
Oct 28, 2017
I'd say this was a 7/10. A bit light on characters, with them making no attempt to tell us who most of the bad guys are.

action was good, special effects nice.

it's a different film from the original, more violent.
I liked it, overall. Nice setup for a sequel which better explains the world.


Oct 27, 2017
Oh God the dialogue.

"Lord Raiden?? Can you send anyone anywhere???"

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False Witness

Oct 25, 2017
I mean, the dialogue definitely sucked. Kabal and Kano are the only ones who talked even remotely like normal people.


Oct 27, 2017
It's amazing how many actors they hired who were all so fucking dour and depressing. I can't remember anything about the guy they hired to be Raiden for this new one.
this new raiden is even more unlikeable and stupid than the one from the last 3 games. its impressive that they managed to fuck him up this bad.


Nov 1, 2017
Everything about Cole was a huge waste and his powered up reveal was laughable. Really could have told the same movie with just a tweak to how Scorpion gets involved. Basically just make it the knife that was important and that it summons him to help or some shit, we didn't need this new character.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Man, I fucking loved this. I like a lot of the MK characters and stories but don't care if they're changed much in an adaptation. I liked the explanation for everyone's powers. Cole was better than I expected and I'm fine with Cage not being there... I don't know, I was just very happy with it.

Of the characters that weren't just props, Shang Tsung was not great and Kabal was awful but I liked most of the rest just fine and really hope we get a sequel.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm glad they casted the thunder god to be Asian, but I prefer Lambert's demeanor. And I don't even remember Lambert doing anything other than being a laid back shit talking god who was constantly chuckling. Lol.


Oct 25, 2017
I think this movie would've been better if they just made Liu Kang the main protagonist. I didn't really care about Cole and I feel the only MK character they did any justice for was Kano. I mean, it's hard to fuck up Kano.

Also what the fuck is up with Raiden's eyes? Give it some lightning or something.


Unlimited Capacity
Oct 26, 2017
This was pretty bad across every front. It usually doesn't but the super generic epic music was annoying me the whole time lol


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The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
It's amazing how many actors they hired who were all so fucking dour and depressing. I can't remember anything about the guy they hired to be Raiden for this new one.

Yeah it's so strange, and even Christopher Lambert's Raiden didn't do much in the original but at least he felt like an actual character.


Oct 25, 2017
The Netherlands
I am 2/3rds in and I am bored out of my mind. It started out pretty good, but it went downhill very fast. Doesn't help that the camera work in most fights is pretty awful and very disorienting. It's moving all over the place.

Godzilla vs. Kong wasn't that good, but at least I had fun with it. This is just painfully mediocre.

At least the effects are good and the music is alright.


Oct 25, 2017
Now I'm curious about who will be in the sequel. Sub Zero's brother has to be an obvious prediction. I'd imagine Nightwolf will make an appearance as well.


Oct 27, 2017
I just rewatched Legends on Netflix to wash away the taste of this bullshit.


Nov 1, 2017
Oh wow was this movie a stinker...

I liked the Sub Zero and Scorpion parts but everything else was... absolutely dreadful.


Oct 25, 2017
If you haven't watched yet, you are gonna hate Scorpion's Revenge then.

Ive seen it and it was by far one of the better Mortal Kombat movies overall. But whereas the community already holds Scorpion in high regard (and the movie is about Scorpion anyway) I didn't mind Liu being a deuteragonist.

Unlike this random in the reboot who is more divisive amongst the viewers. By random I mean Cole, who feels like he's being built up to fill in Liu Kangs spot.
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Oct 27, 2017
some (most) of the characters are treated worse here than in the older movies.

- goro: wtf was that? cannon fodder with 2 minutes of screentime.
- mileena: almost as bad as in the second movie. nothing to do, no backstory at all. went out like a chump.
- shang tsung: probably the worst downgrade compared to the first movie, hell even the conquest show did him better.
- liu kang: I AM LIU KANG.
- raiden: motherfucker did nothing during the whole movie and then decided that he can teleport enemies to convenient places. unlikeable as fuck.
- sub zero: looked like an idiot standing in the corner, most of the time. he has no character or backstory aside from "am evil, will kill children".
- cole: a nobody that grows literal plot-armor to kill one of the strongest creatures in the mk universe.
- nitara and reiko: even fucking motaro, ermac, noob saibot, cyrax etc. in mk anihilation are done better.
Nov 1, 2017
Whew, this was bad. About as bad as I expected after seeing the trailer. Cole is such a boring character, that at no point in the movie becomes interesting. I can't even enjoy how bad the movie is because it takes itself so seriously. There isn't even a sense of style because it feels so borrowed from other action/fantasy blockbusters. Mortal Kombat shouldn't be trying to mimic Hollywood, it should really be doing its own thing. A damn shame because in the right hands and direction I still feel that the franchise could be amazing. But as long as Cole is the protagonist of any sequel, this is gonna blow.
Oct 27, 2017

What a terrible movie.

Feels like nothing in this movie was decided: dialogue varies from drama to comedy to video game references. Narrative is just jumping, it expects you to know the story and just follow in these flashes filling-in the gaps witht he video game knowledge.

Makes movies like Rampage or even Warcraft look like successful adaptations.


Oct 25, 2017
just like Jax getting bigger arms, I hope my power is this never getting a sequel

I still can't believe they ran with this arcana bullshit. Fans already suspended their disbelief with this universe back in the 90s...was it so complicated to just give Jax metal arms because of military technology and not some sort of mystic art? Lol.

As soon as his arms got bigger I mentally checked out.


Oct 25, 2017
some (most) of the characters are treated worse here than in the older movies.

- goro: wtf was that? cannon fodder with 2 minutes of screentime.
- mileena: almost as bad as in the second movie. nothing to do, no backstory at all. went out like a chump.
- shang tsung: probably the worst downgrade compared to the first movie, hell even the conquest show did him better.
- liu kang: I AM LIU KANG.
- raiden: motherfucker did nothing during the whole movie and then decided that he can teleport enemies to convenient places. unlikeable as fuck.
- sub zero: looked like an idiot standing in the corner, most of the time. he has no character or backstory aside from "am evil, will kill children".
- cole: a nobody that grows literal plot-armor to kill one of the strongest creatures in the mk universe.
- nitara and reiko: even fucking motaro, ermac, noob saibot, cyrax etc. in mk anihilation are done better.

Agree with all this.


Oct 26, 2017
I totally kept thinking.. "soo they're gonna retreat to some kind of high tech military compound where they'll upgrade Jax's arms right?" Also I checked the run time at the point where all the villains started to die off and was like.. "they're still gonna go to the tournament riiiight?"
Oct 25, 2017
This feels like a pilot pitch for a cable series that got rejected, so they amp the violence up and release it to video. It's just weird all the way through--spend a movie talking about needing to prepare for a tournament, then don't have the tournament, then have the end of the movie be... your characters setting off to find people to prepare for the tournament. It's not even a cliffhanger promising a tournament in the next movie! It'd make sense in a series, since it'd give you time to introduce the regulars and then have the season end with the tournament starting or something. It wouldn't be good, but it'd make sense. But building up to another movie? And, like, we already know the bad guys will just cheat and try to slaughter pre-tournament so how is there ever going to be a tournament?

Kano was probably the most memorable part of the whole thing,, and even he just kind of felt like a Suicide Squad reject.

I don't know why this movie exists the way it does. I just wanted something as dumb fun as the 90s movie. Instead I got all the dumb and almost none of the fun. At least they had "GET OVER HERE".


Oct 27, 2017
If a sequel does happen, I think the only thing that will save it is if they rush to getting to Cage and the tournament.


Self requested temp ban
Feb 27, 2018
Bit of an anticlimactic ending, especially since the gym looked a bit cheap with the plastic looking ice

At least there were some decent fatalities and Kabal's design was pretty good


Oct 27, 2017
bad movie but im still debating if some scenes are legit meme worthy material and will prolong it's life. its up to the 12 year olds to decide not me i guess


Oct 25, 2017
Still shocked that Shang Tsung's vocal effect just disappears for a second while talking to all his lackeys.

Like how did they finish mixing that scene and go: "good enough."
My favorite part was the CG blood that kept disappearing every cut
I got the impression that the movie was shot with the possibility a pg-13 mandate may be forced on them.


Oct 25, 2017
First of all, I could see what they were going for with this adaptation:

They were approaching Mortal Kombat as a superhero movie. This can be obviously seen with the concept of "arkana", and this to me automatically makes it inferior to the Paul W.S. Anderson (I know, right?) adaptation, which managed to keep its lore consistent with the games (despite no Kun Lao).

It also presents these fighters as "chosen ones", as opposed to how the original films depict more of them as "being chosen", but obviously don't believe it, or are more concerned with their own personal vendettas to even bother with the real stakes at hand. Here, it just feels like they just accept the importance of their position (and I know they spent quite a while trying to establish the gravitas of their predicament, but somehow it fails here) and focus on trying to gain their "superpowers". This really kind of sucks away at the motivations behind the Kontestants and I'd dare say the original film does a better job of characterizing the main cast, especially Goro.

I also can't help but feel that Raiden's and Liu Kang's roles are switched, with the latter being the mentor figure, only Raiden is now just an asshole leader that occassionally drops exposition. In the original, it was Raiden who gave the fighters a lecturing and it just feels weird for Liu Kang to be doing this seeing as he is a Kontestant himself.

I do like the moments with Scorpion and Sub-Zero, but Mr. Tonfa Do-the-uppercut and him gradually gaining his powers are...cringy at best.
I also think the movie suffers for lack of any actual tournament. Doing a pre-emminent sequel bait for the actual even also makes it kind of a lazy co-out.

It has a great fight in the beginning part, though. Kun Lao's Fatality was great, but the others do not feel as gratifying.


Apr 4, 2021
Still shocked that Shang Tsung's vocal effect just disappears for a second while talking to all his lackeys.

Like how did they finish mixing that scene and go: "good enough."

I got the impression that the movie was shot with the possibility a pg-13 mandate may be forced on them.

Apparently the movie was finished and then most of the movie was reshot very, very quickly.(Maybe that's why so many of the sets are so obviously made of foam.)


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
Did not enjoy this at all.

Tone is terrible, writing is awful, action is messy full of jump cuts interrupted by other fights, the humor never lands .........

Liu Kang is mauled, urgh.

Unless they fire the ww84 writer who made MK I'm not bothering with a sequel.

Also going straight into an "army fight" when they couldn't even do one tournament.

Oh and the lack of sets was a joke. So cheap.

Also hate characters that use technology in the games now using magic instead like Sonya Jax and Kano.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I still can't believe how bad Nitara is. Motaro from fucking Annihilation in 1997 looks better.