
Nov 10, 2023
Watched the Killer by Fincher with Fassbender, ok movie tbh, bit disappointing considering the credentials.
It's shot beautifully and Fassbender is great, but it's one of these movies where I thought to myself: was this really a story that needed to be told? Seems more like Netflix had too much money and both Fassbender and Fincher not much else to do. Plus most of the story doesn't make much sense at all.

Like at the beginning he goes on how important it is to not be seen (well, duh) and then he has dinner with his target, and kills her like 2 feet outside? After he was seen by the entire staff?...Or with his initial target, he waits for 5 days or so and then can't possibly wait for another half an hour until the lady is gone?

It's not bad at all, just expected a lot more. 3/5


Oct 29, 2017

Saw the new Disney "Wish" yesterday (german dub). Am not a huge fan (but also not a hater!) of Disney's last features, but even then this felt very, very underwhelming. Undercooked.

(No Spoilers)

Story and characters are not only paperthin, but also bland and derivative. It feels like going through the motions, as the movie tries to vaguely ape some story/character beats from certain Disney classics, but never actually puts in enough of its own emotional honesty and characterization and dramatic storytelling, to make it work on itself.
Worldbuilding is bland and feels incredibly small. There is little _dramatic_ clarity in its storytelling , the decisions the characters make, why they have to make them but most importantly WHY WE ARE SUPPOSED TO CARE. There's no logic or rule to the random magic in the film, and all of this makes the climax competely fall flat. I was baffled.

Visually esp. the first half of the film was just bland, which was the thing that shocked me the most. It's like Disney forgot how to create interesting shots, create images with contrast and structure and drama. The environment design in the central city is so bland, the camera work lazy, the lighting flat. Somehow, in the process of developing their water color stylization and its characteristic, slight de-saturation, they didn't take care enough of the colors and contrast. The first half looks flat and grey. The second half gets better, but only to an average degree.

Songs in German didn't work for me, but I'm willing to re-evaluate if I watch in English.

What I loved was the FX animation in the second half! It feels like a Sleeping Beauty Hommage that actually looks great. Also the character animation was okay (I'm not a fan of excessive Disney overacting).

But all in all, a disappointment. Shame.

Sidenote, a baffling decision on Disney's part: the film is celebrating 100 years of Disney, and somehow they thought it was a good idea to put character drawings of their previous, OTHER FILMS into the credits instead of, you know, the CHARACTERS FROM THIS ONE! So I'm sitting there reading the credits, being CONSTANTLY reminded of all these other great movies like Snow White, Pinocchio, the Lion King etcpp, that were so much better than what I just watched. WHY DISNEY? Way to show confidence in your current film.


Apr 24, 2021

It's about Bayard Rustin, the man who organized the 1963 March on Washington [where Dr. Martin Luther King Jr delivered his I Have a Dream speech].

He was openly gay so he faced many uphill challenges but the man was a force of nature and Colman Domingo deserves the Oscar. Has a gay man ever won or been nominated?

I love historical dramas but anybody who's the least bit interested in civil rights should give this a try. It begins slow but keeps getting better and better. There are a couple of truly brilliant scenes. One of my favorite films I've seen in the last 10 years. I teared up 2 or 3 times 🥺

This trailer doesn't do it justice!


RUSTIN | Official Trailer | Netflix

Rustin is the critically acclaimed film from director George C. Wolfe, starring Colman Domingo as Bayard Rustin. Architect of 1963’s momentous March on Washi...


Nov 4, 2017

Big fan of Ilana Glazer from Broad City and mostly checked it out for her. Didn't really enjoy the movie though. Felt it played it too straight for a majority of the film, until things take a weird and wacky tone. Could have benefited from more dark humor and developed characters.


Has all the familiar comic book beats, but the family dynamic works really well in the movie. Could have benefited from a more charismatic villain, but overall I thought it was pretty good.


Oct 27, 2017
Blue Beetle - Not a fan. I don't mind the quirky family/character arc in a movie, but this was just too much for me and it felt that they sooo wanted you to like the characters in an endearing way, but it went completely opposite way for me. all characters felt one dimensional. Boring villain and Susan Sarandon was a totally waste and I don't think I ever seen her as shitty in a role like this one. Story as thin as a needle.

Weak 2/5


Oct 25, 2017
West Coast, USA
Saw Dream Scenario tonight. Need to let it sink in more, but I liked it. Cage is of course great, and all the dreams were fun and felt pretty accurate to what dreams are actually like most of the time. If you've seen the trailer and thought it looked like the coolest idea ever... well, it kinda is, but it also has to try to stretch the concept into a full 100 minute movie, so some of the filler stuff (like all the relationship stuff with his wife) isn't the most compelling for me, I'd rather have seen more craziness. But would def recommend.

Saw The Killer a few days ago. It was a fun ride at times, with lots of location changes and scenery to look at. Fassbender's performance and narration was excellent, and the entire film is just beautiful and edited immaculately. Buuut... the story felt really flat especially in the last third. I dunno, will not be remembered as one of Fincher's best unfortunately. Honestly, i'd rather have had more Mindhunter, shame he's so keen to walk away from it.


Nov 26, 2017
Watched No Hard Feelings. I liked seeing Jennifer Lawrence in a comedy role, especially a rated R comedy, but I think I'd be most interested in seeing more of Jennifer Lawrence just as herself. I don't think I'd say it was a bad movie, but I don't really think I could recommend it to very many people. I nearly had to expell my disbelief because suspension wasn't enough. There were a few good lines here and there. I don't...think this movie would work gender swapped.

It was fine.

Excuse me

Oct 30, 2017
Finchr's Killer. It was servicable in all fronts, but I guess you just expect more from Fincher. I guess all I can say is that it was ok. I did like all the details that was placed into the movie, constant plate changes, etc.
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Nov 4, 2017

Got recommend this movie, so I watched it on Prime Video. I thought it was okay. Once the premise kicks into gear, would have liked a better execution. Some silly parts towards the end and thought the ending fell flat.


Nov 4, 2017

My Disney+ sub was about to run out and it's the only Star Wars film I hadn't seen. Meant to watch earlier, but got tired of all the SW discourse online. Movie has a frenetic pace with characters just jumping from scene to scene. And not to beat a dead horse, but some of the major storyline decisions they made were pretty laughable. Not really the actors fault though.


Nov 4, 2017

Finally got around to seeing this and thought it was great. Really liked the animation, voice cast, and overall story.


Oct 25, 2017
Didn't feel like bumping up two separate topics, but I did see both The Holdovers and Saltburn today. Both were excellent films, but Saltburn in particular. What a fucking movie. I was spoiled on the bathtub scene, which was certainly nasty as hell. But "that" scene near the end, holy shit. Keoghan is one hell of an actor. Might be the best performance I've seen from him yet.


Jul 15, 2022
Finally sat down and watched Jame Campion's The Piano (1993) and was completely blown away. Unique story, memorable music, incredible acting and utterly gorgeous visuals.


Oct 31, 2017
3 from the last week:
  • Mikey and Nicky (1976, Elaine May) - Heartbreaking and beautiful. A "buddy tragedy" movie, starring two incredible leads in Peter Falk and John Cassavetes as two small-time crooks, chronicling a night where one begs the other to help him evade a mob killer. One of the best films I've seen in a very long time.
  • In the Heat of the Night (1967, Norman Jewison) - Again two amazing leads. Incredible music. The main story is somewhat incidental, with the focus being on the interactions between a Black, big North city cop vs. a White, small South town sheriff (and a cadre of racist cops and civilians, a few of which don't even seem to know why they're prejudiced against Tibbs to begin with). Fantastic all around. One of the GOAT cinema slaps.
  • Don't Look Now (1973, Nicolas Roeg) - A beautiful and somewhat boring film for the most part, culminating in a way that brings it all together beautifully, while also scaring me shitless.


Nov 4, 2017

I thought it was solid, maybe not as funny as I was hoping it would be. A few too many spots where it was silly and over the top just for the sake of it, but I did like the core friendship at the center of the movie and was on board with the group of friends by the end. Some of the more serious moments worked well.


Mar 10, 2023

Kill Her Goats

Audra's graduation gift is her dream house, but it soon becomes a living nightmare when some uninvited guests come to her homecoming party who aren't very subtle about the fact they don't approve of the home's new owner.

Saw an indie horror movie called Kill Her Goats and boy was it baaaaaaaaahd.

It's shot well and there's a lot of gratuitous nudity, but that's about it.

Kane Hodder plays the villain but only shows up at the beginning and the end. The kills are generic. The acting sucks. The pacing sucks. The story sucks. None of the characters are likable.


Nov 4, 2017

Watched this last night. Reminded me of Industry in some ways. I will say the movie does a good job of building up the momentum and tension. And I didn't know exactly how it would end, which is a plus for me.


Apr 24, 2021
Saw two excellent films this weekend:

A crime drama called The Silencing starring Nicola Costner Waldau. Kinda your standard crime drama but not. Not on the level of Prisoners but pretty close to it.

Fingernails is an alternate cultural reality film. It's somewhat bizarre but also tedious at times. It can be stupid but also brilliant. I can see if some people really dislike it but it may be my favourite film I've seen on AppleTv.


Nov 4, 2017

Very cool premise for a film. Has a serious, somber tone. Pretty straightforward execution until things get even darker towards the end. Ironically I would have liked to have spent more time in the mind of the main character.
Oct 26, 2017
Finally watched Everything Everywhere All at Once and honestly didn't really click with me. I appreciate it for being very creative, fun, and original compared to a lot of other big blockbusters, but a lot of the humor was hit or miss, the pacing of the movie was so fast that a lot of the details of the movie didn't have enough time to be properly fleshed out. Also had that annoying thing where other characters have to react to and explain how weird the jokes are instead of letting them breath naturally, though that was more so in the beginning than the end. Core story was solid, but I also think it was hurt by the pacing not giving you enough time with the characters as they develop. Will probably watch it again one day and like it more now that I know what I'm getting into.


Oct 26, 2017

Fantastic film! I recommend it. Loved the trio cast but Paul G in particular was so good.
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Oct 27, 2017
I was in the mood to watch a somewhat newly produced cop thriller/murder mystery movie as I'm a bit fan of the genre and it seems like those movies(not shows) are not flooding in as it used to before. Did a quick check and saw a film called "To Catch a killer", which reviews are far from great, but ok enough to warrant a watch, so I thought.

Movie was awful and the script was just terrible. I honestly could not believe actors like Shailene Woodley and Ben Mendelsohn could read their lines and think "this is some good shit".

1/5 - Avoid at all costs.


Nov 4, 2017

Watched it last week and overall enjoyed it. I thought the acting, direction were on point and it set up an ominous tone throughout the film. Some thrilling sequences, even if some of the turns the story took I didn't love.


Nov 4, 2017

I thought it was pretty entertaining. Moved at a good pace, visually they nailed the look, and had more clever jokes than I was expecting. Solid performances all around.


Mar 25, 2021
Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning

Uggh. Was it me or did this one kind of suck? At first I thought it was Tom getting too old to convincingly perform his own fight scenes, but every fight in this felt poorly choreographed and the music felt like it was out of sync with the action at times.
I'm not sure what was happening, but so many fights felt almost comical where Tom Cruise would just very slowly beat up half a dozen guys with guns before they could get off a shot.

Terrible dialogue, the new chick felt sorely out of place, the bike stunt once again looked like CGI despite being a real stunt, and the whole AI and bad guy from the past plot was weak.

This is my least favourite entry by far. Feels completely unnecessary.
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Oct 25, 2017
Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning

Uggh. Was it me or did this one kind of suck? At first I thought it was Tom getting too old to convincingly perform his own fight scenes, but every fight in this felt poorly choreographed and the music felt like it was out of sync with the action at times.
I'm not sure what was happening, but so many fights felt almost comical where Tom Cruise would just very slowly beat up half a dozen guys with guns before they could get off a shot.

Terrible dialogue, the new chick felt sorely out of place, the bike stunt once again looked like CGI despite being a real stunt, and the whole AI and bad guy from the last plot was weak.

This is my least favourite entry by far. Feels completely unnecessary.
I thought it was mediocre, and it sucked in a number of ways. I'm agreed with you on a lot of points.

meowdi gras

Feb 24, 2018

I thought it was pretty entertaining. Moved at a good pace, visually they nailed the look, and had more clever jokes than I was expecting. Solid performances all around.
I wanted to like Barbie. But at no point could I disabuse myself of the notion that it was fundamentally just an extended commercial for a toy company (albeit a cleverly done one). I think maybe my lifelong, passionate hatred of advertising and commercialism makes it impossible for me to enjoy this.


Oct 25, 2017
I wanted to like Barbie. But at no point could I disabuse myself of the notion that it was fundamentally just an extended commercial for a toy company (albeit a cleverly done one). I think maybe my lifelong, passionate hatred of advertising and commercialism makes it impossible for me to enjoy this.
No way was the social or political commentary going to land, being funded by Mattel, and to make them look like some cartoonish goofs who occasionally do a sexism came across as more image rebranding. I can enjoy it as a comedy, but anything past that, feels hollow.


Oct 26, 2017

I knew this would suck but I still proceeded to watch it anyway (maybe my bad film guilty pleasure kicked in). It's "Scream" meets "It's a Wonderful Life". It's very dull and predictable. Justin Long seemed to be having a fun time though so power to him.


Nov 4, 2017

Thought it was just an okay action revenge flick. Not that many impressive action scenes, despite a couple brutal kills that stood out. Performances didn't really elevate it for me to another level.


Oct 27, 2017
Aporia (2023)

thankfully the RLM guys covered this because I would have otherwise swiped past this on Hulu. Sort of a frustrating movie as the pacing is slow and it doesn't do crazier stuff with the premise, and I wouldn't even give it a hard recommend, but interesting enough and and i wasn't looking at my phone most of the time, which i can't say for lot of my home viewing experiences


Oct 25, 2017
Uncle Peckerhead

"Hmm, not that I care but who is the man driving the mystery van?

"Oh that's...um, sorry I didn't get your name?"

"My name is Peckerhead."


Sometimes the algorithm actually works. I opened Prime Video at some point and the "We Think You'll Like This" section was placed before my eyes and amidst the sea of stuff I've already watched and stuff I already have on my watchlist, there was something called Uncle Peckerhead. Now the title obviously stands out but it does so in a way that makes me not want to engage with it but for whatever reason I was like, sure, lets see what Uncle Peckerhead is all about.

This ended up being a really delightful film. Ostensibly a horror-comedy but with the vibes of a hangout movie, this is one of the bigger surprises I've come across in a while.

A punk band finally taking a chance, dropping everything to go on their first low-rent tour, run into a big hurdle: they've lost their van. With no time to spare they canvas the area for anyone willing to let them use their vehicle and that is when they meet Peckerhead, a goodnatured older man who lives out of his van and he agrees to take them if he can be their roadie. But when they reach the first night of their trip together they learn that there is more to Peck than meets the eye: every night at midnight, for 13 minutes, he turns into a cannibalistic demon.

It is the kind of film that feels like it shouldn't work, the high concept splatterfest should absolutely clash with the low stake, low energy, mundanity of being a nothing band playing to no one who cares, but the four leads really make it work. You want to hang out with these guys, you want them to succeed and get their shot, you want to hear more of their music(or I do, at least).



Every now and then(although not as often as I like) I come across a low budget film that makes me perk up, oh, right there is still good shit being made out there just waiting to be discovered. Seeing the state of mainstream Hollywood at the moment it can be real easy to lose sight of that, I sat down and watched a little film called Uncle Peckerhead and it was a more worthwhile experience than the latest Fincher, or Scorsese, or Mission Impossible, or Indiana Jones, or a whole heck of a lot of others. If this came out this year it would have made my best of the year list.

out of 10


Oct 25, 2017

"Who is the monster?" indeed. Managed to see this before seeing Poor Things, and it was pretty great. Didn't look at the synopsis, so the direction the movie took as it progressed definitely threw me for a loop. It could leave you pretty depressed or even anger at some scenes but I do think the entire movie is worth it.
Dec 17, 2022
The Creator

Finally watched on Hulu, didn't find it as bad as others have… it's like every other shot in the film was concept art %100 realized, an amalgamation of rural Eastern locals swirled together with Stålenhag, Syd Mead, and Masamune Shirow designs… giving the film an almost AI generated cinematic appearance. Story was ok… a little predictable but not terrible. The aesthetics put it a bit above average. Almost makes me want a live action Tetsuwan Atom film modernized like Pluto.

Now on to Rebel Moon… maybe.
(Edit: Nope… watching Steven Universe: The Movie instead)
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Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017

"Who is the monster?" indeed. Managed to see this before seeing Poor Things, and it was pretty great. Didn't look at the synopsis, so the direction the movie took as it progressed definitely threw me for a loop. It could leave you pretty depressed or even anger at some scenes but I do think the entire movie is worth it.

Agreed. It's a hidden gem if you talking about the Bertino movie.


Jan 26, 2023
This month has been mostly Xmas movies, but not only. Putting posters into Spoilers because it's just too damn much for a post.

Nightmare Before Christmas
Arthur Christmas
Paris is Burning


Nov 4, 2017

I remember wanting to see this back when Blockbuster was a thing . Haven't seen Rhona Mitra since the Strike Back days, so watched this on Max. Pretty fun throwback action flick with gore and solid car chases. Reminded me of Mad Max in some ways.


Jul 25, 2018

I remember wanting to see this back when Blockbuster was a thing . Haven't seen Rhona Mitra since the Strike Back days, so watched this on Max. Pretty fun throwback action flick with gore and solid car chases. Reminded me of Mad Max in some ways.
Fun movie. I've watched it two or three times. Bonus points for being set in Scotland.

Did you know she retired to a remote Uruguay farm?


The Fallen
Mar 13, 2018
So... it's been a while.

I've been watching movies coming out this year as usual, but I took a bit of a break from watching older films. Now I want to get back in the groove of things. Yet this list will be a pretty long one. So I'll keep the recent ones brief since I already got to those reviews in the various movie threads.

Asteroid City: Clearly Wes Anderson's least liked movie yet. The choreography's still amazing, but that can no longer cut it if the characters, dialogue and vague storytelling gets in the way. This was especially apparent in the final act. 5.5/10

No Hard Feelings: Has a few memorable moments (especially the beach scene) and some solid performances from the leads, but it's not quite enough to make this a much-watch 6/10

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny: Probably my least liked film in the franchise. At least Crystal Skull had some memorable action scenes. And both had the same wacky finale issues Phoebe Waller-Bridge was at least pretty good, but Shauntee Renee Wilson was wasted. 5/10

Ruby Gillman: Teenage Kraken: Surprisingly better than expected. The final battle sucked as expected, but the family dynamic pulled in more weight than expected and should have been the main focus in the trailers. Plus the twist was well done. 6/10

Nimona: Amazing experience. The characters were funny, the animation was dynamic and it all led to a tighter plot than the comic while making the themes of LGBT rights and post-modernism all the more visible. A candidate for animated film of the year. 8.5/10

Joy Ride: A worthy successor to Girls Trip. All the actors were great here and we got some good perspective of the Asian experience. Shame it didn't blow up as much as it did 8.25/10

Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning-Part 1: You know what to expect from a Cruise MI film at this point and it's just as good as the others. Hayley Atwell is a worthy addition. The new villain is a bit concerning but it could be great if done right. 8/10

Barbie: Glad to be a part of team Barbie even if I paid a price for it. Themes, characters and music are great. Special effects were underrated. Could have been tweaked for a more satisfying aesop but still great. 8.25/10

Oppenheimer: Did a great job at engagement despite the long run time. Nolan vanquished the 'can't direct actors' allegations though that 'can't direct actresses' one is still pending. And climatic special effect was surprisingly tame for him. 8/10

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem: Yet another good example of blending CGI and 2D animation. Throws yet another entirely new spin on the franchise that can't seem to stop having new cool stories about fucking ninja turtles. 8/10

Blue Beetle: Another film that succeeds using the power of family. Best DCEU film this year (haven't watched Flash or Aquaman 2 yet, but I doubt this statement will change). Villain could have been more multifaceted though. 7.5/10

Bottoms: Starts out great and the climax is a great as expected, but not as funny and I was hoping it would be. Script is the biggest culprit as all the actors did a great part here. 7/10

A Haunting in Venice: Wasn't expecting a pseudo-horror movie being the trick that helps Branagh learn how to do a good mystery film, but here we are. It has all the other positives in his Poirot series except that the mystery aspect finally feels solid and earned. 7/10

Carnal Knowledge (1971): This is far from Mike Nichols' best work. The characters here are neither compelling nor do you really want to root for them. If you want to check out how a couple of assholes go through life and how their relationships between themselves and their spouses fall apart you can go ahead and check it out, but this isn't really something for me. 5/10

Deep Cover: This is a movie you really need to psych yourself into as it's not for the faint of heart. It's brutal with violence, degrading words and just how terrible people can be. The romance here is expecting disappointing here, but there is an interesting dynamic between the lead and the various criminal operatives as well as his own straining partnership with the police. 6.5/10

Dog Day Afternoon: Now here is an interesting take of a couple criminals trying to pull off a heist for a good cause. It does a pretty good job in unraveling the story behind these two as well as the people they're trying to help. Even the hostages have a few good moments during their time in captivity. Note that the film itself isn't all that much accurate to the story it's based on so be wary of taking it as face value. Yet I think it stands on its own as a tragic criminal case. 7.5/10

Stage Door (1937): It's a pretty good take on stage life. Not much else to note on other than what you'd expect from a talented pool of actors. 7/10

Our Man Flint (1966): The story itself isn't that interesting, but it did leave to a good number of humorous moments. To my surprise, we have a Bond parody who treats women better than the actual Bond (at least at the time).

Friday (1996): It's been a long time since I watched this film (if I even did at all) and it was a crazy shock. Not only did this movie give birth to so many wonderful memes, we also got many serious stories about people trying to find their purpose in life, dealing with bullies and gun violence in general. All while keeping us entertained with plenty of jokes to go around. This is a movie that deserves the recognition it's gotten due to the recent attention it's gotten. 8/10

I have a lot more to go, which I'll either post here or in a new post.