Deleted member 34788

User requested account closure
Nov 29, 2017
The amount of damage, both in persons and economical, this will do to America alone will mean many treatments coming out quite soon, with a vaccine later on.


May 15, 2019
A easy virus would not disrupt markets like that. Look to oil right now I'm getting really worried.


Oct 26, 2017
I just realized a lot of colleges around here were on Spring Break, so I worry folks who traveled could bring it back with them when they come back to town.

Kind of nervous about going out to the jam packed college nights at local bars lol. I mean sometimes it's wall to wall people so who knows what kind of germs are spread.


Happy New Year!!
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
exclusive footage of the exact moment ted cruz got coronavirus



Oct 29, 2017
If oil tanks this hard(futures look like it), Shale companies are in dire straights. 20 dollar oil is not sustainable.


J->E Localization
Oct 25, 2017
Moving back to the states from Japan at the end of April. I hope things slow down by then. I'm worried about staying with my family though — my sister wants me to get tested before staying with them at their house. Will US airports offer testing?

feline fury

Dec 8, 2017
Hospitals in South Korea are running out of medical supplies; nurses report that they have to reuse disposable protective equipments.
I know that PPE is the main medical supply that's being reported on as being limited during this ordeal. But our hospital got a notice from our blood supplier about low donation numbers. So our shipments of O blood are going to be more constrained than normal. Before I left for the weekend, I noticed a third of our O Negative units were going to expire over the weekend. Who knows when we'll replace that stock. Hoping for no big traumas when I'm working…

Iowa reports first 3 cases of coronavirus.

I don't understand it. Other countries have daily official reports but here in the U.S. people have to dig into Twitter feeds to get the latest updates. The CDC page still says that U.S. only has 164 cases in total.

Exclusive: The Strongest Evidence Yet That America Is Botching Coronavirus Testing

“I don’t know what went wrong,” a former CDC chief told The Atlantic.

It has not always been so challenging to get estimates of the number of Americans tested. Throughout February, the CDC published a regular tally of Americans who had been tested for the pathogen. Last Saturday, several days after the country's first case of community transmission was confirmed, that figure was 472.

Then the agency stopped updating the tally. It did not publish new numbers of how many Americans had been tested for the virus on Sunday or Monday, as public criticism of the sluggish response to the disease began to mount. On Tuesday, it announced that it would stop publishing the figure altogether.

Feels like the CDC is just giving up on the data and letting the states deal with it. 🤷


Nov 1, 2017
None of the major theme parks have closed down. Far more people go through these touching everything in site than any convention or small gathering that they keep cancelling left and right.


Oct 27, 2017
I saw this article earlier today. It's an opinion piece. It kind of both goes here and the Market Watch thread. I think everyone should read it at least once before leaving an opinion.

The Coronavirus Matters. The Stock Market Doesn’t.

With the arrival of a novel coronavirus, our obsession with the stock market may literally kill us.
Article title said:
Coronavirus Matters, the Stock Market Doesn't, and Thinking It Does May Literally Kill Us
If you've been spending any time online or watching cable TV, you've gotten the message that humanity now faces two grave threats — a novel coronavirus and the crashing stock market — of roughly equal importance.

Yesterday CNBC's Rick Santelli went further, staking out the position that stocks losing value is actually more terrifying than millions of deaths. "Maybe we'd be just better off if we gave it to everybody," Santelli sagely explained. That way, lots of people would expire quickly, thereby removing the uncertainty that's been plaguing investors.

It's easy to criticize Santelli, but he was just taking the logic of America's obsession with the stock market a few steps further than normal. For decades, whenever we've faced a choice between the reality of human beings and little numbers on a screen, we've always gone with the little numbers.

I'm sorry in advance if it was better suited for new thread or Market Share threads.

Deleted member 51691

User requested account closure
Jan 6, 2019
I saw this article earlier today. It's an opinion piece. It kind of both goes here and the Market Watch thread. I think everyone should read it at least once before leaving an opinion.

The Coronavirus Matters. The Stock Market Doesn’t.

With the arrival of a novel coronavirus, our obsession with the stock market may literally kill us.

I'm sorry in advance if it was better suited for new thread or Market Share threads.
Jesus Christ capitalism


Nov 1, 2017
Yeah why aren't they closing down??? Plus standing in lines around hundreds of people close to each other

For how long would they close down? Months? A year? Small events are easy to cancel but its going to be harder to convince companies that can suffer major damage by long term shut downs. Thousands of people at just Disney parks would be out of jobs for possible long terms. Toss in parks across the country, other big venues for events, sports, etc. Major economic disaster looming


Oct 25, 2017

So as someone who just got a cold, I shouldn't go into work on Tuesday (unless my symptoms clear up by then), right?


Oct 25, 2017
if this thing doesnt die down by august im gonna have to cancel my trip to quakecon. WAY too many people there.

Dark Cloud

Oct 27, 2017
How does Germany have zero deaths tho? I hope countries are talking to them to get the details of their patients and what they're doing


Oct 28, 2017
Well the school that I work at has kids and parents in isolation because they were in contact with someone who's positive AND my wife's work has the similar issue. It's probably just a matter of time before we get it. Already stocked up on food and cleaning supplies.


Oct 29, 2017

So as someone who just got a cold, I shouldn't go into work on Tuesday (unless my symptoms clear up by then), right?

My employer put out an urgent HR message from the executive team, and it is black and white- if you have flu like symptoms you are NOT to come in. You are to stay home for 14 days, or get tested.


Oct 25, 2017
40 new cases + 22 deaths in Mainland China (36 from Wuhan, Hubei); the 4 cases from provinces other than Hubei are all "imported" cases (Iran).

19016 active cases left (18303 in Hubei, 16627 in Wuhan), 4991 of which are in serious/critical conditions (4735 in Wuhan).


The Fallen
Jul 28, 2018
Imagine having to spend 14 days at home, quarantined with Ted Cruz.

Thoughts and prayers with his wife during this difficult time.


Oct 25, 2017
Really want to go to the Houston rodeo but really worried about it.

Wife also brought it up as well

Seems like there's a petition going around for it too


Traded his Bone Marrow for Pizza
Oct 25, 2017
It's odd how quickly it finds its way to your daily life. A patient with the virus is being treated at a hospital where some of my friends work.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Iowa reports first 3 cases of coronavirus.

I don't understand it. Other countries have daily official reports but here in the U.S. people have to dig into Twitter feeds to get the latest updates. The CDC page still says that U.S. only has 164 cases in total.

Shit. My roommate just told me about this. He's gonna start working from home.


Oct 25, 2017
Moving back to the states from Japan at the end of April. I hope things slow down by then. I'm worried about staying with my family though — my sister wants me to get tested before staying with them at their house. Will US airports offer testing?
No airports are going to offer testing. And no doctor is going to order testing unless you have symptoms. Period.

Already the US has more cases than Japan. I wonder if she'd acquiesce to testing before you stay with her?


Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
None of the major theme parks have closed down. Far more people go through these touching everything in site than any convention or small gathering that they keep cancelling left and right.
Yeah why aren't they closing down??? Plus standing in lines around hundreds of people close to each other
Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Tokyo Disneyland has been closed. It depends on each of the theme park's management, I guess.

They're probably still waiting but if the confirmed cases keeps growing the next one will be closed as well.


Oct 27, 2017
Americans are getting a false sine of security due to the lack of testing, this is really dangerous.

We are seeing more and more cases where US is spreading the virus.


Oct 25, 2017
Americans are getting a false sine of security due to the lack of testing, this is really dangerous.

We are seeing more and more cases where US is spreading the virus.

America's healthcare, lack of social programs, and toxic work culture are going to multiply the problem as well.

-Americans often can't afford to go to the doctor
-We don't have enough tests
-Even if you can afford to go to the doctor and he has a test, he has to ship it
-Then the test takes a day
-So you need to quarantine yourself for 2 days while the sample ships and gets tested
-But we don't have paid sick leave so many americans can't afford to do that
-And last but not least, a toxic work culture where you're strongly pressured into showing up to work no matter what, even if you're sick.