
Lead Designer, Iridium Studios
Oct 25, 2017
I finally got my Eagles Super Bowl. I may not stop paying attention entirely, but I'll be happy to stop giving them money in literally any capacity.


Oct 27, 2017
Fuck the NFL and all "professional" sports leagues. Whatever integrity they had left will be negated when legalized gambling comes into play, guaranteed.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
Not being a smart ass, but every time I see this brought up the only example that's pointed to are the "I can't breathe" shirts that have been posted above. You can totally ignore this post (and my ignorance) and move on, but I'm genuinely interested in knowing what specific ways NFL players are stifled when NBA players are encouraged.
Last time I checked NBA players who dare to make stands for social justice still have jobs.

Meanwhile Kap and Eric Reid are jobless.


Oct 27, 2017
Imagine if this shit was happening in the middle east, how much grief the media here would give them.


Jan 19, 2018
Man, I really hope the TV ratings tank this year. I have a newborn and focusing less and less on pro sports so I think I'm done with the NFL.


Oct 27, 2017
Denver, CO
Opening day's gonna be awesome when everyone kneels. How a league that wields such power continues to look the other way for violent crimes against women, DUI's, etc., but continually bends over backward when ad revenue is on the table is beyond me. This is a ridiculous rule; fuck the NFL.


Oct 27, 2017
LeBron and several other players wore I can't breathe shirts and received no punishment. Only support from the league, owners and other coaches.

The NBA has a very different and less shitty fanbase than the NFL. The NFL is doing this because most of their fans are Trump-eating shitheads who are offended by the inoffensive slogan BLM.

Don't make excuses for the NFL. Their behavior is inexcusable.

Not saying they are great, not saying they are going about this the right way. Not saying they didn't do this to themselves.

Just not buying the whole NFL is racist angle. They are just businesmen who handled this situation horribly.

Darren Lamb

Dec 1, 2017
Can't believe how much they missed the point.

Why do we "honor America" all the damn time? Just bin the anthem at domestic sporting events.


Oct 25, 2017
Not saying they are great, not saying they are going about this the right way. Not saying they didn't do this to themselves.

Just not buying the whole NFL is racist angle. They are just businesmen who handled this situation horribly.

Oh no of course they're not racist. They're just making racist decisions to placate racists because the alternative would be less convenient for them.

That's completely different from being racist. Because being racist is bad.


Oct 25, 2017
It is 100% a fair comparison because until today kneeling during the anthem was not against the rules. It was a public statement.

Yet Kap and Eric Reid still don't have jobs.

NBA went out of their way to message to their players not to kneel. The message from managment was clear. Don't kneel, period. No player dared to protest as a result.

Totally not fair comparison.


Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
NBA went out of their way to message to their players not to kneel. The message from managment was clear. Don't kneel, period. No player dared to protest as a result.

Totally fair compariosn. vv


You are missing my point.

NFL players make a peaceful protest against injustice and racial inequality before games? They are blackballed, dismissed, and rules are made to where they can no longer do that.

NBA players make a stand for injustice and inequality before games? Nothing. Aside from the NBA saying they can't kneel? Nothing. They are allowed to do all kinds of things with no repercussions from the league or the owners.
Oct 25, 2017
I still cannot believe this is a thing, that this is where we are. Donald Trump is POTUS, NFL players are being told they are gonna get fucked if they choose to kneel, Republicans all the sudden don't like in-depth investigations, and Clinton is still allowed to walk around like she owns the place.

NBA went out of their way to message to their players not to kneel. The message from managment was clear. Don't kneel, period. No player dared to protest as a result.

Totally not fair comparison.


Yah, no one cares, he could have just stood up to this if he really wanted to do something.

Waddle Dee

Nov 2, 2017
Alright, so I expect none of you will be watching this season and supporting this fucked up league, correct?

I don't watch sports anyways so it's not exactly hard for me to say that


Oct 25, 2017
You are missing my point.

NFL players make a peaceful protest against injustice and racial inequality before games? They are blackballed, dismissed, and rules are made to where they can no longer do that.

NBA players make a stand for injustice and inequality before games? Nothing. Aside from the NBA saying they can't kneel? Nothing. They are allowed to do all kinds of things with no repercussions from the league or the owners.

I get what you're saying, but your point on NFL players being blackballed is all around the kneeling with the anthem, the same league your praising went out of their way to tell players not to do or face the repercussions. None wanted to face the repercussions.

I completely agree they are getting black balled, but to act like the NBA is all high and mighty when they went out of their way to silence the specific form of protest, I think is giving credit where no credit is due.

NFL players do all kinds of work in this spectrum, but only the kneelers have faced consequences.


Oct 25, 2017
Man, I really hope the TV ratings tank this year. I have a newborn and focusing less and less on pro sports so I think I'm done with the NFL.

If not enough damage has been done to the snowflakes out there, I actually think they will improve.

There's other reasons for ratings decline outside of the kneeling, but it was a definite part.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not American, but this is just so insane. The idea that the NFL cares THAT much about appearing 'unpatriotic' is hilarious.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not American, but this is just so insane. The idea that the NFL cares THAT much about appearing 'unpatriotic' is hilarious.
They don't care, this is business, the NFL is overwhelmingly watched by white males (I would be willing to bet it is primarily Trump supporters). With that they know they are gonna feel the pain if they allow this to go on, they are using their power as white owners to make sure their predominantly white suburbian viewers are happy. I can bet stacks of cash I will see a dozen plus friends/family members post in support of this move within the week. Mind you, they posted how they were done with the NFL unless this was fixed.

I am not American, have to ask: why is NFL like this compared to NBA?

The individuals who watch the sport.

That's awesome to hear.
It would have been much nicer for him to stand up when this was put to owners.

Deleted member 25600

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
I wonder if my friends will watch the next superbowl? They seem to do so every year, but I wonder if they'll rethink it this year. I might have to convince them otherwise if they are still going to.


Oct 25, 2017
Alright, so I expect none of you will be watching this season and supporting this fucked up league, correct?

I don't watch sports anyways so it's not exactly hard for me to say that
i'll skip this year completely. i usually only watch the super bowl so its not exactly hard for me to skip. i have started watching the nba again so i rather watch that league than the shitty nfl.


Oct 25, 2017
Alright, so I expect none of you will be watching this season and supporting this fucked up league, correct?

I don't watch sports anyways so it's not exactly hard for me to say that

Correct. And I just emailed the commissioner of my fantasy league and told her I won't be playing this year due to this bullshit.


Shit Shoe Wasp Smasher
Apr 3, 2018
What pisses me off about this whole thing is that... It's kneeling! That's like, one of the most respectful physical postures one could choose to make a statement!

Dictating how one is allowed to salute our flag is f a s c i s t as fuck. So fucking ignorant.


Oct 26, 2017
The NFL picked the absolute wrong day to pull this nonsense first they try to ban the protesting of social injustice and police brutality under the guise of forced patriotism and later in the day a video is released of an NBA player being surrounded and assaulted by Milwaukee police officers during a traffic violation in which he was calm and non combative the entire time.


Oct 28, 2017
I mean, I support the protests 100%. And then some. I sat front row on the Chiefs sideline and told Marcus Peter's this myself several times last season while other fans berated him. But - it's also a workplace, and the rules of the workplace are the rules of the workplace. I keep my political opinions and statements to myself while I'm at work. So I'm having a hard time being angry with an employer saying "no political statements while you're on the clock." That's sort of workplace etiquette 101. No politics, no religion.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean, I support the protests 100%. And then some. I sat front row on the Chiefs sideline and told Marcus Peter's this myself several times last season while other fans berated him. But - it's also a workplace, and the rules of the workplace are the rules of the workplace. I keep my political opinions and statements to myself while I'm at work. So I'm having a hard time being angry with an employer saying "no political statements while you're on the clock." That's sort of workplace etiquette 101. No politics, no religion.
So you don't support the standing of the flag then?


Oct 25, 2017
I still don't care about this.

Goodell is basically just trying to make things worse for himself.

It's really impressive when you think about it, couldn't make things worse but he somehow did. Top flight decision making.

Owner A will cover fines and allow players to do whatever.

Owner B wont take bullets, players get fined.

Owner C doesnt give two fucks because he can barely fill the stadium, all he wants its a franchise QB.


Oct 27, 2017
I mean, I support the protests 100%. And then some. I sat front row on the Chiefs sideline and told Marcus Peter's this myself several times last season while other fans berated him. But - it's also a workplace, and the rules of the workplace are the rules of the workplace. I keep my political opinions and statements to myself while I'm at work. So I'm having a hard time being angry with an employer saying "no political statements while you're on the clock." That's sort of workplace etiquette 101. No politics, no religion.

But they are having politics in the workplace by having the Anthem, having the Air Force fly jets over the stadium, and getting money from military recruitment ads. You can't say you want to remove politics but then shove it in people's faces.