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Oct 27, 2017


Oct 28, 2017
I love how this has randomly turned into accusing me of being with an under-age girl or age inappropriate relationship. Just because people can't read/do maths.

She was 16 when we got together, I was 19. She's now 22 and I just turned 26. We have a 3.5year age difference.


Oct 30, 2017
People can get tired of each other.

I'm not sure if there's any other struggle or anguish in her own personal life, but it happens. It sounds like your girlfriend reached some limit on her own part and needed to leave. Which is probably why she acted and behaved the way she did when y'all had your last discussion.

It may be hard to not take it personally. But nobody is a saint. Not everybody can be an unfaltering pillar all the time. It's doubly difficult when they have their own problems chipping away at them too.

Given that she has told you she's gay, that is also something she's probably going through. You both look like you're going through a confusing time, for a multitude of reasons.


Prophet of Truth
Nov 29, 2017
United States
I love how this has randomly turned into accusing me of being with an under-age girl or age inappropriate relationship. Just because people can't read/do maths.

She was 16 when we got together, I was 19. She's now 22 and I just turned 26. We have a 3.5year age difference.
Dude what. She was 16? Not even a junior in Highschool. You're that guy in college that likes to date highschool girls and no one wants to know that guy.


Oct 28, 2017
Well I guess I just now learned we have profiles

But that is you being with an underage girl, at least at the time. Not that it's really relevant to the thread

Except 16 isn't under-age. Not everyone lives in America. Though I know that's a hard concept for americans to grasp. And also i was in high school with her at the time.
Dude what. She was 16? Not even a junior in Highschool. You're that guy in college that likes to date highschool girls and no one wants to know that guy.

Except we don't have "juniors", I don't even know what that is, people start high school at 12/13 where I am and finish 18/19. We were in high school together. I was just finishing when we got together.

Deleted member 36578

Dec 21, 2017
Well here's the thing, she has lived with me for 6 years, never paid rent, internet, anything like that, it was all paid for by me. She has no where to go, so even though she dumped me yesterday, due to my fear of abandonment I asked her to continue living with me, she still is texting me love you when she went to work this morning, still sleeping in my bed, giving me hugs and kisses, I am still paying rent.... but we are broken up.... I feel like she is using me but I am so afraid of being alone that I don't want to say anything to her. I didn't include this in the OP because it makes me look way more pathetic and like a push over
You also mentioned you're unemployed correct?So if they aren't supporting you, who is setting the rules of wherever you're living? It is someone that can kick them out for you? You really shouldn't be dealing with any of this for your own sanity. It honestly seems like you've been taken advantage of for a long while.


Oct 28, 2017
Id have done time for messing with 16 year old girls when I was 19.
Lucky we don't all live in the land of the free and can realise it's not all black and white. 🙄 Not only that but absolutely no laws were broken.
You also mentioned you're unemployed correct?So if they aren't supporting you, who is setting the rules of wherever you're living? It is someone that can kick them out for you? You really shouldn't be dealing with any of this for your own sanity. It honestly seems like you've been taken advantage of for a long while.
It's my name on the lease and I pay everything. I can kick her out. Just too scared to.


Oct 25, 2017
1) You mention partying in your past. Don't go back to that or you'll end up needing another support thread in a few months, but for a drinking problem.
2) Probably kick her out. It's rough af, but I genuinely do not see how that can be good for you.

Deleted member 36578

Dec 21, 2017
Lucky we don't all live in the land of the free and can realise it's not all black and white. 🙄

It's my name on the lease and I pay everything. I can kick her out. Just too scared to.

I truly hope you find the strength to do so. The stress they're putting you through isn't worth this. There are other people who you can meet and form bonds with. Just because you've known this one for so long and got used to this one person doesn't mean they're the only soul that exists or can give you what you need. People change over time and you two aren't compatible in the way you may have been in the beginning. Good luck and just realize many, many of us go through this. You aren't alone.


Oct 28, 2017
What country do you live in?
Australia. Why is this such a big deal to you? It has nothing to do with the thread, troll outside mental health threads. Take your puritanical american shit elsewhere. Literally no one found it weird. Either from her family, mine, friends or people she worked with. No one cared because it's not strange where I'm from.


Oct 28, 2017
Cool well since in accused of being in an inappropriate relationship when I wasn't. May as well leave the trolls for now and go see my psych (who also didn't find the age gap weird)


Prophet of Truth
Nov 29, 2017
United States
Australia. Why is this such a big deal to you? It has nothing to do with the thread, troll outside mental health threads. Take your puritanical american shit elsewhere. Literally no one found it weird. Either from her family, mine, friends or people she worked with. No one cared because it's not strange where I'm from.
I looked up Romeo and Juliet laws in AU and it looks like the max is 2 year difference. Also
A person who has sex with a child aged under 17 is guilty of an offence publishable by a maximum of 10 years (Section 49(2)). However, it is a defence to this charge if

  1. The young person was aged 16 or over; and
  2. The accused is aged under 17; or
  3. The accused believed on reasonable ground that the young person was aged 17 or older. (Section 39(3))



Oct 28, 2017
I looked up Romeo and Juliet laws in AU and it looks like the max is 2 year difference. Also

I don't think you know what Romeo and Juliet laws are. Age of consent is 16. It's only under that, that Romeo and Juliet laws even apply. If you're over 16 you can sleep with anyone above 16 as long as they aren't a police or teacher. Not only that. But I'm not from South Australia. It even literally says in your link that South Australia is the exception and not the rule. But you used that link because it fit your narrative.

Try better next time troll.



Oct 28, 2017
Imagine comjng to a mental health to troll and spread misinformation and puritanical shit that is completely off topic and irrelevant and also false. That's some next level cuntery.


CEO of Traphouse Networks
Nov 3, 2017
What country do you live in?
If you're just going to keep nagging her about who she decided to be with, just put the thread on ignore. She already is dealing with enough as is and she doesn't need the investigation on her life.

I would like to add my 2 cents, but all the advice has been said. Your therapist will help and the pain is always going to be there right now, but it will go away as you take it one day at a time. I would definitely look into what to do with her there. That is not healthy.


Prophet of Truth
Nov 29, 2017
United States
I don't think you know what Romeo and Juliet laws are. Age of consent is 16. It's only under that, that Romeo and Juliet laws even apply. If you're over 16 you can sleep with anyone above 16 as long as they aren't a police or teacher. Not only that. But I'm not from South Australia. It even literally says in your link that South Australia is the exception and not the rule. But you used that link because it fit your narrative.

Try better next time troll.

Read it again.
While the age of consent is 16 in the majority of jurisdictions, it is 17 in South Australia and Tasmania. This applies to penetrative sexual intercourse, both heterosexual and homosexual, and to sexual acts that fall short of penetration.

In South Australia, this defence is limited to the situation where both the 'victim' and the 'offender' are aged 16. In most other states an age difference of up to two years is allowed under Romeo and Juliette laws; in South Australia there is no such loophole. In this respect, the age of consent laws in South Australia are more stringent than in the rest of the country.

I'm not trolling


Oct 28, 2017
Read it again.

I'm not trolling
You are trolling, I am not from South Australia or Tasmania so everything you've linked doesn't apply to me.

I mean just read the wikipedia article, you are wrong and you're trying to troll. You are choosing two states out of many to prove a point and I don't live in either of those.

In NSW the limited age of consent (meaning no teachers or cops) is 16, she was legal.
Oct 28, 2017
Seems they were pretty young. I was 25 when I married my first wife, she was 22. Of course, it didn't work out.

Teenage relationships rarely lasts. This is a good learning phase for OP. Time to grow and reflect on yourself and what you want in the future.

It might hurt now but it does get better.


Oct 28, 2017
Read it again.

I'm not trolling
Before quoting that, did you read it yourself? you've made a fool of yourself and basically told me I was a sexual predator in a thread where I am having a mental health crisis, when I literally broke no laws and linked you proof of that.


Oct 25, 2017
Strong Island NY
OP, you had a GF with all your hardships and you go and chat with another girl on Tinder.

Jesus man. Like you should have played it super safe no matter what. You Fd up.


Very low key
Oct 25, 2017
This thread is just reinforcing that this is not a safe board for people struggling with their mental health. Get off here immediately, OP and take care of yourself.


Dec 14, 2017
I like to cook while listening to podcast or youtube videos. Try to find something that makes you relax and forget about the problems for a little while.

Exercising helps put the stress and negativity out of your body but I also know that itnis hard to force yourself into doing it most of the time lol. But hey, you can try, even at home turn on some good music, lay down and work your legs a bit. Do it for your mental health, bot your physical.

And well, every relationship teaches us things, you may feel bad now but in the long term it will help you grow and be a better person. Dont worry about how she looks or doesnt look after the break up, a break up is always a break up, some people show their emotions more than others but all of them go through the same process.

And keep seeing your therapist, you will be fine!


Oct 28, 2017
$2K a month and you use that to pay for your girlfriends lifestyle? Something isn't right here.

I'm a sucker and I have no money for myself

This thread is just reinforcing that this is not a safe board for people struggling with their mental health. Get off here immediately, OP and take care of yourself.

Yeah, some people are being really mean, I mean shit, this got derailed into a random ass topic on whether something in my country was legal... then I have people rubbing it in that I fucked up when I've admitted that already.. I dont get it. Ill take a break now.

Nothing Loud

Literally Cinderella
Oct 25, 2017
I proposed like 4 years in, but I mean, she was 16 when we got together and I was 19, she said yes to the proposal but she was too young, then like 6 months later she decided she didn't believe in marriage and didn't want kids, then she started questioning her sexuality and yeah... things went downhill from there. I fucking hate how this went down and people seeing my post history is now going to make people think I was an evil person, but shit, i made a mistake, but its not a black and white situation.

Don't worry OP. This site craves thread backfires and controversy and they're looking for it here. There's also massive ignorance in this thread about BPD and how hard it makes it to think rationally and feel hopeful about human relationships.

Let me make this apparent for others: this is not a good website to post in when your mental health is bad. People are looking for opportunities to embarrass an OP.

I'm so sorry you're going through this. Trust me, it can get better, and you don't need her to get better. Focus on your therapy, your health, your healing for a while. I can't imagine how bad the rejection must hurt for someone with BPD, but try to occupy your mind with healthy distractions like cooking, exercising, and spending time in meditation or nature while you heal. And please keep seeing your psych

Umbrella Carp

Jan 16, 2019
I think you and your now ex didn't communicate this "open relationship" stuff to each other too well. You probably should have sought clarification before delving into Tinder.


bork bork
Oct 25, 2017
At this point, given the circular nature of the thread and the OP taking a break, the thread has been locked.
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