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Oct 29, 2017
First one that comes to mind is Apostle (2018) by Gareth Evans, starring Dan Stevens.


I remember watching The Raid and Raid 2 back to back, watching that baller trailer, seeing this baller poster, Dan Stevens fresh off Legion and The Guest, and then being so goddamned excited for an action-horror masterpiece...

And then being kinda disappointed. Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad movie, but I was definitely expecting... something else. It's 2 parts kind of meandering mystery and then a final act of compressed bloodshed. It does a lot of interesting stuff with British/pagan folklore, touches on interesting themes involving colonization, but it's not deep enough to really engage. Dan Stevens puts in a great performance, and some of the scenes are fucking gnarly. It's shot beautifully, but I feel like it needed another pass at the screenplay before filming.

There's a lot of interesting things, Stevens' character being a former missionary who's faith totally broke, the whole Wicker Man shit going on, the pagan folklore, trying to make it a mystery film that opened up, but you never really get a sense of menace from the place. In the end, no one is really a bad guy except the one guy who's a fucking psychopath that wanted to fuck his own daughter.

That was pretty weird, just felt like he was a crazy dude that got too into Pornhub.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Oct 29, 2017
Battle Los Angeles, everyone said it was Black Hawk Down levels of awesome. It was not....
Oooh, this is a good one. That trailer was fucking ace. It's haunting and well put together.

So much promise:

Aaron Eckhart should have been the perfect lead to this too.

meowdi gras

Feb 24, 2018
Not sure if "hype af" is quite accurate. But I had fairly high expectations for two films I saw recently, The Death of Stalin and The Lighthouse, based on all the critical gushing. I found them both interminable and boring.


Oct 25, 2017
Dark City was my first really big hype disappointment. The trailer is something else and basically a work of art in itself.



Ghostwire: BooShock
Nov 6, 2017
The Hobbit for me.

Was looking forward to having a LOTR moment as a grown person but that was quickly shut down.


Nov 2, 2017
Oooh, this is a good one. That trailer was fucking ace. It's haunting and well put together.

So much promise:

Aaron Eckhart should have been the perfect lead to this too.

Somehow I was going to post this EXACT movie. I had a friend who worked as a manger in a movie theater at the time, got to have a private presentation reserved for staff before the movie was actually showing.

Really disappointed with the movie.

The movie theater we were at actually closed down like ... 2-3 weeks later. This theater had a lot of history, had ONE great room in which the movie experience was fantastic. But it was also the only movie theater where I ever went to that had a film actually burn during a presentation. Harry Potter - Deathly Hallows Part 1. Wish I had video footage of that.


Oct 27, 2017
The Hobbit series, The Star Wars series, The Jurassic World series, etc. All sequels to great IP are a letdown.


Oct 25, 2017
I was very excited for the Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark movie and ended up not liking it at all.

Deleted member 23850

Oct 28, 2017
All the Transformers movies...because none of them had Unicron.

Put Unicron on screen please.


Nov 27, 2017
Death to Smoochy is the most disappointed I've ever been with a movie. As a black comedy, it's hideously unfunny and not even all that dark.


Oct 28, 2017
Man of Steel for me. I was so hyped that we were getting a new Superman movie and it looked fucking amazing in the trailers. Everything seemed soooo perfect.

Then i saw the movie and it was just a 13 year old edgelord version of Superman. The movie was like using a smelly wet towel after taking a shower.

Was not surprised that Bat v Supes and Justice league both were horrible. Fucking Snyder

Jon Carter

Oct 27, 2017

It's basically to movies what Brink was to games for me.

Good pick. I went to see it with a friend when I was a kid after telling him it looked cool as fuck. At some point during the movie, he literally said, "This is what you were excited for?"

But by far my biggest disappointment ever is Jeepers Creepers 3. How on Earth can this be made by the same guy who did the first one? He fought for over a decade to get it made and we end up with a pointless, amateurish piece of shit that is almost entirely just filler to set up a supposedly better sequel. Except nobody wants a sequel to a terrible movie. I'm still really pissed about it.


Oct 27, 2017
Apocalypse was the letdown for me in that series. I thought the first one was pretty good.
It just wasn't what I wanted. At some point during the movie, the non-canon protagonist jump kicked a cerberus out of midair, and I walked out of a movie for the first time in my life. When I was a kid I went to the movies to see Super Mario Bros. I learned early that videogame movies can hurt. But RE cut deep.
Jun 22, 2019

Not a movie, but Legion was probably the most I've felt let down in recent memory.
Turned into garbage by the end of the first episode and only got worse with time.

For movies, probably Arrival (also Annihilation but less so because I had highly tempered expectations. I no longer expect anything decent from sci-fi films).


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
The Dark Knight Rises and Prometheus were the two most disappointing theater experiences of my life.

The fact that they came out almost back to back caused me to have a genuine crisis of faith around the films and directors I loved lol. It was a dark chapter for me.


Oct 27, 2017

The trailers and everything about it made it seem like it was going to be amazing but in the end got a bootleg Pocahontas plot movie, the acting was so cringe and bad. I still remember that horrible crying/yelling scene that was so awful.



Oct 29, 2017
Battle Los Angeles, everyone said it was Black Hawk Down levels of awesome. It was not....
As someone that worked at a bar on the street they did a lot of filming for that movie on, wish I could have set some people's expectations straight then lol.

Lots of funny stories from cast and crew about how dysfunctional the set and process was.

Only other movie besides Battleship where I saw unanimous consent from the cast and crew we all met that the film was gonna be utter shit lol.

On a side note it answered a question I always had about whether people on the set of shitty movies realize it's gonna be shitty...seems like at least sometimes.


Oct 25, 2017
Sucker Punch. I remember the trailer looking great (I could be wrong. I haven't watched it since it was released), but wow the movie was awful.

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
Midsommer - Amazing trailer and the director of my one of my favorite horror films, I went in opening night hyped as hell. 2.5 hours later I was in shock by how boring, ploddingly paced, and meaningless the movie felt.

Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within - I barely remember anything about the movie except the people booing when it was over.

Avatar - Another case of amazing CGI not making up for a lame story and even lamer main character.
Oct 25, 2017
Oooh, this is a good one. That trailer was fucking ace. It's haunting and well put together.

So much promise:

Aaron Eckhart should have been the perfect lead to this too.

9 years later I'd hope people are less gullible hyping themselves over somber music and explosions.

Is there any dialogue?
Is there a shot that lasts longer than 3 seconds?
There's a concept, but what's the story?


Oct 27, 2017
I stood in a line for 12+ hours to get tickets for The Phantom Menace, slept on concrete. Everybody I went with had a real silent trauma about them after we left the showing.