
Oct 25, 2017
The worst part is that anyone reading this exchange can tell that you pulled something out of your ass that was never said or implied.

I can almost respect the idea that you're trying to get people to think about other possibilities of sexual relationships, but you chose a poor target because you misunderstood. Then you try to call me ignorant to save face as you dip further and further into more inane points.

I'm not responding to your next post, but please, feel free to go for one final stretch. Don't forget to cool down after.
Your entire post was about how people shouldn't push their own experiences on other ("Different people have different boundaries."), then you go on and ignorantly do the very same thing by assuming that an allosexual perspective is (probably) the one the person you just tried to educate about must have. Unlike the person you quoted, you were pushing your own world view on others. The person just explained about their experience and suggested to think about it. Not blindly follow or change their attitude.

And no, I was not trying to educate you. Go educate yourself. About time I guess. What I did was pointing out the double standard/flaw in your post. That's it.

Your example was, is and always will be bad in this context. You cant admit that and that's fine. Not many people are capable of doing so.


Sep 27, 2019
Your entire post was about how people shouldn't push their own experiences on other ("Different people have different boundaries."), then you go on and ignorantly do the very same thing by assuming that an allosexual perspective is (probably) the one the person you just tried to educate about must have. Unlike the person you quoted, you were pushing your own world view on others. The person just explained about their experience and suggested to think about it. Not blindly follow or change their attitude.

And no, I was not trying to educate you. Go educate yourself. About time I guess. What I did was pointing out the double standard/flaw in your post. That's it.

Your example was, is and always will be bad in this context. You cant admit that and that's fine. Not many people are capable of doing so.

This is such a strange thread derail. His use of 'probably' was not out of place. That is such a mild qualifier and the correct one.


Apr 26, 2019
I'm glad the op has worked things out, but this tends to be a slippery slope.

its probably already gone past the tipping point.

Banana Aeon

Oct 30, 2017
This is such a strange thread derail. His use of 'probably' was not out of place. That is such a mild qualifier and the correct one.
It feels like some weird cry for validation. Like, "Look at me! I have sex outside my relationship and we're fine!"

Cool? Good for you. *Finger guns*


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'd take it as a good sign if she's telling your about these DMs and showing them to you. Not blocking some of the creepy ones is weird though, I gotta say.
An ex of mine from some years ago would tell me about dudes who'd approach her (she's fit and sexy af, still is to this day) at parties or in the club if I happened to be somewhere else or at a different party, it was a good sign and I didn't appreciate it as well as I should have back then, it took a couple of "wake up slaps" for me to stop being an idiot, but it was too late.
Oct 26, 2017
Ok I just talked to her. We made a compromise of sorts.

She has agreed to make seperate accounts for the family stuff and move the more risqué pics. She has agreed to block anyone her or I know in real life from the other page. She also said she won't post any more pics quite like that but will continue to post pics that she feels good about.

I can live with that. I told her if any other posts or anything in the future makes me uncomfortable I will talk to her about it before getting upset
Nice. Happy for you two---

Edit: sorry guys, looks like I won't need to post any selfies of myself in my undies

Wari Oman

Alt Account
Feb 2, 2021
Communication is key man, to all things in life. In a relationship we tend to suppress that because we don't want to get dumped and that sucks. But think about it this way: Metroid Dread is coming out in pretty much a month. Even if she dumps you, life's pretty fucking fantastic right now, so you have no other way to go but up!

Coming into this thread was worth it for posts like these. I chuckled.


Oct 25, 2017
My parter has more than half a million followers on Instagram. I know this feeling.

Wari Oman

Alt Account
Feb 2, 2021
Also I'm really glad my GF barely posts on social media and is not really engaged in all that stuff. So pretty much like me in that regard.

We don't even have eachother as facebook friends lol. It's great.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Reading this thread I'm really happy that my gf and I don't like and use social media.
I'm glad op could sort it out!


One Winged Slayer
Nov 1, 2017
If you're happy that's what matters, but this compromise feels weird?

Making a second account dedicated to posting sexy pics feels like a step away from an OnlyFans account and almost worse than mixing them in on her regular account.


Sep 16, 2020
Glad a compromise was found on this.

I don't think I'd ever have the patience to have a partner who likes to cultivate a social media personality as a hobby. Seems exhausting.


Aug 31, 2019
Everett, Washington
I don't use Instagram, but do many influencers post sexy pictures and pictures of their kids? I would figure they would want to keep the kids off the feed to keep the fantasy alive.
Jun 10, 2018
Alright I appreciate all the comments and different perspectives. It is helpful. I can't respond to every post but you guys are giving me things to think about.

I just want to clarify a couple things.

The guys who came on to her or were sleazy were real life friends, she is no longer actively friends with them but she still has them as friends on social media and will respond friendly if they message, which is rare. If anyone sleazes you her on social media she doesn't engage, she doesn't block, she just ignores it.

She called me an asshole because I said it was bullshit that she posted it just for me. Most of the conversation was calm aside from that. I deserved to be called an asshole. She said I'm insecure, which I admit I am starting to feel insecure.

I try to validate her feeings all the time. I tell her she is beautiful and sexy a lot, but I obviously can't compete with the constant barrage of guys commenting on everything she post telling her how sexy and beautiful she is. She asked why I don't comment on her posts and I told her it's because I tell her in person. She feels like I don't tell her enough.

I trust her and don't think she would ever cheat on me. That doesn't make me any less uncomfortable.
I don't know, call me crazy but that sounds like some gaslighting manipulative bullshit to make you out as being unreasonable for feeling the way you do.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Happens to my wife, she shows me the creepy ones, we laugh and then she deletes/blocks them.

So I do find it strange that isn't being actioned in your case. If your in a marriage, you both have boundaries that you accept and respect. I know you shouldn't have to say this, but might be good to let her know how you feel and I hope you get the response you both feel is right.


Nov 29, 2017
I try to validate her feeings all the time. I tell her she is beautiful and sexy a lot, but I obviously can't compete with the constant barrage of guys commenting on everything she post telling her how sexy and beautiful she is. She asked why I don't comment on her posts and I told her it's because I tell her in person. She feels like I don't tell her enough.

I trust her and don't think she would ever cheat on me. That doesn't make me any less uncomfortable.
Maybe bring in flowers randomly and cook dinner now and then. I think you may not be doing what you say you're doing nearly as much. My first marriage ended due to this. Never take anything for granted. FB posts and liking them constantly might be frustrating and not tenable long term, but the other things I mentioned will make up for that.
And again, as to your second paragraph, don't ever take anything for granted, it's a mistake we all tend to make.


Oct 25, 2017
Both parties are presumably happy and people are still commenting on the initial post. OP, maybe you should post a thread mark lol.


Oct 27, 2017
Her body, she can do what she wants, but you don't have to like it. You have the option to leave if it means that much to you, but it sounds like its working itself out.


Visited by Knack
Oct 25, 2017
The fact that she cares more about the attention of internet strangers "making her feel sexy" than she does about the obvious discomfort of her partner seems like a serious red flag to me.


Oct 28, 2017
Your fixation on the excuse thing is odd to me. Enjoying the attention and validation of being hot and popular on Instagram isn't a bad thing that even requires an excuse,

If someone needs validation from strangers to provide them happiness or fulfill some need, that's very much a bad thing. That's not healthy behavior. Especially when that need takes precedent over their own husband's wishes.

It sounds like a good compromise to me. But her saying the risqué Instagram photos were for him was still a lie and part of the underlying issues that required a compromise in the first place.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
If someone needs validation from strangers to provide them happiness or fulfill some need, that's very much a bad thing. That's not healthy behavior. Especially when that need takes precedent over their own husband's wishes.

It sounds like a good compromise to me. But her saying the risqué Instagram photos were for him was still a lie and part of the underlying issues that required a compromise in the first place.
I agree with this, if my wife started doing nsfw pics and putting them on Insta against my wishes, that would be the end of the relationship for me tbh. If she the feels the need to be validated by strangers, to me that's a huge red flag.
Seems like OP has come to a compromise anyway, good for him.


Oct 27, 2017
Set up boundaries my dude, every relationship needs them. There are some great books on the topic. Also, go to marriage counseling. My wife and I go and it's great to get an unbiased third party perspective on things. Counseling is like exercise for your relationship so don't be afraid to go.

edit: I see you've reached a compromise but if any part of this still bothers you don't sit on it, make sure and tell her. It'll only build resentment if you don't.
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Oct 25, 2017
Her complete dismissal and getting defensive at your feelings at the situation is unnerving and completely uncalled for. Relationships are about compromise, and it seemed as if the original compromise was "partner does whatever she wants and OP just has to put up with it". The actual end result is a bit better, but it still doesn't really resolve the issues at hand. She's still doing whatever she wanted in the first place (thirst-trapping), just now it's on a separate account which can cause its own problems. As long as she's transparent (which it seems she is, a pretty good sign), I'm sure things won't go too poorly if this "compromise" works out, but it still seems like she still just got the outcome she wanted and you're finding a way to pretend to be okay with it. Hopefully you don't see things the same way and actually are fine with the end result, though.


Oct 27, 2017
Alright I appreciate all the comments and different perspectives. It is helpful. I can't respond to every post but you guys are giving me things to think about.

I just want to clarify a couple things.

The guys who came on to her or were sleazy were real life friends, she is no longer actively friends with them but she still has them as friends on social media and will respond friendly if they message, which is rare. If anyone sleazes you her on social media she doesn't engage, she doesn't block, she just ignores it.

She called me an asshole because I said it was bullshit that she posted it just for me. Most of the conversation was calm aside from that. I deserved to be called an asshole. She said I'm insecure, which I admit I am starting to feel insecure.

I try to validate her feeings all the time. I tell her she is beautiful and sexy a lot, but I obviously can't compete with the constant barrage of guys commenting on everything she post telling her how sexy and beautiful she is. She asked why I don't comment on her posts and I told her it's because I tell her in person. She feels like I don't tell her enough.

I trust her and don't think she would ever cheat on me. That doesn't make me any less uncomfortable.

As Sgt Advance Wars already said, that is not entirely honest of her. It seems obvious she likes the attention of other men, of them saying she's sexy. If she really just posted them for you, why post them online? And she wants to continue doing so, even when you said you weren't comfortable with it. So it isn't for you.

Now, you might be a bit insecure (but if your wife is posting sexy pics online it makes a lot of sense to feel a bit insecure), but that is completely unrelated to the fact she just likes the attention of other guys.

I don't wanna go all armchair psychologist on her, but it's pretty telling she got mad about this part. Sounds like she isn't honest to herself either. Like she doesn't wanna admit she likes the attention. And that sounds like the core of it all to me. How much attention does she need? Is she willing to openly communicate about that, and are you comfortable with how much she needs, without feeling to insecure? And to reiterate, it absolutely doesn't sound strange to start feeling insecure when thousands of guys thirst over your wife posing in her underwear.
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Jun 12, 2018
Hell no she should be doing that whilst in a committed relationship. She's posting seductive pictures online for other men to comment and fan over, but also having active conversations with them in the dms?? No way would I stand for that. Total disrespect and obviously craving attention from other men. You instinctively know all of this is true aswell op.

Some clear boundaries need to be set, because this will haunt you going forward because its not right. Sure she can do what she wants, but so can you. Let her know what's up and how it will affecct the realtionship, because it will. If she tries to say you're insecure or whatever, don't fall for it. That's manipulation. Everything you said you feel is just common sense. Stay strong op. If you're being faithful and respectful on your side of the relationship, then so should she

Edit: Glad you worked things out op. Keep an eye on things going forward
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Oct 28, 2017
Hmm sounds like she might not be as committed to the relationship as you are...or her sense of the boundaries of the relationship might not be in line with yours...Forming friendships with people complimenting the pics online seems to cross that boundry.

If you posted a pic of yourself at the beach or flexing at the gym and had a load of people send compliments and likes your way, wouldn't it make you feel good about yourself?

Sure, but if that becomes a motivating factor, I don't think that is necessarily healthy. Like our culture is rife with narcissism, and I think it can be difficult to get perspective on what is or isn't healthy. I suppose it depends on how and why people do it. It can be motivating, but it can also become a motivation in and of itself. No doubt that our culture largely promotes manages images of life over lived reality, and see that all the time on social media...So yeah, it can feel good, but whether it is healthy on not depends.
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The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Honestly weird how OP comes to a compromise with his partner and people are still intent on finding a way to paint her as a bad person despite only having half the story.

Sure, but if that becomes a motivating factor, I don't think that is necessarily healthy. Like our culture is rife with narcissism, and I think it can be difficult to get perspective on what is or isn't healthy. I suppose it depends on how and why people do it. It can be motivating, but it can also become a motivation in and of itself. No doubt that our culture largely promotes manages images of life over lived reality, and see that all the time on social media...So yeah, it can feel good, but whether it is healthy on not depends.
Sure, but as you say it depends on factors we can't determine. The point I was making was around OP not understanding how it could make her feel good.


Oct 28, 2017
Honestly weird how OP comes to a compromise with his partner and people are still intent on finding a way to paint her as a bad person despite only having half the story.

Sure, but as you say it depends on factors we can't determine. The point I was making was around OP not understanding how it could make her feel good.


Nov 7, 2017
I've always found this quite curious a situation, brought on uniquely by social media.

If your partner was to send a picture of themselves in their underwear with a suggestive pose directly to another person, I think that would be pretty universally a big uh oh.

However if your partner indiscriminately 'sends' a sexually charged picture of themselves out into the wide world and to followers that they know are attracted to them it can be considered more of a grey area.

Like everyone has said, it's her choice if she wants to do that but also completely within your rights to not be okay with it. You need to both come do a decision either way.


Oct 28, 2017
OP, glad you talked with your partner about this and I'm hoping the compromise you arrived at eases your insecurities.

I'm not sure this question has been posed by another person, but I would ask yourself has this affected the intimacy between you and your partner? Like, I worry that maybe she's withdrawing from being intimate with you and instead sharing intimate pictures with her Instagram audience. Though this could be something where she wants to build her confidence and that in turn improves the intimacy between you and her.