
Oct 28, 2017
Also reminder that, as the country has plunged into (valid and just) unrest, our idiot POTUS has threatened violence against protesters, started a fight against Twitter, and gave a useless press conference where he worsened our position in the globe and peaced out without taking any questions.

More than all the terrible things he is, he's a fucking coward and a weak leader. And history will remember him as such.

Truth, and we are all going to have to get out there if things keep on keeping on like this. Enough.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017

Was this posted yet? CNN correspondent Omar Jiminez and the crew get arrested while covering the protests.

King Alamat

Nov 22, 2017
To people concerned about Covid during this. Please! Not the time.
Like, y'all know what else people should be concerned by? People getting teargassed by the police. People getting shot at with rubber bullets by the police. People getting their asses beat with nightsticks and steel-toe boots by the police.


May 9, 2020
Why destroying CNN headquarters? I didn't understand that.

networks like CNN are one of many tools in the toolbox


Oct 25, 2017
Black Lives Matter flag flying high in Sacramento.

Edit: Huh, I might be watching an old stream cuz the suns still out.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
oh, this guy was on UR yesterday, but he was kinda concussed last night

he's already back out there protesting
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah this is something that is happening now, the people are behind it, it is what it is, and things like this can change history and rarely happen, they aren't planed. To stop it now because people are worried about being sick would be a damned shame considering why people are protesting. I think people should keep their "concern" to themselves right now. Not that I don't expect the Right to use that as their next talking point.
Just comes off as low effort concern trolling and a poor reading of the room. Like you said, what's being protested is important and silencing it isn't an option nor should it be.

Apparently there's never an appropriate time or place or manner for protesting brutality and state sanctioned murder against black and brown people for some. Truly maddening.


Oct 25, 2017
respect to this guy who got shot by rubber bullets that fucked him up went to the hospital and then is out back the next day

(on unicorn riot)


Oct 25, 2017
Damn this is insane!
I know some will probably judge me but I feel bad for people on both sides. I just hope everybody stays safe! I have a brother who is a police officer and I know the stigma behind police is awful in the states. (I live in Canada) I know police has a terrible stigma behind them because of the many who are fucked up and do terrible shit but there a few good ones out there and they are also human, so hopefully those few good cops are doing okay as well.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
What we are seeing is literally the embryo of a revolutionary movement, tying together all the ills of white supremacy and capitalism. The protestors must grasp this and start linking up nationwide before they lose momentum and can be smashed by reactionary and state forces.

King Alamat

Nov 22, 2017
Damn this is insane!
I know some will probably judge me but I feel bad for people on both sides. I just hope everybody stays safe! I have a brother who is a police officer and I know the stigma behind police is awful in the states. (I live in Canada) I know police has a terrible stigma behind them because of the many who are fucked up and do terrible shit but there a few good ones out there and they are also human, so hopefully those few good cops are doing okay as well.
The "good" ones don't do shit to stop the bad ones, they're fucking useless.


Oct 26, 2017
Damn this is insane!
I know some will probably judge me but I feel bad for people on both sides. I just hope everybody stays safe! I have a brother who is a police officer and I know the stigma behind police is awful in the states. (I live in Canada) I know police has a terrible stigma behind them because of the many who are fucked up and do terrible shit but there a few good ones out there and they are also human, so hopefully those few good cops are doing okay as well.
If the good cops aren't standing with the protestors, man, I got some news for you.


Oct 27, 2017
Those police arresting the CNN reporter must have been wanting to make a point arresting him on camera like that.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
are Canada's police forces/unions as fucked as Americas?

do they have police unions?

Powdered Egg

Oct 27, 2017
While I think CNN is mainly our ally, the coverage of the protests in the mainstream media -- even local news -- compared to boots on the ground coverage by places like Unicorn Riot is like night and day. All the mainstream news coverage described the protestors as "violent rioters" and were bemoaning the property damage while Unicorn was on the streets talking to the people and it was clear they weren't all violent rioters. In fact, the police were the most violent of the group shooting tear gas and rubber bullets. The revolution is not being televised on main stream media.
It's because CNN aren't allies!! Corporate media is another weapon of white supremacy. They will always bemoan rioters and property damage because they ultimately are not for the 100% end of Black exploitation in the country and they benefit from it.
Oct 29, 2017
Why destroying CNN headquarters? I didn't understand that.

At the end of the protest march they landed at the CNN center and began vandalizing the CNN sign out front. Graffiti with messages and such. They were around there when things began heating up and it went from there, smashing the windows and nearby hotels and businesses. My friends were all gone by then, and I couldn't make it to the protest as my wife had a medical emergency. But the city is on fire right now.

Tear gas, burning cop cars, and I'm not sure when it's gonna end. Killer Mike cried on tv at the emotion of it all, speaking out for his community in which he is a very valuable leader of.

I'm very emotional watching my city tonight, and proud of its people.

As for why the CNN center? Fuck the corporate media. It's complicit.
Oct 27, 2017
Damn this is insane!
I know some will probably judge me but I feel bad for people on both sides. I just hope everybody stays safe! I have a brother who is a police officer and I know the stigma behind police is awful in the states. (I live in Canada) I know police has a terrible stigma behind them because of the many who are fucked up and do terrible shit but there a few good ones out there and they are also human, so hopefully those few good cops are doing okay as well.
Good cops are not good when they defend and protect an institution and the worst cops who are a part of it.

Don't feel bad for cops. No reason too. They're all pigs. In the States, in Canada, in the UK... everywhere.