
Oct 27, 2017
Now we are at the part where states are running out beds such a goddamn mess

BOGALUSA - In a second-floor hallway at Our Lady of the Angels Hospital, Dr. Garland Anderson and CEO Rene Ragas stared at a printout filled with patient names, deciding who might be able to go home to free up desperately needed beds.

Staffed for 34 regular beds, the hospital had a backlog of patients building up in the emergency department. Nine people who needed to be admitted were waiting in bays usually used for quick assessments before admission or transfer. Under normal procedures, some would go to bigger hospitals in New Orleans, Baton Rouge or elsewhere to receive specialized care.
But the big hospitals, struggling to treat record numbers of COVID-19 patients, weren't accepting transfers. The only way Anderson could find a bed for emergency patients struggling with heart attacks, brain injuries, COVID and other serious health issues was to figure out how to discharge admitted patients early - or for someone to die.

"The system is so packed that people who come in with a stroke, with a heart attack, with life-threatening conditions, we are unable to deal with it," Anderson said. "We are unable to transfer patients to any hospital in Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Missouri. There are no beds anywhere."

Across Louisiana, hospitals are full. Large ones, such as the Ochsner Medical Centers in the New Orleans area and Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center in Baton Rouge, won't accept most transfers from the 100-plus small Louisiana hospitals that rely on them. About 50 of those hospitals are in rural areas.

Ochsner Health, Louisiana's largest system, declined 175 transfers in a week, according to reports from hospital officials. Normally it accepts about 50 transfers every day.

Ochsner Lafayette General has declined 70% of transfer requests from smaller hospitals since July, said Dr. Amanda Logue, its chief medical officer, on Friday. Our Lady of the Lake hasn't been able to accept most transfers for about a month; at one point, it had 23 patients sitting in an emergency room waiting for admission to the intensive care unit, said Dr. Katherine O'Neal, chief medical officer.

"Hospitals are stretched to the point that they are not able to provide the quality of care they normally would under regular circumstances," said Dr. Joe Kanter, the state health officer. He said an emergency room where he worked last weekend accepted a heart attack patient who traveled more than two hours in an ambulance before finding an open space.

Small, rural hospitals such as Our Lady of the Angels in Bogalusa rely on transfers as part of their care model. Some smaller hospitals can treat many conditions, depending on the equipment and experts on staff, but they rely on larger hospitals with specialized services to treat many patients. Some rural hospitals don't have ICUs or doctors with critical respiratory care experience. Some don't even have maternity care.

It's the same story at every small hospital across Louisiana.

"If our little place is busting at the seams, it's a tough situation," said Kevin Guidry, administrator of the 15-bed Assumption Community Hospital in Napoleonville. All five of its emergency room bays were occupied.

"We've called as far as hospitals in Oklahoma and Texas to try to find placement," said Peter Sullivan, CEO of Riverside Medical Center in Franklinton. His 25-bed critical access hospital was full, with patients waiting in emergency bays for rooms.


'No beds anywhere': As COVID wards expand, Louisiana's small hospitals have nowhere to turn

Big hospitals won't take transfers, so small ones discharge early or wait for someone to die
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Oct 27, 2017

I guess we are gonna start seeing this more n more for certain states.

Deleted member 62561

Dec 31, 2019
i never thought the leopards would eat MY face!

Version 3.0

Oct 27, 2017
"The system is so packed that people who come in with a stroke, with a heart attack, with life-threatening conditions, we are unable to deal with it"

This is the part that really blows. Imagine dying because unvaccinated people with preventable COVID cases have filled the hospital so you can't even get in.

Gaia Lanzer

Oct 25, 2017
i never thought the leopards would eat MY face!
The people crying about "Freedom" haven't come to the realization that freedom isn't "free". There's a price to pay to be free. It comes in many different ways within this nation. Regarding this, you pay by being careful, wearing masks, going into quarantine, getting the vaccine... small price to pay. Being reckless and throwing caution to the wind... YOU PAY BIG!
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One Winged Slayer
Oct 7, 2020
Is there something the federal government can do for this? I know it's multiple states.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
Red states done their best to wreck rural health care in the states before covid.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Anyone that was eligible for a vaccine and opted out of getting it should be turned away at the hospital. Fuck these people.


Oct 28, 2017
This is where you see medical systems that were already previously being throttled under conservative governments collapse under the strain.


Oct 25, 2017
Anyone that was eligible for a vaccine and opted out of getting it should be turned away at the hospital. Fuck these people.
At the very least they should be given the lowest possible priority. Stick them in a hallway, and have a nurse walk by ocassionally with some oj and ibuprofin. It's more than they deserve.


Oct 28, 2017
"The system is so packed that people who come in with a stroke, with a heart attack, with life-threatening conditions, we are unable to deal with it"
Kick anti vaxxers out of their beds to save these people. Easy as that.


Oct 27, 2017
Ironically, and sadly enough, I think the numbers are actually much higher than in 2020 despite their being a vaccine now
and its among a much smaller group too. vaccines are holding. yeah I know some people with vaccines are getting supper sick, but its less than what 99.9% of the cases end up hospitalized. in the end this was avoidable if people took the vaccine. oh well.


Oct 25, 2017
"I don't trust vaccines but I do trust hospitals for some reason!"
Well, it's the place they go so they don't die. I seriously doubt they have any trust there.

Now, if you instead offered them a potion with a 25% of healing them or killing them instead of going to the hospital, I'm pretty sure a non insignificant number of them would die.


Shinra Employee
Oct 26, 2017
Shit is just really pissing me the fuck off; the most preventable catastrophe of human(US) history and people flung themselves into it….like I really don't know what to say/do anymore…


Jun 13, 2018
Ironically, and sadly enough, I think the numbers are actually much higher than in 2020 despite their being a vaccine now

It's not as bad nationwide because large portions of the country are doing relatively okay. Nowhere is doing amazing but plenty of places are holding strong with no real concern of the system being overwhelmed.

I'm the areas where things are worst though things are already the worst they've been with no end in sight. It's still going to get a lot worse there before it gets better.

Our best bet in some of these states at this point is that enough people get sick to create a lack of targets and that a worse variant doesn't come along while we get there. Whole lot of people are going to die on the way to that though.


Oct 26, 2017
Why only red states? 🤔
It's not only red states


Wash. state hospitals near breaking point amid surge of new COVID-19 cases

SEATTLE --The increase in COVID-19 cases in Washington state has brought a growing number of infected patients to medical centers seeking care along with a spike in visits to the intensive care unit as many regional hospitals say they are at or near full capacity, state health officials report...

Large swats of rural America is amazingly underserved by medical services, and vaccination rates tend to be lower there, for many reasons. This is true for both red and blue states.


Oct 26, 2017
That makes sense. We're past the point of playing politics right now. I hope there is something they can do to help.

Of course.

FEMA is sending disaster response units to areas that require them and to places that want them.

State health officials are now planning on the next steps to take, should the situation worsen.

"We have had a number of conversations with the feds about doing that, we actually had feds here yesterday," said Dr. Scott Harris at ADPH.

The plan: What's called DMATs, Disaster Medical Assistance Teams. They have 35 members per team, including doctors, paramedics, pharmacists and more. They're civilian volunteers through FEMA to provide staffing and emergency help.

"They've been deployed in Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas as of today," said Dr. Admire.

FEMA is evaluating Alabama for DMAT approval, state officials indicating that approval is likely due to rising hospital strain.


Alabama turns to feds for help with managing COVID-19 surge

Hospitals are running out of beds and staff as COVID surges, and they need federal reinforcements.
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Oct 29, 2017
Put the anti-vaxxers in parking lot triage and send them prayers. About the extent of what they deserve. Beds now available. Problem solved.
As long as we burn down Fox News, Facebook, Talk Radio and the like along with it and/or put them on trial for crimes against humanity.

There also needs to be a recognition and focus put on the agents of propaganda that have manipulated millions of people, with no accountability, that are still, to this day, spreading dangerous and life threatening propaganda and trying to manipulate people away from trusting valid sources of information and health.

It's easy to try and simplify this and point the finger at individuals, but individuals didn't;'t create this situation, a long standing systemic vessel of propaganda and manipulation that goes back longer than any of us have been alive has.

My girlfriend came home pretty upset because she was on the Covid unit today, and she had two patients, both unvaccinated. both likely to be dead by the time she gets to work tomorrow, asking when hey can get the vaccine. One, a black homeless man struggling with mental illness, the other, a 40 year old that in her words was confused and scared because he thought the vaccine was gonna be the thing to kill him, but was now begging for it. There are systemic victims here as well and this goes deeper than gut hatreds and out-grouping. And the people that have perpetuated those injustices deserve far worse punishments.
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As long as we burn down Fox News, Facebook, Talk Radio and the like along with it and/or put them on trial for crimes against humanity.

There also needs to be a recognition and focus put on the agents of propaganda that have manipulated millions of people, with no accountability, that are still, to this day, spreading dangerous and life threatening propaganda and trying to manipulate people away from trusting valid sources of information and health.

It's easy to try and simplify this and point the finger at individuals, but individuals didn't;'t create this situation, a long standing systemic vessel of propaganda and manipulation that goes back longer than any of us have been alive has.

My girlfriend came home pretty upset because she was on the Covid unit today, and she had two patients, both unvaccinated. both likely to be dead by the time she gets to work tomorrow, asking when hey can get the vaccine. One, a black homeless man struggling with mental illness, the other, a 40 year old that in her words was confused and scared because he thought the vaccine was gonna be the thing to kill him, but was now begging for it. There are systemic victims here as well and this goes deeper than gut hatreds and out-grouping. And the people that have perpetuated those injustices deserve far worse punishments.

While I ultimately agree with and understand what you are saying it's just getting ridiculous in some of these hot zones. I feel sorry for some of these unvaccinated (the homeless man with mental illness is a far different story than some redneck simply being a tough guy asshole) but if I'm putting the life of someone who has done the right thing and needs a bed vs. someone who has been brainwashed by Fox News and is openly flaunting not being vaxxed I think it's a pretty simple choice.

You do bring up an extremely valid point.


Oct 29, 2017
While I ultimately agree with and understand what you are saying it's just getting ridiculous in some of these hot zones. I feel sorry for some of these unvaccinated (the homeless man with mental illness is a far different story than some redneck simply being a tough guy asshole) but if I'm putting the life of someone who has done the right thing and needs a bed vs. someone who has been brainwashed by Fox News and is openly flaunting not being vaxxed I think it's a pretty simple choice.
It's rarely that simple, so the idea you can just apply a simple broad solution would invite unintended consequences.

I get the frustration and have it myself, but there is simply no way to effectively prejudice the system in a way that wouldn't either affect the undeserving or mire it down into dysfunction and deception.

To me, I think the Biden administration and state governments(basically blue states) need to be putting pressure on businesses to require vaccinations for employees and come up with ways that make it very much near impossible to exist in normal society without being vaccinated.
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It's rarely that simple, so the idea you can just apply a simple broad solution would invite this eunintended consequences.

I get the frustration and have it myself, but there is simply no way to effectively prejudice the system in a way that wouldn't either affect the undeserving or mire it down into dysfunction and deception.

I get what your saying. You are right that there really is no "real" simple solution. I feel for those who have to make those real decisions. People like your girlfriend are doing the true work and I appreciate that. I'm really just expressing my frustrations on a message board. Been a long year and a half to say the least.


Oct 25, 2017
and yet some of my coworkers believe it isnt that bad cause nurses are being laid off? Not sure where he is getting his info. Also something about a FOIA letter from a hospital that shows vaccinated people ending up in the hospital after all by a large number. I dont know where these people are getting this info.


Oct 29, 2017
and yet some of my coworkers believe it isnt that bad cause nurses are being laid off? Not sure where he is getting his info. Also something about a FOIA letter from a hospital that shows vaccinated people ending up in the hospital after all by a large number. I dont know where these people are getting this info.
I'll say this, my father, thanks to work he did before he retired, is still allowed to sit in on the weekly executive medical and "state of affairs" conference calls for the largest hospital chain in Louisiana and the numbers have been clear: at least 92% of all people in critical care in their hospital system for Covid related issues are unvaccinated(even more could be but some people aren't able to be verified or get a statement).

Of those that go into the critical care system that are said to be vaccinated, the average stay is 1-2 days and basically no vaccinated people have died yet.

Again, this is strictly their stats in their system, but it would seem this also true elsewhere in the state given my girlfriend has told me her hospital has similar numbers and stats. And that talking to her friends from her former hospital in Houston, it's the same story.

As to nurses being laid off, yeah, same happened last year. As hospitals and clinics decline to engage in certain non essential medical activities, the staff in those areas are going to be downsized.

People, and I admit I was one of them, don't seem to understand that almost every hospital and medical center isn't some interchangeable machine. Med-surg nurses are not necessarily trained and qualified to just start working in ICU, PCU, or the ER, and some don't want to. But as far as I know, laying off nurses isn't really some thing right now. If anything, places like in Baton Rouge are bringing in expensive travel nurses and the national guard to help. Moving people as they can to help the surge.
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Oct 25, 2017
Kick anti vaxxers out of their beds to save these people. Easy as that.
No no no. Make it so that the federal government only covers the cost of hospitalization if you have a medical reason why you can't get the vaccine, or are a breakthrough case... And toss the full bill to everyone else.

Let them stew in the medical system and rack up the medical bills they voted for. They'll learn real quick once it starts to hit them where it hurts them the most (for some stupid reason), their wallet.


Oct 30, 2017
As long as we burn down Fox News, Facebook, Talk Radio and the like along with it and/or put them on trial for crimes against humanity.

There also needs to be a recognition and focus put on the agents of propaganda that have manipulated millions of people, with no accountability, that are still, to this day, spreading dangerous and life threatening propaganda and trying to manipulate people away from trusting valid sources of information and health.

It's easy to try and simplify this and point the finger at individuals, but individuals didn't;'t create this situation, a long standing systemic vessel of propaganda and manipulation that goes back longer than any of us have been alive has.

My girlfriend came home pretty upset because she was on the Covid unit today, and she had two patients, both unvaccinated. both likely to be dead by the time she gets to work tomorrow, asking when hey can get the vaccine. One, a black homeless man struggling with mental illness, the other, a 40 year old that in her words was confused and scared because he thought the vaccine was gonna be the thing to kill him, but was now begging for it. There are systemic victims here as well and this goes deeper than gut hatreds and out-grouping. And the people that have perpetuated those injustices deserve far worse punishments.
Agreed, the people who operate the propaganda machine need to be held accountable.

Mr Swine

The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
The worst thing is that republicans voters will just say that this is fake news, that their hospitals have no Covid patients or that there are plenty of beds or more. They are so mentally gone that there is no way to make them realize that their politicians are manipulating them


Oct 28, 2017
The worst thing is that republicans voters will just say that this is fake news, that their hospitals have no Covid patients or that there are plenty of beds or more. They are so mentally gone that there is no way to make them realize that their politicians are manipulating them

Actually, they think that it's happening, but that it's being caused by Biden unleashing thousands of busloads of COVID-infected immigrants as biological weapons.
I wish that I was joking.


Deploying the stealth Cruise Missile
Oct 27, 2017
The worst thing is that republicans voters will just say that this is fake news, that their hospitals have no Covid patients or that there are plenty of beds or more. They are so mentally gone that there is no way to make them realize that their politicians are manipulating them

Actually, they think that it's happening, but that it's being caused by Biden unleashing thousands of busloads of COVID-infected immigrants as biological weapons.
I wish that I was joking.

Depending on the day and which Q nut you're talking to....you're both right.