
Oct 30, 2017
What pisses me off is that the Picross games don't support touch screen controls anymore.
I don't even want to think what would a third Picross 3D games be without them...

You could try the demo for the recent "Piczle Colors".
On the core it's a picross game but with some small twists to the rules.
It supports touchscreen and it has 300 puzzles.


Nov 1, 2017
RE: New Star Manager
It sounds intruiging, going on my wishlist for sure. Not yet sure about that mix of (almost) live controllable football action into my manager game, I might check out a video or something on that.


Oct 25, 2017
Was interested in Reverie: Sweet As Edition before, but having read some more about it, it's a definite lock when it comes out tomorrow. A nice end of week surprise.

Your giveaway got it back on my radar after forgetting it comes out tomorrow, so thanks for that!

Sure thing! I'll be interested to read your impressions since I know that we are both looking for some similar things in anything resembling a Zelda adventure, based on our shared enjoyment of Elliot Quest.
Feb 15, 2018
'New Star Manager' doesn't have licenses, but in the same way as in the early 'Pro Evolution Soccer' days, all the countries are recreated with their different leagues.

For example, in Spain, the FC Barcelona is called Barça, and the Real Madrid is called Madrid.

You can select in which country you want to start.

And you will begin at the end of a season, in the most inferior division, playing the last matches and trying to save the team.

In the game, your objective is to escalate until the first division.

In addition to all the national leagues, it also includes the Champions League, the national Cup and all the international club titles.

The engine of the game is in my opinion the most brilliant thing. You can play in real time, but every time that a player receives the ball, the time will freeze.

With the time frozen, like in a strategy game, you can select different actions, creating trajectories for each player. Or simply using a button to run, and the game will return to real time. If you stop running, the time will freeze again. So you can decide to what player you want to pass the ball.

Normally, in each match you will gain control from 3 to 10 action sections with the purpose of making a goal. The number of actions will depend of factors like the style of play that you have selected, from defensive to attack or counterattack, and stats like the energy of your players.

The rest of sections of a match including your defensive actions will be displayed like messages in a tactical screen, in which you can pause the match to change the players, use cards to motivate the players...

The game is a spinoff of the 'New Star Soccer' series, but centered in the management of a club.

In 'New Star Soccer' you will control a soccer player since his early career, and you can do a lot of wild things, like betting in horse races, playing poker, having various girlfriends at the same time, living a nightly life full of wild parties...

It was notorious for wining a BATFA for the best sports game, competing against games like 'Fifa'. Very laudable for a game that was made by a single creator, Simon Read. And after the success of the mobile release, he funded a studio. Now, 20 persons are working in New Star Games.

In comparison, 'New Star Manager' is not as wild and crazy. But even with this, you can follow the twitter accounts of your players, and your players can be involved in nasty things, so you will need to decide how to act against a player for his bad actions.

Also, the game includes a lot of mini-games for common tasks. For example, to negotiate contracts there is a small game based in predicting numbers. And if you win in the game, you will obtain a discount in the final price.

You will take control of a fictional club called New Star FC.

But there is an editor in which you can change the name of the club, the stadium, and you can create an icon for the logo of the club, and even designing the official clothes.

You can't edit the names of the players, thought. Because they are all integrated in a database, and the players will be moving among the different clubs.

This sounds absolutely brilliant. Your review has me so intrigued. I have looked at a few YouTube vids since then and it looks really fun. I have not been passionate about football for a long time now (the last management game i played was Championship Manager 93/94 on the Amiga, which was one of my all time faves), but this looks like it could get me back in the fold.

Does the game offer a good challenge? I did not realise that the number of action sequencers you get to perform where related to player skill etc. That's a really clever mechanic. Are there other ones that really emphasize the importance of having skilled players in your ranks (rather than just you being good at the action sequences if that makes sense?)

Hope you don't mind the questions, but i'm struggling to find many resources for the Switch version.


Jan 27, 2018
Question for you, I've reached a point towards the end of my first season where a lot of players are tired or injured. I've been using energy drinks but it's not really cutting it. Is there any other way for them to gain energy back? Also injuries seem to occur all too often this season

At this time of the season, you're fucked up. Basically, you have two options. Starting a new save file, using your previous knowledge of the game for a better management. Or waiting until the season ends. All the players will star fresh in season 3, and the best part, you will probably obtain a better sponsor thanks to the better position in the classification, so more money.

Be aware that like in real life soccer, for a small club with a tight budget, the most complicated part is how to administrate your resources and players to survive an entire season.

Some tips, for not relying in energy cards:

- You have an intensity meter in each match than can be adjusted, and depending on the intensity, the players will spend more or less energy. If in the first half of a match you are able to score three goals, maybe it's a good idea to reduce the intensity and changing to a defensive approach to compensate.

- Always use at least 2 of your 3 possible player changes in each match, reserving one for a possible injury.

- Study your next rival and make rotations. It's cool to always play with the better player, but if you always use the same players, it doesn't matter how much energy cards you have, they will not resist an entire season. So if you are facing a weak rival with shitty players, don't use the best ones.

- You can obtain achievements prizes for completing objetives in your manager profile. Be sure to always claim them to obtain new cards.

- It's important to know what are the letters for each position in the play field. The two first letters are indicating the role of the player (attacker, defender or midfield player). And the next letters are indicating in which position he can play. Some players can only play in a position, for example in the center. But other players can play in two positions (center an left, or center and right), and it's marked with two letters for the two different positions instead of one. When you buy new players, try to prioritize the ones who can play in two positions. You will have more margin for making rotations.

- The card of the motivational talk is one the most useful. If you success in the mini-game, it will increase the energy of the 11 players. Use it wisely.

- Reserve your energy cards only for extreme situations in the later game.

- You're a small team. It depends on which country you have selected. But for example, in Spain, you start in the B4 league. Playing the national cup will make you face rivals of 4 leagues behind you. A B4 team is not intended to win to a team of the main competition like the FC Barcelona with players that will destroy you. So don't waste your resources selecting the best players for the cup, reserving them for the league instead. The same can be said of the intensity meter. Don' waste an insane amount of energy in a national cup match, playing an entire match with the maximum intensity only to have a small chance of survive.
Last edited:


Jan 27, 2018
This sounds absolutely brilliant. Your review has me so intrigued. I have looked at a few YouTube vids since then and it looks really fun. I have not been passionate about football for a long time now (the last management game i played was Championship Manager 93/94 on the Amiga, which was one of my all time faves), but this looks like it could get me back in the fold.

Does the game offer a good challenge? I did not realise that the number of action sequencers you get to perform where related to player skill etc. That's a really clever mechanic. Are there other ones that really emphasize the importance of having skilled players in your ranks (rather than just you being good at the action sequences if that makes sense?)

Hope you don't mind the questions, but i'm struggling to find many resources for the Switch version.

More than action sections, you are playing live strategy sections. Think in 'Valkyria Chronicles', but with soccer players instead of soldiers. Indeed, while you can take direct control of a player with the stick and move him around the play field, it's feasible to score goals by only using the turn based actions. And the only live action is to move a player. Once you stop using the trigger button to run, the time will freeze. So you can decide if you want to pass the ball to other player, or making a direct shoot.

Also, you can only play a limited number of live sections in each match, and these live sections are the only way of scoring a goal. Defensive actions can't be played. This implies that as much as'New Star Manager' is disguised of an "action" game, it's 100% a strategy and management game.

If you don't create a good strategy before a match, instead of generating live actions in which you can score a goal, you will receive goals.

And as you can read in my previous post, it's very easy to fuck up the things, reaching a point into a season in which your players are exhausted. Depending on how much intensity you select for each match, you will create more goal opportunities (strategy live sections) but you will also consume more energy.

The balance of the game is the finest part. Every single match is fascinating and so damn satisfactory, thanks to this live strategy sections.

The type of situations that the game can generate are on par with the turns of 'Into the Breach'.

So damn good.


Oct 25, 2017
Epilexia Escape Doodland is currently 90% off, it's a zany game that reminds me of those autoscrolling levels from Rayman Legends. Since you love endless runners I instantly thought about you when I saw this deal, might be worth checking out.
Feb 15, 2018
More than action sections, you are playing live strategy sections. Think in 'Valkyria Chronicles', but with soccer players instead of soldiers. Indeed, while you can take direct control of a player with the stick and move him around the play field, it's feasible to score goals by only using the turn based actions. And the only live action is to move a player. Once you stop using the trigger button to run, the time will freeze. So you can decide if you want to pass the ball to other player, or making a direct shoot.

Also, you can only play a limited number of live sections in each match, and these live sections are the only way of scoring a goal. Defensive actions can't be played. This implies that as much as'New Star Manager' is disguised of an "action" game, it's 100% a strategy and management game.

If you don't create a good strategy before a match, instead of generating live actions in which you can score a goal, you will receive goals.

And as you can read in my previous post, it's very easy to fuck up the things, reaching a point into a season in which your players are exhausted. Depending on how much intensity you select for each match, you will create more goal opportunities (strategy live sections) but you will also consume more energy.

The balance of the game is the finest part. Every single match is fascinating and so damn satisfactory, thanks to this live strategy sections.

The type of situations that the game can generate are on par with the turns of 'Into the Breach'.

So damn good.

Sounds really great. Thanks for such a detailed write up.


Oct 27, 2017
'New Star Manager' doesn't have licenses, but in the same way as in the early 'Pro Evolution Soccer' days, all the countries are recreated with their different leagues.

For example, in Spain, the FC Barcelona is called Barça, and the Real Madrid is called Madrid.

You can select in which country you want to start.

And you will begin at the end of a season, in the most inferior division, playing the last matches and trying to save the team.

In the game, your objective is to escalate until the first division.

In addition to all the national leagues, it also includes the Champions League, the national Cup and all the international club titles.

The engine of the game is in my opinion the most brilliant thing. You can play in real time, but every time that a player receives the ball, the time will freeze.

With the time frozen, like in a strategy game, you can select different actions, creating trajectories for each player. Or simply using a button to run, and the game will return to real time. If you stop running, the time will freeze again. So you can decide to what player you want to pass the ball.

Normally, in each match you will gain control from 3 to 10 action sections with the purpose of making a goal. The number of actions will depend of factors like the style of play that you have selected, from defensive to attack or counterattack, and stats like the energy of your players.

The rest of sections of a match including your defensive actions will be displayed like messages in a tactical screen, in which you can pause the match to change the players, use cards to motivate the players...

The game is a spinoff of the 'New Star Soccer' series, but centered in the management of a club.

In 'New Star Soccer' you will control a soccer player since his early career, and you can do a lot of wild things, like betting in horse races, playing poker, having various girlfriends at the same time, living a nightly life full of wild parties...

It was notorious for wining a BATFA for the best sports game, competing against games like 'Fifa'. Very laudable for a game that was made by a single creator, Simon Read. And after the success of the mobile release, he funded a studio. Now, 20 persons are working in New Star Games.

In comparison, 'New Star Manager' is not as wild and crazy. But even with this, you can follow the twitter accounts of your players, and your players can be involved in nasty things, so you will need to decide how to act against a player for his bad actions.

Also, the game includes a lot of mini-games for common tasks. For example, to negotiate contracts there is a small game based in predicting numbers. And if you win in the game, you will obtain a discount in the final price.

You will take control of a fictional club called New Star FC.

But there is an editor in which you can change the name of the club, the stadium, and you can create an icon for the logo of the club, and even designing the official clothes.

You can't edit the names of the players, thought. Because they are all integrated in a database, and the players will be moving among the different clubs.
It's like PC Futbol, then!

J/k but man, that sounds so much more interesting and fun than football manager to me. Think I'll grab it when it gets a discount, though, i really can't afford more games now.


Oct 25, 2017
At this time of the season, you're fucked up. Basically, you have two options. Starting a new save file, using your previous knowledge of the game for a better management. Or waiting until the season ends. All the players will star fresh in season 3, and the best part, you will probably obtain a better sponsor thanks to the better position in the classification, so more money.

Be aware that like in real life soccer, for a small club with a tight budget, the most complicated part is how to administrate your resources and players to survive an entire season.

Some tips, for not relying in energy cards:

- You have an intensity meter in each match than can be adjusted, and depending on the intensity, the players will spend more or less energy. If in the first half of a match you are able to score three goals, maybe it's a good idea to reduce the intensity and changing to a defensive approach to compensate.

- Always use at least 2 of your 3 possible player changes in each match, reserving one for a possible injury.

- Study your next rival and make rotations. It's cool to always play with the better player, but if you always use the same players, it doesn't matter how much energy cards you have, they will not resist an entire season. So if you are facing a weak rival with shitty players, don't use the best ones.

- You can obtain achievements prizes for completing objetives in your manager profile. Be sure to always claim them to obtain new cards.

- It's important to know what are the letters for each position in the play field. The two first letters are indicating the role of the player (attacker, defender or midfield player). And the next letters are indicating in which position he can play. Some players can only play in a position, for example in the center. But other players can play in two positions (center an left, or center and right), and it's marked with two letters for the two different positions instead of one. When you buy new players, try to prioritize the ones who can play in two positions. You will have more margin for making rotations.

- The card of the motivational talk is one the most useful. If you success in the mini-game, it will increase the energy of the 11 players. Use it wisely.

- Reserve your energy cards only for extreme situations in the later game.

- You're a small team. It depends on which country you have selected. But for example, in Spain, you start in the B4 league. Playing the national cup will make you face rivals of 4 leagues behind you. A B4 team is not intended to win to a team of the main competition like the FC Barcelona with players that will destroy you. So don't waste your resources selecting the best players for the cup, reserving them for the league instead. The same can be said of the intensity meter. Don' waste an insane amount of energy in a national cup match, playing an entire match with the maximum intensity only to have a small chance of survive.
This is incredibly helpful! I was especially confused about the abbreviations for positions. I wish they would've better explained that. Thanks so much for the tips!


Oct 25, 2017
I quite fancy buying a picross game, but I imagine there's probably about a million of them on the Switch now. Which is the best one?

Picross S2 probably. Pic-A-Pix is fun too though it has worse presentation but lots of great cheap DLC, including really huge puzzles that aren't in the Nintendo versions.


Oct 26, 2017
The Netherlands
New sale starting on EU Switch eShop tomorrow!

With its unique Joy-Con controllers and adaptability as a home console that can be taken on the go, Nintendo Switch is perfect for bringing people together to share the joy of gaming. From Thursday 7th February at 14:00 GMT to Thursday 21st February at 23:59 GMT, the 'Play Together' sale comes to Nintendo eShop in Europe, offering discounts on more than 50 Nintendo Switch titles that feature multiplayer functionality. Make sure to keep an eye on your Switch News feed and visit Nintendo eShop once the sale goes live on Thursday to see what discounts are on offer.

Players who like to work together can join the Kong family for some co-op platforming fun in Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, or help Captain Toad navigate a series of puzzling diorama-like levels in Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker, both available during the sale at up to 33% off their regular Nintendo eShop prices. Families and friends can enjoy an action-packed holiday experience together at home or on the go in GO VACATION – available for 30% less than its regular eShop price. And there's fierce competition to be had in Puyo Puyo Tetris, available at a 40% discount.

Other highlights include Guacamelee! 2, Diablo III: Eternal Collection, EA SPORTS FIFA 19, Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection and Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate. All of these titles will be featured in the sale, with discounts of as much as 50% off their regular eShop prices.

The Play Together sale will also feature a plethora of indie titles, including archery combat party game TowerFall, which supports battles of up to 6 players, ingenious co-op puzzle game Death Squared, rhythm-based dungeon crawler Crypt of the NecroDancer: Nintendo Switch Edition and hardcore platformer Super Meat Boy.

Round up some friends and check out the discounts on offer on a bunch of multiplayer-friendly games for Nintendo Switch in the Nintendo eShop Play Together sale, from Thursday 7th February at 14:00 GMT until Thursday 21st February at 23:59 GMT. Visit Nintendo eShop once the sale goes live to see what discounts are on offer, and be on the look out for further information via Switch News.

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (Nintendo) - €39.99/£33.49 (normally €59.99/£49.99)
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (Nintendo) - €27.99/£24.29 (normally €39.99/£34.99)
Go Vacation (Nintendo) - €34.99/£27.99 (normally €49.99/£39.99)
Puyo Puyo Tetris (Koch Media) - €23.99/£20.99 (normally €39.99/£34.99)
EA SPORTS FIFA 19 (Electronic Arts) - €29.99/£27.49 (normally €59.99/£54.99)
Diablo III: Eternal Collection (Blizzard Entertainment) - €39.99/£34.99 (normally €59.99/£49.99)
Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection (Capcom) - €34.99/£31.49 (normally €49.99/£44.99)
Guacamelee! 2 (DrinkBox Studios) - €13.99/£12.59 (normally €19.99/£17.99)
Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate (Capcom) - €41.99/£34.99 (normally €59.99/£49.99)
Super Meat Boy (BlitWorks) - €9.09/£8.39 (normally €12.99/£11.99)
TowerFall (Matt Makes Games) - €13.99/£12.59 (normally €19.99/£17.99)
Death Squared (SMG Studio) - €8.75/£8.39 (normally €12.50/£11.99)
Crypt of the NecroDancer: Nintendo Switch Edition (TranscendSense Technologies) – €3.99/£3.59 (normally €19.99/£17.99)
Feb 15, 2018
More than action sections, you are playing live strategy sections. Think in 'Valkyria Chronicles', but with soccer players instead of soldiers. Indeed, while you can take direct control of a player with the stick and move him around the play field, it's feasible to score goals by only using the turn based actions. And the only live action is to move a player. Once you stop using the trigger button to run, the time will freeze. So you can decide if you want to pass the ball to other player, or making a direct shoot.

Also, you can only play a limited number of live sections in each match, and these live sections are the only way of scoring a goal. Defensive actions can't be played. This implies that as much as'New Star Manager' is disguised of an "action" game, it's 100% a strategy and management game.

If you don't create a good strategy before a match, instead of generating live actions in which you can score a goal, you will receive goals.

And as you can read in my previous post, it's very easy to fuck up the things, reaching a point into a season in which your players are exhausted. Depending on how much intensity you select for each match, you will create more goal opportunities (strategy live sections) but you will also consume more energy.

The balance of the game is the finest part. Every single match is fascinating and so damn satisfactory, thanks to this live strategy sections.

The type of situations that the game can generate are on par with the turns of 'Into the Breach'.

So damn good.

One last question regarding this game -

I was about to buy it when i read a review that criticized it for being far too easy and offering no challenge. Apparently the lack of any timers etc when trying to score a goal meant that you can score with almost every opportunity. The reviewer stated that they did not even so much as draw a game until they got to league 2. Did you find yourself in a similar situation?
Thanks again.


Oct 31, 2017
'New Star Manager' doesn't have licenses, but in the same way as in the early 'Pro Evolution Soccer' days, all the countries are recreated with their different leagues.

For example, in Spain, the FC Barcelona is called Barça, and the Real Madrid is called Madrid.

Thanks for your post, do the teams have their real players ?


Jan 27, 2018
One last question regarding this game -

I was about to buy it when i read a review that criticized it for being far too easy and offering no challenge. Apparently the lack of any timers etc when trying to score a goal meant that you can score with almost every opportunity. The reviewer stated that they did not even so much as draw a game until they got to league 2. Did you find yourself in a similar situation?
Thanks again.

I have found Steam reviews with both opinions, some people complaining about the game being too easy, and some people complaining about the game being too hard.

People complaining about this being easy, probably haven't advanced into the middle of the second season (after the first tutorial season consisting of 4 matches).

The game has been fine tuned as an experience in which with every new division, the difficulty will rise.

With the starter players, you have a good enough team to win the B4 league.

But then, you need to ascend to the B3 league, the B2 league, the B league, the A league, and then trying to win the Champions league.

It doesn't matter if at the end you are able to domain the live sections as to mark a goal in every action. When the difficulty escalates and against a team with better players, you may only generate 2 to 4 occasions for match, and this is only if you select a strategy for attacking with maximum risk. But with this strategy against a stronger team, you can easily receive 2 to 3 goals.

In my experience, it's not always possible to score goals in the live sections. I have found them with a perfect balance: you always have the feeling that you can score the goal, even when you fail. And you will fail a lot of opportunities. Because sometimes your player can make a mistake, or the goalkeeper can take the ball, and you're done.

I have experienced some fascinating matches in the second season, specially in the national cup in which you will face teams of the upper divisions.

I remember a match in which over the limit of the time, I was able to win 3-4 in the second half of the 30 min extension of the match.

And this required to maximize the effort bar of my players until the maximum, in a way in which in the next match, they were exhausted, so my performance on the league was severely affected.

I remember other match in the league, in which I was only able to obtain 2-2 after increasing the effort to the maximum in the last 5 minutes, selecting an attack strategy... and dramatically scoring the goal after two shoots to the poles and after losing a ball in a dribbling against other player. At the end, the goal felt like a damn miracle.

So the truth is that the beginning of the game (the first tutorial section, and first half of the second season) is easy once you learn how to play, but not too easy: I enjoyed of every live action A LOT. And I also failed like the 25% of the actions in this part, which is intended to be easy.

Then, in the half of the second season, a lot of people will find the opposite: they didn't do a good management of their resources, so the players are without energy.

And in the third season in the B3 league, you will be forced to create a very smart strategy buying and selling players with a tight budget, or you're done.

The game reaches a point in which every match is a challenge. And you really have the feeling of being a small and humble team without money and resources, in which every small decision can decide a complete season.

And with the live actions being increasingly more hard the more you advance.
Feb 15, 2018
Great reply there. Thanks for taking the time to write all of that. I will be defiinately picking it up. It sounds like the perfect balance for what I am after.


Oct 28, 2017
People interested in New Star Manager should download the mobile version (which is free) to get a feel. It's pretty much the same game, except with ads and microtransactions. You can actually play a lot without even touching microtransactions.

It's a fun and addictive game, like New Star Soccer, but I personally don't think it's worth $20. It's a game that will have you glued to the screen for a few days, until you start noticing how the game is just guiding you through the grind. You will manage energy, build the club in a rather straightforward path, use a few cards to improve players, etc. Not super deep in terms of management and tactics, but it's fun when you take control in the pitch.

If you really like football, Football Manager 2019 is a much better game, and it's on sale.


Jan 27, 2018
People interested in New Star Manager should download the mobile version (which is free) to get a feel. It's pretty much the same game, except with ads and microtransactions. You can actually play a lot without even touching microtransactions.

It's a fun and addictive game, like New Star Soccer, but I personally don't think it's worth $20. It's a game that will have you glued to the screen for a few days, until you start noticing how the game is just guiding you through the grind. You will manage energy, build the club in a rather straightforward path, use a few cards to improve players, etc. Not super deep in terms of management and tactics, but it's fun when you take control in the pitch.

If you really like football, Football Manager 2019 is a much better game, and it's on sale.

Have you played the Switch version to judge the balance of the game?

It's completely different to the mobile version, which is intended as a pay 2 win game.

Indeed, the management part is much more complex and tricky that it may seen at a first glance, but in the mobile version you can bruteforce the game to win by buying new cards with money.

So as much as you spend money in cards, you're not forced to investigate and delve into all the layers of strategy that the game offers. Why to make rotations in your team, if you can always play with the best players?

Trying to compare 'Football Manager' with 'New Star Manager' is like trying to compare apples with oranges, or like to compare 'Gran Turismo' with 'Mario Kart'.

One is focused in being a complex simulator with hundreds of options, it has real licenses. The other one is centered in offering only the fun parts, and intended to be enjoyed from the first minute without going depth into the mechanics, but it's hard to master.

Plus the live strategy actions offer a completely different mechanic with its own flavor.

And contrary to 'Football Manager' which in Switch suffers from laggy menus or a not so great touch interface, all the UI, the touch controls and the performance are on point in this Switch version of 'New Star Manager'.

Plus you can play the action sections with a controller, something not present in the mobile version. Plus a lot more of adjustments, or new features like nightly matches.

Also, a reminder that the 'New Star Soccer' series started as a PC game in the 4 first entries, and it was later ported to mobiles.

I respect a lot to 'Football Manager'.

But there is a market for two games, one being more accesible and the other one more realistic. In the same way as we have arcade racers and real driving simulators.

Maybe the people who enjoy 'Mario Kart' will not have the patience to enjoy 'Assetto Corsa'.


Oct 25, 2017
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Epilexia Escape Doodland is currently 90% off, it's a zany game that reminds me of those autoscrolling levels from Rayman Legends. Since you love endless runners I instantly thought about you when I saw this deal, might be worth checking out.

Regarding Escape Doodland, I got the game and played five of its ten stages. It's Bit Trip Runner on drugs with great and very adequate music! I can tell I'll beat it quickly, but it's very fun to play and whenever you clear a stage, you unlock a harder version of it with no checkpoints at all.

You're constantly running and of course you can jump, but there are some extra moves you can use when you collect items through the stage. One of them is... well, if the monster that constantly chases you is too close, you can fart in its face to slow it down a bit. You can also double jump and "fart jump" (which sends you up like a rocket).

I wouldn't recommend it at full price because it might be too short, but at one dollar? Definitely worth it if you have any interest in games like Bit Trip Runner.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
I would buy almost every <€1 game if Nintendo implement folders or something to group games, but with +130 icons I don't want to make an infinite list.


Jan 27, 2018
@Epilexia Escape Doodland is currently 90% off, it's a zany game that reminds me of those autoscrolling levels from Rayman Legends. Since you love endless runners I instantly thought about you when I saw this deal, might be worth checking out.
Regarding Escape Doodland, I got the game and played five of its ten stages. It's Bit Trip Runner on drugs with great and very adequate music! I can tell I'll beat it quickly, but it's very fun to play and whenever you clear a stage, you unlock a harder version of it with no checkpoints at all.

Thanks for the recommendation! Giving that this is distributed by QubicGames, it will be on sale at €0.99 every few months, so I think that I will pass, and maybe get the game in a future sale. The art styles seems nice, but in the videos it doesn't look as an essential in the genre (but I can be wrong).

In April I expect to satiate my thirst for running games with 'Bubsy: Pawns of Fire', which seems an even more wild and demented version of 'Runner3', with the same bad taste in its humor until the point of obtaining a M rating.

I love when Choice Provisions decide to abuse of drugs, they have become the 80s' Peter Jackson of video games, with some doses of John Waters.

Not for the faint of hearth.

And yeah, I'm still waiting for a port of 'Race the Sun'. My Switch will never have a perfect and rounded library without the GOAT endless runner.


Oct 28, 2017
Have you played the Switch version to judge the balance of the game?

It's completely different to the mobile version, which is intended as a pay 2 win game.

Indeed, the management part is much more complex and tricky that it may seen at a first glance, but in the mobile version you can bruteforce the game to win by buying new cards with money.

So as much as you spend money in cards, you're not forced to investigate and delve into all the layers of strategy that the game offers. Why to make rotations in your team, if you can always play with the best players?

Trying to compare 'Football Manager' with 'New Star Manager' is like trying to compare apples with oranges, or like to compare 'Gran Turismo' with 'Mario Kart'.

One is focused in being a complex simulator with hundreds of options, it has real licenses. The other one is centered in offering only the fun parts, and intended to be enjoyed from the first minute without going depth into the mechanics, but it's hard to master.

Plus the live strategy actions offer a completely different mechanic with its own flavor.

And contrary to 'Football Manager' which in Switch suffers from laggy menus or a not so great touch interface, all the UI, the touch controls and the performance are on point in this Switch version of 'New Star Manager'.

Plus you can play the action sections with a controller, something not present in the mobile version. Plus a lot more of adjustments, or new features like nightly matches.

Also, a reminder that the 'New Star Soccer' series started as a PC game in the 4 first entries, and it was later ported to mobiles.

I respect a lot to 'Football Manager'.

But there is a market for two games, one being more accesible and the other one more realistic. In the same way as we have arcade racers and real driving simulators.

Maybe the people who enjoy 'Mario Kart' will not have the patience to enjoy 'Assetto Corsa'.
I didn't really play the Switch version, but I don't have too, since my post wasn't really about the balance. I'm sure the Switch version is a lot more generous with consumables. I mean, that's a given considering they are charging $20.

But it's the same game, the same structure. My point is only that the mobile version will give a precise idea of what the game is about, so why not give it a shot? In fact, you can play that version for hours and hours with a steady pace. The economy only starts giving you trouble much later into the game.

The management aspect is just the game guiding you through the motions. Very strict path progression. Like I said, it's fun, but not super deep.

And I agree with you that NSM and FM are very different games. They are, however, comparable in a broader sense. Considering they have similar price points, I think FM offers a whole lot more for the price. But indeed, it's far more complex and not for everyone.

At $10 I feel the game would be an easier recommendation from me. But again, I do recommend people giving the mobile version a try if they are on the fence, it might just be one's cup of tea.


Jan 28, 2018
New sale starting on EU Switch eShop tomorrow!
Thanks! Glad to see Towerfall Ascension finally getting a discount, might grab it.

That Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection 'sale' at 35 euro is laughable though, that is the standard price for the US and Canada as it is now without the 30% discount, ah well.

Deleted member 33571

User requested account closure
Nov 17, 2017
Hope that eshop sale hits NA too.... Diablo is probably the last thing I need as far as effectively using my time goes, but I'd be interested in picking it up at $40...........


Apr 18, 2018
Sleep Deprivation Zone
I would buy almost every <€1 game if Nintendo implement folders or something to group games, but with +130 icons I don't want to make an infinite list.

It's ridiculous we don't have them yet.

Switch now has a longer gap between launch and folder implementation (~23 months) than the 3DS (~14 months) and Wii U (~22 months). The newer the system, the longer the wait. Also can't be understated how vital eShop downloads have become on Switch, compared to how Nintendo was just finding its digital footing with 3DS/Wii U, and yet we're waiting longer than ever for folders despite the greater need.

This year's gotta be the year though... right?

Deleted member 33571

User requested account closure
Nov 17, 2017
It's ridiculous we don't have them yet.

Switch now has a longer gap between launch and folder implementation (~23 months) than the 3DS (~14 months) and Wii U (~22 months). The newer the system, the longer the wait. Also can't be understated how vital eShop downloads have become on Switch, compared to how Nintendo was just finding its digital footing with 3DS/Wii U, and yet we're waiting longer than ever for folders despite the greater need.

This year's gotta be the year though... right?
Honestly I'd even be mostly happy with an option to not have the list of games re-sort itself and just stay in a fixed order. And also to open directly to the full list rather than scrolling to the far right every time.


Jan 27, 2018
I'm against folders, because they require some extra work on my part, and I'm a lazy consumer.

But why the hell we can't have a damn search option in the screen displaying all the icons?

Sometimes, finding an old game is a hellish experience.


Apr 18, 2018
Sleep Deprivation Zone
Honestly I'd even be mostly happy with an option to not have the list of games re-sort itself and just stay in a fixed order. And also to open directly to the full list rather than scrolling to the far right every time.
I'm against folders, because they require some extra work on my part, and I'm a lazy consumer.

But why the hell we can't have a damn search option in the screen displaying all the icons?

Sometimes, finding an old game is a hellish experience.

I'd welcome these additions with wide open arms. In a perfect world, we'd have a host of organizational options at our disposal by now, but this is Nintendo, operating at their own glacial pace with zero urgency for basic UI improvements.

It's expected yet infuriating at this point. :/


Oct 25, 2017
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Man, this Escape Doodland game is super fun. It's weird from the start, but it gets nuts later on. The fishes in the underwater levels are pure nightmare fuel.



Oct 27, 2017
So I'm starting Disgaea 5 and I was wondering at what point would be optimal utilize the special content and take the money, extra scenarios and download the extra classes? Should I wait till I finish the story first? Do as soon as possible? Or does it even matter?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
So I'm starting Disgaea 5 and I was wondering at what point would be optimal utilize the special content and take the money, extra scenarios and download the extra classes? Should I wait till I finish the story first? Do as soon as possible? Or does it even matter?
You're free to use any of it whenever you want, but it's meant for post game stuff.


Nov 12, 2017
I like Binding of Isaac way, way, way more than I probably should. Got it during the $20 sale and wow. I haven't had this much fun with an action rogue-like since I first played Rogue Legacy.


Oct 24, 2017
I know people were curious about the Switch version of Observer. Here's an Xbox One vs. Switch comparison & some Undocked footage.


Jan 10, 2018
I know people were curious about the Switch version of Observer. Here's an Xbox One vs. Switch comparison & some Undocked footage.


Thanks. Side by side it's easy to spot differences, but honestly for someone like me who grew up in the 80's, it's the exact same game. Is it a walking simulator, or is there some gameplay? I don't want to watch to much on youtube to avoid being spoiled, but I absolutely dig the mood of the game. However, I finished Gris and Transistor in January and hated both because of style over substance basically, so I'm kind of burned with game where gameplay ain't the focus of the developers.

Nintendo Life says 'to the moon' may come to switch.
I never played this game, it seems incredible. The trailer alone is a tear jerker lol.

I never played it. Looks great.



Oct 25, 2017
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
All of my friends are super into Isaac. I feel like a sad, sad man because the game never clicked for me :(

Meanwhile, still having tons of fun with Shining Resonance while all of my friends think it's just OK.


What the hell is wrong with me?

Deleted member 3700

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
All of my friends are super into Isaac. I feel like a sad, sad man because the game never clicked for me :(

Meanwhile, still having tons of fun with Shining Resonance while all of my friends think it's just OK.

What the hell is wrong with me?
You are a person who are able to be yourself. Stay that way.

BTW, I will probably get Shining Resonance in the future. I am indifferent to Tony's art, but JRPG is still my favorite genre. Glad you like the game.