
Oct 25, 2017
Not suprising, PC gamers have a long history of backwards compatibility, modding, and even public use licensing.

Console is locked down.


Oct 27, 2017
Lima Perú
That's higher than I expected but digital is a trend and the market will just keep moving towards digital as services like game pass becomes more attractive.


Oct 29, 2017
Im lucky to live in Scandinavia with a broadband up to 1gbit/s so I tend to go more and more digital, it is becoming almost to easy :-) So I will probably only buy some special games physical..we will have to see.


Digital Foundry
Oct 26, 2017
29% of PC players prefer physical? How?

I mean, there's only like 1% of PC games released nowadays with the physical version.
Not true. The PC gaming section here in Germany (in large retail stores) is often larger than all console sections combined. Pretty much every major game and many indie games are released at retail.

Not that it's useful for Pc games since it's usually just a Steam code in a box. :-(

It does seem quite uncommon for retail PC games in many other countries, however, especially in the States.


Self-requested ban.
Oct 28, 2017
29% of PC players prefer physical? How?

I mean, there's only like 1% of PC games released nowadays with the physical version.

I came here to post this. How is this possible?

Not true. The PC gaming section here in Germany (in large retail stores) is often larger than all console sections combined. Pretty much every major game and many indie games are released at retail.

I'm surprised to read this. PC gaming is very popular in Belgium as well, but you can only find a handful of PC games in retail stores (mostly Sims, Diablo, WoW etc). You can buy Steam credit everywhere tho.


Oct 30, 2017
That PC stat is really weird.... I buy "physical" because it's one of the few ways to save ~20% on day one releases but A) less and less games are even being released on "physical" for PC and B) it's 9 out of 10 times a code in a box.

Adam Tyner

Oct 25, 2017
I'm always cautious of polls that do not disclose the specific means of data collection.
The report does include a section on Methodology:


I came here to post this. How is this possible?
It's about preferences, not necessarily what you're actually able to buy.


Oct 25, 2017
They have no choice, seeing as digital sales on consoles are pretty anemic compared to PC.

PC gives you less ownership as it's all digital keys, but that's countered by the fact you can wait a few weeks and get the game nearly half off, sometimes.

Honestly, I live on slickdeals and it's not uncommon to buy most games at around half off on console a month or two later.

Deleted member 2321

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah.... I don´t buy that.

No clue how they asked their questions or how they got to that number, but I don´t think it represents the reality.

Maybe 13+ means people in their 50s, because if they actually asked "kids" that would most likely not be the outcome.

Given that the most popular game right now does not even exist in a boxed form I think this debate is dated and basically over.

Digital is here, it´s taking over and it´s winning.


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
Console players like to own a collection. Resale value is also important to the many people who trade up to the newest console generations. Digital libraries have no value.

It sounds like MS is on the forefront of making sure games will be backwards compatible though, so I hope next gen will still play this gens games.


Nov 18, 2017
The reason why console gamers prefer physical because there is not a reliable online store for them to buy their games that is futureproof.

Steam for example allow me to switch computer easily and retrieve my games. On console, Often games you buy in this gen will not be compatible in the next generation console.
Dec 4, 2017
Most laptops don't even come with optical drives nowadays. So for many people who play on them, physical is a non-starter.

I haven't bought a physical game in nearly 10 years.


Oct 28, 2017
I prefer physical on consoles because the online stores are horrible rip offs. You can buy a new game for $69 in store, wait a couple weeks and it's $49 or it's $99 digital forever. No thanks. I prefer physical on PC because I can get it for the same or cheaper than physical.


Oct 28, 2017
I will always prefer physical. Digital is nice because I can pre-load and play as soon as a game releases instead of waiting on Amazon or going to the store. But even If I opt for the digital route I still buy a physical copy of the game at some point just to have. What I hate about digital though is the pricing. Sure there are some good sales at times but most of the time the digital version is way more expensive than the physical copy I can get from Amazon.

Also, I don't really believe in a 100% digital future. There will always be physical copies of games whether it be for collectors or whatnot. If a 100% digital future happens, it won't be for a LONG time. Especially with the way the internet is in the states.


Oct 27, 2017
New York, NY
I much prefer physical because of discounts and rights to use media without (many) issues. HOWEVER, after the move I just did... I don't know any more... lugging 20 consoles and a 300 game collection around isn't a viable plan either...

Deleted member 44960

User requested account closure
Jun 12, 2018
Digital all the way of you have good internet. I'd be interested to see the results for UK/EU, guarantee digital has a higher share. Plus, as mentioned, full ownership over content.


Oct 25, 2017
Guess I am in the minority now since I prefer digital over physical

I don't lend out games and don't sell/trade any of my games


Cute Animal Whisperer
Nov 3, 2017
And you've lost all of your rights to those games.

And what rights do you have on console games? Spoiler: less than on PC games.
Sure, you can resell most, but they have a definite end date on Console. Even if you don't need an online day-0 patch to even be able to play the game from the disk, you are dependent on firmware availability for your console. If, for some reason, one of the three quits console gaming or shuts down old firmware servers, you couldn't legally update your console to a firmware that the game needs.


Nov 2, 2017
Physical isn't on its way out yet. That number for digital is trending up however. I think a more interesting way to look at it is by generations. Older gamers who have grown up with physical games under their Christmas tree aren't ready to let physical go. Younger generations aren't as concerned with ownership.

Due to the habits of gamers established over the years, I suspect physical will hang around longer in gaming than other industries.


Oct 27, 2017
And what rights do you have on console games? Spoiler: less than on PC games.
Sure, you can resell most, but they have a definite end date on Console. Even if you don't need an online day-0 patch to even be able to play the game from the disk, you are dependent on firmware availability for your console. If, for some reason, one of the three quits console gaming or shuts down old firmware servers, you couldn't legally update your console to a firmware that the game needs.

My Atari 2600 cartridges still work today. And as far as modern consoles, I know with Playstation 3 and 4, you can keep a copy of the complete latest firmware on a USB stick if you ever need to re-install it.


Cute Animal Whisperer
Nov 3, 2017
My Atari 2600 cartridges still work today. And as far as modern consoles, I know with Playstation 3 and 4, you can keep a copy of the complete latest firmware on a USB stick if you ever need to re-install it.

Atari 2600 cartridges in good condition and properly climate controlled stored, still work today. Even CD/DVD's only have a shelf life of 30 years.
PS3/4: How many really do this? Especially from the crowd who repeatedly tells us how PC gaming is a hassle with all the tinkering and stuff? And suddenly they keep a backup of every firmware?


Oct 29, 2017
Well, on PC you don't really have a ton of options to buy physical and even still there were CD keys that without can make the disc worthless and seeing how even if a store carries physical copies the selection of games are limited and most publishers don't even bother anymore, plus PC is like a decade ahead embracing DD even if on that side people were also dragged into it kicking and screaming. I still prefer physical on consoles too.

Also helps that, compatibility issues aside, you don't potentially lose access to games when you get a new PC or new OS.


Oct 25, 2017
Well yeah...

Pros for physical:
-can sell it
-can trade it
-can collect it
-generally cheaper
-can look at it and feel good

Pros for digital:
-don't have to put on underwear to buy it


Oct 29, 2017
I say even bring back the old school physical manuals and that manual smell. Over the last few years i bought more digitall games, but nothings beats the feel of physical and adding it to your collection.
But maybe i am nostalgic, remembering buying a game and on the bus ride home reading the manual and getting exited to pop the game into my console back home.


Oct 27, 2017
Most console gamers in the US.*

This is literally no issue for any European country that is part of the European Union, because we get full ownership over digital goods. There's probably a couple other countries where it's the same, but I have no clue how it's handled across the globe.

So you can sell your Steam games when you're done with them?


Oct 25, 2017
I'd prefer physical on PC except do games even come out physically on PC? HEll, I got the fallout anthology which did come with CDs but you still had to have a steam account, which ruins why I prefer physical (no DRM linking to an account. I'd rather they require the CD honestly. I don't mind DRM, I mind DRM that requires I have an account somewhere cause too many reasons out of my control that could lose me my games and all at one swoop).

On PC I just prefer GoG, unfortunately they don't seem to have many of the new games :(. If GoG had DRM that didn't require accounts I would totally take that to let them get more games. They really are the best of physical and best of digital (if digital services were like theirs I'd prefer digital).


Dec 25, 2017
I can honestly say that I dislike changing out a disc in my PC MUCH more than changing out a disc in my PS4/XboxOne, and I have no idea why...