
Oct 27, 2017
The only ones that really comes to mind for the BGS games are the Unofficial Patches. Basically huge community-led projects to fix the bugs. Which is, even after eleven years of Skyrim, still an ongoing process.


Oct 25, 2017
Try playing Aliens: Colonial Marines without the mod and typo fix.

TemplarGFX's ACM Overhaul mod for Aliens: Colonial Marines

Experience Aliens: Colonial Marines how it should have been when it first released. This mod includes fixes to AI, Weapons, Graphics, balancing and more for the Main Campaign, Statis Interrupted and Bug Hunt in SP and COOP.

Aliens: Colonial Marines AI fixed by a single letter

In a recent thread recommending the PC version of Aliens: Colonial Marines for less than $3, a post happened to single out an announcement made on the ModDB page for Aliens: Colonial Marines. A passionate modder who has made it his mission to overhaul aspects of the absolutely dreadful Colonial...


Dec 6, 2017
Various mods for Stalker. Pretty much every RPG on PC has an unofficial patch that fixes bugs.


Oct 27, 2017
Pokemon Speedchoice Instant text and randomizer mods. These have completely revived the old games for me. The vanilla games are so slow when doing a replay.


Nov 13, 2017
You could argue that MGROverride is close to essential if you want to play Revengeance on any modern display.
Oct 31, 2017
KNOSSOS, the Freespace 2 mod* to make it playable on modern systems and support modern peripherals comes to mind.

Oh, and of course the Vampires: Bloodlines unofficial mod/patch.

I would also love to namedrop a couple of total conversions for other games that are "must-play" every bit as good as the games they were based on (Archolos for Gothic 2) or in some case decidedly better (Ultima V Lazarus for Dungeon Siege), but I don't think that's what the OP is asking for.

*more like an aggregation of several different mods offered as alternatives, really.

None are essential. I don't really like playing with mods beyond quick throwaway experiments.
Well. Your loss.

It is telling that several of XCOM 2's upgrades from XCOM:EW had their origins in Long War. Though not a fan of Long War 2 for XCOM 2.
Me neither. In fact (and we may disagree here) I think I prefer "vanilla" War of the Chosen over any other modded version of XCOM 1 or 2.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
Laker Nation
For many years, the only way that Kingdom of Amalur was enjoyable to play to the end was with the Heartcore mod. The company disbanded before they could balance the difficulty and the game was waaaaay too easy.

They re-released it a few years ago with some balancing adjustments, but that mod was fantastic.


Oct 25, 2017
Final Fantasy XI Windower.
Yep. I was in a party fighting the beetles out in Sauromugue one evening and one of the people in the group was talking about how their friend is about to release a windower for the game, and nobody believed him. A little bit of time went by and it had been released. We all broke the party to go download it and try it out. Unfortunately the first release did not work with gamepads but he got that fixed pretty quickly.

To provide some context for people, the original FF11 windower was needed because you could not alt-tab from the game at all without it closing. So you'd have people who would alt-tab and drop from parties, or just hit their windows key and that would immediately kill their game. It got to the point where people were recommending windows key blockers to prevent that form happening. Of course, later on Windower got more features, things like TParty to see your party members' TP and things like that came along in version 2.0. But even before that, it was an essential program for any PC player.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentlement of The Row is mandatory if you want Saints Row 2 to even reliably start up without issues, let alone deal with its other problems. RIP IdolNinja. Now that Violition has been absorbed by Gearbox, I'm not optimistic on his work being completed.


Mar 2, 2020
The only ones that really comes to mind for the BGS games are the Unofficial Patches. Basically huge community-led projects to fix the bugs. Which is, even after eleven years of Skyrim, still an ongoing process.
That ongoing process has been, in a mild internet way, controversial. They've moved on from legit, pretty clear bug fixes to doing implied bug fixes. Not to uncommon to see people salty they decided to "fix" necromage in Skyrim.
There's a mod for Total WAr medieval i think thats called "third age"
It turns the entire game in a Lord of the Rings total war, it is really cool
Though I agree the mod and the work behind it is downright amazing, it does the most obnoxious thing some of the coolest conversion mods do... assume everyone is a fucking pro at the game. The base game AI cheats for sure, but at least it tries to hide it. Third Age tells you it cheats and you get to watch it cheat in front of you. Some of the coolest mods for Empire at War have the exact same issue and I can't stand it.
Now this I can agree with. I know I certainly can't go back to the clunky UI of the base game.


Oct 25, 2017
None are essential. I don't really like playing with mods beyond quick throwaway experiments.

good luck playing the sims 2, 3 and 4 without certain mods that fix errors, bugs, broken features and population management. also modded worlds that fix pathfinding issues in 3

the sims games are one of the few games where no matter how you feel about mods, you need the essentials.


Oct 27, 2017
Any mod that fixes ultrawide display on games is considered a QOL for me.

Flawless Widescreen software is an essential modification to have many (mostly older) games to run ultrawide/super ultrawide perfectly with adjustable FOV and better screen ratio. Not many games are in the list which needs to use alternatives like Cheat Engine or fixed EXE or patch.

Though it's also sad that many modern games also don't utilize ultrawide display very well, which have to depend on external patch or software like above.

So, if you play on ultrawide monitor, it is important to search and hunt down many of individual patches for games that you want to play and has Flawless Widescreen software prepared, or you might suffer a bad FOV, stretched or pillarboxed screen like in cutscenes.


Jul 17, 2021
That ongoing process has been, in a mild internet way, controversial. They've moved on from legit, pretty clear bug fixes to doing implied bug fixes. Not to uncommon to see people salty they decided to "fix" necromage in Skyrim.

A little more than just mild, I'd say, at least within the modding community. The particular individual leading the project is especially infamous at this point, and has been banned from spaces just for how sheerly inflammatory and shitty he acted towards anyone who dared question any of the patch's overreaches - and not to mention how he fervently tried to block VR users from using the mod, and threw his influence around trying to shut down any mod that competed with his or altered the unofficial patch to be more faithful. (And this is all before you get into the fact that the dude has some... let's just say less-than-amazing views, which were bad enough he nuked his old forum and excluded it from's wayback functions to hide it all.)

A lot of the changes are even worse than necromage at this point - going into the realm of correcting what the author feels are 'lore inaccuracies' and other subjective tweaks, as well as restoring cut dragon voicelines with atrocious fan voice acting, which is one of the most egregious oversteps imo that goes beyond just fixing bugs. It's become less 'let's fix all of skyrim's bugs' and more 'i know skyrim best, so i'm going to enforce my weird specific vision of how it should be through my ubiquitous mod'

It's to the point that many - including myself, are hoping that the next few Bethesda games will have definitive unofficial patches that don't have the one author's involvement. It might be too late for Skyrim, but I am hoping a better bug-fix mod does come out some day, unlikely as it may be at this point.


Oct 25, 2017
SkyUI for Skyrim on PC.
I simply can't play the game without it now it makes the menu system so much better.


Oct 27, 2017
In the same vein as the Unofficial Bloodlines patch, TFix and T2Fix for Thief and Thief II are the best way to play the first 2 Thief games on modern platforms using the NewDark patches.

Yankee Ruin X

Oct 31, 2017
Cities Skylines has many mods that have become essential like traffic manager mods and unlocking more than 9 tiles.


Oct 25, 2017
I would say the Moguri Mod for Final Fantasy IX on PC is pretty much essential as it does the art of the game justice:


What's Moguri Mod ? Moguri Mod is a faithful revamp of the PC version of Final Fantasy IX helped by deep learning techniques (ESRGAN). The most important changes are in the background arts, that are now cleaner, more detailed and higher resolution. Moguri Mod also includes a custom implementation


Oct 27, 2017
I would say the Moguri Mod for Final Fantasy IX on PC is pretty much essential as it does the art of the game justice:


What's Moguri Mod ? Moguri Mod is a faithful revamp of the PC version of Final Fantasy IX helped by deep learning techniques (ESRGAN). The most important changes are in the background arts, that are now cleaner, more detailed and higher resolution. Moguri Mod also includes a custom implementation
I'd go on to say that FFNx for FFVII and FFVIII as well as SYW for FFVII and the analogous mod for FFVIII are just as important.


Nov 12, 2017
Sonic Adventure on PC with the BetterSADX mod manager including the Dreamcast Conversion mod. I won't touch SA without it anymore. It essentially makes SADX on PC identical to the Dreamcast version execept wide-screen, high res and high fps.


Shinra Employee
Aug 22, 2018
There are some wonderful QOL and UI mods available for Civ 6….things like 'Quick Deals' and extending the UI in policy cards to show how much impact enacting them will actually have.

Sounds silly but I run about 12 of them and couldn't play without them now.


Oct 28, 2017
Stuff to make Geralt's life easier is almost essential for playing The Witcher.

[TW1][mod] Stuff that make Geralt's life easier!!

[TW1][mod] Stuff that make Geralt's life easier!! This Mod will add 3 quest items to your inventory ( in the quest item panel of course), these are for people who got frustrated with certain aspects of the game and wouldn't mind 'bending' the rules. ;)1- Meditation : I always hated the fact...


May 4, 2022
Skyrim's Alternative Start mod became essential to me because there's no way I'm sitting thru that default intro willingly ever again

For The Sims 3 the Smooth Patch and NRaas Overwatch/MasterController are pretty much mandatory to have the game run decently with all packs installed. There's also that one mod that fixes boat houses in Island Paradise that prevents the one world it added to be rendered completely unplayable because of the insane lag they caused


May 9, 2018

Final Fantasy XI Windower.

These two.

DSfix simply made the game run better.

Windower was outright needed to play the game on PC, you couldn't alt tab out of the game as it would instantly crash the game, and you couldn't run the game in windowed mode either. It later added extended support for other QoL stuff but it wasn't as crucial. I wouldn't have played FFXI if Windower didn't exist.


Apr 1, 2019
WoW before the recent UI update was a terrible experience without at least Bartender4, Bagnon, and Mapster

Even now, the shared bag interface pales in comparison to Bagnon


Jul 11, 2018
Circle of Eight and later, the Temple+ mod for Temple of Elemental Evil.

Circle of Eight mod for The Temple of Elemental Evil

A bugfix, rules compliance, and expanded content modification for Troika Games' 'The Temple of Elemental Evil.'

Temple+ mod

Temple+ is an engine enhancement mod for Troika's Temple of Elemental Evil, including: Fixes for hardcoded bugs, Engine Modernization, UI improvements, and brand new Features!
Thanks for this, I had no idea of it's existance.


Oct 27, 2017
Blizzard just 'reworked' the default UI and it is still miles behind what people made in a cave with a box of scraps 10 years ago, it's truly baffling how terrible the default UI is. The new patch just broke an addon I've been using since forever that automatically groups items in your bags so you don't have to scour through 150 slots looking for that magic carrot and I feel lost without it (AdiBags).

The fact that they even admitted that they are designing the hardest raid/dungeon encounters assuming that people use the addons for tracking mechanics, and then reworked their UI without including these functionalities is just absolutely mind-blowing. How the hell can they possibly have such a bad UX in 2022 I have no idea. That's even without getting into how spell alerts are inconsistent and for some procs you get a big notification in the middle of your screen, some make your abilities glow and some give you a buff that you can't see unless you're specifically looking at your buff list.


Mar 15, 2022


I quit this game a few hours into playing at launch and now it's my favourite since HG/SS. Unlike other games in the series it was built in Unity so it's extremely moddable. A few years down the line we'll see total conversions into brand new games, it's the GBA romhack scene successor.
Oct 25, 2017
Gentlemen of the Row mod for Saints Row 2. Original release is effectively unplayable on a lot of hardware. Volition has said they will put out an official patch to fix the issues, but since the main person working on it has passed away it remains to be seen if it will ever be finished.


Oct 27, 2017
I've just started the PC version of FF7 remake and its a stuttery mess, does that game have any good mods at all?


Oct 25, 2017
The style switcher for Kiwami 2 for sure. It adds in 4 fighting styles that originate from 0 primarily, but also adds a proper dragon stance that closely resembles Kiryu's Yakuza 5 self. It also tweaks enemy AI, health, adds a couple of moves from Lost Judgment for Heat Climax mode etc. and also adds Majima's stances back as well (because his part in Kiwami 2 was a piece of shit before, this makes it... less so).
It cant fix some issues with Kiwami 2 unfortunately, but its the best way to play the remake by a long shot, the modders did a vastly better job than RGGS did that's for sure.


Oct 25, 2017
Thanks for this, I had no idea of it's existance.
Sure thing! I've posted this before, but here's an overview/history of the patches:

Temple of Elemental Evil and the Mods that Saved it | Dungeons & Dragons | Musings of an Idiot #4

The Temple of Elemental Evil was one of the first adventure modules ever released for Dungeons & Dragons. The video game adaptation of it isn't great. Let's ...

The Keep on the Borderlands (and it's Video Game Mod) | Dungeons & Dragons | Musings of an Idiot #10

The Keep on the Borderlands is here and it's on your PC.GET THE MOD HERE - music for this...
Oct 25, 2017
Is there a point where 'traditional' overhaul mods that might have taken on much older titles (eg Deus Ex/System Shock) either lapse out of conversations like this (even if they did count, once) or are the titles they are for simply forgotten?

I mean, Skyrim when it was new was a wee pup regards to mods in comparison to its contemporaries. I once went looking for mods that went into the scale we are used to now, for much older games. Not sure if the ones I was keen on were still maintained, simply because of the game's age or maintenance required for increasingly obscure titles.