
Oct 27, 2017
What's everyone been doing in regards to visiting parents? Girlfriend and I have been working from home since Thursday, but we both work in NYC and take the PATH in from NJ. So it hasn't been the full "14 days" yet since we've been in a public space.

I'd like to go to my parents house tonight and see them for dinner, but I'm terrified I could be carrying it and spread it to them (I am currently not displaying any symptoms). They are both in their early 60s and healthy.

Should I play it safe and not go? Wait 14 days before doing so? GF and I would like to get out of the apartment for a bit but I just don't know if that's the right move.


Shinra Employee
Oct 28, 2017
San Francisco
What's everyone been doing in regards to visiting parents? Girlfriend and I have been working from home since Thursday, but we both work in NYC and take the PATH in from NJ. So it hasn't been the full "14 days" yet since we've been in a public space.

I'd like to go to my parents house tonight and see them for dinner, but I'm terrified I could be carrying it and spread it to them (I am currently not displaying any symptoms). They are both in their early 60s and healthy.

Should I play it safe and not go? Wait 14 days before doing so? GF and I would like to get out of the apartment for a bit but I just don't know if that's the right move.

I am not going to see my parents for the foreseeable future. My mom's at very high risk due to her compromised immune system. My dad isn't much healthier.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
My uni finally bit the bullet and is closing up on-campus education and moving over to digital, exception being courses that require proficiency based education, i.e stuff like medical practicioning, etc. I'm currently interning so my next few weeks are also slated to continue, unless the place I'm interning at also decide to close up shop (which is very possible based on what the powers-that-be have been alerting people about).


Oct 30, 2017
Los Angeles
OK...so the only thing I need to leave my apartment for over the next week is my laundry...which I do in a public laundramat.

Taking some clorox wipes with me.


Cute Animal Whisperer
Nov 3, 2017
Sounds like a non-emergency problem.

Sounds like I have enough water regardless and don't need to use tap water like a savage.
There is a reason why bottled water is the most sold beverage. And just like tap water won't stop flowing, bottled water won't be stopped selling in this pandemic.

Deleted member 1476

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
While this is all going the right/alt-right decided to make pro-Bolsonaro rallies. It's happening today, and there are plenty of idiots out there saying the virus is fake and similar stuff.

You simply cannot contain stupidity.


Chicken Photographer
Oct 25, 2017
For me. Disney and Universal had to be canceled obviously because they closed. I work from home anyway, so my son being out of school isn't that big of an issue. He plays Fortnite, I handle cases on my PC. We stocked up.. and now I don't really want us going anywhere. At all. I try to stay up to date on everything in Georgia. And to me, it's pretty terrifying. And I get on Instagram.... my friends are traveling to different states. Asheville NC for one. In packed bars. Celebrating birthdays, pounding beers with 300 people. Strip clubs. Bowling alleys. Etc.

Dont get me wrong, I love ALL of those things but. There's no fucking way I'm doing any of that right now. I'm trying to only leave the house for prescriptions or anything we need food wise.

So that leads me to... Are we overreacting? Like all of us here in this thread? Or are my friends just stupid?

the worst that can happen is that you miss out on some social events and are stuck at home for a period of time. your son probably doesn't care because of fortnite. seems better than taking no action at all

Deleted member 1476

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Sounds like I have enough water regardless and don't need to use tap water like a savage.
There is a reason why bottled water is the most sold beverage. And just like tap water won't stop flowing, bottled water won't be stopped selling in this pandemic.

Yes, because some people actually need them (like I do), not because of fucking taste and some superiority complex.

Get the fuck outta here with this savage bullshit.


Oct 29, 2017


【免费开放转载权】请联系我们[email protected]继3月初播放的「新感染者数为0的城市——南京」火爆中日之后,一直收到海外朋友们的询问,上传到 YouTube 了吗?怎样可以分享给外国朋友?为此,这一周我们完善了拍摄内容,又制作了英文字幕。本视频内容并不一定适合所有国家和地区,仅希望给大家...

A Japanese girl's quarantine life in Nanjing, China

A city with zero new case.


Oct 29, 2017
The percentage of serious or critical conditions among open cases has gone down from 9% to 7%


COVID Live - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer

Live statistics and coronavirus news tracking the number of confirmed cases, recovered patients, tests, and death toll due to the COVID-19 coronavirus from Wuhan, China. Coronavirus counter with new cases, deaths, and number of tests per 1 Million population. Historical data and info. Daily...

Sadly they don't put a graph for it, only a graph of open cases which is obviously rising.

The mortality rate has remained at 7% for a few days after rising from a low of 5.6%.


Shinra Employee of The Wise Ones
Oct 27, 2017
39 new cases in Ontario.

All of them are "pending" except one with travel to Egypt. All are self-isolating. No hospitalizations/serious cases.

I believe this means community transmission.

Ontario has 137 cases at this point.

Number update:

Negative: 7004
Under investigation: 1316
Postive: 137
Resolved: 5
Total tested: 8462


User requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
I think the worst part is that there is no light at the end of this tunnel. Like i dont even know if society as we know it will still exist if there is an end to all of this


Oct 25, 2017
Ontario just confirmed 39 new cases -> 142 total. Starting to take off here. 5 were "resolved".
There will be a big bump for BC on Monday because health officials haven't planned to give their daily press conference today. Fingers crossed the numbers remain relatively stable but it's only a matter of time before we start seeing outbreaks beyond the ones at long-term care facilities.


Cute Animal Whisperer
Nov 3, 2017
Yes, because some people actually need them, not because of fucking taste and some superiority complex.

Get the fuck outta here with this savage bullshit.

Wtf are you talking about
Who needs bottled water over tap water in an emergency? Anyone who can't buy bottled water has the same access to tap water as the people who buy bottled water for their daily consumption.
Just tell me ONE scenario where a person needs bottled water and is in danger if he could not buy it.


Oct 25, 2017
Wtf are you talking about
Who needs bottled water over tap water in an emergency? Anyone who can't buy bottled water has the same access to tap water as the people who buy bottled water for their daily consumption.
Just tell me ONE scenario where a person needs bottled water and is in danger if he could not buy it.

If they live in Flint, MI.

But you're not wrong either.


Oct 28, 2017
Interesting graphic that shows how healthcare system are doing right now.


Spain is currently at a critical stage, france is gonna hit it soon and italy is long past it.

italy is not beyond past it, the graph doesn't take account of the spread:

for instance my region has a grand total of 0 people in ICU for corona, we have plenty of place available. On the other hand Lombardia is above the threshold iirc they are setting up beds in hallways for ICU.


Nov 8, 2017
I think the worst part is that there is no light at the end of this tunnel. Like i dont even know if society as we know it will still exist if there is an end to all of this

It's hard to stay positive but from what we know right now is that a high percentage of people are recovering from the virus. Vaccines are in development and should be in circulation next year. We are fighting this and the best way to fight it is together. Society will always find a way back.


May 10, 2018
Santiago, Chile
Wtf are you talking about
Who needs bottled water over tap water in an emergency? Anyone who can't buy bottled water has the same access to tap water as the people who buy bottled water for their daily consumption.
Just tell me ONE scenario where a person needs bottled water and is in danger if he could not buy it.
Arsenic in the tap water? Most of the tap water in the north of Chile is contaminated with arsenic and is not fit for human consumption...


Oct 30, 2017
Wtf are you talking about
Who needs bottled water over tap water in an emergency? Anyone who can't buy bottled water has the same access to tap water as the people who buy bottled water for their daily consumption.
Just tell me ONE scenario where a person needs bottled water and is in danger if he could not buy it.
The people who don't have potable tap water? It's at 10% in the US.


Oct 29, 2017
What's everyone been doing in regards to visiting parents? Girlfriend and I have been working from home since Thursday, but we both work in NYC and take the PATH in from NJ. So it hasn't been the full "14 days" yet since we've been in a public space.

I'd like to go to my parents house tonight and see them for dinner, but I'm terrified I could be carrying it and spread it to them (I am currently not displaying any symptoms). They are both in their early 60s and healthy.

Should I play it safe and not go? Wait 14 days before doing so? GF and I would like to get out of the apartment for a bit but I just don't know if that's the right move.

Visits at elderly care is forbidden where I live. I'm bringing in some clothes today but that's all.


Cute Animal Whisperer
Nov 3, 2017
If they live in Flint, MI.

But you're not wrong either.

Arsenic in the tap water? Most of the tap water in the north of Chile is contaminated with arsenic and is not fit for human consumption...
The people who don't have potable tap water? It's at 10% in the US.

Those are scenarios where the whole watersupply is not safe and everyone buys bottled water, why would you then criticize someone for buying bottled water if the tap water is not safe?


Oct 28, 2017
I'm really worried about St. Patrick's Day - I know some have been partying this weekend, but I imagine Tuesday night some will be out there partying and increasing the rate of spread. I've tried to convince my circle of friends to stay home as much as possible, and encourage them to tell others too.

The problem is this is a public health concern where everyone needs to play their part. It's not being taken seriously enough by some, so government ought to step in and enforce a shutdown of non-essential places. With the exponential spread, it's like one bad apple can spoil the bunch, and each of those other apples in the bunch have their own bunches they will end up spoiling, and so on...

The landscape is going to change drastically in the next ~2 weeks, where many citizens and those in power will regret the current decisions being made.

Deleted member 1476

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Wtf are you talking about
Who needs bottled water over tap water in an emergency? Anyone who can't buy bottled water has the same access to tap water as the people who buy bottled water for their daily consumption.
Just tell me ONE scenario where a person needs bottled water and is in danger if he could not buy it.

I cannot drink tap water here, pretty much every output has a filter and that's not enough, it is still fucked. Even during showers one would need to close their mouth.

Like you should before saying even more bullshit right now.


Oct 25, 2017
Interesting graphic that shows how healthcare system are doing right now.


Spain is currently at a critical stage, france is gonna hit it soon and italy is long past it.
That's a pretty shitty graph, it's active cases vs IC beds.

Currently Italy has 1500 IC patients, before this thing started they had 5100 IC beds and they've been obviously growing in the last few weeks, estimating 1200 extra by the end of the month.
This is why people (including italian authorities and hospitals) have been telling you that nobody is dying because they have no more room, that's not happening yet. They simply published worst-case scenario guidelines.
At this time only Lombardy is getting dangerously close to reaching full capacity, but literally right now, as in "yesterday/today".


Oct 27, 2017
Looking at that confirmed cases map of the US, I can't decide if West Virginia is really that lucky or they are just so inept about identifying and reporting cases.


Cute Animal Whisperer
Nov 3, 2017
I cannot drink tap water here, pretty much every output has a filter and that's not enough, it is still fucked. Even during showers one would need to close their mouths.

Like you should before saying bullshit right now.

Anyone else is in the same situation as you! You can't criticize people buying bottled water if the tap water is not safe!


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
Germany closed its borders with France.


France still hasn't closed it to anybody (including Spain), and held elections today.

That's following the mass protests in Paris and the Smurf "world record" mass assembly this week end.

Italy 3.0 here we go.


Oct 30, 2017
Those are scenarios where the whole watersupply is not safe and everyone buys bottled water, why would you then criticize someone for buying bottled water if the tap water is not safe?
In an emergency situation hording bottled water when you don't need it leads to people who need it not having it. It's not that hard to understand.


Dec 5, 2017
Why has thier been a lack of news on the US spread it feels like. It's being intentionally ignored and giving trump a pass as usual. Also where is this Walmart shit and Google website questions


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Apr 19, 2018
Strange, Walmart is completely dead today. Have the panic shoppers finally hoarded their fill?

Deleted member 1476

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Anyone else is in the same situation as you! You can't criticize people buying bottled water if the tap water is not safe!

For christ's sake, I'm not criticizing people for buying bottled water.

I'm telling you that saying things like "I'm not a savage, I won't drink tap water" won't help you at all, because for some of us it isn't a matter of taste or being a savage.


Oct 25, 2017
My job ran out of Laptops before I could get one and it would probably be Wednesday before the new batch comes in. So I still have to travel on public transport tomorrow and Wednesday.

They gave me the option to do some paper work at home tomorrow but I will be done within a few hours so it would be better to head in. Majority of my work will be on a computer and someone else will have to do it if I don't on top of their work.

If there is a total lockdown and my train doesn't run I would feel guilty leaving my work for someone else.

I am planning on getting an earlier train to avoid rush hour crowds but even rush hours trains are quiet the last two days.

I will leave early to again avoid rush hour trains. It will leave me with minimal risk.


Oct 28, 2017