
Oct 27, 2017
I've been drinking almond + coconut milk lately. Well, not really drink, I only use it with cereal. I never drink milk alone.

Stilton Disco

Oct 27, 2017
I think it says far too much about me that I have only heard this as an insult to anyone that doesn't like large breasts.

Which, in fairness, the milk thing makes far more sense in relation to.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'm sure it has something to do with estrogen

Hilarious that the alt right are the ones obsessed with hormones when they decry anyone of a non binary gender.


Oct 25, 2017
The alt-right is obsessed with drinking milk. They see it as a sign as their superiority over other ethnic groups.

Heath V

Oct 27, 2017
Wait, you buy into alt right myths like that? You betray your username. Do some reading, soy doesn't "feminise" you or lower your testosterone. And those men you idolise took lots of steroids, they didn't just normally get to the macho stage.


The fetishization of strong men probably comes from Nazis who were obsessed with eugenics and for making pure Aryans. So that fits right along with alt-right/nazi types.
I'm well aware they all took steroids and I did what I had to do to compete on stage as well. In fact coming off of a cycle it was imperative to run a PCT because all of the extra testosterone can get converted to estrogen. Excess estrogen can lower testosterone and cause gynecomastia as well as massive water retention which is the last thing you want while on stage.


Oct 28, 2017
I like the soy insult. It's funny and to the point, while at the same time nowhere near as ugly as cuck.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Oct 27, 2017
Are you sure you don't have the roles reversed here? Van Damme is a legitimately accomplished martial artist and Green Ranger is questionable. Green Ranger squared up and had to be saved from making a terrible mistake.

The Green Ranger his won a few MMA matches and Van Damme is old. I don't doubt that Van Damme could have beaten him in his prime but he hasn't had a competitive martial arts match in 35 years.

Deleted member 4518

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I'm of the mind set that doesn't care to understand what 'cuck' means nor do I want to understand why they want to use a term Soy Boy, I guess I am one since I like Soy milk? Soy good.


Oct 27, 2017
How manly do you have to be that the notion of having a bit of estrogen scares you like this... pretty telling huh


Oct 25, 2017
You bitches shitting on soy milk must not have Bonsoy in your lives.

A choice that results in the starvation and slaughter of baby animals is also cool tho...


Oct 25, 2017
I'm well aware they all took steroids and I did what I had to do to compete on stage as well. In fact coming off of a cycle it was imperative to run a PCT because all of the extra testosterone can get converted to estrogen. Excess estrogen can lower testosterone and cause gynecomastia as well as massive water retention which is the last thing you want while on stage.
Yeah, so then how are they so manly macho men if they use steroids that would actually result in "feminization" like prominent breasts, shrunken testicles, impotence, and balding compared to soy which has no effect on testosterone?

And you didn't acknowledge that you were wrong about soy having an effect.
Nov 14, 2017
Yeah, so then how are they so manly macho men if they use steroids that would actually result in "feminization" like prominent breasts, shrunken testicles, impotence, and balding compared to soy which has no effect on testosterone?

And you didn't acknowledge that you were wrong about soy having an effect.
Most of what you're listing are side effects that are either temporary or occur if no/improper post-cycle therapy is used, other than balding, which is a typical male trait. Also, the impact of soy on hormones has been a topic in laypeople's nutrition discussions for quite some time, because soy protein is often used in cheaper protein supplements instead of whey or combinations of rice+pea proteins. You seem to be viewing the topic exclusively through the lens of these nutjobs and their conspiracy theories. There's plenty of iffy nutritional science around, not everyone gets it from the alt-right.


Oct 25, 2017
Most of what you're listing are side effects that are either temporary or occur if no/improper post-cycle therapy is used, other than balding, which is a typical male trait. Also, the impact of soy on hormones has been a topic in laypeople's nutrition discussions for quite some time, because soy protein is often used in cheaper protein supplements instead of whey or combinations of rice+pea proteins. You seem to be viewing the topic exclusively through the lens of these nutjobs and their conspiracy theories. There's plenty of iffy nutritional science around, not everyone gets it from the alt-right.
Yes, I'm viewing the topic through the lens of these nutjobs because the topic is about them.

These nutjobs go on about the side effects constantly, so when they and others praise macho men from before who used to use steroids, it's hypocritical. Soy is nowhere near as scary, which the studies above confirm.


Oct 27, 2017
Funny little name, although it's also kind of ridiculous. I assume the reverse has something to do with pus?

Also reminds me of some weird pea drink I saw the other day that said "Dairy Free - the way it should be." They're one notch away from creating some silly name too.

'Cuck' is just a weird one, though. I get it, but I don't really understand their obsession with it.
Nov 14, 2017
Yes, I'm viewing the topic through the lens of these nutjobs because the topic is about them.

These nutjobs go on about the side effects constantly, so when they and others praise macho men from before who used to use steroids, it's hypocritical. Soy is nowhere near as scary, which the studies above confirm.
The topic is about them, but you're responding to posters in this thread who could very easily have had no exposure to these people. You referred to the hormonal effects of soy as an "alt-right myth". It's certainly a theory that the alt-right has embraced, but it didn't originate there and it's imo far more likely that any random person who's heard of/believes that factoid would have encountered it somewhere else. I mean, you linked studies that explore it that are themselves several years old. Also, I hardly want to support these lunatics, but in terms of lifestyle choices, there's a pretty clear distinction between the side effects of a drug that one knowingly takes for a specific purpose and the side-effects of a (semi)regular part of one's diet.

Matrix XII

Oct 27, 2017
Who comes up with this stuff?

I already thought the word "cuck" was absolutely stupid and ridiculous, but now this?


Oct 25, 2017
it is believed by some that soy increases a man's estrogen levels, or another hormone that mimics it. So its akin to calling a man a girlie man or implying that his T levels are low, not 'man enough' etc. So a soy boy likely is ok with women rights, LGBT, 'bleeding heart', etc.


Oct 26, 2017
I already read this on the old place and wondered what on earth it means. Guess I know now lol.
I read this article when it came out 2 months ago, and I haven't heard soy boy since.
There was this instance of that police woman being put on leave for using the term white fragility a few days ago and I read it "soy boy" in the thread about it on the old place.
I didn't know it was the new "cuck".

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
Soyboy kind of sounds like a younger vegan man that an older woman is using as a casual sex partner and has to pretend to be vegan for.