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Oct 25, 2017
I will 100% support AI voice acting when it's better or at least as good as actual voice actors. Until then, it's just cool technology.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
You have no argument. I ask again what has more historical precedence? Will you answer or will you just push more that Voice Acting AI yeah that's totally the battle that will save us from facing actual issues looming over an actual majority of people?

At the end of the day, people need to come together and realize that automation's net end is the obliteration of the entire socio-economic system that allows people to rise out of poverty. That is what will happen. Rich people jobs - the kinds of jobs you can nepotism into or buy your way into with a fancy business school degree - won't get automated away, but the jobs that unskilled and entry-level workers need to get to grow and move through the world and accumulate income will be obliterated and replaced with nothing. Struggling actor? Sorry, there are no more small roles anymore, all the VO has been automated so only Laura Bailey gets to work because we already know how good she is. Oh, you compose music? That's nice, but we have a bot that can do that and we don't have to pay it. You're a problem solver who's good at teasing out intricate solutions to complex problems? Nice. Sadly, our algorithm figured that out already and it can't sue us for overworking it. It's the technological equivalent of a couple dudes finding the ladder up and then pulling it up behind them so nobody can follow.

This is what is happening, and this will only continue as automation progresses. Capitalism is not going away, and it's fantasy-land to believe it would. Who the fuck do you think is going to allow it to happen? The American government? The Japanese government? China? Russia? Who the fuck is going to go "yeah capitalism sure was a mistake, let's just give everyone enough money to not only scrape by, but to live well enough to pursue their dreams and desires!"

Because guess what? If UBI doesn't give people enough money to actually live a GOOD LIFE and not just scrape by, you still have capitalism, only now there are less jobs for everyone to fight over! Congratulations!


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
Going like universal income will never happen but then on the other hand going let's stop technological progress instead is for sure a stance....

Realistically speaking given that labor displacement will affects tons more people over the next 100 years there is a much bigger chance of movement for universal income happening than all the voice actors uniting and stopping AI from advancing.... Like again you're completely barking at the wrong tree.

If everyone receives UBI everyone will be poor, capitalism won't stop existing, it will get worse


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
There's nothing "ethically dicey" about this, as the article in the OP says and it reeks of privilige to say so.
It's as ethical as any other form of industrialization and automatization that puts people out of jobs, something that's been happening slow but systematically for over a hundred years now and this technology as such is an inherent good as it sets people free of labor and allows more games to have voice acting.

The "bad" ethics herewith are nowhere to be found in the existence or the usage of this technology, but only within the industrial-capitalist society in which automatization leads to joblessness (which is good), but joblessness leads to poverty (which is bad) rather than more leisuretime


Oct 25, 2017
At the end of the day, people need to come together and realize that automation's net end is the obliteration of the entire socio-economic system that allows people to rise out of poverty. That is what will happen. Rich people jobs - the kinds of jobs you can nepotism into or buy your way into with a fancy business school degree - won't get automated away, but the jobs that unskilled and entry-level workers need to get to grow and move through the world and accumulate income will be obliterated and replaced with nothing. It's the technological equivalent of a couple dudes finding the ladder up and then pulling it up behind them so nobody can follow.

This is what is happening, and this will only continue as automation progresses. Capitalism is not going away, and it's fantasy-land to believe it would. Who the fuck do you think is going to allow it to happen? The American government? The Japanese government? China? Russia? Who the fuck is going to go "yeah capitalism sure was a mistake, let's just give everyone enough money to not only scrape by, but to live well enough to pursue their dreams and desires!"

Because guess what? If UBI doesn't give people enough money to actually live a GOOD LIFE and not just scrape by, you still have capitalism, only now there are less jobs for everyone to fight over! Congratulations!
Gotcha so you just wanna cry and be a doomer but don't actually wanna engage in anything else.
Sorry I wasted my time. You can't even acknowledge anything I asked you you're just rewriting another doomer post while not having addressed a single thing.

Humanity have you heard planetsmasher already foreseen us being fucked lets all also stop voting. Nothing will ever get better or is worth fighting we all already lost. Sorry that's the exact internet clown shit people make fun off.

If everyone receives UBI everyone will be poor, capitalism won't stop existing, it will get worse

How about fighting first for stuff that matters instead of just prewaving the white flag. This is peak internet activism attitude where you cry about all the shit that doesn't matter but then also tell others that spend their energy better that it's all useless anyway you can't win. So let's just all cry together about Voice Ai instead? xD Time to stop reading era again absolute clown shit.


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
Gotcha so you just wanna cry and be a doomer but don't actually wanna engage in anything else.
Sorry I wasted my time. You can't even acknowledge anything I asked you you're just rewriting another doomer post while not having addressed a single thing.

Humanity have you heard planetsmasher already foreseen us being fucked lets all also stop voting. Nothing will ever get better or is worth fighting we all already lost. Sorry that's the exact internet clown shit people make fun off.

Others are "doomers" for saying capitalism won't magically end?


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Gotcha so you just wanna cry and be a doomer but don't actually wanna engage in anything else.
Sorry I wasted my time. You can't even acknowledge anything I asked you you're just rewriting another doomer post while not having addressed a single thing.

Humanity have you heard planetsmasher already foreseen us being fucked lets all also stop voting. Nothing will ever get better or is worth fighting we all already lost. Sorry that's the exact internet clown shit people make fun off.

Whatever, dude. It should be abundantly clear by now how blatantly careless and unethical big tech is, and unless you have the ability to LITERALLY SOLVE CAPITALISM that nobody else has ever thought of in hundreds of years, spare me with the "you're just a doomer" shit. Do you GENUINELY think the United States, a country that is practically half-full of literal fascist sympathizers at this point, is going to just magically go "oh yeah oops sorry about that capitalism thing" at any point while you or I are still alive? Do you genuinely believe that's possible or are you just being contrarian because it's scary to accept reality?


Oct 25, 2017
Others are "doomers" for saying capitalism won't magically end?
Others are doomers for saying change will never happen over something that's going to affect a majority of humanity while also insisting that crying over voice ai is the battle we should unite on.

The latter also still has no more actionable road that I'm seeing than yall crying on this forum. While the former will have an absolute massive of people having to reckon with the fact that there won't be enough activities left in the world to earn money through labor from.


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
Others are doomers for saying change will never happen over something that's going to affect a majority of humanity while also insisting that crying over voice ai is the battle we should unite on.

Change will happen, but why believe it will be good when we have evidence the 1% couldn't care less about the working class?

But I won't cry over voice AI because it's useless, you can't stop this train


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Others are doomers for saying change will never happen over something that's going to affect a majority of humanity while also insisting that crying over voice ai is the battle we should unite on.

The latter also still has no more actionable road that I'm seeing than yall crying on this forum. While the former will have an absolute massive of people having to reckon with the fact that there won't be enough activities left in the world to earn money through labor from.

Yes, and the answer of the rich people who will still have all the money will be "oh well, they should've worked harder".


Oct 25, 2017
Change will happen, but why believe it will be good when we hve evidence the elits couldn't care less about the working class?
Why change the goal post? My argument is stop crying on era on voice acting ai while also telling others "haha how cute UBI is a pipedream and even if it isn't it's just going to be a different kind of hell".

Like sorry that's clown shit. I'm not making a statement on the outcomes I can't foresee. All I've been saying the actual root cause for this is something that is going to affect much more people than voice actors and it's better to mobilize and reckon with the root cause than morally grandstanding on this forum about this alone and telling anyone that points out the root cause to you as "we already lost dude".

Yes, and the answer of the rich people who will still have all the money will be "oh well, they should've worked harder".

Hey planet you ever going to answer to anything I mentioned and have like a normal conversation? Or are you just typing the next doomer post not actually responding to a single thing I said?

What's your actionable road map to stop technological progress? What's your evidence on technological progress being feasible more stoppable than changing living conditions for am affected majority when you look back at history. How does era factor into your master plan of telling everyone we already lost the fight in the latter?


Oct 25, 2017
I think AI voice tech has an important place in the industry, specially as a way to act out scenes, hear dialogue and prep for actual production recording. I don't think it should ever fully replace actors delivering lines or performances in the booth/mocap.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Hey planet you ever going to answer to anything I mentioned and have like a normal conversation? Or are you just typing the next doomer post not actually responding to a single thing I said?

What's your actionable road map to stop technological progress? What's your evidence on technological progress being feasible more stoppable than changing living conditions for am affected majority when you look back at history. How does era factor into your master plan of telling everyone we already lost the fight in the latter?

It's a lot more fundamentally believable - and a lot more POSSIBLE - to flat-out ban development of AI that's designed to put people out of work than it is to literally kill capitalism.


Oct 25, 2017
It's a lot more fundamentally believable - and a lot more POSSIBLE - to flat-out ban development of AI that's designed to put people out of work than it is to literally kill capitalism.
Yes tell us about it instead of just claiming. Tell us your brilliant plan to stop AI development and how you'd mobilize for it.

And then tell us how it's much more feasible than affecting change by the fact that a MASSIVE amount of humanity will have to deal with automation.

But again you haven't responded to a single thing like a normal person this is just you asserting your own belief and not actually giving a reasoned road map for why you think it's more believable. Like do you even know what talking to a person is? It's definitely not a one way street where you just rattle down whatever you think while not paying a single mind to what the other party is saying. It actually takes thinking about what the other party is saying and responding to it giving it actual thought instead of just consistently ignoring it all while just writing the same version of what you already believe and talk over it.

It should come to no surprise that's it's not worth taking seriously when you haven't even once over several post still answered a single of the question I posed to you like 3-4 times now.
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Oct 25, 2017
It's a lot more fundamentally believable - and a lot more POSSIBLE - to flat-out ban development of AI that's designed to put people out of work than it is to literally kill capitalism.
What makes you think banning AI is more feasible or even feasible at all? People have been getting automated out of jobs for years. Makes a lot more sense to try to at least build some kind of safety net for all this than to try to fight against technology advancement.


Oct 31, 2017
At the end of the day machine learning technology is just applied computer science which in turn is just applied math. I am 100% certain that applied math is going to outlive capitalism in its current form.

"Digital scab" is a good way to pay it. Because of course the AI is gonna be built off the talent of real people to work anyway.

Same thing with AI painting.

It's hilarious too considering these companies could absolutely pay voice actors normally (as well as their workers) but you can be sure all that money saved isn't going towards a better workplace.
Does this energy also apply to people who work for Fiverr, Mechanical Turk, and H1-B Visas?

It's a lot more fundamentally believable - and a lot more POSSIBLE - to flat-out ban development of AI that's designed to put people out of work than it is to literally kill capitalism.
Doing either of those would take an incredible amount of political will regardless. You think it's not feasible for capitalism to ever go away but that it is feasible that we're going to put a giant handbrake on it, at the expense of the capitalists who set up the system? How does that make any sense?

Even if just the US banned new AI developments, is that going to stop China? Or Russia? Or literally any other country that wants to get a competitive edge over the US in the global economy? Even if we come up with some kind of international treaty like the Paris agreements, good luck enforcing it.
Oct 26, 2017
.................... We currently are at the lowest unemployment rate in US history.

I think we have an OK amount of jobs currently.

Hard to look at gaming in particular, which has leapt from needing 50 people to make a big game in 2005 to around 300-1200 now, and think that we're running out of jobs.

Celestial Descend

Corrupted by Vengeance
Aug 15, 2022

Imagine people still spinning wool by hand, how many more JOBS would there be? They could even be unionized jobs!

.................... We currently are at the lowest unemployment rate in US history.

I think we have an OK amount of jobs currently.

Hard to look at gaming in particular, which has leapt from needing 50 people to make a big game in 2005 to around 300-1200 now, and think that we're running out of jobs.
Fuck automation, how many more developers would the game industry employ if everyone just writes assembly code like in the 80s? I bet Rockstar would have to hire ten thousand programmers to make GTAVI that way. That's nine thousand high-paid jobs created out of thin air.


You know what that means
Oct 25, 2017
Microsoft Sam would've been a better choice for James Sunderland than Troy Baker. There, I said what we were all thinking.


Nov 4, 2017
ERA is often only slightly better when it comes to hot takes about game development and explanations from devs in this thread get ignored.

Also, Speedtree is putting environment artists out of work.

Deleted member 93062

Account closed at user request
Mar 4, 2021


Oct 25, 2017
Thread title seems to be objectively wrong now. "Ninja Theory" "over people"


Mar 13, 2019
.................... We currently are at the lowest unemployment rate in US history.

I think we have an OK amount of jobs currently.

Hard to look at gaming in particular, which has leapt from needing 50 people to make a big game in 2005 to around 300-1200 now, and think that we're running out of jobs.
Yeah. People in this thread seem to think that once jobs have been made obsolete by technology there are then permanently less jobs forever, but this has happened literally for all of humanities history and there are still jobs for most people out there. New jobs are created and more people will start working in other fields.

In the past the majority of people worked in primary occupations (resource gathering) now most people work in tertiary occupations (service jobs).

Deleted member 93062

Account closed at user request
Mar 4, 2021
Yeah. People in this thread seem to think that once jobs have been made obsolete by technology there are then permanently less jobs forever, but this has happened literally for all of humanities history and there are still jobs for most people out there. New jobs are created and more people will start working in other fields.

In the past the majority of people worked in primary occupations (resource gathering) now most people work in tertiary occupations (service jobs).
I think, at least on ResetERA, it boils down to creatives vs non-creative jobs. A creative person losing their job is losing their hobby and what they love, if someone that does physical labor that was automated away loses their job, it isn't as big of a deal because they can just find another similar job!


Best Avatar Thread Ever!
Nov 20, 2017
Kingdom of Corona
To be fair to OP, that's the title of the article that was linked. It is a really exaggerated article though. Should probably be updated.
I don't thik the title should be changed, since is the exact title of the article.
But I did requested for the title to add the Ninja theory response.

I still think the thread as his merits (minus the fanboy trash), that is intersting to see how much the future will change once more and more AI will take over regular jobs.
And how much we will have to adjust to the changes.

Deleted member 93062

Account closed at user request
Mar 4, 2021
People will continue to gloat about this in this thread, but you would have to be incredibly naive to believe this is the end point of the usage of this technology. GG tho
We are so far away from AI giving us full AAA voice acting performances. Right now and for a long time, it'll probably be limited to indie games, experimental games, testing in AAA games, and side characters/random NPCs. In the future, technically AI can take every job, this isn't a "gotcha".


Prophet of Regret
Jul 4, 2018
Turns out the most obvious assumption is the correct one with Ninja Theory's response. The article did really try to convey something far more sinister, though.

lvl 99 Pixel

Oct 25, 2017
"hur durr tech always replaces jobs, nothing new!" as if generating art and commodifying simulacrum of human expression is synonymous with a tractor pulling a plow....we're talking about the game industry here. Its going to jump on that as soon as its viable under the veil that smaller devs can have implement voice acting. Seems like Ninja Theory isn't even using it for that so its not there yet.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
I thought it was fairly obvious with the way Ninja Theory makes games. Hellblade is a cutscene and acting heavy game with lots of motion capture, they need the actors. If anything tech like this would be levaraged in the way people thought in a Bethesda game for random NPCs.


Oct 26, 2017
I assume voices used for learning are consented from actors, and not lifted whole sale from their previous work?

I'm wondering too. This all reminds me of the AI generated art stuff we had a thread on here sometime back. AI trained from artwork pulled from elsewhere to generate images instead of people hiring artists to do that work.

I suppose this kind of stuff may be inevitable as advances in technology and streamlining has always led to losses of, or a diminished number of jobs in some respects. It will always feel bad on some level however.

There tends to be a lot of selective outrage when it comes to stuff like this. I don't think too many people are going into threads about self driving car technology to talk about how disgusting it is to replace taxi/ride share drivers and delivery people.

And similarly (tho on the extreme side), nobody has a problem telling coal workers to retrain and find something that isn't terrible for the environment.

Let's be consistent. You can't only get mad for the arts or when it's gaming.

Yeah I agree. Thats why Im trying to be more level headed about it. My first reaction is to be extremely upset; but in history this happens a LOT. I don't think anyone would ever be happy seeing their job replaced or diminished due to advancing technology; but I also think theres no way to stop it. We need to get our shit together in terms of UBI. Because if we don't shit is going to be BAD.


Oct 27, 2017
Campo Grande, Brazil
Automatization, like industrialization did back in the 17th century is not something you can avoid. It'll happen and there's almost nothing we can do about it.

It's hard, but people have to learn to adapt to changes in our society.
I work as a History teacher and sometimes I fear that in the near future society won't need my job anymore, that's why I try to always have an alternative to my career if I ever need it.

I know that I'm in a position of privilege to be able to prepare for a situation like that and that not everyone will be able to do the same, but even so I don't think it's unethical for a developer to use new technology when it's available.


Mar 13, 2019
"hur durr tech always replaces jobs, nothing new!" as if generating art and commodifying simulacrum of human expression is synonymous with a tractor pulling a plow....we're talking about the game industry here. Its going to jump on that as soon as its viable under the veil that smaller devs can have implement voice acting. Seems like Ninja Theory isn't even using it for that so its not there yet.

I mean, not everyone views art as a sacred thing that must be protected in special ways. There is value and cultural significance in old pre-tech work techniques used in physical labour and manufacturing as well. Some people still produce things in the old way to preserve that tradition and I think that`s really cool, but I am still glad that we had the advancements that we did. I geniunly don`t think voice acting is more sacred than any other job.
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