Oct 25, 2017
Good question

Adam Schiff has been the Most vocal opponent but as new chair of Intelligence Committee he could have his hands full

The group who opposes Pelosi according to this report will have to put forth some names and hopefully one will fill this need

I can go ahead and give you the name right now: Tim Ryan. It's Tim Ryan.


Oct 27, 2017
no one has stepped up yet to contest his lies in public and when they have it's been weak.

Holding the house is a strong position and an opposition bully pulpit to the president.

so part of her job moving forward unfortunately will be to voice that opposition and if she doesn't then I don't think we are going to survive this. I'm sure she's good at her job at wrangling votes I never disagreed with that.

what I'm saying is we need a new type of leadership, one that will oppose Trump in public daily and call him out for his lies and rally other Democrats to do the same.
Get out of here, people are contesting his lies in public everyday. What you really want is someone to punch him everytime he tells lies and while that may be satisfying, it's unrealistic. I got news for you, there is no Speaker that is going to change Trump's behavior while he's in office. His base will eat up his words no matter who is yelling at him from the other side.
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Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
Good question

Adam Schiff has been the Most vocal opponent but as new chair of Intelligence Committee he could have his hands full

The group who opposes Pelosi according to this report will have to put forth some names and hopefully one will fill this need

And this is why these conversations are fruitless.... the people opposing Pelosi are conservative Dems who will 99.9% put forward Tim Ryan, as they always do, who is a conservative Dem. You're cheering on a bunch of mostly white conservatives dem men who claim to be the silent majority and who want a less progressive party that will compromise leaps and bounds with the GOP.

Yet here you are going "yeah get rid of her" and then when asked "who?" defaulting to them (because you didn't read the thread I'd assume and have no idea who they are) and assuming they'll bail your calls for her head out with a name.


Nov 6, 2017
You know why. Everyone knows why.

But we're on a forum comprising mostly young, white men, and we have to dance around the issue to avoid offending them or making them question their unconscious biases.

The ones who say they want someone fiery who'll say FUCK DECORUM sort of give the game away. What group in society gets to act like that? Whose actions are excused when they act like an asshole?

It's certainly not 78-year-old women.
Whew. The TRUTH jumped out in this post.

Drag them sister

Deleted member 283

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The entire house was lost multiple times under her leadership, has barely just been regained even with the evil the GOP has been doing out in the open, and she has been clearly out of touch with the people she is supposed to represent in California for a long time, fighting any sort of largescale policy change for years.
*Internal Screaming*

I'm sorry, I'm still just really pissed off about the absolute stunning lack of logic some people are using to attack Pelosi here, and so I have to get this out of my system. Like there are indeed valid criticisms of her. And those valid criticisms are fine! Those are healthy!

But on the other hand, trying to blame her for the like loss of seats in the House under Obama just makes no sense at all. Because of course, for one thing, that's not her job. Her job isn't to campaign to begin with. That's on organizations like the DNC and the DCCC.

And then on top of that, you just have the cyclical nature of US politics. That is, the President's party almost always loses seats in the House in midterms. It's just how things tend to go in US politics, because most people only care about the Presidential election years and just let whatever happen in the midterms, leading to stuff like that, and those are forces beyond anyone's control.

But cyclical nature of US politics aside, the fact that just different people tend to show up in Presidential and midterm years to vote and how people in the US tend to see Congress as a check to a President and then vote in people of the opposite party in Congress to act as a check for that President aside and how this happens time and time again, that's not her job to begin with. That's on the DNC and DCCC, so if you're going to blame someone for not doing the impossible and fighting against extremely powerful voter trends and forces like that, at least blame the right ones.

But you know what REALLY pisses me off about this? You know what really makes me upset, and the thing that makes it more clear than anything how messed up this stuff all is, why I'm getting as upset as I am? Let me spell it all out for y'all:

Let's say Nancy Pelosi is indeed responsible for stuff like the Democratic party's losses in the House under President Obama. She's not. But let's say she is responsible, and that's on her shoulders somehow ans she deserves to be thrown under the bus for that.

Fine. But then, using that same logic, that exact same logic, if she deserves BLAME for the losses under President Obama, then does she not deserve CREDIT and immense platitudes for the Democratic party waves that happened in the House Tuesday night, where the Democrats gained upward of 30, potentially close to 40 seats depending on how the vote counts end up finalizing in a number of races? If she deserves blame for what happened in years like 2010, does she not deserve credit for what happened last night, in 2018, under the exact same logic? In fact, all the more precisely because of stuff like 2010 and how she's clearly turned it around, and things are looking up, up, and up! If she deserves blame for what happened in the Obama years, if she shoulders the losses then surely the gains also fall on her and she gets credit for them as well, and so then surely she also deserves credit for what happened on Tuesday night and we should be praising her at the top of our lungs right?

But nope! Somehow, she's to blame for a nebulous "something" and everything's her fault and she's done messed up somehow and she's gotta go anyway. Blamed for losses that aren't her own and have nothing to do with her job, and despite being blamed for something that's not her fault or responsibility, people don't have the kindness to give her credit when things go well either. Things go poorly, it's all her fault despite that not being her job. Thing go extremely well, and apparently somehow everything is still her fault and she done fucked up and has to go anyway.

Literally just bitch eating crackers. She can't do right for lots of you no matter what she does or what happens. It will never be enough. Just bitch eatin' crackers syndrome, through and through.

Do better. So many of you just need to do so much better it ain't even funny, and you know who you are and if that applies to you or not.

The Namekian

Nov 5, 2017
New York City
Nancy deserves the speakership, I know a lot of example have been giving. However, I want to add there is no one in congress who evidence shows could do the job better than her.

Even looking at Schumer the closest person with a job analogous to her's you can see how adept she has been in her role. Obviously some congress people want more power than her but this isn't the time for that which also shows their inability to lead.

Tap In

Oct 28, 2017
Gilbert AZ
Well if our only choice is Tim Ryan, then I stand corrected.

If they can find someone else willing to fire up the party, even an outsider or newcomer, and move against the current administration then I'm all for replacing her.

If she survives this attempt to replace her then I hope she proves me wrong.

All I know is this terrorist in the white house needs to be stopped and whoever is leading the house needs to bring the full force of their political might to block his attempt at destroying our democracy

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
Well if our only choice is Tim Ryan, then I stand corrected.

If they can find someone else willing to fire up the party, even an outsider or newcomer, and move against the current administration then I'm all for replacing her.

If she survives this attempt to replace her then I hope she proves me wrong.

All I know is this terrorist in the white house needs to be stopped and whoever is leading the house needs to bring the full force of their political might to block his attempt at destroying our democracy
An outsider or newcomer being speaker makes 0 sense since experience and relationships are big components of it.

Tap In

Oct 28, 2017
Gilbert AZ
Just now received an email from change.org.

They are promoting Barbara Lee to become the next speaker of the House
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Oct 26, 2017
Win the house and there's already infighting.

I can assure you these folks were ready to go for Pelosi either way. They were starting this stupid shit months ago. Had we lost big election night they would have been even louder.....

Notice how they blame her for the loss of seats under Obama? (Its stupid to do so because thats not her responsibility, but stick with me) Yet we have a Blue Wave here and strangely none of those same posters are giving her credit for it? Its always been bullshit

You know why. Everyone knows why.

But we're on a forum comprising mostly young, white men, and we have to dance around the issue to avoid offending them or making them question their unconscious biases.

The ones who say they want someone fiery who'll say FUCK DECORUM sort of give the game away. What group in society gets to act like that? Whose actions are excused when they act like an asshole?

It's certainly not 78-year-old women.


Ignatz Mouse

Oct 27, 2017
The entire house was lost multiple times under her leadership, has barely just been regained even with the evil the GOP has been doing out in the open, and she has been clearly out of touch with the people she is supposed to represent in California for a long time, fighting any sort of largescale policy change for years.

And when pressed, the only thing she points to is her ability to go to cocktail clubs and raise money from large donors as the saving grace. If that's all that matters, that's a pretty big slap in the face.

People holding onto power just because, without any need to answer to those under them for questionable decisions made is pure nepotism, and its sad that there are so many cheerleaders for this type of system who don't seriously acknowledge the reality of the situation because they have allied themselves with a team player mindset and not a "let's fix problems" mindset.

Schumer and Pelosi only continue to be in the positions they are now in the Democratic party, without any shakeups is because of the establishment favoring the stability of the status quo, their personal clout and ability to continue the failures of the Democratic party for the past several decades. Its quite clear.

You didn't answer the question. What do you think the Speaker's job is?

Because Leader At Large of the party isnt it.


Oct 25, 2017
Nancy? She's competent enough. Her record speaks for her. As long as she ain't running for President or something, her record is already smeared. But God damn she's the new Clinton all of a sudden, definitely on some people's lips around me. So she's doing something right.

What doesn't help are her poor speeches and lines fed to the media. Bad form to be seen saying she'll work with Trump. Fuck that. I'm a PoC and I voted straight blue to be AGAINST that orange fuck. No quarter to him. None. If she works with that fucker I'm gonna be pissed.


Oct 26, 2017
Nancy? She's competent enough. Her record speaks for her. As long as she ain't running for President or something, her record is already smeared. But God damn she's the new Clinton all of a sudden, definitely on some people's lips around me. So she's doing something right.

What doesn't help are her poor speeches and lines fed to the media. Bad form to be seen saying she'll work with Trump. Fuck that. I'm a PoC and I voted straight blue to be AGAINST that orange fuck. No quarter to him. None. If she works with that fucker I'm gonna be pissed.
Leftist hero Bernie Sanders has stated publicly that he would work with Trump if the circumstances were right. It's lip service to bipartisanship.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm aware.

I am saying her leadership was on point in 2008 /2009 when Obama needed her.

But the timeline that we have jumped to with the orange one has put her in the dark ages comparatively.

I don't think that old school ability will translate to this new reality of outright lies, disfunction and disregard for the rule of law.
She was able to mitigate many of the legislative damages that progressives would have taken in the last two years by keeping her minority caucus tight. Most of them are unseen and the boring stuff so most people are unaware that it happened. Despite the Supreme Court and tax bill wins by Republicans, it could have been much, much worse. Like the repeal of Obamacare.
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Deleted member 41271

User requested account closure
Mar 21, 2018
It's sad that I, as an european, seem to know more about Nancy Pelosi and her job than her vocal american critics that want her gone to appease Republicans.
Why is fox news propaganda simply repeated uncritically here? Their reach seems to be absurd if even dems believe it over actual reality.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
It's sad that I, as an european, seem to know more about Nancy Pelosi and her job than her vocal american critics that want her gone to appease Republicans.
Why is fox news propaganda simply repeated uncritically here? Their reach seems to be absurd if even dems believe it over actual reality.
Bunch of high schoolers got all their information from leftist podcasts and decided they can talk politics at the grown up table next Thanksgiving


Oct 26, 2017
It's sad that I, as an european, seem to know more about Nancy Pelosi and her job than her vocal american critics that want her gone to appease Republicans.
Why is fox news propaganda simply repeated uncritically here? Their reach seems to be absurd if even dems believe it over actual reality.

sometimes because kids grow up in conservative families in conservative communities and soak things up without realizing it.

sometimes because the people we see online started learning about politics post-2010 and have developed an assumption that anyone who'd previously held a Dem leadership position was awful.

I will state once again, anyone who thinks nancy pelosi is bad at her job does not know what her job is.


Oct 25, 2017
It's sad that I, as an european, seem to know more about Nancy Pelosi and her job than her vocal american critics that want her gone to appease Republicans.
Why is fox news propaganda simply repeated uncritically here? Their reach seems to be absurd if even dems believe it over actual reality.
Part of it is the paternalistic nature of US society as a whole. Even liberals can be a tad misogynistic even if they aren't conscious of it. Hillary suffered from it, black women in politics continue to live it and it's no surprise that Nancy is a victim of it as well.

Tap In

Oct 28, 2017
Gilbert AZ

The assumptions of other poster's perspectives recently in this thread are as incorrect as the alleged ignorance that they are criticizing in others regarding Nancy Pelosi.

Deleted member 41271

User requested account closure
Mar 21, 2018
If you display ignorance and everyone mocks you for it, you can insist all you want that you've totally owned everyone, you're still turning into a corn cob. Sorry, that's the rules.

Tap In

Oct 28, 2017
Gilbert AZ
Whatever nobody said anything about owning anyone. We were having a discussion and I even suggested that I could be proven wrong.

Otherwise some apparently feel the need to prove they are superior.

Good luck with all that

Tap In

Oct 28, 2017
Gilbert AZ
What's happening in this country is no laughing matter.

Anyone that cares to put an end to the madness should be open to any new opportunities to make things shift back on track.

Baing married to one road to success , i.e Pelosi, may well prove to be a mistake.

But go ahead defending without entertaining some other options or tactics.

Regardless of how well Pelosi has done in her role up until now, desperate times call for desperate measures. If she survives this attempt by her colleagues to replace her I guess we will see. If she doesn't survive to retain her leadership role, I guess we will see if that was correct.
Nobody knows how to handle this nonsense that's happening now.
Oct 25, 2017
Someone on my Facebook friend list has taken up this talking point. The names he put out were Lee, Khanna, and Jayapal. I think Khanna and Jayapal are weird choices since they just fucking got there, but is there an argument against Lee?

I dunno, I think this whole think is kind of pointless and I'm not convinced Pelosi needs to be replaced as of right now


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
Someone on my Facebook friend list has taken up this talking point. The names he put out were Lee, Khanna, and Jayapal. I think Khanna and Jayapal are weird choices since they just fucking got there, but is there an argument against Lee?

I dunno, I think this whole think is kind of pointless and I'm not convinced Pelosi needs to be replaced as of right now
I'd be more than okay with Lee, although I don't necessarily think Pelosi needs to step down in favor of her. But if Lee's your choice, sure, go for it. At least the "we need someone more progressive!" argument holds up.

What always confuses me is when people say that and then shill for Tim Ryan like... you think this pro-lifer from Ohio supporting corporate tax cuts is gonna be more liberal?

I feel like to a good number of people just making vague overtures against "the establishment" is a good enough litmus test (see Tulsi Gabbard).


Oct 25, 2017
What's happening in this country is no laughing matter.

Anyone that cares to put an end to the madness should be open to any new opportunities to make things shift back on track.

Baing married to one road to success , i.e Pelosi, may well prove to be a mistake.

But go ahead defending without entertaining some other options or tactics.

Regardless of how well Pelosi has done in her role up until now, desperate times call for desperate measures. If she survives this attempt by her colleagues to replace her I guess we will see. If she doesn't survive to retain her leadership role, I guess we will see if that was correct.
Nobody knows how to handle this nonsense that's happening now.

The politician's fallacy:

1. We must do something.
2. This is something.
3. Therefore we must do this.


Oct 25, 2017
What they should do is replace the house majority leader with someone younger and more charismatic who can do the TV appearances and give people feels, and let Pelosi get on with her job as Speaker.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
It's sad that I, as an european, seem to know more about Nancy Pelosi and her job than her vocal american critics that want her gone to appease Republicans.
Why is fox news propaganda simply repeated uncritically here? Their reach seems to be absurd if even dems believe it over actual reality.

Was thinking the same thing as a Canadian

Btw there's no indication Barbara Lee wants it. She's running for a different position:

The No. 5 ranked position is chair of the Democratic caucus, currently being competed for by Reps. Barbara Lee and Linda Sanchez -- both of California. Rep. Pete Aguilar of California and Rep. Katherine Clark of Massachusetts are vying for vice chair.

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Oct 25, 2017
"No more old white people. We need fresh blood"

"Except this old white person who called Ocazio-Cortez 'insignificant' and attacked Maxine Waters for criticizing Trump and also promised that impeaching Trump was completely off the table under any circumstance. This is the exception."


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
Same group that was responsible for petitioning
Electoral College: Make Hillary Clinton Presiden

Barbara Lee is being floated around, no idea if that's what the Dems in Congress who want to challenge Nancy Pelosi are thinking

So idiots then.

Lee doesn't want the job.
It's unlikely that voters in fairly liberal-leaning areas will vote out their members in November 2020 over a pro-Pelosi vote in January 2019. Also, it's not clear there is an obvious person with broad support to replace her, so other House Democrats might convince the anti-Pelosi wing that there is no real alternative.



CEO of Traphouse Networks
Nov 3, 2017
You know why. Everyone knows why.

But we're on a forum comprising mostly young, white men, and we have to dance around the issue to avoid offending them or making them question their unconscious biases.

The ones who say they want someone fiery who'll say FUCK DECORUM sort of give the game away. What group in society gets to act like that? Whose actions are excused when they act like an asshole?

It's certainly not 78-year-old women.
Speak the fucking truth.

If you are black, hispanic, Asian, a woman, etc. You must behave and have manners and even when you do act polite, they start grasping for something to harp you on. We have 8 years of proof of that.

But when you are a politician and you do call out bullshit, you don't get that same applause. The deplorable comment from Hillary or Michelle Wolf's comments on everyone top-down come to mind.

Hell, every minority it seems, especially reporters, who call out the administration get hit with the offensive card for being aggressive on questioning.

This is what happens when you are not a white man being uppity and calling people out on their shit. It is all about disregarding decorum until it isnt. And it doesn't help when people, specifically on this forum, chime into these threads crying how people like Pelosi get these positions when they don't know two shits about what this woman has done to keep this government from destroying more than it already has.

After the 2016 loss, I strongly remember people back at the old forum hoping Bernie runs again when he is also old as hell. There are still some wanting him to run now just because he has some very left viewpoints.

But here we are now wanting new blood even though Nancy also has very left viewpoints.


Oct 25, 2017

Here we go with the zero sum if it is good for banks, it is bad for you. How has this rule change impacted you? At any rate, let's see what Pelosi thought about this bill

Rep. Nancy Pelosi spoke out against the bill in the House earlier Thursday, sharply criticizing it for altering rules in the Dodd-Frank financial reform law to let banks place both standard accounts and accounts that handle riskier derivative trades under the protection of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.

"I was so really heartbroken ... to see the taint that was placed on this valuable appropriations bill from on high," Pelosi said. She told her colleagues that anyone voting for the legislation would be putting their name next to what she called "a ransom" and "blackmail" that would profit Wall Street.

Whoops. Empty words, right? because she voted for it anyway! or at least let her caucus vote for it

Except she didn't.
Not a single Democrat voted for the rule. Rep. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) initially cast her vote in favor, then later switched her vote to "no."


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
Here we go with the zero sum if it is good for banks, it is bad for you. How has this rule change impacted you? At any rate, let's see what Pelosi thought about this bill


Whoops. Empty words, right? because she voted for it anyway! or at least let her caucus vote for it

Except she didn't.

Excuse me, this person was just trying to get a hot take in. They have no time for your "facts."


Oct 25, 2017
You know why. Everyone knows why.

But we're on a forum comprising mostly young, white men, and we have to dance around the issue to avoid offending them or making them question their unconscious biases.

The ones who say they want someone fiery who'll say FUCK DECORUM sort of give the game away. What group in society gets to act like that? Whose actions are excused when they act like an asshole?

It's certainly not 78-year-old women.
This is generous
Oct 31, 2017
It's presumptuous to declare what the motivations are in a simple sweeping vilification of all those that oppose Pelosi for speaker. It appears as nothing more than a slander meant to undermine any serious dialogue by questioning the motivation of participants. Disgusting, but this is the way some people seem to operate.


Oct 25, 2017
From a recent Atlantic article on Pelosi:
"Any member that pledged to vote against Pelosi or for a change in leadership during their campaign and then flips will be a political dead man or woman walking within an hour of being sworn in," one of the House Democrats involved in the opposition effort told me Saturday. "And if they think Nancy Pelosi cares about them, they should go talk to the dozens of members she made walk the plank during the cap-and-trade bill [in 2009] that the Senate didn't even take up for a vote. This is all about her, and not them."
There it is, folks.

This group trying to replace Pelosi thinks she passed a cap-and-trade bill not to mitigate climate change but to... make her members lose so she'd have less power?

Here you see the intellectual caliber of her opposition.