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Oct 30, 2017
ND Cube is doubling down on their new IP initiative




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Oct 26, 2017
I'm sure both BOTW2 and Odyssey 2 are immediately coming. But there seems to be an initiative for most of the producers and their respective planning teams inside Nintendo R&D, to come up with new IPs this generation.

I agree. The big thing about EPD Tokyo that I love about them is just how experimental and creative are. So many levels in Galaxy 2, 3D World, and Odyssey feel like them experimenting with ideas that could be entire games in themselves. I would love to see what they could do if they were given complete freedom from the drawing board.

What did the staff size look for Galaxy 2 versus Galaxy 1? Would it be possible for EPD Tokyo to split up and have some members work on Odyssey 2 while others work on a new IP? There've been plenty of instances of dev teams splitting up to tackle multiple projects like Monolith doing BOTW and Xenoblade 2 simultaneously.

And EPD released one major game in 2016

That was only because BOTW was delayed though.

Dark Cloud

Oct 27, 2017
Even though I'm not excited for ND Cubes new IP, it's great to see all of Nintendo's studios pushing for new IP's. It almost feels like Nintendo wen/is going through a Sony phase where Sony gets their devs to make new IP's.
Oct 26, 2017
I agree. The big thing about EPD Tokyo that I love about them is just how experimental and creative are. So many levels in Galaxy 2, 3D World, and Odyssey feel like them experimenting with ideas that could be entire games in themselves. I would love to see what they could do if they were given complete freedom from the drawing board.

What did the staff size look for Galaxy 2 versus Galaxy 1? Would it be possible for EPD Tokyo to split up and have some members work on Odyssey 2 while others work on a new IP? There've been plenty of instances of dev teams splitting up to tackle multiple projects like Monolith doing BOTW and Xenoblade 2 simultaneously.

Because BOTW was delayed.

Yes, and if BotW wasn't delayed then EPD would have released two AAA games in 2016 and three in 2017... The exact range I think is reasonable to expect from EPD.


Oct 26, 2017
Yes, and if BotW wasn't delayed then EPD would have released two AAA games in 2016 and three in 2017... The exact range I think is reasonable to expect from EPD.

Right, I think I might have had a different idea of what you were getting at.

But it's also worth noting Odyssey 2 and a different EPD Tokyo game don't have to come out the same year. Captain Toad came out a year after 3D World for example. They could have a group of devs work on something else in between while other team members prep for Odyssey 2 and then release that shortly afterward, or vice versa.
Oct 26, 2017
Right, I think I might have had a different idea of what you were getting at.

But it's also worth noting Odyssey 2 and a different EPD Tokyo game don't have to come out the same year. Captain Toad came out a year after 3D World for example. They could have a group of devs work on something else in between while other team members prep for Odyssey 2 and then release that shortly afterward, or vice versa.

Captain Toad was made in one year using the same engine and stuff as the 3D World Toad sections. A AAA new IP usually takes 4-5 years to develop.

Development for a standalone game started after the launch of SM3DW thanks to Miyamoto, since the core idea linked to a similar concept from his past. "He's a fan of the Rubik cube," Hayashida said. "And at one point he was thinking about implementing a Rubik cube-style of gameplay into a video game." When Miyamoto saw what the team accomplished, he suggested they make Captain Toad into its own video game.


Oct 25, 2017
Video Games
Isn't EPD split into like 8 teams? I'm sure they have it in them to release multiple big games a year, hell, they did last year!

But Marcus Sellars told us MP11 was coming next year? Lol
EPD "teams" are a handful of key idea/producer people who then take the remaining personnel (programmers, artists, planners) from the big EPD pool.


Oct 26, 2017
Captain Toad was made in one year using the same engine and stuff as the 3D World Toad sections. A AAA new IP usually takes 4-5 years to develop.

I think we need to look at Nintendo standards here. EPD Tokyo can probably build on a lot of tech and conceptual ideas they've established from their previous games (e.g. the engine, a lot of the minigames and subsections in Odyssey) and always have very consistent turnaround times. When I think of an EPD Tokyo game I think of something unique, colourful, and experimental, similar to ARMS or Splatoon. Both of those only took ~2 years. No reason to think EPD Tokyo need to spend half a decade.
Oct 26, 2017
I think we need to look at Nintendo standards here. EPD Tokyo can probably reuse a lot of tech and conceptual ideas they've established from their previous games (e.g. the engine, a lot of the minigames and subsections in Odyssey) and always have very consistent turnaround times. When I think of an EPD Tokyo game I think of something unique, colourful, and experimental, similar to ARMS or Splatoon. Both of those only took ~2 years. No reason to think EPD Tokyo need to spend half a decade.

Arms took like 3 years to make it seems? And Arms released needing 6 months of content to finish the game.

A new IP that gets a 90+ Metacritic and sells 5-10m units and can be compared to Mario I think would take EAD Tokyo like 4-5 years. Retro is 4 years into... something and they aren't even in the state where Nintendo has announced the game exists.

Slam Tilt

Jan 16, 2018
Stupid thought time: what if one of Nintendo's internal teams were to partner with Retro Studios on a new AAA-budget IP with international appeal? How much time would that take?
Oct 26, 2017
Stupid thought time: what if one of Nintendo's internal teams were to partner with Retro Studios on a new AAA-budget IP with international appeal? How much time would that take?

I have no idea how many EPD programmers and designers speak English and how many Retro designers and programmers speak Japanese so it would be probably hard for them to work together.


Oct 26, 2017
I think it can be missing the forest for the trees a bit to get too hung up by conjecture like 90+ MC, 5-10m sales, and especially 4-5 year dev time because for Nintendo there's no real hard-and-fast rule or formula for making an "AAA" game. It's a very flexible concept beyond their obvious "big" series. My point was EPD Tokyo's games are so creative and experimental that they could easily take some ideas from Galaxy 2 or Odyssey and spin them off into their own thing just like how they made a whole Captain Toad game based off minigames from 3D World. In a case like that, the prototype and the concept is already right there so that's a lot of prep work taken care of from the start. That's also in-line with how a lot of their games are created, starting with a basic gameplay idea, setting it in stone from the beginning, and building everything else around that. Something like that is what I'm thinking a new IP from EPD Tokyo would be like.
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Deleted member 33

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Oct 24, 2017
Today someone asked me if Nintendo dropped the ball with 2018. Honestly, I don't think so.

It's true that this year (especially the first half of the year) is heavily reliant on third parties + remasters/ports of older Nintendo titles.

But I think Nintendo will "redeem" itself during the last 4 months of the year.

Smash Bros, Pokemon, and Fire Emblem would be, in my opinion, a great holiday lineup. As long as none of those games get pushed into 2019.


Oct 26, 2017
Today someone asked me if Nintendo dropped the ball with 2018. Honestly, I don't think so.

It's true that this year (especially the first half of the year) is heavily reliant on third parties + remasters/ports of older Nintendo titles.

But I think Nintendo will "redeem" itself during the last 4 months of the year.

Smash Bros, Pokemon, and Fire Emblem would be, in my opinion, a great holiday lineup. As long as none of those games get pushed into 2019.

I think it's also easy to forget that 2017 was also pretty light for the first half.

It feels like just yesterday everyone was talking about the Switch having "nothing but BOTW and a Wii U port for the first three months". Even MK8 Deluxe came out almost two whole months after launch. ARMS was the first major original retail game, Switch exclusive without any qualifiers, and that was in June. That's a similar trajectory to what we have now.

The Switch's lineup really started going into overdrive from July onwards when Splatoon 2, Rabbids, Pokken DX, FE Warriors, Odyssey, and Xenoblade 2 came out.

I think we'll probably see something similar here. I think H2 and especially the holidays will see them in "take no prisoners" mode. Sell the online service with Smash, win over 3DS players with Animal Crossing and MAYBE Pokemon, and then have Fire Emblem (and hopefully Retro's game if it makes this year) for the hardcore. I fully believe at least three of those will make it (plus some more Labo sets) and that's saying nothing of how insane a complete deck would be. E3 at least has the potential to be monstrous.

I also think that as an enthusiast forum it's easy to get hung up on the fact that the Wii U games are "just ports". Being realistic, most people have never played these games before. The Switch has already outsold the Wii U's entire lifespan in only a year. To the majority of people who play games, they are new games, and they're all great games too. Getting to have Hyrule Warriors with all DLC, Tropical Freeze, and Bayonetta 1 AND 2 barely months apart is amazing to anyone who never had a Wii U. I think it's important to remember they're not taking the place of new games. Maybe it's being hopeful but I wonder if they're getting them out of the way in the first half specifically to get all hands on deck for H2.
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Oct 25, 2017
Yeah. A lot of our opinion is influenced by us being more than your casual gamer - we're in the group that picked up the Wii U despite being a failure, but for a lot of people the games in the first half are new. I bet Tropical Freeze and Bayo will both sell far batter than they did on Wii U.

But Smash 5 or 6, whatever you want to call it, in the second half of 2018 will make it a hit. Smash always sells tons, plus it is a system seller, so I won't be surprised to see the sales of Zelda and Mario pick up again.
Oct 26, 2017
Fire Emblem, Smash, Pokemon, Octopath, and Splatoon 2 DLC would be great, hope there are no delays and Pokemon manages to actually look good.

Emperor Ham

Feb 12, 2018
Hopefully ND Cube's new ip is actually good and not shit like the rest of their games. Definitely Nintendo's weakest studio.

Deleted member 33

Account closed at user request
Oct 24, 2017
I think it's also easy to forget that 2017 was also pretty light for the first half.

It feels like just yesterday everyone was talking about the Switch having "nothing but BOTW and a Wii U port for the first three months". Even MK8 Deluxe came out almost two whole months after launch. ARMS was the first major original retail game, Switch exclusive without any qualifiers, and that was in June. That's a similar trajectory to what we have now.

The Switch's lineup really started going into overdrive from July onwards when Splatoon 2, Rabbids, Pokken DX, FE Warriors, Odyssey, and Xenoblade 2 came out.

You summed it up perfectly. As much as fans praise Switch's Year 1, the system's library didn't start picking up momentum until around the summer.

Yeah. A lot of our opinion is influenced by us being more than your casual gamer - we're in the group that picked up the Wii U despite being a failure, but for a lot of people the games in the first half are new. I bet Tropical Freeze and Bayo will both sell far batter than they did on Wii U.

Very true. Also, not every Wii U owner has played every single Wii U game. I know plenty of Wii U owners who didn't play Tokyo Mirage Sessions, Wonderful 101, Pokken or Bayonetta 2.

I always think back to when Naughty Dog conducted research that said 80% of PS3 owners never played any Uncharted games.


Oct 25, 2017
Today someone asked me if Nintendo dropped the ball with 2018. Honestly, I don't think so.

It's true that this year (especially the first half of the year) is heavily reliant on third parties + remasters/ports of older Nintendo titles.

But I think Nintendo will "redeem" itself during the last 4 months of the year.

Smash Bros, Pokemon, and Fire Emblem would be, in my opinion, a great holiday lineup. As long as none of those games get pushed into 2019.
Headline: "Industry Insider Emily Rogers confirms Pokemon Switch 2018"

Anyway, yeah. They didn't drop the ball at all. I think it's reasonable to expect 2018 to have those games you mentioned plus some other surprises (Metroid Prime HD Trilogy PLEASE)

Dark Cloud

Oct 27, 2017
And you know Nintendo will have some surprise Switch game revealed at E3 coming this second half of the year that we don't know about. Like a Metroid Prime Trilogy or 2D Mario or whatever. It's all good


Dec 8, 2017
Today someone asked me if Nintendo dropped the ball with 2018. Honestly, I don't think so.

It's true that this year (especially the first half of the year) is heavily reliant on third parties + remasters/ports of older Nintendo titles.

But I think Nintendo will "redeem" itself during the last 4 months of the year.

Smash Bros, Pokemon, and Fire Emblem would be, in my opinion, a great holiday lineup. As long as none of those games get pushed into 2019.

Very exciting.

I don't see how Nintendo has dropped the ball at all, there's two first party releases a month, third party games up the wazoo, Smash might be here as early as September, and Nintendo is being set up for an absolutely massive E3 showing in June. They're not only succeeding, but thriving. I have no doubts the second half of 2018 will be full of great new games.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm thinking Nintendo is going to have a Smash Direct just before E3.

Just like the one similar to Where Roy and Ryu got announced.

The only thing is that I'm still not sure about is if Smash will launch in time for the Online service. I feel it needs to like most of us do, but just got a feeling it won't.

Dark Cloud

Oct 27, 2017
As been stated in other threads, there's replication of 2014 in this year with Smash, Bayonetta, DKCTF, Bayonetta and Hyrule Warriors. We can hope they follow E3 2014 and the 4 year cycle of every 4 E3's since 2006 since have been some of their best ever (2006, 2010 and 2014).


Oct 27, 2017
As been stated in other threads, there's replication of 2014 in this year with Smash, Bayonetta, DKCTF, Bayonetta and Hyrule Warriors. We can hope they follow E3 2014 and the 4 year cycle of every 4 E3's since 2006 since have been some of their best ever (2006, 2010 and 2014).
Heh, World Cup years.

Oh! World Cup 2018 has too make it on Switch this year.

Perfect year for a Strikers too...


Jan 30, 2018
I think it's also easy to forget that 2017 was also pretty light for the first half.

It feels like just yesterday everyone was talking about the Switch having "nothing but BOTW and a Wii U port for the first three months". Even MK8 Deluxe came out almost two whole months after launch. ARMS was the first major original retail game, Switch exclusive without any qualifiers, and that was in June. That's a similar trajectory to what we have now.

The Switch's lineup really started going into overdrive from July onwards when Splatoon 2, Rabbids, Pokken DX, FE Warriors, Odyssey, and Xenoblade 2 came out.

I think we'll probably see something similar here. I think H2 and especially the holidays will see them in "take no prisoners" mode. Sell the online service with Smash, win over 3DS players with Animal Crossing and MAYBE Pokemon, and then have Fire Emblem (and hopefully Retro's game if it makes this year) for the hardcore. I fully believe at least three of those will make it (plus some more Labo sets) and that's saying nothing of how insane a complete deck would be. E3 at least has the potential to be monstrous.

I also think that as an enthusiast forum it's easy to get hung up on the fact that the Wii U games are "just ports". Being realistic, most people have never played these games before. The Switch has already outsold the Wii U's entire lifespan in only a year. To the majority of people who play games, they are new games, and they're all great games too. Getting to have Hyrule Warriors with all DLC, Tropical Freeze, and Bayonetta 1 AND 2 barely months apart is amazing to anyone who never had a Wii U. I think it's important to remember they're not taking the place of new games. Maybe it's being hopeful but I wonder if they're getting them out of the way in the first half specifically to get all hands on deck for H2.

We don't even know if Animal Crossing is coming in 2018.


Jan 30, 2018
Very exciting.

I don't see how Nintendo has dropped the ball at all, there's two first party releases a month, third party games up the wazoo, Smash might be here as early as September, and Nintendo is being set up for an absolutely massive E3 showing in June. They're not only succeeding, but thriving. I have no doubts the second half of 2018 will be full of great new games.

Having the best E3 being every 4 years is probably only a coincidence. Don't take it as fact.


Oct 26, 2017
We don't even know if Animal Crossing is coming in 2018.

It's just speculation on my part.

The core AC team hasn't been up to anything since Happy Home Designer and they have plenty of HD assets/tech already. They'd also probably want to release it while Pocket Camp is at least fresh in people's minds (which basically means soon). If I'm thinking of unconfirmed games that can be announced around E3 and release in fall then it's a relatively safe bet.

You summed it up perfectly. As much as fans praise Switch's Year 1, the system's library didn't start picking up momentum until around the summer.

Very true. Also, not every Wii U owner has played every single Wii U game. I know plenty of Wii U owners who didn't play Tokyo Mirage Sessions, Wonderful 101, Pokken or Bayonetta 2.

I always think back to when Naughty Dog conducted research that said 80% of PS3 owners never played any Uncharted games.


That whole stat is funny because I realize now that I'm probably part of that. I have a PS3 but I never played Uncharted or The Last of Us until I got a PS4.

Nathan Drake Collection was the first game I got with my system. LOVE it.
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Dec 8, 2017
Having the best E3 being every 4 years is probably only a coincidence. Don't take it as fact.

I don't care about the pattern.

The list of announced games they haven't shown so far is what makes me believe they're about to kick major ass at E3. Smash, Pokemon, Bayonetta and Metroid alone are enough for me to call it excellent.

Slam Tilt

Jan 16, 2018
I think Nintendo's E3 lineup is going to silence a lot of the complainers. Maybe it's wishful thinking, but I don't think they're ready to retreat from a stunner like 2017 so quickly.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm thinking Nintendo is going to have a Smash Direct just before E3.

Just like the one similar to Where Roy and Ryu got announced.

The only thing is that I'm still not sure about is if Smash will launch in time for the Online service. I feel it needs to like most of us do, but just got a feeling it won't.

I agree. I think there will be a Smash Direct to properly reveal the game before the Invitational.

As far as release dates go, if we go with the idea that Smash is a year 1 port that evolved into a sequel, then I still think September is pretty likely. It's the end of a fiscal quarter so that makes it a pretty good deadline for a project that has been "delayed" internally. It's also a very clear window that gives it some time to itself just before the holidays.

The most I can see is that it launches in the first couple weeks of October but I think it only makes sense to have them as close as possible.


Dec 12, 2017
Y'all just because it says "new project" doesn't actually mean it's a new IP. Like these job recruitment ads are meant to be as vague as possible

But I want to be wrong

Deleted member 6730

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
No, I don't think Emily actually knows when Pokemon is coming out. Or maybe? But Fire Emblem and Smash are confirmed 2018 games anyway so it's not like she's giving any new information.


Final Fantasy Best Boy (Grip)
Today someone asked me if Nintendo dropped the ball with 2018. Honestly, I don't think so.

It's true that this year (especially the first half of the year) is heavily reliant on third parties + remasters/ports of older Nintendo titles.

But I think Nintendo will "redeem" itself during the last 4 months of the year.

Smash Bros, Pokemon, and Fire Emblem would be, in my opinion, a great holiday lineup. As long as none of those games get pushed into 2019.

2018 just started and E3 hasn't even begun... lmao next time tell that person to be more considerate.

Deleted member 8593

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
It looks more and more likely that they're releasing Pokémon by the end of the year. If Fire Emblem isn't delayed, 2018 is "saved".


Oct 31, 2017
A holiday lineup of Smash, Pokémon and Fire Emblem reminds me of those rumours saying that Nintendo Switch was getting Breath of the Wild and New 3D Mario for launch.

My bet is still that all those three are slated for 2018 fiscal year, being Smash the October title, November left for 3rd parties, and Fire Emblem in December. Then, Pokémon Switch will come around March 2019.


Oct 31, 2017
Even though I'm not excited for ND Cubes new IP, it's great to see all of Nintendo's studios pushing for new IP's. It almost feels like Nintendo wen/is going through a Sony phase where Sony gets their devs to make new IP's.

Agreed! It's very excting, could ND Cube make a more ambition IP though? Something that isn't party releated?


Oct 31, 2017
You summed it up perfectly. As much as fans praise Switch's Year 1, the system's library didn't start picking up momentum until around the summer.

Very true. Also, not every Wii U owner has played every single Wii U game. I know plenty of Wii U owners who didn't play Tokyo Mirage Sessions, Wonderful 101, Pokken or Bayonetta 2.

I always think back to when Naughty Dog conducted research that said 80% of PS3 owners never played any Uncharted games.

I agree, the thing is Nintendo can't be expected to be able to release a BOTW or Odyssey every month, there's going to be months when it's a big third party or port coming, if they could release a BOTW or Odyssey every month then my poor wallet.


Oct 25, 2017
I think Nintendo's E3 lineup is going to silence a lot of the complainers. Maybe it's wishful thinking, but I don't think they're ready to retreat from a stunner like 2017 so quickly.
I mean, they said this year was key for Switch in terms of software (and accessories) support like Labo so it's fair to assume they'll have more than one surprise ready for E3.

Smash coming out this year (and apparently being a brand new game at that) is a huge deal itself. If Pokémon and/or Metroid somehow make it this year then that'd be freaking awesome.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 31, 2017
I'm still optimistic towards Pokemon being this year, I'm just wondering when we might finally see it.

They've often had a Direct in May, have they not? Despite the announcement last year, I'm still not convinced Game Freak won't be weird about E3 like normal.
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