
Oct 27, 2017
Morpheus? That's got to be PSVR, right?


Oct 25, 2017
Unless HG have completely overhauled the performance of NMS I can't see PSVR support happening. But this is certainly interesting!


Oct 25, 2017
Cant see how VR would work on PC given even people with 980tis like me cant get the damn thing to run at constant 60. I have to cap at 30 and just crank everything up. Frame pacing gets real bad at higher fps. Would need major optimization there.


Oct 25, 2017
Cant see how VR would work on PC given even people with 980tis like me cant get the damn thing to run at constant 60. I have to cap at 30 and just crank everything up. Frame pacing gets real bad at higher fps. Would need major optimization there.
Maybe this patch includes a massive optimization pass. They have had time.


Nov 16, 2017
I could have sworn at some point there was talk of adding in actual player models, though I wouldn't expect anything too crazy (I'd honestly expect a translucent model that glows, something similar to the balls, just more like a player crossing over dimensions...maybe similar to Dark Souls).

That would be pretty cool, like passing ghosts in a shattered universe


Oct 28, 2017
Man this coming to VR after the awesomeness that is WipEout VR....
Feeling the love as a PSVR owner.

Feels like a second wave with the price drop and all. Moss, WipEout, NMS (if true), Ace Combat 7 hopefully soonish. Just need Colony Wars!


Oct 25, 2017
Well I don't have a VR headset and don't think I'll ever get one. So normally I would've prefered them to spend their resources on other things. BUT, they have to do a major performance/optimization update to be able to make the VR version run acceptably on standard PS4. So I hope they add VR support just for that :P


Oct 25, 2017
You know, Ready Player One comes out tomorrow. Its about VR. The message said 1.5 ready to be loaded at 11am.



Oct 25, 2017
It's possible. I mean Sony seems to be doing a big PSVR push right now with the price drop, Wipeout VR coming out today, and updates to GT Sport's VR mode coming out in a couple hours. So a VR feature in NMS would make sense. If I was Sean I wouldn't want fuck all to do with Shu after the way Shu threw Sean and HG under the bus after NMS's launch, but business is business.

Still, VR is something only a small fraction of the playerbase would care about, so that wouldn't be the big feature of the update. My money is on a multiplayer-focused update, since they said that 1.3 was just the first step for MP. Plus the W/Are site alluded to a massive multiplayer, persistent sci-fi universe:
Dreaming friends and colleagues! Whether it is to save the country of mystery, command the interplanetary spacecraft in distant galaxies, or just meet new people: W/ARE's social experiences are full of ways to interact with other users. The dedicated social server allows you to spend a night with your friends in the town on your own terms, or let friends make a private chat with your studio. Customize Dreamscape to your liking and meet new people around the world.


Oct 25, 2017
This better not just be a VR update, I want to see some major overhauls to the terrain generation.

People harp on and on about the stuff that was "missing", but really, almost nothing in the actual game compares to stuff like Oria V and I just don't know why :/


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Nov 1, 2017
Can these guys start charging for content already, makes me feel bad they still just working for free. I know that's insane to say... haha. I think they've rectified the issues for the most part.


Oct 25, 2017
Does this have multiplayer and more fleshed out now? Can I just fly around the galaxy. It can be picked up for so cheap pn ps4. Kind of tempted for under a tenner


Oct 27, 2017
Does this have multiplayer and more fleshed out now? Can I just fly around the galaxy. It can be picked up for so cheap pn ps4. Kind of tempted for under a tenner

Multiplayer is only proximity chatting at the moment, wait for the next patch.

The game is a lot more fleshed out but it's not quite got the satisfying loop of Starbound as a space discovery game, which may happen with the patch.

Flying around space or driving around planets is very good if you don't need the more traditional gameplay loops.

Jedeye Sniv

Oct 28, 2017
Can these guys start charging for content already, makes me feel bad they still just working for free. I know that's insane to say... haha. I think they've rectified the issues for the most part.

I don't know if I could stomach the resurgence of NMS hate if they started charging for stuff tbh. There's a whole community of raging dicks just waiting to be reactivated.


One Winged Slayer
Can these guys start charging for content already, makes me feel bad they still just working for free. I know that's insane to say... haha. I think they've rectified the issues for the most part.
They wouldn't dare do that after all the initial backlash, and especially not while the game itself is still $60. They're trying to do everything they can to avoid provoking further hostility; any paid content would blow up in their face like a nuke.

Jedeye Sniv

Oct 28, 2017
They wouldn't dare do that after all the initial backlash, and especially not while the game itself is still $60. They're trying to do everything they can to avoid provoking further hostility; any paid content would blow up in their face like a nuke.

Where is the game still $60? This is one of those perennially-on-sale-for-£15 games these days.


Dec 5, 2017

Whatever it is, is being announced shortly! (Clearly some sort of VR mode...)

EDIT: There's speculation on Reddit that this will be an 'Ambient Mode' which will allow you to passively explore planets/space as a tourist, rather than full integration of VR into the main game. This kinda makes sense, given how NMS struggles to hit 1080p/60 even on a Pro. A shame if true, though!


Oct 28, 2017
PSVR is definately viable. All this talk of it can't run hold framerate is mute if they put VR mode behind a new game like they did for Survival and Exploration. The VR dedicated mode will then have parred back effects, draw distances etc and only be playable in VR. In this scenario you will not be able to play the VR mode in 2d and vice versas.


Nov 27, 2017
The announcement itself is small let's face it.

We've been following the arg a lot, so clearly this announcement wasn't intended to us.

We got to know it's released on another system but we already play it on something else, and we also get to know we have to wait even more...

Yeah im disappointed


Oct 28, 2017
Summer 2018...another anniversary update? August feels so far off I hope not, but I'll wait if it's as good as calling it next makes it sound


Oct 25, 2017
If they're going to add a new mode I would hope it's a sandbox mode that doesn't lock content behind grinding boring quests, which has been my biggest issue with the updates to the game since launch. Make it more like Minecraft, where it's open for us to do as we please with whatever we discover. You're probably thinking "there's Creative mode for that" but Creative mode gives you everything with zero danger nor need for resource gathering, which isn't what I'm looking for in this game: I still want the survival aspect.


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Oct 28, 2017
I strongly doubt any kind of VR is in the works for this game, at least on PlayStation.


Oct 25, 2017
Well that kills all enthusiasm knowing its Summer. Shit i thought the update would be soon. Makes this waking Titan stuff weirder. Wasnt something supposed to happen at 11? Or was the next announcement that? SM said it was a leak that forced him.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 28, 2017
Well that kills all enthusiasm knowing its Summer. Shit i thought the update would be soon. Makes this waking Titan stuff weirder. Wasnt something supposed to happen at 11? Or was the next announcement that? SM said it was a leak that forced him.

The announcement coming was almost certainly Xbox One. I'm guessing June for the update / release. It's usually a slower month and should be less competitive for the Xbox release.