
Oct 28, 2017
Nope, half of it is. Many of us didn't sign up for video games.


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
You've been married ten years and you're coming here to talk about it? Talk to your goddamn wife before a forum, son.
Basically this, i really wish people would stop doing this. You know people are going to suggest things in a purity level which will lead to the end of a relationship.

Bring it up and talk to her, but don't get into a screaming match over it either. One and done conversation it doesn't have to be life consuming.


Alt Account
Aug 19, 2018
I hope to one day have a bond strong enough with someone that I complain about her to strangers on the internet.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
Of course it's not. The guy doesn't know how to approach this and is asking for some advice. There's literally nothing about that that makes it a dick move.

Someone asking internet strangers how to handle a weird situation is "as much of a dick move" as blatant homophobia? How?

'My wife is a'

Is not how you deal with this subject, in public, about someone you have been married to for 10 years. I guess I live on a different planet.


Oct 25, 2017
'My wife is a'

Is not how you deal with this subject, in public, about someone you have been married to for 10 years. I guess I live on a different planet.

Public has very little meaning here. No specific, personal details have been announced. There is no way to identify anyone.

OP is clearly shocked and unsure how to approach her about this.

This is not a "dick move" at all.


Oct 27, 2017
To be fair, no one should be in a relationship with Johnny Depp.

As for serious advice, I would suggest just loving her despite her flaws. I would be a very, very lonely person if I required everyone special in my life to match or exceed my personal code of ethics. If a bit of squeamishness over Dumbledore's sexuality is the biggest roadblock you've hit in 10 years of marriage, you've got it pretty good.


Nov 6, 2017
My mum's a homophobe and racist.

I love her with all my heart and always try and steer her in the right direction little by little.

She was a NO voter for marriage equality but I changed her mind on it. She still carries some homophobic views but small wins here and there will ultimately lead her in the right direction.

Don't just toss away someone you love because they have different views. Try and educate them but don't expect change overnight.

Deleted member 7051

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Same. I was not expecting to read that in the op. But Im actually curious now.

Don't get too excited. It's more implicit than explicit, which is odd since Rowling was quite open about Dumbledore being gay before and I assumed they went with Jude Law over Jared Harris for the role of Dumbledore because Hollywood would prefer two young and very handsome men to smoulder at one another before destroying a city with their unresolved sexual tension.


User requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
Don't get too excited. It's more implicit than explicit, which is odd since Rowling was quite open about Dumbledore being gay before and I assumed they went with Jude Law over Jared Harris for the role of Dumbledore because Hollywood would prefer two young and very handsome men to smoulder at one another before destroying a city with their unresolved sexual tension.
Oh... So this is another instance of Hollywood being cowards yet still manage to rile people up. Like with Beauty and the Beast. Shame.

Red Liquorice

Oct 27, 2017
What about the countless scenes of scantily clan heterosexual couples knockin' boots on billboards, adverts, prime time TV shows, movies etc.

Homosexuality is legal [in my country], people don't turn homosexual the minute they hit 16, children are homosexual and they know it. They need to see images of themselves and role models in media just like heterosexual children do. Is there ANY sex education in schools about homosexuality these days beyond just that it is exists? It was all about pregnancy prevention when I was a kid, that's not enough these days because soon those kids will be having sex where pregnancy isn't a concern, those kids need education too.

It's cute when little boys and little girls play kiss-catch and hold hands, well now you have to accept that it's ok for little boys and girls to do that with their own gender too, or being introduced to their same-sex first boyfriend or girlfriend when they're a teenager - that's how it is when you open your eyes to the reality that already exists and always has existed rather than just trying to lock people down behind medieval laws that create lifelong damaging mental health and social problems and saying 'well no one's trying control my personal life, so fuck everyone else, I'm good'.

.... are the kind of topics I would bring up with her.


Oct 25, 2017
OP you should probably be talking this over in private with your wife instead of blaring it over the internet. Not like we actually know you or anything but this feels like a conversation you should be having directly with your significant other.


Nov 8, 2017
Basically this, i really wish people would stop doing this. You know people are going to suggest things in a purity level which will lead to the end of a relationship.

Bring it up and talk to her, but don't get into a screaming match over it either. One and done conversation it doesn't have to be life consuming.
Yep what is there to gain by getting advice on such an event / issue which gets pulled out of context by forum members who don't now the couple?

Urban Scholar

Oct 30, 2017
I know it's all call cook to dunk on the OP.

But the real question I have is how and why did talks about society didn't come up?

Or maybe I'm interrupting it all wrong


Nov 26, 2017
Malmoe, Sweden.
Talk to her.

Do not, under any circumstances show her this thread.

For some reason, spouses really don't like when you talk about their perceived flaws on an open forum with thousands of strangers.


Dog's Best Friend
Oct 29, 2017
"Dumbledore and Jonny Depp knocking boots"

I am sorry, wut? did I miss something?!

Boiled Goose

Nov 2, 2017
So we've been married for 10 years...have gay friends and out of the blue she reveals she thinks that Dumbledore and Jonny Depp knocking boots is a bad influence on kids? WTF!??

I'm just reeling now as a LGBTQ ally. Granted she was born in China but still I'm just mind blown. Help?

There's latent homophobia for sure.
Talk to her about it.
Why is it bad?


Nov 8, 2017
The kicker is that the movie isn't even explicit with it. For all kids know, "more than friends" means "best friends".


Nov 14, 2017
Gay people experiences this all the time with friends, family and coworkers. Sometimes you know they love you and want to be part of your life, but they're also homophobes in some issues.

If I just stopped talking with these people for every homophobic thing they said, I would be very lonely.

Just talk to her.

Dusk Golem

Local Horror Enthusiast
Oct 25, 2017
Like most are saying, talk to her. Some views are only enforced by upbringing and lack of open discussion and exploration of why one feels that way. Try to find where the fear at the heart of this issue lies, try to be supportive but also honest with how you feel. I'm having a suspicion from the pieces here these are closeted views from her upbringing because you two have a child and she was raised to believe these things in media are harmful to children (you say she was born in China, which definitely promotes those views). While she won't change overnight, I feel like this comes from an instilled fear rather than a place of hate from what you describe, and something that if explored, helped and worked through some, could slowly change. Just my guess from the pieces, my own experience, and intuition.


Oct 25, 2017
Don't get too excited. It's more implicit than explicit, which is odd since Rowling was quite open about Dumbledore being gay before and I assumed they went with Jude Law over Jared Harris for the role of Dumbledore because Hollywood would prefer two young and very handsome men to smoulder at one another before destroying a city with their unresolved sexual tension.
I remember them getting shit for saying they wouldn't get into it or something so you shouldn't be surprised by this

It does feel like they gave themselves some level of deniability just in case


Oct 25, 2017
Educate. People are born gay and rarely choose it. You can't blame someone for what isn't their choice and there are far worse offences in the world that this is would be a good one to "get over"

You love each other, you should always talk over what's important.


Oct 25, 2017
Why are are people responding so strongly to him making this thread? He can make a thread about it and talk to her, it sounds like they already talked and she's standing her ground.

OP has to decide how comfortable he is being married to a homophobe I guess.


Self-requested ban
Oct 26, 2017
Uranus, get it?!? YOUR. ANUS.
Ten years and a kid. Dumbledore's homosexuality is not the hill to die on.

Talk with your wife, and through level headed discussion, get her to better understand your point of view and how hers can lead to some very toxic behavior.


Oct 31, 2017
You're already divorced.


Just talk to her though, maybe it's just an misunderstanding or you can just talk it out, ask her for help not us. ;p