
Oct 28, 2017
The dual boss fights in this are ace. At first it feels impossible but you slowly get a read on them and then to finally win is amazing. They keep you on your toes for sure.


Oct 26, 2017
What they said, dual boss fights force you to not only git gud with weapon skills, but also with spacing, awareness and reacting to visual and audio cues.

Not gonna lie, though, some of the dual boss fights are straight up bullshit lol. Like others said, they typically pair up a slower character with an aggressive character, but some pairings are just shit up shit creek without a boat - those are the best ones.

Edit: And (re)spec'ing your gear for 100% Ranged Firearms damage (jfc, what a mistranslation, they actually mean Ranged Damage Reduction) is a major, MAJOR help throughout the game.
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Oct 28, 2017
Doing one of the side missions in Dragon of the North last night and it's really pretty:



Oct 27, 2017
Sadly I am losing interest in the game. While I love the battle-system the levels and confrontations feel too samey. The bosses still aren't very good/enjoyable for me. There are some really cool ones like the big Slime-monster or the Toad though. Also the game drags on for too long. They should have cut the side-missions. They don't add anything meaningful to the game and feel like replaying the same stuff over and over again while the enemy variety isn't great in the first place. But maybe I just need a longer pause and will return to it in the future.


Oct 26, 2017
In all honesty, unless the side-missions give you something relevant (like smithing texts or a weapon / item you really want), they're not all that necessary to do. Grinding for loot is better done through co-op, which gets you glory, as well, which you can use to buy items, materials, character skins or to gamble for loot. Don't do them for the sake of doing them, is my opinion.

As far as the bosses go, the human bosses are the best fights, barring Mr. Toad (though that Iga sub-mission with Toad and co. can fuck right off) and the final boss of DLC3.

Deleted member 35509

Account closed at user request
Dec 6, 2017
How do I use glory points? And when do I get to change my appearance with the blacksmith?

I'm level 50 with some average weapons (220 damage from Raikiri sword) and I'm about to leave the first map for the first time. When am I going to get better weapons and about how many stages are there?


Oct 25, 2017
How do I use glory points? And when do I get to change my appearance with the blacksmith?

I'm level 50 with some average weapons (220 damage from Raikiri sword) and I'm about to leave the first map for the first time. When am I going to get better weapons and about how many stages are there?
There is a main mission in the 3rd region that unlocks the place where you can spend the glory. You unlock the barber features at the blacksmith by using the favor/request points. I think it was in Tomes list of request features. You get better weapons... by doing pretty much anything at higher level missions. That Raikiri is a cool sword, but it is nothing special and you won't be getting any real keepers, things that you should hang onto any extended period of time, until you finish the base games main story missions and unlock the Divine tier of items. Before that, you should be recycling or renewing your gear to keep the item levels relevant. There are a total of (just in case someone doesn't want to know)
regions in the main game, each usually with 3 story missions and 3 DLC regions with the same.


Oct 28, 2017
The thing with side missions is they offer some of the best encounter design mix ups in the game. They do stuff you don't see in the main missions like thrown a bunch of enemies (and bosses) at you and let you figure it out. I think these are totally worth doing.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
So I jumped back into this game after dropping it, and I'm at the Defiled Castle in the 4th region. Where is there a good spot to level up? The mission says it's for people at level 87 and I'm at like... 70. o.0


Oct 26, 2017
So I jumped back into this game after dropping it, and I'm at the Defiled Castle in the 4th region. Where is there a good spot to level up? The mission says it's for people at level 87 and I'm at like... 70. o.0
You and your gear will always be lower level than the "recommended" level it puts on missions. That's not something you should really pay any mind to. Endgame gear is level 310-320 and there are missions with recommended levels of over a thousand.

On the highest difficulty, in the 3rd dlc the last missions are all over level 1100. My gear is level 300 and my character is level 658 and I can do these missions.


Oct 25, 2017
So I jumped back into this game after dropping it, and I'm at the Defiled Castle in the 4th region. Where is there a good spot to level up? The mission says it's for people at level 87 and I'm at like... 70. o.0
Imma just quote my past self:
And concerning levels, please don't take the level recommendations literally. Their only real function is to give some indication of the relative strength of enemies in any given mission compared to others and indicate the level of loot you'll be getting. Your character level has little or nothing to do with it.
Seriously, don't sweat about your character level. One quite literally cannot keep up with the mission levels later on, on the higher difficulty NG+ tiers, when the character level cap will be hundreds of levels below the higher missions levels.


Oct 30, 2017
Man I just can't give up the Sense Enemies attribute. I finally found an accessory with it (Medicine Case) so I could swap out Isonade to Fuse-Ushi, but it seems like a rare attribute. I've only found this one item with it and it's getting more and more tempting to swap it out as I move forward. I know Tactician's Ingenuity grants it but the pieces I have with that are more outclassed than just one accessory. Any way to raise the chances of getting Sense Enemies on equipment?


Oct 26, 2017
There are no ways to raise the chances of any particular perk appearing on items aside from maybe sacrificing Okatsu to RNGesus. :D You _can_, however, reforge a helmet you like, using Umbracite or the normal way, to see if you can get Sense Enemies on it.

As you learn the maps, Sense Enemies is no longer as important, but is generally useful haha. Some end-game Guardian Spirits also have the Sense Enemies trait, if you have high enough Spirit.


Oct 30, 2017
There are no ways to raise the chances of any particular perk appearing on items aside from maybe sacrificing Okatsu to RNGesus. :D You _can_, however, reforge a helmet you like, using Umbracite or the normal way, to see if you can get Sense Enemies on it.

As you learn the maps, Sense Enemies is no longer as important, but is generally useful haha. Some end-game Guardian Spirits also have the Sense Enemies trait, if you have high enough Spirit.
Thanks. Still haven't figured out how to get attributes to transfer on equipment, they never seem to have that "transferable" logo.

Anyway, what is the difference between "Fire +5 (Adds fire attribute to your attack.)" and "Fire Damage (Weapon) +47.9% (Increases fire-elemental damage from your weapon.)" Debating between two Kusarigamas with both, wtf?!


Oct 26, 2017
Fire +x adds elemental damage to your weapon (the higher the number, the higher the percentage fire damage it will add to your damage total). Fire Damage (Weapon) +xx.x% adds extra damage to the fire element, if your weapon has this. If it doesn't, it does pretty much nothing, and should be reforged into something more useful. This goes for Water, Earth, Wind and Lightning elements, of course.

The general consensus when it comes to weapon perks/traits are:

Close Combat Damage 15%
Familiarity Damage Bonus A-
Change to Attack (main scaling stat for your weapon) A-
Specific Skill Damage %bonus (for example, Iai Quickdraw 19% bonus)

the most important. The values will change as your max out the weapon's familiarity. Any other perks are bonus, but if you are going for an element, I would suggest pairing it with the relevant status ailment enhancer:

Status Ailment Augmentation (Scorch) for Fire, etc, as they help the debuff build up much faster.
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Oct 25, 2017
Just started the game, have a couple of questions:
which stats should I invest into if I want to use katana and double katanas?
How does the weight impact gameplay?


Oct 26, 2017
Just started the game, have a couple of questions:
which stats should I invest into if I want to use katana and double katanas?
How does the weight impact gameplay?

Swords (Katana) use Heart as their main scaling stat, Dual Swords uses Skill. However, I would suggest pumping up other stat points first, such as Dexterity (to unlock ninjitsu skills) and Magic (to unlock onmyo skills), and Strength and Body and Stamina, since all the armor has minimum stat requirements to actually use properly.

Equipment weight affects gameplay by adjusting the amount of stamina (ki) you use when attacking or dodging, overall stamina regeneration, and the invulnerability frames and distance of your dodges. Keep Equipment weight at B at the worst. Equip Weight C or worse is just a generally terrible idea. You move slowly, can't dodge properly, can't regen stamina for shit, and use up massive amounts of stamina for each attack you make.
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Oct 27, 2017
Man I just can't give up the Sense Enemies attribute. I finally found an accessory with it (Medicine Case) so I could swap out Isonade to Fuse-Ushi, but it seems like a rare attribute. I've only found this one item with it and it's getting more and more tempting to swap it out as I move forward. I know Tactician's Ingenuity grants it but the pieces I have with that are more outclassed than just one accessory. Any way to raise the chances of getting Sense Enemies on equipment?

Why not just use the Onmyo sense talisman? It basically gives you sense-everything.

Are the Tonfas any good?

I find them really fun to use. Their focus seems to be on doing stamina damage tho, the actual damage they do is nothing to write home about so it depends if this is something that suits your playstyle.


Oct 26, 2017
I just started the game. As a dark souls fan I dont know what to expect lol

For one thing, Nioh is a lot faster in combat. You can play it like a Souls game (the block button here is even stronger than in Souls), but then you'd be missing out on a crapton of amazing battle systems and options. The stamina regen systems and actual weapon skill combos lends itself to really going nuts with attacks whenever possible. Stamina is even more important here than in Souls, and if you are hit, block instead of spamming dodge.

Are the Tonfas any good?

Yes, but it would really depend on your playstyle, as WellbornWarrior said.

Why not just use the Onmyo sense talisman? It basically gives you sense-everything.

I generally wouldn't recommend it because you have a set amount of slots for onmyo, and there are generally way more useful onmyo spells that would take priority and slots, like Sloth and Weakness, Extraction and Pleiades.

Oh my god that (real) Tachibana fight lol

Took me 15+ tries to beat that fucker

Gratz! He is the first boss that really forces you to interact with the systems and options, and git gud. Also probably the first boss that will make you realize that "Damn, this guy is doing some obscene awesome shit, that I can do, too!", as with one exception, everything he does is in the Sword skillset.


Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
Gratz! He is the first boss that really forces you to interact with the systems and options, and git gud. Also probably the first boss that will make you realize that "Damn, this guy is doing some obscene awesome shit, that I can do, too!", as with one exception, everything he does is in the Sword skillset.

Yeah I beat him with the sword and was forced to use the skills I had acquired like the quick draw slash and the move where you can drain the enemy's stamina.

I barely beat him D: his slashes were insane


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah I beat him with the sword and was forced to use the skills I had acquired like the quick draw slash and the move where you can drain the enemy's stamina.

I barely beat him D: his slashes were insane

His bullshit one-shot super-quick iai quickdraw has killed me way too many times, lol.

He is, however (like all human characters with weapons), completely trivialized by parrying (and by Backwave+Tempest, if you are using a single sword).


Oct 30, 2017
So I just realized I haven't come across any Tonfas or Odachi. Playing on PS4, at the 4th region after fighting White Tiger. I've gotten armor sets that mention them like "Attack & Defense (Odachi)" but are they only unlocked as drops if I bought the DLC? Their slots aren't among the other weapon types in the skill tree or equip screen, either.


Oct 26, 2017
So I just realized I haven't come across any Tonfas or Odachi. Playing on PS4, at the 4th region after fighting White Tiger. I've gotten armor sets that mention them like "Attack & Defense (Odachi)" but are they only unlocked as drops if I bought the DLC? Their slots aren't among the other weapon types in the skill tree or equip screen, either.

Yeppers, need the DLC to get odachi and tonfas. And difficulties past NG+, as well, iirc.


Oct 31, 2017
Where can I farm some amrita quickly? I am in the begining of the game I feel my character is so weak lol specially againts demons.
what is the fastest way to level up?


Oct 30, 2017
Where can I farm some amrita quickly? I am in the begining of the game I feel my character is so weak lol specially againts demons.
what is the fastest way to level up?
I overcame that feeling by just hanging around Shrines in an area where I've memorized enemy layout. Like in the first level, the Shrine after you open the shortcut back to the beach and have access to the town. Run down, kill a few human NPCs and the Yokai in the hut, and then rest. Good way to practice combat, too.

In terms of effective farming I'm not sure, but if you're a few missions in I think it's worth playing the submissions in between to get more Amrita before tackling the next mission. This does introduce the issue of burn out, however I'm on the 5th region and have completed all the submissions and still having a blast.


Oct 25, 2017
Manchester UK
So i assume the Crismson Sanada armour is not part of season pass and will always be unobtainable for me then. Finally bought pass for cheap no Sanada armour which sucks as I bought game at launch just didn't have code in shop got it from


Oct 27, 2017
Oh, most of them are excellent. Except the last one. Fuck the last one. I had no shame in using a 100% ranged immunity armor setup for that fight in the higher difficulties.
Oh yeah , the last one is complete garbage. How did you get that 100% ranged immunity armor, anyway ..i want to destroy them so bad but i can't right now


Oct 25, 2017
Oh yeah , the last one is complete garbage. How did you get that 100% ranged immunity armor, anyway ..i want to destroy them so bad but i can't right now
Well, there are a few different armor setups one can use, though I used the one I felt was the most hassle free and allowed me to get 100% Elemental damage reduction (guarding) as well. My armor set is basically 2 pieces of Tatenashi set and 3 pieces of Hiraishi set, naturally with a Yasakani magatama to get that extra set item count. The helmet and chest can have the ranged damage reduction special occur naturally and others get it as a transfer from helmets and chests I had gathered just for that purpose. The Hiraishi set item bonus completes the immunity by granting the ability to ignore the hit-stun from ranged attacks via its set item bonuses.

There are other set-ups one can use for it. The one constant it seems to have is that you really do need one piece of the Tatenashi set, the rest is up to how many slots you want to use for the RFD transferable and how many good accessories you have with that special.


Oct 27, 2017
Well, there are a few different armor setups one can use, though I used the one I felt was the most hassle free and allowed me to get 100% Elemental damage reduction (guarding) as well. My armor set is basically 2 pieces of Tatenashi set and 3 pieces of Hiraishi set, naturally with a Yasakani magatama to get that extra set item count. The helmet and chest can have the ranged damage reduction special occur naturally and others get it as a transfer from helmets and chests I had gathered just for that purpose. The Hiraishi set item bonus completes the immunity by granting the ability to ignore the hit-stun from ranged attacks via its set item bonuses.

There are other set-ups one can use for it. The one constant it seems to have is that you really do need one piece of the Tatenashi set, the rest is up to how many slots you want to use for the RFD transferable and how many good accessories you have with that special.
Is that an heavy armor setup , or a light setup ? ( im away from nioh right now so i can't check )


Oct 31, 2017
I overcame that feeling by just hanging around Shrines in an area where I've memorized enemy layout. Like in the first level, the Shrine after you open the shortcut back to the beach and have access to the town. Run down, kill a few human NPCs and the Yokai in the hut, and then rest. Good way to practice combat, too.

In terms of effective farming I'm not sure, but if you're a few missions in I think it's worth playing the submissions in between to get more Amrita before tackling the next mission. This does introduce the issue of burn out, however I'm on the 5th region and have completed all the submissions and still having a blast.

I will do as you said. Thank you for your help


Oct 28, 2017
Beat the One-Eyed Dragon's Castle. Last boss was so feisty, man. Really wish I could find some nice tonfas to try out. Wouldn't mind switching around my armour too, even just for the sake of a change but I have seen another set that's better or equal in terms of bonus.

Deleted member 1777

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Finished the main story on New Game with 80 hours or so on the clock and I've got soooooo much more to do. The DLC, sub missions (well mostly the 6th region sub missions), the Abyss, new difficulties etc. I feel quite underlevelled at the minute though so might concentrate on doing some coop for a while to bump those levels up, get some nice loot and help some fine folks out.

Amazing game, one of my favourites from last years releases - Only ones I like more are Yakuza 0 and Kiwami and that's simply because I'm a Yakuza fanboy.


Oct 25, 2017
Beat the game this weekend. Really liked the cutscenes and how the story escalated as it went on. Wonderful game.

After really struggling to beat any of these dual bosses with my Axe Build, i created a whirlwind high dps build i found on youtube and man i fucking love this game. these bosses go down in seconds.

I love how Team Ninja borrowed from not just the Souls games but also Diablo to make a truly unique game with incredible depth and build variety. I feel like I am just getting started and am going to be doing a lot of research and exploring to get the best gear possible.
I feel quite underlevelled at the minute though so might concentrate on doing some coop for a while to bump those levels up, get some nice loot and help some fine folks out.

The dual bosses after the ending mission made me feel quite underleveled too. Wasted hours on the two kings and the lightning wolf and crow fights. I respeced after youtubing some End Game Axe Build guides (looks like there are a lot of these guides for every weapon/class) and you can see the results above. I am level 113 and only have 60 points in Strength and i am still shredding bosses.

Deleted member 1777

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Beat the game this weekend. Really liked the cutscenes and how the story escalated as it went on. Wonderful game.

After really struggling to beat any of these dual bosses with my Axe Build, i created a whirlwind high dps build i found on youtube and man i fucking love this game. these bosses go down in seconds.

I love how Team Ninja borrowed from not just the Souls games but also Diablo to make a truly unique game with incredible depth and build variety. I feel like I am just getting started and am going to be doing a lot of research and exploring to get the best gear possible.

The dual bosses after the ending mission made me feel quite underleveled too. Wasted hours on the two kings and the lightning wolf and crow fights. I respeced after youtubing some End Game Axe Build guides (looks like there are a lot of these guides for every weapon/class) and you can see the results above. I am level 113 and only have 60 points in Strength and i am still shredding bosses.

Oooooooh I'm an axe man too, thanks very much for that :P Think I'll have a nosey at that tonight.


Oct 25, 2017
Oooooooh I'm an axe man too, thanks very much for that :P Think I'll have a nosey at that tonight.

Here is the guide. I used all his stats, set armor and skill perks. I didnt have enough points left for 30 Omnyo or 25 Body, but i only needed 21 to get Sloth, and quite a few other spells. Had to respec again because apparently the genius armor needs 13 body, so ended with 15 body and 60 Strength and it's still pretty effective. the stupid smithing text for genius armor has a very low drop rate but google the guide to make smithing texts drop faster. trick is to make sure your equipment and weapon drop rate bonuses are at 0 and only item drop rates are increased. i got the wooden sword text to drop on the first try after following that guide but the next three runs didnt drop the armor smithing text. i might try again after starting ng+ and getting that kodama bowl to increase luck.

Luckily i got a few blue genius armors from a revenant in one of the final levels and while it's not legendary, the set bonuses for 5th and 6th piece are insane for this build.


Oct 26, 2017
You mean that side mission where he invites you to a duel? Yeah, that mission almost made me quit the game. It was really stupid to put such a mission in what is basically still the tutorial area of the game.

I thought this was a problem unique to me, but yeah, this is also me. I keep putting the game down for extended periods of time, and though I'm now on the third region, even after two respec attempts, I'm still not "gud" enough to beat him. Absolutely love the game, though.