
One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Orlando, FL
There are a lot of things a proper remake can improve over the original:

-Obviously fix the slippery controls. By far the worst aspect of actually playing the original was how easy it was to slip off of platforms when you were fighting enemies and such.

-Make the four teams more distinct from each other. I'm willing to bet any remake of the game would keep the whole "play all through all 4 stories to unlock the final boss" thing, but what needs to happen is that it doesn't feel like we're playing through the same game 4 times over. Make the teams operate differently (but still keep the speed/flight/power dynamic), make the level designs unique, anything to make it feel less of a chore.

-If Team Chaotix will be doing objective-based missions again make the actual objectives better. Less "light every torch" or "find all Chao" and more things that don't break the pacing up like reaching the goal under a time limit or scoring enough points by chaining together actions or something.

-Special stages need to be fixed. They actually did this in Generation 3DS so if they just redo that then these will actually be fun to play through instead of the broken mess that they currently are.

-The team fights sucked, so make those better somehow. There was supposedly a rock-paper-scissors mechanic going on depending on your formation but the fights were so chaotic and buggy that it never really seemed to matter.

-The story could use some fine-tuning such as giving the teams better reasons to fight each other (like, 3 out of the 4 of them felt extremely forced) and Eggman's plans being a little vague. It could also stand to tone down the cheesiness but I don't think that's necessarily required.

-Not an improvement, but I'm really curious what a remade OST for the game would sound like. The original game's music was excellent from the level themes to the vocal tracks.


Feb 5, 2018
Glasgow, Scotland.
I was expecting this to be a follow up to Sonic Adventure 2 with a snazzy new and improved Chao Garden, to say I was disappointed is an understatement. The team aspect of the game was buns too.

Good soundtrack but it's a Sonic game, that's a pretty much a given.

Diogo Arez

One Winged Slayer
Oct 20, 2020
At this point Sega seems to hate me more and more, no way they are remaking and remastering everything except for Unleashed


Aug 23, 2020
I'm down for this. Don't think Sonic got what it takes to remake Adventure without turning it into boost gameplay anyway. Game got a lot of potential but rather unpolished and repetitive. Tighten up the level design and trim back the fight cage segments and it would be a pretty enjoyable game.


▲ Legend ▲
May 1, 2018
This is probably fake and if there is any validity to it, it's likely something closer to a remaster than an actual remake.
I actually disagree - Sega is very cautious about their Metacritic scores these days. If they re-release Sonic Heroes, even with a new coat of paint, it's getting awful reviews.

That's why they haven't re-released the Adventure games on PS5/Series consoles. They don't want those bad reviews to trickle in.


Jack of All Streams
Oct 25, 2017
User warned: Antagonistic behavior towards other members
why would you remake sonic heroes when sonic adventure is rite there? i am befuddled

Did... anyone actually like Sonic Heroes all that much?

My exact thought as soon as I saw this, lol.

One of the worst. Who asks for this shit

I knew I'd get a bunch of replies like this, but I'm genuinely curious -- why?

I found the game exceptionally mediocre back when I first played it, and that was basically the general consensus for years. Not a disaster, but nothing special. But if Sega is thinking about remaking the darn thing, there's gotta be some fanbase for it, so what do the Heroes stans like about it? Aside from it having playable Vector in in it.

Okay, but if we follow the "the bad ones are the ones we should remake, because they have more room for improvement" logic all the way down the rabbit hole, then we're remaking Sonic '06.

You can all fuck off into the sun. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it shouldn't exist. A bunch of us like the game.

"I found it mediocre" Good for you fucks. People can absolutely like something you don't. We can acknowledge what other people don't like, things that can be done better. But this idea that because a select number of people don't like something it shouldn't exist is toxic as fuck.

People can enjoy gameplay because they do, and not have to jump through hoops of "I must justify why I liked something the "collective" agrees shouldn't be liked.

You don't have to like it. You can criticize the game and say why you don't like it. But fuck off into the sun if you say it shouldn't exist for anyone because of that.

And a special fuck you to everyone questioning people liking it and being befuddled. This forum is toxic as fuck when it comes to liking things a large group doesn't care for. I don't care if you're "trying to be understanding". You're still implying it's not normal and shouldn't be happening that someone likes something you don't.

If I get flagged as hostile or something I don't care. This needs to be spoken out more and people need to get out of their damn bubble.
Last edited:


Jun 11, 2020
You can all fuck off into the sun. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it shouldn't exist. A bunch of us like the game.

"I found it mediocre" Good for you fucks. People can absolutely like something you don't. We can acknowledge what other people don't like, things that can be done better. But this idea that because a select number of people don't like something is toxic as fuck.

People can enjoy gameplay because they do, and not have to jump through hoops of "I must justify why I liked something the "collective" agrees shouldn't be liked.

You don't have to like it. You can criticize the game and say why you don't like it. But fuck off into the sun if you say it shouldn't exist for anyone because of that.

And a special fuck you to everyone questioning people liking it and being befuddled. This forum is toxic as fuck when it comes to liking things a large group doesn't care for. I don't care if you're "trying to be understanding". You're still implying it's not normal and shouldn't be happening that someone likes something you don't.

If I get flagged as hostile or something I don't care. This needs to be spoken out more and people need to get out of their damn bubble.
I like how whenever some fuck out there says "Why don't companies remake bad/okay games so they can improve them instead of games that are still great and hold up perfectly?" those replies are why lmao


Visited by Knack - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I guess Heroes is an easy remake unlike SA1 and SA2 because its scope is so small. Weird choice though.
Is it really that weird? It's the oldest mainline game without a semi modern port and is a game that isn't totally awful.
I hope they keep the pleasant piano music in the ending when team chaotix are about to break eggman's legs

Oh cripes, I just remembered egg emperor


Oct 25, 2017
I hope they keep the pleasant piano music in the ending when team chaotix are about to break eggman's legs

Oh cripes, I just remembered egg emperor


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Dunno how reliable this is but I'll definitely be in. I loved Sonic Heroes. That fight with Metal madness!


One Winged Slayer
Nov 13, 2017
I'd be pretty interested in how this pans out if it's true. Once you get used to the controls Heroes can be a pretty great time as long as you aren't going for the special stages. A remake that smooths out the rough edges could be a lot of fun, it definitely needs one more than SA1/2 anyway.

Diogo Arez

One Winged Slayer
Oct 20, 2020
Wasn't there a rumor about a remaster of Unleashed somewhat recently, or is my brain playing a trick on me?
There have been several for years, but only the other games in the franchise seem to be indeed getting one, I've been hearing about an Unleashed Remaster since like 2014 and I honestly start to think it's like Bloodborne where there was one in the works and they stopped eventually


Is Sometimes A Good Bean
Aug 24, 2018
theme will forever stick with me




Jul 11, 2022
You can all fuck off into the sun. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it shouldn't exist. A bunch of us like the game.

"I found it mediocre" Good for you fucks. People can absolutely like something you don't. We can acknowledge what other people don't like, things that can be done better. But this idea that because a select number of people don't like something is toxic as fuck.

People can enjoy gameplay because they do, and not have to jump through hoops of "I must justify why I liked something the "collective" agrees shouldn't be liked.

You don't have to like it. You can criticize the game and say why you don't like it. But fuck off into the sun if you say it shouldn't exist for anyone because of that.

And a special fuck you to everyone questioning people liking it and being befuddled. This forum is toxic as fuck when it comes to liking things a large group doesn't care for. I don't care if you're "trying to be understanding". You're still implying it's not normal and shouldn't be happening that someone likes something you don't.

If I get flagged as hostile or something I don't care. This needs to be spoken out more and people need to get out of their damn bubble.
...For what it's worth, I actually do like Sonic Heroes. But it's a sequel to Adventure 1 and 2, so I don't get why they'd remake it before those.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017

View: https://youtu.be/I5IMX1BjFEM?si=D5bgXN-_zrcznp4X



Nov 1, 2017
Is Midori actually corroborating Zippo specifically or do they both happen to be peddling a Heroes rumour? If it is the former then I wonder why they would choose to dump their reputation already.

Edit: I looked and they seem to be confirming Felipe's reporting of a UE5 Sonic Heroes, which is itself a follow up to Zippo's blog about Sonic Team moving to UE5 and he lists 5 Sonic games to tease that one of them is being remade. Okay.
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Jack of All Streams
Oct 25, 2017
I like how whenever some fuck out there says "Why don't companies remake bad/okay games so they can improve them instead of games that are still great and hold up perfectly?" those replies are why lmao

The real thing they want is for the subject in question to not exist at all because they don't want it. Everything else is just coming up with something to seem more reasonable about asking for something they don't like to not exist for anyone.


Apr 26, 2018
You can all fuck off into the sun. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it shouldn't exist. A bunch of us like the game.

"I found it mediocre" Good for you fucks. People can absolutely like something you don't. We can acknowledge what other people don't like, things that can be done better. But this idea that because a select number of people don't like something is toxic as fuck.

People can enjoy gameplay because they do, and not have to jump through hoops of "I must justify why I liked something the "collective" agrees shouldn't be liked.

You don't have to like it. You can criticize the game and say why you don't like it. But fuck off into the sun if you say it shouldn't exist for anyone because of that.

And a special fuck you to everyone questioning people liking it and being befuddled. This forum is toxic as fuck when it comes to liking things a large group doesn't care for. I don't care if you're "trying to be understanding". You're still implying it's not normal and shouldn't be happening that someone likes something you don't.

If I get flagged as hostile or something I don't care. This needs to be spoken out more and people need to get out of their damn bubble.

Calm yourself friend.

Never said others can't enjoy it -- in fact, I've politely asked people to explain why they like it so I can understand. I know the Sonic fandom is very ecclectic when it come to favorites. I was a Genesis kid. I loved the original trilogy, and I've played most since. Sonic Heroes is one of the absolute last titles I'd earmark for a remake. I just found nothing remarkable about it. But I've never said once the original game shouldn't exist. I just question Sega's priorities in remaking it.

At some point, Sega needs some sort of strong strategy for this series. Instead, they're like "We're remaking Sonic and the Black Knight!" and the 5 percent of the fanbase that likes that one are "Woo hoo! FINALLY!" and shout down those who question the move. Then Sonic and the Black Knight Remake comes out, is still kinda so-so, nobody plays it, and the Sonic franchise keeps on grinding along not living up to its potential. Sonic Adventure is a name that will actually sell games. It's something you can devote a large budget to and actually expect a return. If they're doing remakes, that's where you start. Capcom didn't start their RE remakes by saying "We're remaking Resident Evil 0!"


Oct 25, 2017
Is Sonic Heros not liked around here? I liked Sonic Heros and I can actually start hearing the Theme song in my head now.

"What goes up must come down
Yet my feet don't touch the ground"


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
I doubt it, Sonic Heroes is a game from 2003. It has to be completely rebuilt with new assets if they plan on rereleasing it for current-gen systems.

To be clear, I don't mean a simple remaster. I think they would do a solid amount of rework to it but that it would still be built on the bones of the original, similarly to something like Metroid Prime, rather than an actual remake (which I consider to be fromt-the-ground-up).

... but again, I think this is fake anyway. lol


Feb 11, 2019
If this actually happens I will scream so loud you will hear me on the other side of the globe.

Sonic Heroes started so much for me. It's what made me want to get a GameCube to play Sonic Adventure 2, which in turn lead me into Nintendo games - Animal Crossing, Mario Kart, Smash, even anime.

Sonic Heroes means so much to me and I thought it was dead


Oct 25, 2017
Well…I'd certainly be curious to see it. Heroes came out when my Sonic hype was at its highest following me enjoying the Genesis games as a young child and then the Adventure games in my Tween years.

I was very, very disappointed in it. Part of that was my own fault. I owned an EGM where Iizuka literally explained the tone would be lighter, story would be de-emphasized, but for whatever reason I ignored that. I was bummed that the grand return of Metal Sonic, my favorite character to draw, got such a weak story. Then there's the game itself which is so slippery and the level design for like half of the stages is awful.

But a remake could iron out those glitches and weird physics. The level themes and music are pretty great. Never liked the Egg Pawns or the weird focus on combat. If they're really going to do it, hopefully they do it right. OG Heroes isn't a terrible game in hindsight, but it was the first time I ever felt let down by a new Sonic (the first of…many.)


Oct 26, 2017
Minneapolis, MN
Sources linked to the Nintendo Universe and the famous leaker Midori corroborated the information said by Zippo, as well as the existence of a remake for Sonic Heroes a classic game released in December 2023 for PlayStation 2, Nintendo GameCube, Microsoft Windows and Xbox that should be Reworked for modern platforms via Unreal Engine.
That's really stretching the term "classic"…