Sub Level

Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
I may as well join this bandwagon.. currently going through MGSV TPP - 28% completion. Being my first MG since MGS2 I'm impressed (an understatement), this goes way above and beyond what I was expecting. I figured it would be like a re-skinned Splinter Cell, with stealth and what not, but it's way better..I know from the perspective of veteran series followers I'm looking through an un-jaded perception; considering how many MG titles I've missed..but hey Ignorance is bliss, and I blissfully love this game.. Im really looking forward to DS now.

Bor Gullet

Oct 27, 2017
Oh, a MGS community, nice. Gonna say one of my favorite MGS is Peace Walker!

I'm with you brotha. Such an amazing game. I think I sunk in like 300 hours on my PSP. I spent my entire summer vacation in 2010 building up my base. So addicting.

Given the atrocious design of the PSP it's as perfect as a PSP game can be. Crazy deep and addictive single player campaign, what grinding tendencies it has is just buried under the depth of what it serves, actual encouragement to go outside to improve
your lot via wifi over 100 side missions and packed full of secrets and easter eggs.

The co op has always been great fun, the trading system is strict and fair and when all is said and done, deathmatch with your friend just for the lols. It's like the perfect SP handheld game and the perfect MP handheld game in one.

Also best weapons/items of any MGS game.

Here's a great compilation


Bor Gullet

Oct 27, 2017
Thinking on it, I actually enjoyed Portable Ops more than Peace Walker in the end up...still the best MG games on handheld are still AC!D 1 and 2. The music for the AC!D games was so good as well.

I recently beat Portable Ops on my PSP.... it was a struggle. The controls are awful. They took MGS3's already clunky control scheme and ported it onto a system that has one analog stick. Peace Walker streamlined the control sceme and the controls were much easier to use (unfortunately you lose some things like crawling, but at least there's crouch walk). The level design is also super piss poor, it's essentially a couple boxes thrown in and a yellow background. The level design in PW was a huge improvement. In Portable Ops, you spend hours trying to drag people into a truck to build up your army, it's really boring. PW improved on the base building by a lot, trimming away the fat.

I also disliked that there was no voiced audio outside of the cutscenes. PW had voiced codec calls and hours upon hours of tapes. In general PW offers a lot more content and replayability than PO.

The worst criticism I have about Portable Ops is that the map layouts are kind of atrocious. They're proportioned like they are in the console titles, but at the same time they're so tiny, and I always have this boxed-in feeling. Navigating the camera controls to a satisfying degree in these closed quarters is such a bitch because I always feel like the camera is bouncing off and behind held back by some nearby barrier. Peace Walker did a much better job in this regard by having wide open areas and thus plenty of room to operate the camera and move around in. Like so much of Portable Ops's game design, it feels like they ripped the general structure of these areas out of a console game without considering how they would translate to handheld play.


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Oct 25, 2017
Apparently there's a MGSV PS4 Pro patch coming on Halloween. I'm thinking it might be a 1440p mode.


Oct 25, 2017
Do you have confidence in Konami making another MGS game, that you want to play?

I love the franchise, but because of the state of Konami, I fear I won't see any MGS game I want to play even again.

I'd be willing to give them a shot. Survive doesn't interest me at all, but I enjoyed all of the non-Kojima spin-offs, Ac!d 2 especially.

Bashful Trey

Oct 27, 2017
Houston TX
I used to hang out in the old thread pre-MGSV until we all slipped over to the Telegram. Ecstatic about the new thread!

I've been wanting to play through MGS2 with my girlfriend for awhile but other great games keep dropping. She's seen a bit of 3 and chuckles at it, but 2 is one of my favorite things ever so I think she deserves to have some context to something so influential for me! Hopefully she digs it, and if not we'll drop it and move on.


Oct 27, 2017
What do you guys think the chances of Konami making a mainline MGS are? And if they did, would they lack the shame and have Solid Snake as the protagonist?

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Oct 29, 2017
Arsenal Gear
Do you have confidence in Konami making another MGS game, that you want to play?

I love the franchise, but because of the state of Konami, I fear I won't see any MGS game I want to play even again.

I mean Personally I am willing to give them once honest shot at a Meaty Metal gear story installment. I'm not saying I have faith or like current Konami but for the very least I'll give them one chance to prove they can handle the series.


Oct 25, 2017
I was proud to be part of that, Koji fo lyfe.

realllly hoping for some Xbox one X secret sauce for V also.


Oct 27, 2017
Hey, all. Glad to see there are still fans carrying the torch.

Ancient MG fan here, been following the series since 1989. Really looking forward to discussion plus getting to know the community here.
Oct 25, 2017
Hello there gang, nice to see this little piece of (outer)heaven dedicated to this crazy series. Been a fan since MGS came out back in the late 90's. I've recently been mulling If I should get Survive, in one hand, things will never be the same without Hideo, but on the other hand, I'm a sucker for co-op games.


Oct 27, 2017
Hello all!

So I played MGS GZ when it come out because It was free. I disliked it hugely, and it completely put me off trying MGS TPP.

So, I got MGS TPP free and kept holding off playing it. Today I played it for 2 hours and am loving it so far! Feels more like wolfenstein instead of 100 vs 1 survival lol.

I wish MGS GZ was more like this, it would have helped sales a lot.


Nov 8, 2017
Have any of you guys/gals noticed that since a couple of days every single time the game saves or checkpoints (which is often), the framerate drops en it chugs for a second?
It's driving me absolutely insane. I remember this happening after an update in 2015 once, but that quickly got fixed. I just hope Konami knows/cares about this. This game runs so smooth so this is extra jarring when it happens ALL the time.

I understand not everyone notices framedrops, but if you're sensitive to it, like I am, it sucks. Should also mention that I'm on a regular ps4 and that it happens offline as well as when you're logged in to their servers. With the latter being extra terrible.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm downloading V now. Any tips? I beat GZ a few times.

And is the multiplayer still active? I haven't played MGS multiplayer in years.


Oct 25, 2017
I was told to keep an ear out for him. I'm looking forward to it. Game seems amazing and GZ played really smooth.

All four of the buddies are excellent so give them all a try. MGSV easily has the best buddies in any game.

If you haven't already I highly suggest listening to all the tapes (available on YT) from GZ before starting TPP. The Chico tapes in particular.

Aside from that go in blind and avoid spoilers :)

Sub Level

Oct 25, 2017
MgS3 is indeed the worst in the mgs trilogy.

Shame they never made mgs past 3. I guess Snake and Otacon went after Oceliquid.