build up to that, Annihilation could be good, BUT you need to first establish Galactus as this universal threat first through several movies, because I don't want Annihilation without the "we are fucked" moment when they see he became a slave to Annihilus. Maybe a Secret invasion would work, but what I really think has the more potential for the immediate future of the MCU is a Dark Reign type of period among all earth based movies. You'd need to introduce Osborn first tho


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Hey there, could you elaborate more on Secret War being set up two events from now? I'm a comic book noob but this has me very curious. :D

Secret Wars being as great as it was (IMO obviously) was in many ways tied to how much the past of Marvel was celebrated with it.

If you are unaware, when Secret Wars happened it caused all the past Marvel events and multiverses to be put together on one planet, the Battleworld. So you had all of these side series running concurrently with the main Secret Wars book that showed those old worlds. Some of them were continuations of a sort (like Old Man Logan), and some of them were retellings in a way (like Age of Apocalypse). So you got to call on a ton of Marvel history to bring back these old versions of these characters and their respective worlds.

Another way it tied into the past is the central conflict between Reed Richards and Doctor Doom. So much of Secret Wars ultimately boiled down to the lifelong feud of those two, and all the battles they have had in the past informed their decisions and emotions here.

So as for the reason why I think you need to be more patient and wait for Secret Wars is two-fold. I think you need to establish more of this MCU universe, so that a true "Battleworld"-style lookback has more impact. And I also think you really need to firmly establish and hammer home the relationship between Reed and Doom before you get to their ultimate conflict in Secret Wars. Both of those characters need to be very long established for that story to hit the right way. And one cycle of the MCU isn't enough to do that IMO, especially because we know we won't see them anytime soon.


Mar 14, 2019
3 Avengers movies breaking up the next 3 phases as the stakes start low before increasing again:

Doctor Doom -> Silver Surfer -> Galactus


Oct 28, 2017
They should stick to smaller stories.
Big events have big fallout that they don't seem to want to follow up on. That annoys the shit out of me. I always thought that the shared universe made them special, but it's turned into something that makes it very difficult to enjoy their movies.
Pai Pai Master
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta GA
3 Avengers movies breaking up the next 3 phases as the stakes start low before increasing again:

Doctor Doom -> Silver Surfer -> Galactus

SIlver Surfer doesn't really need his own big Avengers movie. He's fine being introduced in a cosmic flick like GOTG or something else, and then he can appear later in a Fantastic Four movie warning of Galactus' arrival.

Adapt these arcs into event movies, building up to them in smaller solo and team up flicks -

Siege (Thunderbolts & Norman Osborn primary villain, Doom secondary antagonist)
Annihilation + Annihilation Conquest (Annihilus and Ultron)

Then do a big Galactus + Celestials two parter that involves both the cosmic side of the MCU and all of Earth's heroes and some villains (Doom, Thunderbolts etc) teaming up to defend Earth.


Oct 27, 2017
Kang the Conqueror, messing with time has consequences. Go with the EMH ending too, he is defeated at the end because he has ancient Stark tech still at the root of some of his tech.