
Oct 27, 2017
Cologne, Germany
By the way I am not sure what people mean when they say enemies dont respawn. I am playing the SOTFS version and I am farming now in the forest of the gianta and everytime I rest at a bonfire the enemies reset.

after a certain number of kills (around 12-15) the enemies won´t respawn anymore, but you can use a bonfire ascetic in this case and they will come back stronger


Oct 25, 2017
I gotta be real, I didn't realize so many people got through these games by just grinding for ages.


Oct 25, 2017
Dark Souls 2 has probably the most promising start of any of the 3, as once you reach Majula you're presented with about 3 different paths to take that are each viable in their own way... Although getting down the well might take some grinding for the cat ring or extra health.

It's just that once you start navigating the areas themselves you realize the level design and enemy placement just... isn't as well thought out as the first game's. It's a very "quantity over quality" game that has some truly great areas and bosses (particularly in the DLC) but which also features some of the absolute worst the trilogy has to offer. I mean for Gwyn's sake, one of the bosses is a fucking walrus demon that attacks by pathetically rolling at you, while another is basically Sif but with 5 toxic rats dropped in to artificially boost the difficulty. The Shrine of Amana basically requires you to get out a bow and start sniping as there's no realistic way to deal with the barrage of magic missiles and tanky enemies coming your way if you try to run through it. And the "puzzle" of figuring out how to burn a windmill to drain a boss room of poison by BURNING THE METAL PART is utterly nonsensical.

Granted I still think DS2 is a good game. Great even, if you consider the sheer quantity of areas and bosses to be a plus regardless of inconsistent quality or are able to look past the lesser parts to enjoy the legitimately great ones. But it's also the one game of the 3 I don't really have any urge to return to. Wading through all the shit in that game to get to the good parts feels more daunting than it's worth to be honest.


Oct 28, 2017
Why does it feel like we get one of these threads at least once a month?

There is an argument over some of the design decisions relative to other games in the series, but for me personally it's my most played Souls game and I find it an excellent game on its own merits.


Oct 26, 2017
And the "puzzle" of figuring out how to burn a windmill to drain a boss room of poison by BURNING THE METAL PART is utterly nonsensical.

To be fair, this is the same series where killing a hydra makes a Golem spawn who has a girl in it which lets another Golem spawn later who drops an item which lets something grab you through a portal into the past where the first Golem was lol.
Oct 31, 2017
Were any of its problems addressed with the PS4 release? I was thinking of starting this up at some point, because I finally beat the first Dark Souls recently and had fun with that.

I played the PS4 version and OP's description sounded just like it. =P

I don't mind the Pursuer boss showing up again, though; I thought that was a cool concept.


Jun 1, 2018
Scholar of the first sin is amazing, its so dense with enemys and uncovering secrets is even more thrilling than in the other games. Its extremely flexible in terms of playstyle and in terms of progression path, plus Majula is the greatest hub in the series. Im not sure its my favorite souls game, they all excel in different aspects, but I love it.
Oct 30, 2017
Just finished SoTFS last month. Fantastic game. I didn't care for some of the redundancy or the disjointed world. But the game was a blast to play.


Oct 27, 2017
This is ridiculous. It's a good game. it's flawed, yes, with many of its flaws highlighted by you in the OP, and maybe it doesn't hold up as well to its immediate peers, which include among their ranks some of the greatest games ever made, but this whole "Dark Souls 2 is not a good game/is a bad game" shtick Era likes to go on is the most hyperbolic nonsense I have ever seen. You don't know what a bad game really is if you think Dark Souls 2 is one.
This. Dark Souls II is a great game, is it as good as the other Souls titles? Probably not but all this "it's bad" or "hot garbage" is such rubbish on almost every level. Superman 64 is a bad game, Dark Souls II is great, just not perfect.



Anybody who says DS2 is a "bad game" is objectively wrong. Especially it's 3 DLCs, which are some of the souls experiences you can get out there.

Superman 64 is a "bad game", DS2 is a fantastic game that is overshadowed by its even better, almost immaculate peers.
Just saw this after I posted. I like you.
Enemy placement is not thought out well. Whoever thought it was a good idea to have the only way to survive is to have barrels explode should be fired. Sure, maybe one part, would be fine but it's like this around every damn corner.

The pursuer. He's not a hard boss but you have to fight him like 3 times in the first hour of play. Why? Did they just run out of ideas or assets?

Diminishing health. When you die your health bar shrinks. When you die a lot, the game just punishes you more. I get it, Dark Souls is suppose to be hard, but it's not difficult just to be difficult. Dark Souls 2 just wants to troll you without teaching you the best way forward.

No grinding allowed. In most Souls games you get stuck, you grind a bit, level up and you get through it. Not in DS2. Kill the enemy enough times and they just disappear.

Life gems. So you have like Zero estus and the healing animation is brutally slow. On top of this you have these shitty life gems that are supposed to help. But they heal you so slow you are dead before you get the advantage.

So, in conclusion, you have half a healthbar, enemy hordes that make no sen

Don't forget the endless gangbangs around every corner.

Yup yup yup, all of this. Terrible terrible awful game


Oct 30, 2017
If we lived in a world where all games were like the other Souls titles I would agree, but the fact of the matter is that this was my first game in the series and it stood out to me for being amazing and more rewarding than most other games I play. I think saying DkS2 is downright a bad game is a way oversaturated notion of how it pales compared to other souls games.


Oct 29, 2017
Thanks for the reminder I should probably play some Dark Souls 2 again. It's crazy how as incredible as the first game was they got progressively better with each sequel.


Oct 25, 2017
I wonder what it is about this game that makes people so angry they resort to hyperbole. Game is weaker than the rest but not a good game? Eh, to each his/her own I guess.
Saying it is not a good game is not hyperbole. If I said it was the worst game ever made, or the worst game in the universe, that's hyperbole. I believe it's not a good game because it's controls are weak and the mechanics make the game not very fun for me, which makes it a bad video game to play. That's not hyperbole.


Oct 28, 2017
Mexico City
I can understand people putting Dark Souls II as the third best one of the series, but a bad video game? No.

I think you haven't played bad video games OP.


Dec 5, 2017
"All the other Souls games are like 9 or 8's, but DS2 is a 7.5 at best, it's GARBAGE"

The modern "Hottake"


Oct 27, 2017
I think Dark Souls 2 is the weakest game in the series, but not for the reasons you've listed. It comes across as though you personally had a hard time getting through the game, and blamed the game instead of what you were doing wrong.

Actual problems were how bland the level design could be at certain parts.


Nov 3, 2017
This is ridiculous. It's a good game. it's flawed, yes, with many of its flaws highlighted by you in the OP, and maybe it doesn't hold up as well to its immediate peers, which include among their ranks some of the greatest games ever made, but this whole "Dark Souls 2 is not a good game/is a bad game" shtick Era likes to go on is the most hyperbolic nonsense I have ever seen. You don't know what a bad game really is if you think Dark Souls 2 is one.


White Glint

Oct 25, 2017
"It's way more rpg focused" is such a wacky excuse for how the game controls like a drunk deer on ice on stilts. Considering the moment-to-moment gameplay DS2 was nothing more than a huge step back from DS1 and Demons Souls. Having to pump 15 levels of Adaptability just to have barely tolerable i-frames is not roleplaying.

Witcher 3 controls like ass but at least it makes up for it in every other area. DS2 really does not.

I have no idea how I've played over 200 hours of this.


Oct 27, 2017
If I got a copy of DS2 for everytime there's a thread about how bad DS2 is, i'd have enough copies to hand you all out one.

Mr. Poolman

The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
This again.

I remain what I said, lore-wise DS1 is by far the best, but regarding built variety and MP, DS2 is untouched on this.

In fact, I feel the DS series went on a decline regarding quality, since DS3 is a piece of shit I won't be playing again. They tried to re-do DS1 due to fan complains of DS2 and ended with a mess of a game that feels more like Bloodborne than DS.

DS1 is my favorite, but to this day, DS2 is the game I had more fun with.


Oct 28, 2017
Man, the thing that made me put that game down (after LOVING DS1) was how they tinkered with the roll and parry mechanics in a way I couldn't adapt to.

I think if you put enough points into a skill it helped with the roll, but I could NOT get the parry system to work like DS1.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
While gameplay-wise SOFTS enemy placements are indeed worse than Vanilla, lore-wise it makes a lot more sense: Syan Knights guarding the King's Doors, Heide Knights actually in Heide's Tower, the Pursuer actually pursuing your character.


Oct 28, 2017
I just finished II for the first time and I think my biggest gripe outside of movement feeling loose was that it just doesn't seem to faith aesthetically 75% of the time.

As someone who goes through these games once I don't really get much of the deeper complaints the Souls vets have like enemy placement. Shits still going to hit me either way no matter where they're put and at times there are parts that feel like bullshit in all the games for me.

That said, the Remaster of 1 was my excuse to actually play it for the first time and then move on to 2, and since I got 3 in the humble bundle a few months back I am actually plaything through that again and going in order, my two gripes stand out so much. The movement in 3 just feels so fucking tight compared to 2. Then when you look at the tone, design and atmosphere of 1 and 3, it's just so clear that 2 sticks out like a sore thumb.
Oct 25, 2017
I'll always be a freak in the community when it comes to these games.

I feel like DS1 and Demon Souls are honestly horrible games, and the rest goes BB (god tier) > DS2 (great) > DS3 (okay). I would never try to convince anyone to feel differently though -- so much of what makes a DS game good to someone is their first experiences (of success), and that shit gets pretty much ingrained in you.


Oct 26, 2017
Man, the thing that made me put that game down (after LOVING DS1) was how they tinkered with the roll and parry mechanics in a way I couldn't adapt to.

I think if you put enough points into a skill it helped with the roll, but I could NOT get the parry system to work like DS1.
No man, you don't get it. Build variety! You can make a build with a roll that doesn't work if you want.


Oct 25, 2017
The game is amazing. Is just inferior to the first one (in some aspects is the better of the series.. ..) . I don't understand the hate

Mr. Poolman

The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Curious. I'm replaying DS1 with a friend currently. What is it about DS2 MP that makes it better than the MP in DS1?
The high amount of variety on builds that can work.
DS1, as good as it is, is dominated by few "meta" builds.
Also, the arenas dedicated to MP were fun and easy to find, the lava bridge is a memorable place for epic matches.

Also, the netcode was far better on DS2 that allowed smoother connections.


Oct 25, 2017
DS2 is my personal favorite in the entire series as someone who has played every single game in the series and got the platinum trophy for every one and even multiple times for many of them on various systems.


Nov 3, 2017
The high amount of variety on builds that can work.
DS1, as good as it is, is dominated by few "meta" builds.
Also, the arenas dedicated to MP were fun and easy to find, the lava bridge is a memorable place for epic matches.

Also, the netcode was far better on DS2 that allowed smoother connections.

The PvP duels were more entertaining than hanging around the bonfire after Artorias and going for laggy backstabs with a small handful of builds.

Interesting. But for co-op play, is there a noticeable difference? More zones to drop summons or stuff like that?

Deleted member 36767

User requested account closure
Dec 24, 2017
The PVP was the best in Dark Souls 2. The most balanced, controlled the best, wasn't spammy like Bloodborne or DS3 but didn't have the glitchiness of DS1. It was really good.

Mr. Poolman

The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Interesting. But for co-op play, is there a noticeable difference? More zones to drop summons or stuff like that?
Is far easier to do Co-Op on DS2 thanks to a ring that allows you to choose a deity, and you can pair with only people with such deity, so it is pretty easy to set up with friends.

Also, maybe a bit annecdotal, but I had far less issues connecting with other players on DS2, while on DS1 I had a ton of connection problems.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Jan 25, 2018
What is this slander. This game is the Best Souls.


Host Samurai

Oct 27, 2017
I agree. I've picked up SotFS when it released on PS4 and found it damn impossible. I beat Bloodborne a few months before I picked it up the first time and started a game. Couldn't get used to the movement of the character and would get destroyed by enemy mobs. I attempted it again after I beat Dark Souls 3 and the same thing. I'll try again after I finish Dark Souls Remastered (on the Bed of Chaos). I really really want to like it and hope it finally clicks with me. I've never played vanilla Dark Souls 2 btw so I can't comment on that.


Oct 25, 2017
So, in an effort to retry the game for the 8th time I'm going to do a few things differently:

1. Level ADP immediately
2. Look for the ring that prevents alot of health bar loss before dying.
3. Download the mod that makes movement a bit better.

Let's talk about starting classes. I usually go deprived so I can build around the weapons that drop, would you DS2 lovers suggest something else?

What other stats should I prioritize that helps getting through the early game?

Let's make DS2 great again people. Open to any and all suggestions.
Oct 27, 2017
I can get if people like certain aspects of 2, but praising 2 and calling 3 garbage? That's the most baffling thing I've read all day. 3 just feels so much better to play, 2 handles like chunky crap.

bbq of doom

Oct 25, 2017
So, in an effort to retry the game for the 8th time I'm going to do a few things differently:

1. Level ADP immediately
2. Look for the ring that prevents alot of health bar loss before dying.
3. Download the mod that makes movement a bit better.

Let's talk about starting classes. I usually go deprived so I can build around the weapons that drop, would you DS2 lovers suggest something else?

What other stats should I prioritize that helps getting through the early game?

Let's make DS2 great again people. Open to any and all suggestions.

You've had 7 tries and never once did #2 before? It's fairly early, IIRC.


One Winged Slayer
May 15, 2018
Toulouse, France
People need to stop being hyperbolic here and remember that people who actually work on those games come read some threads sometimes. Dark Souls 2 is a good game. You hurt game devs by being this hyperbolic. If Dark Souls 2 is a bad game, then what are 90% of the other games ? Come on now.

White Glint

Oct 25, 2017
People need to stop being hyperbolic here and remember that people who actually work on those games come read some threads sometimes. Dark Souls 2 is a good game. You hurt game devs by being this hyperbolic. If Dark Souls 2 is a bad game, then what are 90% of the other games ? Come on now.
its development was seriously troubled and rushed. The director is aware of all the issues and I give him all the credit for managing to put out what they did.