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Oct 25, 2017
Sheffield, UK
lol you don't have to buff, you can just use the stick to hit monsters. Or do the jumping move.
The jumping move is shit without buffs. The stick hits like a wet noodle without buffs.

Without buffs you feel like a high school pole vaulter. With buffs you feel like SATAN'S DEATH WINDMILL.

Gunlance can still do great damage even if you don't use Shelling, but an un-buffed Insect Glaive do a very mediocre damage, even more if you only spam jump attack.

Though feel free to do it if you are solo-ing, but in MP I imagine you will only annoy other players, I know I'll be annoyed if an IG player joined the hunt and do nothing but spam vault attack the entire fight >.<
I'm sure there are a few players who never use the Kinsect, and those people will be relying on MP just to win fights. But I bet it doesn't happen often, because the buffs make such a gigantic difference and every second spent without them is excruciating.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I play Xbox.

GT:Kyzon xin

I'm around 340 hours in right now lol

Wow that's impressive! I'm at 130ish but falling off the game at the moment :( I'm struggling to beat tempered teostra and kushala, so I need to grind bounties for spheres for armour defense. Just don't have it in me... :(

Sea of Thieves is launching today/tomorrow as well


Nov 6, 2017
I just... How many times can a small crown get smaller in one night. I just need the large crowns :L

This is my life



Oct 27, 2017
The endgame is the other major downer. As it is, you're farming streamstones for 3 reasons:
1. To shave a minute off of a monster you've already killed 100 times.
2. To prepare for new HR monsters like Jho, which you'll be severely overpowered for anyway.
3. To prepare for G-Rank, in which your augmented weapons will be irrelevant after a few hours.

Smarter move would have been to make warrior stones drop rarely (5-10%) with T1, warriors drop frequently (20-30%) and heroes drop rarely with T2, and both drop frequently with T3. That way, augments could have been treated as part of the path to fighting tempered elders.

Yeah, I kind of agree with this. I've played about 110 hours, I just recently got past Tempered Kirin, and I think I'm gonna put the game down for awhile now. Like you said, all that's left is farming tempered investigations for streamstones/decorations to... have an easier time at doing that same thing? The HR grind to Tempered Kirin kind of kept me invested because people kept talking about how hard it was and so it felt like something "meaningful" to work towards. Now I've just been farming tempered elder dragons and getting kind of bored, haha.

Think I'll set it down for awhile and pop back in when new stuff gets added. Probably good, too, as I basically haven't played anything else in over a month, haha.

Hyun Sai

Oct 27, 2017
Do we have a recent Weapon usage stats ranking ? Friend of mine told me Longsword was no longer Number one, that surprised me...


Oct 27, 2017
Anyone else worried that Deviljho will be incredibly easy? Especially considering we're all at the 100h mark or so now :/

Yeah, I'm kind of worried him and further monster releases are gonna just fall into some mid-late HR story level difficulty or something and they'll just be new pinatas to beat the shit out of to make new looking armor. :(



Oct 25, 2017
So after coming in and saying that i thought i was done for the moment after i got the Monster PHD trophy but decided almost immediately to go back to it and start working towards the HR100 and 500 monster trophies.

Got both of them at the same time and then completed the last optional mission unlocked.

Got the rare pet trophies i was missing too, only ones left are the 50 arena quests and the crown trophies left.

Considering i only have about 4 or 5 small/big gold crowns each after 175 hours it makes me realise its gonna take a tonne of time to get those ones so i think i really am done now until dlc comes out.


Nov 28, 2017
The amount of carting that happens online is insane in this game. Any tier 3 tempered quest just isn't worth the risk with randoms. You get people fresh out of story mode trying to face tank. And for the first time ever I saw one of those mythical HH users that just hangs back and spams songs all hunt. 3DS was never this bad, this game truly did bring loads of new players in.

I'm finally at the point in the game where I have all the major gems and can craft best in slot for nearly every weapon. Adding regen augments to my favourite weapons has made lots of fights way more fun.


Oct 31, 2017
Did the two bazels quest during the weekend. Carted a few times real talk XD in the end I managed. Finally I got a few weapons at the end of their trees, it's nice to see white again, it's been a while...

I guess I'm gonna start with this stones thing... so it's basically farm tempered ancient dragons right? Like, that's it?


Oct 27, 2017
Considering i only have about 4 or 5 small/big gold crowns each after 175 hours it makes me realise its gonna take a tonne of time to get those ones so i think i really am done now until dlc comes out.

Haven't really specifically tried to go after them, but I have zero gold crowns after 110 hours. That pretty much put me off the idea of ever getting all the achievements for this game, haha.


Jan 10, 2018
Haven't really specifically tried to go after them, but I have zero gold crowns after 110 hours. That pretty much put me off the idea of ever getting all the achievements for this game, haha.

Focusing on the zone-wide great hunt events and 1-faint / 15 minutes investigation should significantly cut down on your hunt. At this point I'm just having fun playing with friends, picking whatever activity most people can get something out of.


Feb 2, 2018
a Socialist Utopia
The amount of carting that happens online is insane in this game. Any tier 3 tempered quest just isn't worth the risk with randoms. You get people fresh out of story mode trying to face tank. And for the first time ever I saw one of those mythical HH users that just hangs back and spams songs all hunt. 3DS was never this bad, this game truly did bring loads of new players in.

Not my experience at all. I play online almost exclusively and it's rare that Tempered hunts with randoms fail. I'm having a good time. HR87 now and I'm one of these new players you mention, we can play well too. It's not like this game is even particularly hard to grasp. Sorry to hear that you're running into people who don't live up to your 3DS hunting standards.

Hyun Sai

Oct 27, 2017
The amount of carting that happens online is insane in this game. Any tier 3 tempered quest just isn't worth the risk with randoms. You get people fresh out of story mode trying to face tank. And for the first time ever I saw one of those mythical HH users that just hangs back and spams songs all hunt. 3DS was never this bad, this game truly did bring loads of new players in.
A good idea is to check the Defense stats of the people of your group and act accordingly. I can't believe the ammount of people doing Tempered Elder Dragons with less than 350 Def and playing melee on top of that :/ Sometimes they are even 100+HR...


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Finally built Catastrophe's Light this morning, I farmed Nerg like mad yesterday and not a single gem. Completely forgot about melding and I had a few prints I could use.

The new glaive brings and my build brings my completion time on Vaal Hazak down to 9-10 mins.


Oct 28, 2017
Go to your Items from the Start menu, then press Y/Triangle, which will let you rearrange them with X. I put healing items just to the right of the "gap" and special items to the left, with non-combat things like the whetstone, net, etc in the middle. That way you know whether to go right or left for something and it's only a few presses.

You can edit that wheel to your liking and then have it saved with your loadouts (items I believe). Also change it to Type 2 in Options, makes it click to use. That radial menu is a god send.

But yes you can edit it.

Not really but there is a way to set the order your items are in in the scroll bar (ammo too) and it can help. I for example, have it start on buff items I take the buffs and scroll right after each, ending on my mantle items or flash/dung and know that a few to the right of those are traps The clutch items are radial wheel items (with Radial mode 2).

Go to Item Pouch in options menu.

Press triangle and sort the items in the order you'd like. First item to the right of the "gap" is where your cursor starts. Top ammo is likewise where your cursor starts there.

Save your item set (making sure you've already set radial and items in it first) and your sort is saved as well.

Not the same as having a subset ,but organization helps.

Have you tried changing how the radial item wheel behaves in the Option ? You can set it so you use the item in the radial when you press R3.

I use the first wheel for Whetstone, Max Pot, Mega Pot, Seeds, Mantles, Pot and second wheel for crafting and slinger ammo.

Thanks for the advice! I guess I will just have to arrange the item wheel in a useful way. I did not know you could change behaviour of the radial so I'll definitely look at that too.

The most frustrating deaths in this game from fiddling about trying to use an item and getting smacked so I just had to vent. Doesn't help that I don't think I've ever played a multiplayer game where the price for deaths is so high ha ha.

It's horrible, but at least they're trying.

The MH team (and many other Japanese devs) feels like they never play other video games, so every time they implement a new feature it ends up being a misunderstanding of a popular concept. SOS is another perfect example of this.

What's wrong with S.O.S.?
Thanks for the advice! I guess I will just have to arrange the item wheel in a useful way. I did not know you could change behaviour of the radial so I'll definitely look at that too.

A word of caution, if you have custom item/pouch loadouts, the radial wheel customization is bound to those so unless you resave the item/pouch loadout the radial wheel will reset to whatever it previously was each time you use said item/pouch loadout.


Oct 25, 2017
Add me to the list of those waiting for streamstone exchange... Haven't seen a single sword hero stone yet in 400 hours. These are all excess, I've augmented dozens of weapons by now...

I'm almost right there with you. I've gotten 1 so far, but have multiples of every other. Hell I got 2 hammer ones yesterday. Hope I can get lucky before Wyvern Ignition gets in the game so I can augment it right away.

Geist 6one7

Oct 29, 2017
Whats the deal I'm HR 9 but when I get help from vets they stunning the monster, trapping them, and doing crazy flips high into the air like Gods I tell you. How can I stun these monsters???
Either they're using flash pods to knock them out of the sky or they are getting KOs. KOs are the result of building up enough stun damage to reach the monster's stun threshold. The stun threshold will increase after subsequent KOs up to a certain maximum. You can sorta see how high that is in your Hunter's notes. 3 stars in the stun category means they are the most vulnerable to it. All hammer and hunting horn attacks, stun vial charge blades, sword and shield bash, and bow gun sticky ammo all deal stun damage if they connect with a monster's head.

TLDR: use a hammer, hit them in the face


Oct 27, 2017
A word of caution, if you have custom item/pouch loadouts, the radial wheel customization is bound to those so unless you resave the item/pouch loadout the radial wheel will reset to whatever it previously was each time you use said item/pouch loadout.

I could have used this advice yesterday! I have a general "Elder Dragon" loadout that I set a while ago, every time I picked it my radial wheel got reset. I was convinced it was a bug but figured it out after resetting it way too many times.


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
Yup thats what I saw recently. Im surprised IG went up to #1.
Yeah, me too. I encountered the first wyverian last week and he told me the IG was the most popular. I tought he was bugged or something. Because these were the weapon usage stats per March 5:

  1. Long Sword (17%)
  2. Bow (13%)
  3. Great Sword (11%)
  4. Dual Swords (11%)
  5. Charge Blade (11%)
  6. Hammer (7%)
  7. Insect Glaive (7%)
  8. Switch Axe (6%)
  9. Light Bow Gun (4%)
  10. Sword and Shield (3%)
  11. Lance (3%)
  12. Gun Lance (3%)
  13. Heavy Bow Gun (3%)
  14. Hunting Horn (1%)
So that's a pretty insane increase.

Hyun Sai

Oct 27, 2017

Thanks. The fact that his head stays near the ground when paralized makes me think it will be easier for melee. I hated Anjanath because of that.

Yeah, me too. I encountered the first wyverian last week and he told me the IG was the most popular. I tought he was bugged or something. Because these were the weapon usage stats per March 5:

  1. Long Sword (17%)
  2. Bow (13%)
  3. Great Sword (11%)
  4. Dual Swords (11%)
  5. Charge Blade (11%)
  6. Hammer (7%)
  7. Insect Glaive (7%)
  8. Switch Axe (6%)
  9. Light Bow Gun (4%)
  10. Sword and Shield (3%)
  11. Lance (3%)
  12. Gun Lance (3%)
  13. Heavy Bow Gun (3%)
  14. Hunting Horn (1%)
So that's a pretty insane increase.

I'm also surprised Light Bow Gun went straight last, behind Hunting Horn (WTF)... Something is fishy...


2020 Member Elect
Oct 30, 2017
Yeah, me too. I encountered the first wyverian last week and he told me the IG was the most popular. I tought he was bugged or something. Because these were the weapon usage stats per March 5:

  1. Long Sword (17%)
  2. Bow (13%)
  3. Great Sword (11%)
  4. Dual Swords (11%)
  5. Charge Blade (11%)
  6. Hammer (7%)
  7. Insect Glaive (7%)
  8. Switch Axe (6%)
  9. Light Bow Gun (4%)
  10. Sword and Shield (3%)
  11. Lance (3%)
  12. Gun Lance (3%)
  13. Heavy Bow Gun (3%)
  14. Hunting Horn (1%)
So that's a pretty insane increase.
I wonder how they rate usage, Is it based on # of hours?


Nov 28, 2017
I really miss the guard points brave gun lance had in XX. GL feels so exposed compared to lance in this game. With lance you can basically cancel out of everything with counter into true guard, which makes you untouchable. On the other hand with GL everything has a laborious animation other than the poke combo.


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
How exactly does one increase their HR rank? I know this is a noob question. I just never put much thought into how it got done.
Before the final boss it's governed by story progression. In the beginning each story mission will increase your rank. Later, when you start the high rank part, it takes anywhere from 1 - 3 missions depending on where you are in the story. After you kill the final boss, your HR gets unlocked and it increases as you do optional quests, investigations and events. All the optional things you've done prior to defeating the final boss are included, which is why people often jump from HR15 (when you defeat the final boss) straight to the mid twenties.

There are a few more points at which your HR gets locked again. One is HR29, when another 'story' (using the term liberally) mission becomes available and once again at HR49 for the same reason. After that it's just doing optional missions, investigations and events. The more difficult the enemy or mission, the more it fills the HR gauge. Hunting a regular high rank Pukei-Pukei at HR50 will increase the gauge by a tiny amount, whereas hunting a tempered elder dragon fills up half the bar.

I wonder how they rate usage, Is it based on # of hours?
I have no idea. Perhaps they look at the number of quests completed with the weapon during the last 7 days. If it's even measured per week. It might also update each day.
I could have used this advice yesterday! I have a general "Elder Dragon" loadout that I set a while ago, every time I picked it my radial wheel got reset. I was convinced it was a bug but figured it out after resetting it way too many times.

Yep, sounds about right. I definitely tried using a whetstone on my bow when I really wanted to craft more power coating arrows. Those were rough times.


Oct 29, 2017
Holy Terra
So i just reached rank 29, and I have a quest to fight 2 tempered Beezlezjuices or whatever. I can't do any other tempered stuff till I beat it (I assume it takes you to HR 30.)

What a pain in the ass of a quest! I may need to just do it really slow and solo. Anytime I invite people they get wrecked. Seems like a silly quest to stick in the way of hunting even a single tempered.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017

Shortt Sirket

Oct 26, 2017
Indianapolis, IN
So i just reached rank 29, and I have a quest to fight 2 tempered Beezlezjuices or whatever. I can't do any other tempered stuff till I beat it (I assume it takes you to HR 30.)

What a pain in the ass of a quest! I may need to just do it really slow and solo. Anytime I invite people they get wrecked. Seems like a silly quest to stick in the way of hunting even a single tempered.

I had a HELL of a time with it at first and then someone on here said something that changed my life and I beat it on the first try after.

Let them fight and then capture them. If you can let them fight, they will beat the shit out of each other until one of them leaves. Then beat on the poor guy who was left. And, when they crawl back to their lair, capture them. It saves you the final bit where they becoming dive bombing assholes.

Those two things made that mission shockingly easy.
Oct 25, 2017
Before the final boss it's governed by story progression. In the beginning each story mission will increase your rank. Later, when you start the high rank part, it takes anywhere from 1 - 3 missions depending on where you are in the story. After you kill the final boss, your HR gets unlocked and it increases as you do optional quests, investigations and events. All the optional things you've done prior to defeating the final boss are included, which is why people often jump from HR15 (when you defeat the final boss) straight to the mid twenties.

There are a few more points at which your HR gets locked again. One is HR29, when another 'story' (using the term liberally) mission becomes available and once again at HR49 for the same reason. After that it's just doing optional missions, investigations and events. The more difficult the enemy or mission, the more it fills the HR gauge. Hunting a regular high rank Pukei-Pukei at HR50 will increase the gauge by a tiny amount, whereas hunting a tempered elder dragon fills up half the bar.
Oooohhhh....but the story sucks and I haven't been playing it lately. Guess I have to dive back in. At least I'm geared better now.
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