
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I was lukewarm when I first heard the news. Then I realized Lana won't be writing or directing the film. Im now intrigued. Drew could definitely deliver something fantastic.


Dec 18, 2017
Just keep the Wachowskis away from it please. They are not good directors. They made one good movie and have been coasting ever since.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Just keep the Wachowskis away from it please. They are not good directors. They made one good movie and have been coasting ever since.

It's their franchise. Why would you want some rando to take it over? Especially some rando for hire who just does whatever the studio wants?


Aug 3, 2021
Better have some really good idea and not just rehash old story beats, plus great cinematography and choreo if there is a lot of action. And I don't want some shoddy looking cg volume fest either.

Matrix deserves that Dune love and care.


Dec 18, 2017
It's their franchise. Why would you want some rando to take it over? Especially some rando for hire who just does whatever the studio wants?
Because they have shown time and time again that the first film was a fluke. And I say this as someone who legitimately loved the first film. It was one of my all time greatest cinema experiences ever and every follow up was a let down and their other movies aren't good either.

At this point I would be more excited for an M Night Shyamalan lead Matrix than the Wachowskis


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Because they have shown time and time again that the first film was a fluke. And I say this as someone who legitimately loved the first film. It was one of my all time greatest cinema experiences ever and every follow up was a let down and their other movies aren't good either.

At this point I would be more excited for an M Night Shyamalan lead Matrix than the Wachowskis

I would argue the Matrix is nothing without them, and just hiring some generic action bro director will make that abundantly clear.


The Fallen
Jul 28, 2018
Since it was made abundantly clear that WBD would continue to make Matrix sequels with or without Lana (Lilly appears to give exactly zero fucks), I'm glad she at least gets an EP credit, even if that simply equates to doing nothing and receiving a paycheck. It would be wrong to completely cut her out of the process.


Mar 31, 2023
Drew Goddard's resume is not to be taken lightly. The guy was a writer on Buffy/Lost/Daredevil/Cloverfield/Cabin in the Woods/World War Z and the showrunner/executive producer on Daredevil S1. He's both writing and directing this new movie.


Oct 25, 2017
Drew Goddard's resume is not to be taken lightly. The guy was a writer on Buffy/Lost/Daredevil/Cloverfield/Cabin in the Woods/World War Z and the showrunner/executive producer on Daredevil S1. He's both writing and directing this new movie.
I liked a few of those things but none of that is what I'm looking for in a Matrix movie though

Derbel McDillet

▲ Legend ▲
Nov 23, 2022
It's their franchise. Why would you want some rando to take it over? Especially some rando for hire who just does whatever the studio wants?
I'm not even the biggest Drew Goddard fan, but watch just one thing he's done or read the story of how he even got the gig instead of writing him off in your head based on next to nothing.

I would argue the Matrix is nothing without them, and just hiring some generic action bro director will make that abundantly clear.

What movie are you even referring to?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Resurrections was so bad, I have no trust that this will be good.

If they do this... make it Rogue One style.

No Neo, no "the one", etc.


Oct 25, 2017
Eeeehhhhhh… last one was already kinda… iffy. Unsure I want more of it (continuation with the same actors/characters).

Could be down for a reboot or a spin-off of sorts tho.


Oct 26, 2017
Reminded of the worse sequels Jurassic park or matrix thread. I think I'm more interested in another matrix and resurrections wasn't as bad as dominion.


Feb 12, 2018
Resurrections isn't a great movie but it's the most interesting Matrix sequel I feel like, I really like its first half anyway.

Cabin in the Woods is like the kinda meta film that's just really boring, feels like someone turned TV Tropes into a movie or something. I would prefer a flawed but interesting film like Resurrections again. LIke, it's a film that had some shit to say anyway. Might watch again tbh


Oct 25, 2017
I...liked Resurrections. It also felt like the movie was a way for the Wachowskis to end the series despite WB wanting to milk it. Guess they found something interesting here.

I wonder if a Matrix movie can work without Neo though.


Nov 1, 2017
The only thing in the Matrix universe I want to see post Resurrection (which sucked hard), is a new Animatrix feature, with specifically some story or lore involving the robots/AI/hybrids who were helping humanity by that point. Feels like there was some story to tell about these guys but we only see them briefly in the real world.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Your posts make as much sense as me saying James Wan would be a bad fit for Star Trek because all he does is romantic comedies and we're literally going "what are you even talking about?"

Here's my stance, as I have repeated multiple times in the thread. The Matrix is outsider fiction, and as a result, I think it is important for the creative lead driving it to be someone from a marginalized background, whose experiences and personal perspective can inform the story.

The original four movies were trans allegories. If that's no longer going to be the focus, what are we going to get in its place? At the end of the day, the perspective the movie is filtered through is more important to me personally than the action. I don't give a shit about the fights if there is no philosophical or outsider core at the heart of the story. I can get dumb fights anywhere. I come to the Matrix for more than that.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
Man, based on how Resurrections talk has generally gone on Era, I thought it was at a Revolutions-level 30% on RottenTomatoes. Didn't realize it was actually fresh.

Yeah, I stand by it. That film is going to receive some heavy reexamining as the years pass.


Jun 20, 2018
Resurrections probably was amongst the worst experiences I ever had watching a movie with friends. Horrible on every level and bad in a bad way. Felt bad afterwards since I was the one who suggested watching it.

I'm curious though. Hopefully a new entry is better.
Oct 26, 2017
I actually thought Resurrections brought a lot of good ideas to the table, it was just the heavy handed meta commentary on the Matrix film series it could have done without. I'm definitely interested in more Matrix movies, as long as they don't make it a prequel.
Oct 27, 2017
I don't know if my brain can handle a Force Awakens/Jurassic World treatment for The Matrix so I hope it's less… that. No mournful piano covers of Rage Against the Machine please.


Oct 28, 2017
Orlando, FL
Not at all a profound observation, I'm sure, but -- I genuinely had no idea the last movie was so divisive. I thought it was quite good, and is easily my second favorite after the first one.


Oct 25, 2017
At the end of the day, the perspective the movie is filtered through is more important to me personally than the action. I don't give a shit about the fights if there is no philosophical or outsider core at the heart of the story. I can get dumb fights anywhere. I come to the Matrix for more than that.

People mostly just care about labels and aesthetic. They want something that's called The Matrix and looks a lot like The Matrix but indulges all their cool ideas they created in their heads as a response to seeing The Matrix. They do not care about anyone else's perspective unless it matches their own. And I think a lot of people's ideas of The Matrix just boils down to cool fights with cool looking people, with a little dash of "you are the special chosen one" thrown in so they can pretend they are Neo.


Sep 1, 2018
I just hope they get a better lead than Keanu this time. I love the man but his performance in Ressurection was easily the worst in the movie. It honestly was as bas as his performance in Knock Knock.


Oct 25, 2017
Not at all a profound observation, I'm sure, but -- I genuinely had no idea the last movie was so divisive. I thought it was quite good, and is easily my second favorite after the first one.

It depends on what you're coming to the Matrix for. The movie is messy and the action sucks, so the people just looking for a cool action movie weren't going to like it, even though it's doing interesting things.


Oct 25, 2017
People mostly just care about labels and aesthetic. They want something that's called The Matrix and looks a lot like The Matrix but indulges all their cool ideas they created in their heads as a response to seeing The Matrix. They do not care about anyone else's perspective unless it matches their own. And I think a lot of people's ideas of The Matrix just boils down to cool fights with cool looking people, with a little dash of "you are the special chosen one" thrown in so they can pretend they are Neo.

This might be an unpopular comment, but if this is what people want, they can go elsewhere.