▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
In mha you can train your power just like you can train your muscles

that is why quirk boosting quirks exist, they are basically doping


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
I've always been told otherwise, but if they were wrong, then I'm cool with that.

Still would love to see movie quality Mob though.

season 2 adapted 6 volumes from chapter 53-90 and there's 4 volumes left. Yes, those last 10 chapters take up 4 volumes lol.

Plus there are still side stories and spin-offs they could adapt if they wanted to stretch it out more, but even if they didn't I'd still say theres enough material for a good 10 episodes.


Oct 25, 2017
Not really. Supes is powered by that yellow sun radiation stuff, as long as he's got that he's gravy. Flashpoint Superman was locked underground surrounded by red sun lamps for years, came out looking like Small Might, and as soon as he hit the sun he got the full power suite.
Well he didn't have anyone to actually push him


One Winged Slayer
Nov 2, 2017
I ain't gonna lie to ya'll if I had to sacrifice MVA being a three-episode slideshow for a third season of Mob in the same quality of the first two I would.
I'd give up a lot of anime series' quality for a Mob Psycho S3...
If we're doing hypotheticals, there's a lot I'd give up for a high-quality Mob S3. I'd sacrifice the entirety of the Summer 2021 anime season without even blinking, for one.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017

pretty good casting for the english dub
Movie would be the best option

Only like 7 episodes worth of content at most, with that they're better off with a movie
They would need to cut a decent amount to fit into a movie. The last arcs aren't even structured very well for a movie either. You COULD do it for the last two arcs since they pretty much flow into each other, but then you'd lose a lot of the wrap up for a lot of the supporting characters.


Oct 28, 2017
They would need to cut a decent amount to fit into a movie. The last arcs aren't even structured very well for a movie either. You COULD do it for the last two arcs since they pretty much flow into each other, but then you'd lose a lot of the wrap up for a lot of the supporting characters.
Heavily disagree, they were able to do the Mogami arc perfectly with just 2 episodes and that arc is around similar length to the remaining 2, I really can't see them struggling to fit what's left in a 3 hour movie when a lot of is also action scenes, hell I can see them giving us extra with that runtime
Last edited:


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
If we're doing hypotheticals, there's a lot I'd give up for a high-quality Mob S3. I'd sacrifice the entirety of the Summer 2021 anime season without even blinking, for one.

As far as I can tell, that ain't much of a sacrifice given the lack of buzz around the new shows lol


Oct 28, 2017
They easily have the content, there are still three arcs left plus the Reigen volume as an epilogue if they're actually hurting for content.
*2 arcs technically and one short story that can take half a episode, it can be made into a season I don't doubt it, I just see a movie as a better option, I rather see movie quality Mob then them trying to stretch 10 chapters to 10 episodes


Dec 15, 2018
*2 arcs technically and one short story that can take half a episode, it can be made into a season I don't doubt it, I just see a movie as a better option, I rather see movie quality Mob then them trying to stretch 10 chapters to 10 episodes
I'm sorry but the "ten chapters" thing is massively underselling how long those chapters are. Some of them are made up of like five parts that are equal in length to a shonen jump chapter, for a frame of reference. I'd prefer the anime season because it means stuff won't get shafted. That UFO story is going out the window if we get a movie.

And let's just be realistic we ain't seeing Mob on the big screen :/


Oct 28, 2017

I'm sorry but the "ten chapters" thing is massively underselling how long those chapters are. Some of them are made up of like five parts that are equal in length to a shonen jump chapter, for a frame of reference. I'd prefer the anime season because it means stuff won't get shafted. That UFO story is going out the window if we get a movie.
Nah the UFO story still fits in a movie, those arcs are still around the same size as previous arcs that took a few episodes, one of which is mostly action so it can still work easily without cutting any content
Oct 25, 2017
I mean the whole thing was suspicious as fuck the moment Dabi called Endeavor by his whole ass government name. Makes me wonder why Endeavor didn't piece that together earlier, unless Endeavor didn't know that Toya had blue flames.


Oct 25, 2017
It's one of the most obvious twists/reveals in shounen history (so much so, I don't consider it a twist/reveal). It's even more obvious in the anime.


Oct 28, 2017

They cut Rei cooling down Shoto


Jan 10, 2018
Thank god I already read it. How are they supposed to cram all of that into the rest of the season?

Easy, you turn sad mans parade into a slideshow /s

Jokes aside, I don't know, depends where they want to end it. The OP has Aizawa/Present Mic outside Tartarus (as well as AM looking at the stars) which would mean they're adapting up to Ch.257, in order to do that, they'd have to rush MVA.


Oct 28, 2017
Easy, you turn sad mans parade into a slideshow /s

Jokes aside, I don't know, depends where they want to end it. The OP has Aizawa/Present Mic outside Tartarus (as well as AM looking at the stars) which would mean they're adapting up to Ch.257, in order to do that, they'd have to rush MVA.
257 would mean 5 episodes for MVA


One Winged Slayer
May 22, 2018
It's unbelievable how they let the movie ruin the entire fucking season

It's like someone in charge doesn't even care about the anime as an adaptation anymore. It's just a vehicle for making movies now.


Aug 26, 2018
This movie better be amazing. It looks super bog standard based on the trailers so far.

I don't even like MVA and the way they've butchered the arc up doesn't really sit well with me. They're gonna speed run it which is a bit crazy for how important it is to set up the league as characters and the war arc.

The fear of long stretches without the students is real. Lol.


Oct 28, 2017
It's unbelievable how they let the movie ruin the entire fucking season

It's like someone in charge doesn't even care about the anime as an adaptation anymore. It's just a vehicle for making movies now.
It seems like every season will now get ruined by the movies since that's what they are prioritizing now, like it wouldn't be surprising if they're already more focused on promoting the next movie over the quality of the PLW arc


Oct 28, 2017
Which (don't get me wrong) would be terrible, but why put those scenes in the OP if they're not going to adapt them? Plus if they go to 257 they can have another wholesome episode with Class A eating hot pot (hooray…)
It's pretty common for anime OPs to foreshadow later events


Oct 25, 2017
It seems like every season will now get ruined by the movies since that's what they are prioritizing now, like it wouldn't be surprising if they're already more focused on promoting the next movie over the quality of the PLW arc
Sad part is nothing in these movies will ever be referred to again. Not a peep.

Best course of action is to make the movie adapt an arc, like Mugen Train.


Oct 25, 2017
MVA was never real. It was always just in your head.

What do you mean Shiggy and the league got their own arc?

What are you talking about? You're talking crazy.


One Winged Slayer
May 22, 2018
MVA was never real. It was always just in your head.

What do you mean Shiggy and the league got their own arc?

What are you talking about? You're talking crazy.
This is the Class A show

What kind of crazy person would ever want or write an arc without Class A? As if that would ever happen.


▲ Legend ▲
Sep 23, 2018
Is kinda annoying seeing in others place people excusing the flashback or the constant introductions with "there are kids watching" as if that has been a problem before


Oct 28, 2017
Did they do in the previous OP's for MHA? Can't recall them doing it (would not complain if it turned out to be the case this time).
That have to be the case since other wise they would have to adapt 5 to 6 chapters in one episode more than once, making this weeks 1 chapter episode not any make sense


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Caught up after being behind like 4 episodes (and yes I skipped the filler episode), seeing the arcs switched with my own eyes... woof, such a dumb decision that doesn't (potentially) benefit anything other than the upcoming movie. The part where Deku goes on and on and on to Endeavor about his quirk is still hilarious though

Also y'all weren't wrong about the new OP being ass

All that's left now at this point I guess is to see if MVA gets fucked up in terms of pacing and graphicness.

They really turned the EA arc into the worst arc in the anime

Didn't we just adapt...



Dec 15, 2018
Endeavor agency catching strays too from MVA being moved, you hate to see it

MVA was never real. It was always just in your head.

What do you mean Shiggy and the league got their own arc?

What are you talking about? You're talking crazy.
You right. Makes sense because I break in a cold sweat, start breathing heavier, and feel as if I'm about to collapse when a member of 1-A isn't on screen.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
I think people are starting to be blind by hate because outside the long flashbacks the episode was fine?
even the flashbacks themselves at least served a purpose, this isnt like OP or in the JT arc where it was just used to fill time without purpose
the big problem is the amount of them really.
Also the animation is fine. Sometimes some complains of shonen fans are nearing the lazy dev/artist rethoric. I dont see fans of other type animes being so obsessed with animation while being totally clueless about how animation works.