
Nov 3, 2017
I'm not saying it should feature downports, I'm saying it should have the same library. Like, come the time the next PS console is unveiled, it is launched in both console and handheld flavors, but the library is the same (with BC, too, maybe the portable one can have BC for Vita and PSP games). I mean, I don't know if it would be wise to launch a PS5 alongside a PS5 Portable, but I would sure enjoy it and it looks to me as the logical next step for cross-buy content.

The same library as a PS5? A portable device isn't going to be able to play PS5 games, at least not a handheld with a mass market price tag that won't melt after 2 hours of playtime.


Permanently banned for usage of an alt-account.
Oct 26, 2017
Xbox One
  1. Monster Hunter: World
  2. PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds
  3. Call of Duty: WWII
  4. Dragon Ball Fighterz
PlayStation 4
  1. Monster Hunter: World
  2. Dragon Ball Fighterz
I wonder if the reason MS doesn't do a lot of advertising deals with Japanese developers is because they ultimately end up advertising games for Sony's platforms!
Jan 10, 2018
The same library as a PS5? A portable device isn't going to be able to play PS5 games, at least not a handheld with a mass market price tag that won't melt after 2 hours of playtime.

That's the thing many fail to realize; unlike the Wii and the Wii U, the Switch is, for that pricetag/weight/consumption, a very powerful device. It could hardly have been better.

Dog of Bork

Oct 25, 2017
That's the thing many fail to realize; unlike the Wii and the Wii U, the Switch is, for that pricetag/weight/consumption, a very powerful device. It could hardly have been better.
Sure, but there's a difference between "it's a powerful piece of handheld technology" and "it should run every game made for tech several times more capable," which is what you seem to be implying.

Deleted member 2785

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
MatPiscatella any chance we could get a digital revenue chart? One that would include non game purchases like MTX and season passes. I think it'd be pretty eye opening for a lot of people with regard to what titles end up ranking on a monthly basis and help to show what games are actually evergreen GAAS style releases.

We have a pilot program for this stuff going already. I agree with you.


Oct 27, 2017
it's up to the people participating in npd to decide what gets to become public and hardware manufacturers don't always do so hot each gen so we don't always get that data.
Yeah but we're still doing these comparisons, and comparing them based of revenue seems so weird, won't cheaper hardware always struggle more? (unless it hits extreme mass market appeal so unit sales eventually push it ahead anyway)


No Fear, Only Math
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah but we're still doing these comparisons, and comparing them based of revenue seems so weird, won't cheaper hardware always struggle more? (unless it hits extreme mass market appeal so unit sales eventually push it ahead anyway)
yeah it's fairly meaningless.


Oct 25, 2017
He said "significantly", which I assume means a much larger gap than the examples you listed.

PS1 had half the bits of the N64!

I've always found the power argument rather silly. Great marketing can overcome that. And I don't think it's a Nintendo specific thing. Remember when people thought the PS2 could start a nuclear war?

Deleted member 3017

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
PS1 had half the bits of the N64!

I've always found the power argument rather silly. Great marketing can overcome that. And I don't think it's a Nintendo specific thing. Remember when people thought the PS2 could start a nuclear war?

Well yeah, I completely agree. PS4 didn't just trounce XB1 because of its power advantage. It was combination of power, price, release date, and the horrible XB1 pre-launch public image. In fact, if XB1 had been more powerful than PS4, but the other three factors were the same, I believe Sony's console would be in a similar position today.

Imad issa

Nov 8, 2017
Well yeah, I completely agree. PS4 didn't just trounce XB1 because of its power advantage. It was combination of power, price, release date, and the horrible XB1 pre-launch public image. In fact, if XB1 had been more powerful than PS4, but the other three factors were the same, I believe Sony's console would be in a similar position today.

Sony would still win easily WW, but xbox would be at least 10 million closer, sony specs with the better GPU, and 8 gddr5, made xbox look really bad at the time, and created a huge amount of hype for ps4. aside from that, all those consoles mentioned were technicals marvels for there time, and 360 being less powerful is debatable.


Oct 27, 2017
it will be magnificent to see how microsoft and sony will react to the switch and, even more interesting, labo in their very special, own and adorable way.
move and kinect were highly advanced and sophisticated compared to the wii, but at the same time completely missed the point. so prepare for the upcoming interpretation of hybrid consoles and show-and-tell-gaming that will try to be more of the same and something completely different at the same time.

Sony are going to copy Labo, but instead of using cardboard they'll use non-recyclable plastic and lead clips.


No Fear, Only Math
Oct 25, 2017
it will be magnificent to see how microsoft and sony will react to the switch and, even more interesting, labo in their very special, own and adorable way.
move and kinect were highly advanced and sophisticated compared to the wii, but at the same time completely missed the point. so prepare for the upcoming interpretation of hybrid consoles and show-and-tell-gaming that will try to be more of the same and something completely different at the same time.
To be fair to Microsoft, i think they pretty much understood what they were doing, at least initially, with kinect even though they couldnt follow through on the 2nd and 3rd wave of software. Sony regularly missed the point of the audiences microsoft and nintendo hit between 2005 and 2011 though. You see it in their handhelds too. That said, they've done really well to redevelop their grip on the part of the market they truly wanted, partially because microsoft gave them ideas on how to create additional streams of revenue.

If there is going to be another mobile sony platform, i think it would be the ps4, but treated like a psp go. Only issue is space but sony would probably sell it separately.


Oct 30, 2017

" ... and decrease the surplus population."



Nov 29, 2017
If there is going to be another mobile sony platform, i think it would be the ps4, but treated like a psp go. Only issue is space but sony would probably sell it separately.

the idea of a portable PS4 has been discussed several times but I don't think it will ever happen because there is no way Sony is going to release a portable device that reads big ass bluray discs.

I can't imagine how sony will let you download the disc-based games you already own, specially in 2020 when most people will have like 20~40 games for it and nobody in their right mind will double dip and buy again in card form.


Oct 31, 2017
See Orbital beard's post below.
I honestly don't think significantly matters at all. The only time more powerful console has sold more was when it was cheaper. Every other time handheld or home it's lost handedly to the weaker cheaper alternative aside from the wii u. There's simply no data to support this.

Deleted member 2785

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, the power argument falls flat with a cursory look at historical. Always has been a combination of price, postioning, timing, distribution, content... if it was only one thing that drove sales everyone would be trying to focus on that one thing.


Oct 27, 2017
I honestly don't think significantly matters at all. The only time more powerful console has sold more was when it was cheaper. Every other time handheld or home it's lost handedly to the weaker cheaper alternative aside from the wii u. There's simply no data to support this.

Yes, but every time a significantly weaker competitor has won, it's been because it's had a USP which made up for the lack of power. Plus, we're only talking about the Wii, DS and 3DS here.

When we're talking about the consoles targeted at the gamer demographic, the reason there is no data to support my case is that there has never been a situation where the two consoles aimed at that demographic have not been close power-wise.

Yeah, the power argument falls flat with a cursory look at historical. Always has been a combination of price, postioning, timing, distribution, content... if it was only one thing that drove sales everyone would be trying to focus on that one thing.

I agree that there is more than one factor which decides the winner, but just look at how damaging to the Xbox brand the whole 900p vs 1080p thing was early on this generation.

The fact that we've never had a situation where one console is significantly more powerful means historical data is meaningless.

Are you aware of any research which looks at attitudes to console power vs price and at which point it starts to affect purchasing decisions?

Let's say next generation the PS5 is a slight step up but the Xbox is a full generational leap ahead and there are noticeable performance differences and major difficulties in porting games. What does the research say consumers will do?


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, the power argument falls flat with a cursory look at historical. Always has been a combination of price, postioning, timing, distribution, content... if it was only one thing that drove sales everyone would be trying to focus on that one thing.

What about the 3DS? In the end, is it a product that released at the wrong time and wrong price? Given its performance now, at a very low price

Deleted member 2785

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Let's say next generation the PS5 is a slight step up but the Xbox is a full generational leap ahead and there are noticeable performance differences and major difficulties in porting games. What does the research say consumers will do?

It depends on all the other factors at play like pricing, branding, timing, content... again power is just one part of the equation and your scenario doesn't change that.

What about the 3DS? In the end, is it a product that released at the wrong time and wrong price? Given its performance now, at a very low price

Well pricing at launch was certainly a issue, as was content. How quickly Nintendo reacted and the lifetime success of the system following these changes are an example of how many factors impact potential, sure.

They do combined, that's what he meant I'm guessing.

But Switch is a console.
Last edited:

Deleted member 249

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
They do combined, that's what he meant I'm guessing.
I mean, sure. But that's a nonsensical and ridiculous argument to make. By that measure, Japanese consoles far outsell American ones- should American companies stop making consoles?
I know you haven't made the argument, btw. I'm just pointing out how dumb it is.


Nov 2, 2017
I mean, sure. But that's a nonsensical and ridiculous argument to make. By that measure, Japanese consoles far outsell American ones- should American companies stop making consoles?
I know you haven't made the argument, btw. I'm just pointing out how dumb it is.
He was just saying that there is a big market for high end home consoles that Sony and MS will not abandon with their next consoles for having mobility like the Switch.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Well pricing at launch was certainly a issue, as was content. How quickly Nintendo reacted and the lifetime success of the system following these changes are an example of how many factors impact potential, sure.

Still the death of the HH market happened, I suppose there is only so much Nintendo can do.


Oct 26, 2017
I wouldn't say the handheld market died at all the 3DS still sells surprisingly well considering it's age and the switch merely expanded the capability of a traditional handheld.
Right, the death of handhelds was a greatly exaggerated narrative throughout the industry. Weirdly it still seems to persist even at high corporate levels even.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, generations have gone the way of the dodo. People expecting generations are going to be hurt. They will upgrades like the iPhone. It makes more sense to do it that way imo.

The iPhone still has generations, the iPhone X is the 4th generation iPhone. These generations are just more informed by design than tech specs. But at the same time each has a gimmick. The iPhone, 3G, 3GS looks the same. The 4, 4S, 5, 5S look the same. The 6, 6S, 7, 7S and 8 look the same. The SE is basically a 2nd gen iPhone with the power of the 3rd gen. The X will carry the design torch going forward.


Dec 29, 2017
In competition with each other.

For example, if one console happened to be significantly less powerful than the other, then that console will get slaughtered. Nintendo exists outside this paradigm.

I think Sony on its way to sell over 440 million home consoles since it entered the home console market is not too concerned about the 'death knell'


Oct 28, 2017
Yes, but every time a significantly weaker competitor has won, it's been because it's had a USP which made up for the lack of power. Plus, we're only talking about the Wii, DS and 3DS here.

When we're talking about the consoles targeted at the gamer demographic, the reason there is no data to support my case is that there has never been a situation where the two consoles aimed at that demographic have not been close power-wise.

I agree that there is more than one factor which decides the winner, but just look at how damaging to the Xbox brand the whole 900p vs 1080p thing was early on this generation.

The fact that we've never had a situation where one console is significantly more powerful means historical data is meaningless.

Are you aware of any research which looks at attitudes to console power vs price and at which point it starts to affect purchasing decisions?

Let's say next generation the PS5 is a slight step up but the Xbox is a full generational leap ahead and there are noticeable performance differences and major difficulties in porting games. What does the research say consumers will do?
If PS5 is cheaper that's where we will go. I can put trust that Sony's exclusives will deliver.