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Oct 27, 2017
As someone who has played a lot of MH4U and MH Generations, but no Monster Hunter World. I cannot recall anytime two monsters fought each other. You'd have stuff like Deviljho eating other monster corpses sometimes, but that was it. Like, sometimes monsters would hit each other accidentally, but they would never engage each other directly. You are correct about the Felynes as far as I know though...

Monsters eating each other is surely an advanced AI routine requiring hundreds of thousands lines of code :p


Oct 28, 2017
What, MHW is your first?

You're in this thread and every other MH thread hammering your fist down about how MH should be this and that with such an authoritative tone like you've invested 10 years in the damn series and you've never got into it before this one?

The vast majority of people who talk about MH in this thread have never played it. Who cares? Its a sales thread. You dont need to play most of the games here to have an opinion.

Bruno MB

PAL Charts Genius
Oct 25, 2017

Predict how much these titles will sell in the month (from Jan 29 to Feb 25):

[PS4] Dragon Ball FighterZ (25 days) - 115.000
[NSW] The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (25 days) - 40.000
[PS4] Dynasty Warriors 9 (18 days) - 185.000
[PS4 + PSV] Secret of Mana (11 days) - 75.000
[NSW] Bayonetta 2 (9 days) - 45.000
[PS4] Metal Gear Survive (5 days) - 65.000


Oct 25, 2017
Umm yes. When all your teams are on PS360 raking in money, why would you leave?

What? I have never ever written Capcom should have left other platforms...?!

I just wrote that Capcom missed the DS train even though they had the potential of selling much, much more. Instead it was only Ace Attorney and Mega Man (and Ace Attorney succeeded because of pure luck rather than actual effort). Other companies were able to develop on HD consoles, PSP and DS and to succeed on many of them. Capcom gave up on DS.

Even Bandai and Sega got a million seller on DS, lol
Oct 25, 2017
Regarding MHW AI, the big difference is that all the monsters are synced up between players (including small) and the routines for the monsters are running for the entire map at all times. That's not to suggest that the AI is particularly complex, but the game does not have zones and just simply has more going on at any one time for the hardware to accommodate.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Umm yes. When all your teams are on PS360 raking in money, why would you leave?

hahaha that got me good

Interesting, though I've noticed your points are often overly negative in the prior MH threads and other fans have disagreed with them.

Yup, MHW will be my first :D

MHW already did that. Now that the series is multiplatform I don't see any more of these reactions.

If MHW is going to be your first MH game why are you speaking with a voice of authority on what the Switch can or can't handle from MHW when a specific example you cited was already done on a lesser platform?


Oct 29, 2017
Lot of new posters lol.

Predict how much these titles will sell in the month (from Jan 29 to Feb 25):

[PS4] Dragon Ball FighterZ (25 days) - 120K
[NSW] The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (25 days) - 50K
[PS4] Dynasty Warriors 9 (18 days) - 170K
[PS4 + PSV] Secret of Mana (11 days) - 63K
[NSW] Bayonetta 2 (9 days) - 55K
[PS4] Metal Gear Survive (5 days) - 70K


Oct 27, 2017
Predict how much these titles will sell in the month (from Jan 29 to Feb 25):

[PS4] Dragon Ball FighterZ (25 days) - 135K
[NSW] The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (25 days) - 65K
[PS4] Dynasty Warriors 9 (18 days) - 210K
[PS4 + PSV] Secret of Mana (11 days) - 60K
[NSW] Bayonetta 2 (9 days) - 85K
[PS4] Metal Gear Survive (5 days) - 35K


Oct 26, 2017
I would imagine Capcom avoided calling Monster Hunter World Monster Hunter 5 due to not wanting to make newcomers feel like they've missed four games in the series so why should they pick up and/or feel overwhelmed by a fifth entry in a franchise. By calling it World, there's no confusion. It's more inviting, it's a breath of fresh air and a new step forward for the Monster Hunter franchise for all.

Sorry if that topic has been beaten to death already. I don't see the big importance regardless.
Right, Tsujimoto basically said as much and it was part of their effort for breaking into the west. It doesn't really explain why they didn't call it MH5 in Japan though where it'd be a more lucrative title.

As someone who has played a lot of MH4U and MH Generations, but no Monster Hunter World. I cannot recall anytime two monsters fought each other. You'd have stuff like Deviljho eating other monster corpses sometimes, but that was it. Like, sometimes monsters would hit each other accidentally, but they would never engage each other directly. You are correct about the Felynes as far as I know though...
Large monsters fighting each other is the big new addition to World. It also allows one additional large monster on hunts, going from 2 to 3.

Felyn companions have been in since the PSP games. They're not new at all.

Regarding MHW AI, the big difference is that all the monsters are synced up between players (including small) and the routines for the monsters are running for the entire map at all times. That's not to suggest that the AI is particularly complex, but the game does not have zones and just simply has more going on at any one time for the hardware to accommodate.
The monster pathfinding was always running in older games too, in your zone or not. You could track them moving on your map even if you'd marked them or had the proper skill going.
Oct 25, 2017
Monsters brawling is not from the old games I don't know where that came from. When more than 1 was on the map they could accidentally hit each other but not on purpose like World. The revisionist history is hilarious. Yes Jho ate corpses but that's not the same thing as what's happening in World.

Bruno MB

PAL Charts Genius
Oct 25, 2017
Did we get December results somewhere?

I have accumulated work since I have yet to calculate November, December and January results. This month has been rough, I have barely had any free time.

From now on my plan is to have the results posted 1 or 2 weeks after Famitsu data is available. I will skip November (I am sorry) and I will try to keep up to date to avoid backlog.


self-requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
Wow Psycho_Mantis never played a single MH game before?

You learn something new every day, as the saying goes. I would've never thought that...


Oct 25, 2017
Interesting, though I've noticed your points are often overly negative in the prior MH threads and other fans have disagreed with them.
"Other fans" also agreed with it.
I've never been negative about the game (outside of the reveal trailer like many veterans), but have been about Capcom's general attitude, as well as its possible prospects in Japan.
For the rest, I've been realistic about its lack of impressive details on the technical side (while being great on the art side), which riled some people up. The game looks really good, but there's plenty of things that are not as impressive as Capcom's PR machine want to let you think.
As someone who has played a lot of MH4U and MH Generations, but no Monster Hunter World. I cannot recall anytime two monsters fought each other. You'd have stuff like Deviljho eating other monster corpses sometimes, but that was it. Like, sometimes monsters would hit each other accidentally, but they would never engage each other directly. You are correct about the Felynes as far as I know though...
That's what I was saying yeah. The "monster vs monster" part like this is new to the series. Same for the Felynes, it didn't really exist under that form before.
But the rest did, and is nothing new.
What does that have to do with him wanting the franchise on consoles?
Nothing? The issue is saying what is only possible in World or not when it already happened in previous games.
Most people wanted MH on consoles again, just not to leave portable platforms behind for obvious reasons. Saying that something couldn't and shouldn't be done somewhere despite not knowing what you're talking about is a problem in that case.

I have accumulated work since I have yet to calculate November, December and January results. This month has been rough, I have barely had any free time.

From now on my plan is to have the results posted 1 or 2 weeks after Famitsu data is available. I will skip November (I am sorry) and I will try to keep up to date to avoid backlog.
Cool, and no worries about November!
Hope for you that it'll get better.


Oct 28, 2017
Monsters brawling is not from the old games I don't know where that came from. When more than 1 was on the map they could accidentally hit each other but not on purpose like World. The revisionist history is hilarious. Yes Jho ate corpses but that's not the same thing as what's happening in World.

I've read the last 3 pages trying to understand what revisionist history you're referencing. No one said that the monsters fought in the old games. Literally no one.
Oct 25, 2017
Right, Tsujimoto basically said as much and it was part of their effort for breaking into the west. It doesn't really explain why they didn't call it MH5 in Japan though where it'd be a more lucrative title.

Large monsters fighting each other is the big new addition to World. It also allows one additional large monster on hunts, going from 2 to 3.

Felyn companions have been in since the PSP games. They're not new at all.

The monster pathfinding was always running in older games too, in your zone or not. You could track them moving on your map even if you'd marked them or had the proper skill going.

It's not just pathfinding though, as the routines are much more detailed and comprehensive this time around. Even still, I doubt it's too cpu-intensive.


Nov 3, 2017
The vast majority of people who talk about MH in this thread have never played it. Who cares? Its a sales thread. You dont need to play most of the games here to have an opinion.

Because a lot of his "sales" points and judgments hinge on qualitative in-game content and factors that can only be determined by extensive first-hand observation or experience. You can tell me a novel can't be adapted to a movie because the book's too lengthy; just don't try to convince me it's because of the contents of the story without having read it first. If you're guilty of this, too, perhaps it'd improve the quality of these threads if you shut up, as well.


Oct 26, 2017
It's not just pathfinding though, as the routines are much more detailed and comprehensive this time around. Even still, I doubt it's too cpu-intensive.
The AI routines are still running in older games though. Even out of your current zone they'll be running, sleeping, eating, etc, even if they're not being rendered doing it onscreen. I'm not sure what the difference is?


Oct 28, 2017
If you're guilty of this, too, perhaps it'd improve the quality of these threads if you shut up, as well.

First of all, this is extremely unnecessary. You are not the God of the media create threads. You dont get to dictate who should speak and who shouldn't. If you don't have anything of value to add besides calling people out, you should just refrain. This shit you just did is in poor taste.

Second of all, would you like me to post my 500 hours of Tri, 350 hours of 3U, 300 hours of 4U and 100 hours of Generations (which I solo'd the whole online portion)? Do you need receipts?

Because a lot of his "sales" points and judgments hinge on qualitative in-game content and factors that can only be determined by extensive first-hand observation or experience. You can tell me a novel can't be adapted to a movie because the book's too lengthy; just don't try to convince me it's because of the contents of the story without having read it first.

Most of his "analysis" is often misguided in regards to the series but his main points about what is afforded by PS4/Xbox One hardware isn't far off. And that's despite the fact I've saod they can port World to the Switch (which I stand by)
Oct 25, 2017
The AI routines are still running in older games though. Even out of your current zone they'll be running, sleeping, eating, etc, even if they're not being rendered doing it onscreen. I'm not sure what the difference is?

Yes, I understand. However, I'm talking about how extensive and detailed the routines are. The prior titles just weren't keeping track of as much monsters (big and small) and their detailed routines.

Again, that's not to suggest AI routines being complex, but World is definitely not the prior titles in that regard.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I wonder if the remote play promo will boost Vita a few units or will current owners be more into using it if at all.
Most likely the latter, most people are already spending money for the game and a PS4, very (and I mean very) few people will be willing to spend even more just for portability that doesn't even add ad-hoc play.

Most of the people taking advantage of it are probably going to be people who already have a Vita.

Deleted member 21

User requested account closure
Oct 24, 2017
Knock it off with the increasing hostility towards other members. Also, don't bore this thread with a tech discussion if you lack profound tech knowledge; otherwise it's just shaky statement vs shaky statement and we should avoid that.

You should also refrain from making up statements that other members never said.
Oct 25, 2017
Most likely the latter, most people are already spending money for the game and a PS4, very (and I mean very) few people will be willing to spend even more just for portability that doesn't even add ad-hoc play.

Most of the people taking advantage of it are probably going to be people who already have a Vita.

Yeah makes sense. I need to import another from Japan to remote play this.

Deleted member 21

User requested account closure
Oct 24, 2017
Actually by the way, how do you portray the hardware sales for the next few months, Nibel?

Gut feeling says that in the grand scheme of things nothing will drastically change compared to the past few months. It's also difficult to make better hardware predictions right now considering we don't have more complete 2018 lineups for the systems and no concrete data on MHW specifically other than the worldwide shipment numbers


Nov 2, 2017
Gut feeling says that in the grand scheme of things nothing will drastically change compared to the past few months. It's also difficult to make better hardware predictions right now considering we don't have more complete 2018 lineups for the systems and no concrete data on MHW specifically other than the worldwide shipment numbers

Are you talking about PS4 or hardware sales in general?

Deleted member 21

User requested account closure
Oct 24, 2017
Are you talking about PS4 or hardware sales in general?

Hardware sales in general.

To clarify: I expect the Switch to continue to sell like it did in the past months (at least up until summer) and that the PS4 will have strong weeks coming up because of MHW. But that is a safe-ass assumption of course; reason for that is that I do not know what Nintendo has planned for 2018 (we might get a better idea in a few hours) and I do not know the exact split for MHW sales in Japan which will give us a better indication how much it will impact PS4 hardware sales for the next months (again, we will get a better idea in a few hours).

Still: I think overall the trend of the past few months will continue for now and that there won't be any crazy shifts in the market.

Next few hours will give us hopefully a lot of data to chew on


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I don't expect much to change in Japan for at least the next month. Switch is still combating shortages. PS4 will have a bump because of Monster Hunter World and then start to fall back down to a levels from a year ago, if not a little lower just due to the age of the system.


Oct 25, 2017
Very curious about Nintendo's lineup for the year...

Curious about the size Labo will be, as well as how well the string of ports announced will do, as well as what the new games do, and the obvious "what else gets announced?"

Does DKTF continue the trend and sell like better than its Wii U version despite being an old game? Does it do better numbers for a DKC game?

Similarly, does Bayo 1+2 do better than the Wii U release?

Ys VIII has already been up to bat twice in Japan, but the idea of NIS and Falcom forming a wider arrangement (as NIS apparently wants) is very interesting to me.

Portable Dark Souls is interesting as it is a bigger brand hitting the portable scene for the first time, so curious how that goes.


Nov 2, 2017
Hardware sales in general.

To clarify: I expect the Switch to continue to sell like it did in the past months (at least up until summer) and that the PS4 will have strong weeks coming up because of MHW. But that is a safe-ass assumption of course; reason for that is that I do not know what Nintendo has planned for 2018 (we might get a better idea in a few hours) and I do not know the exact split for MHW sales in Japan which will give us a better indication how much it will impact PS4 hardware sales for the next months (again, we will get a better idea in a few hours).

Still: I think overall the trend of the past few months will continue for now and that there won't be any crazy shifts in the market.

Next few hours will give us hopefully a lot of data to chew on

For PS4 i don't expect anything crazy outside of MHW boost, i agree. For Switch, i always said stock problems would continue for all Q1 2018 , and i hope by April this will be over, but to be honest i'm really not sure.

All Switch games should have good or ok performance, just like usual.


Nov 2, 2017
Also, prediction for this Nintendo quarter:

Switch - 15.00 million LTD
3DS - 72.50 million LTD

Mario Odyssey (NSW) - 7.70 million LTD
Pokémon Ultra Sun/Ultra moon - 7.50 million LTD
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (NSW) - 7.20 million LTD
TLoZ Breath of the Wild (NSW) - 7.00 million LTD
Splatoon 2 - 5.20 million LTD


Oct 27, 2017

[PS4] Dragon Ball FighterZ (25 days) - 200K
[NSW] The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (25 days) - 50K
[PS4] Dynasty Warriors 9 (18 days) - 225K
[PS4 + PSV] Secret of Mana (11 days) - 75K
[NSW] Bayonetta 2 (9 days) - 150K
[PS4] Metal Gear Survive (5 days) - 35K

Red text is cool. I wish I could do red text.


Oct 25, 2017
Dualshockers interview with Secret of Mana producer.

A: Will we see the Secret of Mana remake on Nintendo Switch?
MO: I should give you a bit of a background on how this title came to be: The planning phase for the Secret of Mana remake was approximately two years ago after we finished Adventures of Mana on PlayStation Vita. At that time the Switch hadn't been announced yet as a platform, so it wasn't included in our original plans.

However, after we had announced this game in all regions, we received a lot of feedback from people requesting a Switch version. We were actually surprised to hear the number of these requests. We've heard their voices and we are trying to figure out if there's anything we can do. With that said, our focus right now is on the PS4, PS Vita, and PC versions.

This is a pretty consistent theme i've seen over the past 12 months, it seems like if the game enters development before the NX was even announced, the game is probably too far into development for it to appear on Switch. (obviously there are exceptions to this for publishers/devs that acted quickly). But if you're baffled as to why a game isn't on Switch (like i was with God Eater 3/Code Vein) then this is probably the explanation.


Oct 28, 2017
I don't expect much to change in Japan for at least the next month. Switch is still combating shortages. PS4 will have a bump because of Monster Hunter World and then start to fall back down to a levels from a year ago, if not a little lower just due to the age of the system.
I think the majority of people here are completely off on what's going to happen in Japan with the PS4. I may end up wrong of course, but it looks to me that just like MH brought the PSP in Japan back from the land of the dead and kept selling for a long, long (long) time, so will MHW bring a resurgence of the PS4 (not that it was dead, but it was on the lackluster side). Contrary to the pattern from past PS4 games, I think more and more MH fans "holding" will fold, and this will bring a new (much higher) baseline of sales to the PS4 in Japan. Then again who knows.

(And before anyone starts to think I am just a PS fan expressing his dreams, I don't even have a PS4 (nor an XB). I am actually not happy that there is no portable MH presently on the Switch (in the west) as I have time to play only on portables these days.)


Oct 27, 2017
What time of day does Nintendo typically release their financial statements? I know it's January 31st in Japan already but can't remember when they typically release their financial report.


Oct 27, 2017
Dualshockers interview with Secret of Mana producer.

A: Will we see the Secret of Mana remake on Nintendo Switch?
MO: I should give you a bit of a background on how this title came to be: The planning phase for the Secret of Mana remake was approximately two years ago after we finished Adventures of Mana on PlayStation Vita. At that time the Switch hadn't been announced yet as a platform, so it wasn't included in our original plans.

However, after we had announced this game in all regions, we received a lot of feedback from people requesting a Switch version. We were actually surprised to hear the number of these requests. We've heard their voices and we are trying to figure out if there's anything we can do. With that said, our focus right now is on the PS4, PS Vita, and PC versions.

This is a pretty consistent theme i've seen over the past 12 months, it seems like if the game enters development before the NX was even announced, the game is probably too far into development for it to appear on Switch. (obviously there are exceptions to this for publishers/devs that acted quickly). But if you're baffled as to why a game isn't on Switch (like i was with God Eater 3/Code Vein) then this is probably the explanation.

That logic is terrible. The Adventures of Mana game was released on the Vita in Japan on February 4, 2016. A platform doesn't have to be announced in order for development to start. Square-Enix in all likelihood were aware of NX in early 2016 and had access to developmental kits.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I think the majority of people here are completely off on what's going to happen in Japan with the PS4. I may end up wrong of course, but it looks to me that just like MH brought the PSP in Japan back from the land of the dead and kept selling for a long, long (long) time, so will MHW bring a resurgence of the PS4 (not that it was dead, but it was on the lackluster side). Contrary to the pattern from past PS4 games, I think more and more MH fans "holding" will fold, and this will bring a new (much higher) baseline of sales to the PS4 in Japan. Then again who knows.

(And before anyone starts to think I am just a PS fan expressing his dreams, I don't even have a PS4 (nor an XB). I am actually not happy that there is no portable MH presently on the Switch (in the west) as I have time to play only on portables these days.)

One of the big reasons why PSP and MH did so well because it was the "it" thing to do because of the local ad-hoc nature for kids and young adults to do. These days MH on 3DS did good numbers but it's not like 3DS sales were propped up just because of those games. I'm not saying it's outright impossible but I don't see the amount of people interested in MHW and not owning a PS4 already on its fourth year on the market being a large nor long-lasting number.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
There were meldown when Tri (Wii) was announced, when 3rd (PSP) was announced and when 3G/4 (3DS) was announced. World is just the next in line.
God, I just had flashbacks of the Tri and P3rd announcements, ''it's going to be just a bunch of motion controls and it's gonna look like crap!'' and ''no way the psp can handle the game, and the underwater hunts are essential to the game so no one is going to buy a lesser experience!''.

Fanboys are the worst.


Oct 26, 2017
The issue wasn't a lack of awareness or knowledge of NX/Switch. The issue was it wasn't expected to be as successful as it has been, otherwise it would've had resources allocated earlier.

SOM and the Mana Collection even came from the exact same Square Enix Business Division (BD10), even if they're outsourced to different studios for development.


Oct 27, 2017
Nothing will touch dragon quest 9 for the ds only will touch it. NOTHING!

The biggest DQIX meltdowns were because of it being an action-RPG when first revealed. That did not go over well.

Also I am surprised with MH results, still waiting for sold-through but I was pretty bullish on its prospects in the west.


Oct 25, 2017
Thanks Nibel.
Well hopefully this week of financial reports should lead to some more on-topic discussions... (even if there's something else this week, we've talked about it a lot already)
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