
Oct 27, 2017
Houston, TX
no one should be demonized for behaviour that largely effects just themselves, but it's not even mostly genetics. it's partially genetics.
In what way, exactly? I'm genuinely curious here. Genetics don't account for even less than 5th of the entire fat population. I'm referring to stuff like lymphedema, PTOS, thyroid issues among others. The metabolism argument is invalid because even in extreme cases it's only a 200-300 calorie difference and metabolic damage is never permanent. Losing weight can become hard by issues I mentioned above (excluding differences in metabolism), but there's actually, literally no medical condition that prevents someone from losing weight. Not only that, but there's also no medical condition that automatically makes you fat through no fault of your own.

Oct 27, 2017
I'm underweight so I don't even care but you're seriously out of touch with some ads if you think that's what's going on


Lol, at the chance of offending people, that is typical white America clothing advertising. The type that makes most people roll their eyes. The average person isn't going to think this is curvy and I would bet money if you found this original tweet, all the comments would be shitting on it


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Rochester, New York
Fat people who have turned it around and reduced their weight usually have a good platform to speak from in regards to pointing out the excuses fat people make to stay fat. Because we have all used them before and know what they sound like.

I used to be too lazy to cook most night (even if I enjoy it), so I'd just throw frozen chicken nuggets and tater tots (and entire bag of each) into the oven and do whatever while they cooked and shovel them down.

No more of that!

And it turns out the food I make now actually takes less time and effort and I don't wake up every morning with a stomach ache so bad it feels like I'm going to die.

Also I used to eat entire bags of candy in one sitting. No more of that! I barely even snack anymore, and when I do it's usually on yogurt or fruit or something that won't cause me to go way over calories.

I weighed 300lbs 6 months ago, and this morning I was at 262. Got quite a bit more to go, but I'm happy with my progress.

That's also ignoring how I weighed almost 350 years ago before I stopped drinking non-diet soda. I don't count that weight loss in my totals since it just sort of... happened. I was drinking way too much soda. And it was years ago. At one point in my life I was a size 54 pants and 4x shirts. Now I'm 44 pants and 2x shirts. I can finally buy clothes in "normal" stores!
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Oct 25, 2017
This is pretty close to my body type. I'm 5'7 and 198lbs. Doctors consider me obese. The line is pretty low... I'd rather call it husky. Especially if you can see your penis when you urinate!

So yeah, I need to lose weight but I'm not fucking obese. Which is what I think Digital OP is trying to get at.

Sounds like you're thinking with your gut.


Oct 25, 2017
Unless you're a doctor who is being paid to help me be healthy, or a friend/acquaintance that I ask about my body, you should not be giving your opinions on my weight, etc. The whole "but its technically unhealthy and you increase your risk" excuse is such bullshit because I never hear anyone go on about other unhealthy activity nearly to the same degree as they do with overweight people.

Like geez, even some of the photos people posted earlier are perfectly fine as far as body types go. Some of us like the extra pudge.

Telling someone "Sorry you're overweight, thems just the facts. Maybe if you ate healthier or exercised more you could curb your habits" or anything similar unprovoked is just so dickish.
There is that, but this thread before arriving at victim station, was about how societal acceptance of the "new" body image is bad for society and how it should not be accepted as the norm.

One of the reason I lost weight is I started spending a lot of time in Eastern Europe. I was definitely a outlier there with my weight.


Oct 25, 2017
I think some people legitimately don't understand or choose to ignore the fact that "obese" is actually a specific, clinical word and not just like, mean-spirited slang for "super fat".


Oct 25, 2017
Good thing fashion companies are certified health specialists and aren't just companies out there to sell things to unhealthy people who won't admit they are unhealthy.

You say that like most people who are pro just telling people they're fat are health specialists either. To be honest unless the commentator is close to the person they're commenting on what that person does with their body is none of anyone else's business. They're not the obese person's doctor and unless opinion is asked for it's best to mind one's business.

Well it was just my own anecdote. I said I'd like to see if there have been any studies on it. I guess I should also clarify: I mean people I know getting on my case, and the embarrassing silent looks of strangers. I'm not talking about anyone just walking up to you and being an asshole for the fun of it.

Oh yeah people you personally know telling you to make a change is way different from some rando. For the most part someone who knows you is not going to go out of their way to be an asshole about it. I've had too many people I don't know from adam trying to make their little snarky comments.

Deleted member 35011

User requested account closure
Dec 1, 2017
So super hippies? XD That said really sensitive taking something you saw as your ideal and thinking you were making a value judgement against them. And you are much nicer than I am.

They're very good at that the taste was stuck in my mouth for hours good grief. I wanted to replace them with fruit instead but most canned fruit has garbage in it and fresh fruit is way more expensive than chips =/

Yeah I was always too lazy for the gym. I just walk up and down the block cause the gym always makes me feel awkward. I'm still losing weight so I rather just do it this way. I have major respect for people who can maintain their gym regiments.

Yeah least you still talk to one another though so there's that :) And your new friends being supportive is great! It's always great to have someone in your corner.

Haha yeah, super hippies isn't a bad description of them, and I say this with love. I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt because they did defuse fairly quickly. It was like, I went "You know, I'd really like to get abs and feel hot." And they were like "What? You think someone who is chubby can't be hot? What about people born with genetic issues, can't they ever be hot?" And I went "Nah, just talking about what would make me feel good about myself, not about anyone else" and it got defused pretty quickly. Maybe the way I said it was partially at fault? Either way I figure it's better not to hold it against them haha.

I never found good "diet" chips to be honest, they always taste really bad and make me wanna throw up. To be fair, they did help me get rid of my chips habit. I used to fucking love those ruffles chips, but nowadays I feel really sick if I eat even one. I'm still nostalgic for how much I loved them though if that makes sense haha.

I used to be really lazy about the gym until I got a home gym. And by home gym I mean a treadmill and a few dumbbells. It counts! Even the campus one was kind of too much for me sometimes haha. Also really helps having friends who go there though, like legit best type of peer pressure - when you all want to be lazy fucks but you convince each other to go :P it helps! I don't think I could keep up my schedule without them.

Yeah, I'm glad I still talk to them :) it's a little awkward, but I made my peace with the fact that certain things I like don't sit well with them. Like, they think sports are toxic and unhealthy, and I'm the captain of my university's fencing team so we were always gonna have a few differences. But hey, that's life! And we're still friends so that's what matters.
Oct 27, 2017
Wait, you're FOR belittling obese people?

Not at all, not sure how you got that from my post. I am for confronting anyone who is obese but states, of their own free will and unprompted that their weight problem is actually caused by something other than the fact that they are making life choices that result in their obesity.

I'm not for fat shaming or pointing at anyone ever. Let people live their lives. But if someone is going to start rattling off lists of excuses for why they can't be healthy, then I'm going to respond why that's likely not true.


Oct 26, 2017
I only realized how much my definition of obesity was wrong when I weighed myself on a scale that showed me my BMI while I was 1kg away from being considered obese.

I lost 26kg / 57 lbs since, mostly from dieting ( but to be honest not in the healthiest way, not a healthy varied diet, just eating way less ), began running ( from only being able to run 2 minutes to running 12km ) then added the gym into the mix.

And to be honest, even now ( so something like 3 years after all of that began ) the only things that prevent me from givin into my old habits is not my health, but my mirror and how much I know my new appareance change other people perception of me.


Oct 27, 2017
I get fat acceptance and wanting to be secure with yourself.

But our obesity rates are beyond the pale. This is not just "who you are." You shouldn't be okay with being fat because it's really, really bad for you. And you are merely a victim of circumstance because of our impulse-driven food culture, our need for instant gratification and the general enui that has permeated society.

For the record, I'm fat and I've had years to think about this. And it isn't easy, I know. I've lost all my weight several times and gained it all back.


Oct 25, 2017
They're not. You just posted a photo of Chris America and said:

" You all argue about ANY instance of extra mass or weight is going to affect your health, then yall better look like fucking Gold's Gym models and back up your shit."

No one has quantified what "extra mass" is except that the more you have the more you risk harm. You are on this tangent no one is going on about. It's quite obvious you have a specific message you want to say and are latching onto any criticism to say it.

It works for the majority of the people, there are outliers but they aren't common.

It can be easily argued that overweight does affect other people just due to the strain it puts on the health care industry. Whatever reason someone has for being critical of overweight or obesity doesn't mean that it's a good thing to be overweight or obese.
I don't buy that people give a shit about the health industry and how obesity affects it. In most cases it's people getting off on putting overweight people down and then pretending it's for concern. The biggest issue too is that it's mostly women who are affected by weight standards and it causes eating disorders and unhealthy body ideals. Women have a much harder time losing weight or keeping it off especially with children.

Deleted member 12224

user requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, but cant seem to see how much of a jackass you potentially look like when talking shit about others for ideals you yourself cant even live up to?

Yeah, we can fuck off together.
Looking like a jackass doesn't mean you're wrong though.

I lift regularly, diet, etc. My answer to "how much ya bench" is great. I'm jacked and occasionally tan. I have the "credentials" you describe to "talk shit". I understand that BMI is occasionally inaccurate because I'm one of those exceptions.

All saying this does is expose me as an arrogant prick. It doesn't lend any critique of mine credibility, because the world is full of brofessors lecturing broscience, and moreover, why would I want to talk shit?

Obesity is a problem. It's unfortunate it's so tied to physical appearance, because it feels impossible to discuss obesity without it devolving into ridicule of appearance.

It's analogous to ignorance and intelligence. Ignorance doesn't mean someone is dumb, even though there's many people who conflate the two (purposefully or, well, ignorantly so).

At some point, feelings need to get put aside.


Started a revolution but the mic was unplugged
Oct 27, 2017
If people wanna be fat/overweight/obese I don't mind. It's probably their choice at the end of the day. I don't see a point in shitting on people who are choosing to be that way.


Oct 25, 2017
In what way, exactly? I'm genuinely curious here. Genetics don't account for even less than 5th of the entire fat population. I'm referring to stuff like lymphedema, PTOS, thyroid issues among others. The metabolism argument is invalid because even in extreme cases it's only a 200-300 calorie difference and metabolic damage is never permanent. Losing weight can become hard by issues I mentioned above (excluding differences in metabolism), but there's actually, literally no medical condition that prevents someone from losing weight. Not only that, but there's also no medical condition that automatically makes you fat through no fault of your own.


i agree. the factors you listed (along with gut bacteria, severe physical mutations, brain chemistry, and some others that we're probably both forgetting) are reasons for why obesity is partially to blame on genetics. it's almost never a valid excuse for being obese. it simply means it's harder or easier for some people.

from what i understand though, the factors that most effect the population at large are probably variance in our gut bacteria, metabolic differences (even if they don't account for thaaat much), history of obesity since the body has an easier time storing fat in already created fat cells, and brain chemistry differences.
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Oct 29, 2017
Unless you're a doctor who is being paid to help me be healthy, or a friend/acquaintance that I ask about my body, you should not be giving your opinions on my weight, etc. The whole "but its technically unhealthy and you increase your risk" excuse is such bullshit because I never hear anyone go on about other unhealthy activity nearly to the same degree as they do with overweight people.

Like geez, even some of the photos people posted earlier are perfectly fine as far as body types go. Some of us like the extra pudge.

Telling someone "Sorry you're overweight, thems just the facts. Maybe if you ate healthier or exercised more you could curb your habits" or anything similar unprovoked is just so dickish.

What needs to be normalized is people treating other people with dignity and respect. Nobody should start discussing how "unhealthy" you are unless you specifically asked for advice or the subject somehow came up, and only if both of you have an understanding that you're comfortable talking about it. Otherwise it should be a subject strictly between a person and his/her healthcare specialist.

The bolded is a bit of a gray area though. It's not just about preference, or what we culturally perceive as "perfectly fine". Under the formal definitions of the categories, some of the pictures posted DO fall under "obese". The point isn't to belittle anyone when pointing that out, but it's equally harmful to say unhealthy weight should be considered "perfectly fine".


Oct 25, 2017
If people wanna be fat/overweight/obese I don't mind. It's probably their choice at the end of the day. I don't see a point in shitting on people who are choosing to be that way.
In a world of slightly to very socialized medical care, smokers are a lesser burden to society than the obese.

99% don't want to be fat. I'm sure you know that though.

50 years ago almost no one was fat. Guess what has changed?

The cost of a calorie got 90% cheaper.

Deleted member 9486

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
If people wanna be fat/overweight/obese I don't mind. It's probably their choice at the end of the day. I don't see a point in shitting on people who are choosing to be that way.

At the individual level, that's an admirable view.

In a mass scale like in the US where it's an epidemic it's a public health issue and will keep health care premiums skyrocketing as people rack up bills for treatments for preventable conditions (same with smokers and heavy drinkers). Hence the need for public health campaigns (that should in no way involve fat shaming).
Oct 27, 2017
Let's not ignore the fact that obesity also leads to a drain on the health care industry. Health issues that should never arise in the first place now puts you into the system for completely avoidable reasons.

This is not fat shaming. Nobody is calling you specifically out. It's time to take a serious look in the mirror and reevaluate who you are and how you feel, while also looking into the future at who you want to be and how you want to feel. Feel good right now in your 20s with a little extra weight? Wait until you're 35 working an office job and find that going up the stairs causes you to get massively winded. I have Co workers who can barely physically function after the lightest of physical exertion. Still feel good at 35? Wait until your type 2 sets in by 40.

This is no joke. It almost feels like my generation (millennials) feels like they're completely immune to the consequences in their day to day lifestyle choices. Our society is spiraling towards a generation of complete obesity and early death. All avoidable. I'm not saying these things because I hate fatties (I have been one 3 times and am one right now on his way to not being one again).

Wake up everybody and seriously look at yourself now and in the future.
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Jan 18, 2018
I don't buy that people give a shit about the health industry and how obesity affects it. In most cases it's people getting off on putting overweight people down and then pretending it's for concern. The biggest issue too is that it's mostly women who are affected by weight standards and it causes eating disorders and unhealthy body ideals. Women have a much harder time losing weight or keeping it off especially with children.

No, the biggest issue is that it's an epidemic.


Not saying anything because someone might get their feelings hurt is not the answer.

Some counties are now at 44% obese.

Not just overweight, but obese.


Started a revolution but the mic was unplugged
Oct 27, 2017
99% don't want to be fat. I'm sure you know that though.

50 years ago almost no one was fat. Guess what has changed?

No I mean the people who are comfortable with being "plus-size" is fine with me because their comfortable being overweight. Like...either they try to make a change to stop being overweight or they don't. Just like how I view smoking. I know a bunch of people at my job who smoke and they'll prolly die earlier than they would if they didn't. But if they're comfortable with that who am I to tell they their wrong?


Nov 16, 2017
Unless you're a doctor who is being paid to help me be healthy, or a friend/acquaintance that I ask about my body, you should not be giving your opinions on my weight, etc. The whole "but its technically unhealthy and you increase your risk" excuse is such bullshit because I never hear anyone go on about other unhealthy activity nearly to the same degree as they do with overweight people.

Like geez, even some of the photos people posted earlier are perfectly fine as far as body types go. Some of us like the extra pudge.

Telling someone "Sorry you're overweight, thems just the facts. Maybe if you ate healthier or exercised more you could curb your habits" or anything similar unprovoked is just so dickish.

Maybe you all can take a look at what Streaks said and get a general idea of my sentiment.

Since my "tone" isnt valid for discussion or "debate". Wasn't much of one since BIG = ROAD TO UNHEALTHY DEATH. I mean its just the cold hard facts right? You're all technically correct.

What absolutely bothers me is how so many want to attack people straight up instead of looking at all the outside factors that attribute to this... Our fucking government and Food Industry Lobby has more blame and culpability in all this than the citizen.

But its so much easier to attack people instead. This thread is claims that Normalization of Plus Sizes adds danger to obesity...

And whats fucking entirely nebulous of peoples arguments is that apparently being happy or proud of having a bigger body means you wont ever make healthy decisions or live a healthy lifestyle. Its completely binary for you all. Thats so unfucking true. Its an insult to many people out there doing the work and knowing that they have confidence even though they may not be fashion models or body builders.

So while youre all correct, youre all assholes. As long as we both can accept that, Im fine with it.

With that ill let the thread be.
Dec 22, 2017
I don't buy that people give a shit about the health industry and how obesity affects it. In most cases it's people getting off on putting overweight people down and then pretending it's for concern. The biggest issue too is that it's mostly women who are affected by weight standards and it causes eating disorders and unhealthy body ideals. Women have a much harder time losing weight or keeping it off especially with children.



Oct 29, 2017
There is that, but this thread before arriving at victim station, was about how societal acceptance of the "new" body image is bad for society and how it should not be accepted as the norm.

One of the reason I lost weight is I started spending a lot of time in Eastern Europe. I was definitely a outlier there with my weight.

Browsing through the thread I found multiple people joking, saying there is no excuse not to lose weight, and even some worse sentiments. This happens every time this topic comes up. Some people generally go "yeah, being overweight is unhealthy and we should push people away from that" without turning it into an excuse to lecture others on their life. But some don't.

No one here knows anyone else's situation. So to say "you have no excuse, Here are better ways to live your life!" is awfully presumptuous and uninvited. It's fucking annoying to essentially be told I'm just not trying hard enough like its some moral failing on my end.


Oct 27, 2017
No, the biggest issue is that it's an epidemic.


Not saying anything because someone might get their feelings hurt is not the answer.

Some counties are now at 44% obese.

Not just overweight, but obese.

The answer is government regulation, banning sugar and fast food. You can't fix the obesity epidemic without fixing the cause.


Oct 25, 2017
Maybe you all can take a look at what Streaks said and get a general idea of my sentiment.

Since my "tone" isnt valid for discussion or "debate". Wasn't much of one since BIG = ROAD TO UNHEALTHY DEATH. I mean its just the cold hard facts right? You're all technically correct.

What absolutely bothers me is how so many want to attack people straight up instead of looking at all the outside factors that attribute to this... Our fucking government and Food Industry Lobby has more blame and culpability in all this than the citizen.

But its so much easier to attack people instead. This thread is claims that Normalization of Plus Sizes adds danger to obesity...

And whats fucking entirely nebulous of peoples arguments is that apparently being happy or proud of having a bigger body means you wont ever make healthy decisions or live a healthy lifestyle. Its completely binary for you all. Thats so unfucking true. Its an insult to many people out there doing the work and knowing that they have confidence even though they may not be fashion models or body builders.

So while youre all correct, youre all assholes. As long as we both can accept that, Im fine with it.

With that ill let the thread be.

You should not be happy about being unhealthy. No matter how big or small you are.

Everyone that's replied to you has not attacked fat people.

You need to stop.


Oct 30, 2017
This is pretty close to my body type. I'm 5'7 and 198lbs. Doctors consider me obese. The line is pretty low... I'd rather call it husky. Especially if you can see your penis when you urinate!

So yeah, I need to lose weight but I'm not fucking obese. Which is what I think Digital OP is trying to get at.

Look, people who are fat already know they're fat. It's not a mystery to them. I do agree with your other points though.

I don't think it's a big deal but I thought this was kind of amusing...

BMI has its flaws and in many cases it's not the persons fault but that doesn't mean it's not unhealthy or that being thinner/more active wouldn't be healthier.


Oct 25, 2017
No, the biggest issue is that it's an epidemic.


Not saying anything because someone might get their feelings hurt is not the answer.

Some counties are now at 44% obese.

Not just overweight, but obese.
Which is why healthy food needs to be encouraged. Body acceptance does not mean people are okay with just staying overweight. There is plenty of factors for weight gain that aren't just someone loving food.

Work hours, depression, body types, mental health, financial reasons, access to food, etc. If we stop junk industries from having such a claw in society weight changes would be drastic. We need to increase the price of junk food and make healthy options easier to obtain. It's not just about cooking but giving people options that aren't loaded with calories and issues.


User requested ban
May 18, 2018
Somewhere deep in space
Body positive is one thing against 'flaws' of ...i dunno "pudge" and love handles here and there.

But "celebrating obesity" is a problem.

Pretty much this.

Women (or men) shouldn't be called 'fat' for being a little curvy or slightly above BMI. Sometimes different body frames or fat distributions and a person can be very healthy while at the border of being technically 'overweight' on the BMI scale.

But obesity? That does need to be curbed hard, and we should not be celebrating the choice to destroy your own body with neglect and bad health choices.

Deleted member 176

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I think the solution is to stress the importance of being at a healthy weight from a medical/nutritional perspective, but not consider it a sign of low moral character. You shouldn't make fun of or think less of a person because they are overweight because you don't know their story, but that person's doctor should still let them know they may be putting themselves at risk for a ton of chronic illnesses.


Oct 25, 2017
So to say "you have no excuse, Here are better ways to live your life!" is awfully presumptuous and uninvited. It's fucking annoying to essentially be told I'm just not trying hard enough like its some moral failing on my end.
Compare it to other public health campaigns. Anti-smoking certainly has told people there is no excuse and you are not trying hard enough.


Oct 25, 2017
Haha yeah, super hippies isn't a bad description of them, and I say this with love. I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt because they did defuse fairly quickly. It was like, I went "You know, I'd really like to get abs and feel hot." And they were like "What? You think someone who is chubby can't be hot? What about people born with genetic issues, can't they ever be hot?" And I went "Nah, just talking about what would make me feel good about myself, not about anyone else" and it got defused pretty quickly. Maybe the way I said it was partially at fault? Either way I figure it's better not to hold it against them haha.

I never found good "diet" chips to be honest, they always taste really bad and make me wanna throw up. To be fair, they did help me get rid of my chips habit. I used to fucking love those ruffles chips, but nowadays I feel really sick if I eat even one. I'm still nostalgic for how much I loved them though if that makes sense haha.

I used to be really lazy about the gym until I got a home gym. And by home gym I mean a treadmill and a few dumbbells. It counts! Even the campus one was kind of too much for me sometimes haha. Also really helps having friends who go there though, like legit best type of peer pressure - when you all want to be lazy fucks but you convince each other to go :P it helps! I don't think I could keep up my schedule without them.

Yeah, I'm glad I still talk to them :) it's a little awkward, but I made my peace with the fact that certain things I like don't sit well with them. Like, they think sports are toxic and unhealthy, and I'm the captain of my university's fencing team so we were always gonna have a few differences. But hey, that's life! And we're still friends so that's what matters.

Well as long as you all worked it out ^_^

Yeah =/ I had a friend in elementary who would bust those things down. I guess they have to kill the tastebuds from an early age for one to tolerate them :P I never liked ruffles though I was always more of a lays person XD

Oh god I want a home gym. But I have no space but that's totally the dream. If I bought a bigger apt or a house that'd be one of the first things I'd get. (Well right after I got a bed that wasn't crap) And that pushing each other to maintain is a excellent feedback loop. (seriously though I'm so jealous of anyone with a personal gym.)

Yep :D


Oct 28, 2017
All the fuckers advocating for us to go back to making heavier people feel like shit about themselves all the time - which, by the by, never actually stopped - can fuck right off, frankly.

Like, I don't really get how else this argument can possibly work? People who have a problem with body-positivity, think larger people are 'coddled', or whatever the fuck, must inherently be arguing that they ought to feel bad about themselves for the sake of the 'public good', or some shit. What are you arguing for if not the return - which, again, it never left - of fat-shaming?

Being made to feel like crap about yourself doesn't fucking help with anything.


Oct 27, 2017
Houston, TX
The answer is government regulation, banning sugar and fast food. You can't fix the obesity epidemic without fixing the cause.
I agree with you. There's absolutely no way to fix this without immediate government intervention. They need to run ads akin to "smoking kills" ads, put taxes on foods with incredibly high glycemic index, mostly foods that are filled with carbs and nothing else, and also run campaigns to educate people about nutrition, before it all collapses under its own weight. I don't even want to imagine the ramifications it would have on our productivity, and consequently, our economy if we didn't do anything about this.
Jan 18, 2018
And that was 10 years ago.

Good job, Colorado.

Yeah I cant find a county map with newer data, just state-level. Sort of odd. And frightening.

Which is why healthy food needs to be encouraged. Body acceptance does not mean people are okay with just staying overweight. There is plenty of factors for weight gain that aren't just someone loving food.

Work hours, depression, body types, mental health, financial reasons, access to food, etc. If we stop junk industries from having such a claw in society weight changes would be drastic. We need to increase the price of junk food and make healthy options easier to obtain. It's not just about cooking but giving people options that aren't loaded with calories and issues.

And we can't do these things if people do not support these policies because they think their weight is perfectly fine due to a normalization of obesity.

Look at how Michelle Obama was demonized.

"How dare you take soda and pizza away from our elementary schools! The growing kids need their calories"

Torpedo Vegas

Oct 27, 2017
Parts Unknown.
I don't buy that people give a shit about the health industry and how obesity affects it. In most cases it's people getting off on putting overweight people down and then pretending it's for concern. The biggest issue too is that it's mostly women who are affected by weight standards and it causes eating disorders and unhealthy body ideals. Women have a much harder time losing weight or keeping it off especially with children.
If people still had the health issues of being over weight, but didn't have the visual look of being over weight no one would care.

Deleted member 176

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Compare it to other public health campaigns. Anti-smoking certainly has told people there is no excuse and you are not trying hard enough.
No it doesn't, the fact that nicotine is so addicting is why there are so many ways to wean yourself off, such as a nicotine patch.

Smoking itself in public is condemned because you don't need it to get your nicotine fix and you are putting everyone around you at risk. Being obese in public doesn't clog the arteries of everyone else in the coffee shop.


Oct 25, 2017
All the fuckers advocating for us to go back to making heavier people feel like shit about themselves all the time - which, by the by, never actually stopped - can fuck right off, frankly.

Like, I don't really get how else this argument can possibly work? People who have a problem with body-positivity, think larger people are 'coddled', or whatever the fuck, must inherently be arguing that they ought to feel bad about themselves for the sake of the 'public good', or some shit. What are you arguing for if not the return - which, again, it never left - of fat-shaming?

Being made to feel like crap about yourself doesn't fucking help with anything.
Unfortunately it is politically impossible to raise the cost of a calorie to stop over consumption.

No it doesn't, the fact that nicotine is so addicting is why there are so many ways to wean yourself off, such as a nicotine patch.

Smoking itself in public is condemned because you don't need it to get your nicotine fix and you are putting everyone around you at risk. Being obese in public doesn't clog the arteries of everyone else in the coffee shop.

The public campaigns against smoking did not really start or end with second hand smoking concerns. It was always primarily about the smoker themselves and the increase cost they are to society (which is cheaper than an obese person).


Oct 30, 2017
As someone with obese family members, they fucking know they're fat, are ashamed of being fat, and desperately want to not be fat. Society has shamed them about it all their lives, so the idea that having access to plus-size clothes that look good on them will somehow cause them to not try is patently insane---at best someone telling them it's okay to be fat will make them feel less like shit for a little while about their weight, which can be a good thing.

And you what, some people just have a harder fucking time losing weight than others. My wife did a strict diet and exercised hard for three months until her osteoarthritis flared up, and wasn't able to work out for several months, and even though she ate mostly the same things she gained back every single ounce she lost. She can barely enjoy things she loves because she's worried it'll cause her to gain more weight.

Deleted member 9486

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I don't buy that people give a shit about the health industry and how obesity affects it.

I care about it as it drives up my health care insurance premiums. It's not an altruistic concern by any means. I also don't put fat people down. I just don't like paying higher health care costs when the system gets overloaded from people with self inflicted health care costs from being overweight and out of shape, smoking, heavy drinking etc.